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This is Voyna.

She lives in a post-apocalyptic world without any laws. She had to fend for herself since her parents were killed when she was a child. She likes to drive around very fast in self-built cars. Living in a harsh environment her whole life, she gained nerves of steel and learned several ways to fight with or without a weapon.

(2 edits) (+2)

This is Xirxe.

She travels around and helps people with her witching craft. Because of her second sight, she can always avoid angry mobs. Her favourite snack are nougat pralines. In her free time, she likes to read books by philosophers; recently, she found an interest in Kierkegaard.


Oc <3 Good side




How do we save the pictures??

This is Nixy.

She is a river spirit. She beguiles people with her beautiful singing voice, trying to lure them into the water where they drown and thus become her loyal servants. She is a fan of Lorelei.

Created her while listening to Islands by King Crimson.


This is Wa.

She likes watching the sunrise. Her hobbies are playing shougi and conducting tea ceremonies. She is very modest and kind. She is a big fujoshi, but would never admit that to anyone.

Created her while listening to 'Autumn in Hiroshima' by Tangerine Dream.


actually me tho


This is Lady Dear. (See where i'm going with this? xd) She is a deer. Now the backstory! Lady dear as always been a nice but shy person, her real name is Grace. Tho no one really knows much about her...It's said she has a huge scar on her spine. But that's only rumors....or is it? Info! Age : 25. Name : Grace Goldie. Gender : female. Personality : Kind and Shy.  

I have an idea, for all of those guardian fans out there. lets just make a ton of forest guardians and post them. No competition, just for fun

Yeah sure! It would be cool :D

This is Skaði, queen of ice and snow.

Her empire lies in the far north, where it is always cold and the land is covered with ice and snow most of the time; there she reigns in her palace made of ice. Whenever she enters the room, the temperature drops below the freezing point of water. Her kiss turns people into ice statues, which she uses to decorate the throne room.

This is Gwyn.

She is extremely optimistic and is always looking for new ways to have a lot of fun. Adorability: over 9000!

How do you post the image of your monster girl??

You take a screenshot, then you insert it in your comment (with the 'Add image' button on the far right end).

This is Saudade (nickname: Blue).

She likes sad things. For her, melancholy is a life style, and she often indulges in tearjerking novels while listening to The Cure. She also likes the feeling of Fernweh.

Deleted post

Exactly ^^

This is Mycelia.

She is the guardian spirit of her forest. She can communicate with all the inhabitants of it through a network of mushrooms underground; therefore she knows of any dangers almost instantly. Her goal is to protect nature, and everyone opposing her will be annihilated. She likes to sing beautiful, serene melodies.

This is Miichan.

She likes to play with her victims before killing them. She gets easily distracted by laser pointers. Her hobbies are sleeping, pushing things from the table and jumping into boxes. If you pet her, she will complain, but secretly, she likes it. Nyan~

This is Lilith.

She is a succubus. Her sex appeal works on both men and women. Her boss often praises her for the high number of souls she corrupts with ease. In her free time she works in her garden, cutting her bonsai trees. Her favourite musician is David Bowie.

This is Bella.

She goes to a private school, where she has a lot of fun playing tricks on the other students. The teachers never catch her, because she can turn invisible.

This is Abyssa.

She can see in complete darkness, because her antennae give off their own light. She uses them to lure in her victims. She can eat things three times her own body weight.

This is Slimone.

You will be her snack. But not because she likes you or something like that, don't be stupid, baka.

This is Stella.

She came from outer space to explore our food culture. She likes spicy food.

This is Mania.

She likes to go to graveyards at night to perform satanic rituals and chat with the dead. Sometimes she goes to Goth festivals, because its the only place, where she doesn't stand out.

Deleted 2 years ago

you are truly a blessing




Would this be considered a Mary Sue if tossed into the flaming heap of Homestuck garbage-

A crazy yandere-zombie shows up... what will you do next?

I'd run.


So much.. blood.

but hella cute X3

This is Inocula.

She likes listening to Tool.

CaN I gET THat MÖth WAiFU, bRÖthER?


(1 edit)

This is Iphis.

She is a bit shy, but when you get to know her, she is very funny. The kiss marks are from her girlfriend Ianthe, who can never get over the fact, how adorable she looks when she's flustered. In her free time, she likes to go hiking and go to the beach.

Created her while listening to The XX.

Is it just me, or does this game keep crashing unceremoniously??

Like right when I'm about to finish up a monster, it fecks up and displays a gray screen with an 'error page'. I am a little anger.

(1 edit) (+1)

This is Tyhjyys.

Her realm is the eternal darkness of the void. She will haunt you in your nightmares, and nothing can stop her, until the day you wake up and she is there (ever experienced sleep paralysis? She is the terrifying presence you feel). If you say her name thrice in a dark room in front of a mirror, she will appear before you and kill everyone in the house.

Created her while listening to Aqua by Edgar Froese.

This is Frankenstein's Monstress.

Dr. Frankenstein never granted his creation its wish for a wife, so I did. She is very intelligent and likes reading books and learning new languages. Because of how she looks, people are often afraid of her and mistreat her because of that; she still tries to stay positive though and travels around the world in search of a place where she will be accepted. Sometimes she forces people to listen to her whole life's story.

Created her while listening to 'Loud Like Love' by Placebo.



Liza the Lizard woooh


Um.. so.. yeah :/ 

umF this is adorablE

(1 edit) (+1)

This is Uzumacchan.

She'd like to be friends with people, but whoever looks into her eyes becomes completely mesmerized and forgets who they are. She's a bit lonely because of that. Her favourite meal is spirelli pasta with tomato sauce.

Created her while listening to 'Electronic Meditation' by Tangerine Dream (also very mesmerizing).

Hey...I dont know what happened but i have already seen this with the same story and stuff it seems some are changed idk if u copyed and im not saying u did but if you did you probably shouldnt.. ;/

Well I have not seen this before and I certainly did not copy it (that would be very strongly against my ethics), it was my own idea. It was in part inspired by the manga Uzumaki by Junji Ito, but nothing else. Of course someone else could have had a similar idea, that's not unheard of, things aren't always as original as we'd like to think they are.

Deleted post

This is adorable! o///o


this is fukyowaon..her name means the opposite of kanbina! Shes her twin..Shes more aggressive and a bit more rude and concealed  compared to her sister..shes like this because people always compare her to her sister..


This is Cthulhiana.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhiana R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.


this is kanbina! She is a twin <3 shes very sweet..!

hihi! This is koibito! It means lover in japanese! She is a monster of love if you reject her or run away she will chase you down and rip your heart out ::::DD

I was listening to highschool sweethearts <33

Sounds terrifying... But she looks adorable. Black and pink is a nice combo.


Thanks <3

(1 edit) (+2)

So..This is Riaru! Which means real in japanese..!

I made this while listening to new friends ::::D


sooo i made her a while ago but yeah...

I love her, She is les and smokes and yeah i think her name will be Warui. It means bad in japanese 

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