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Deleted 3 years ago

looks good




hello peoples how was your day??<3

good ^^

thata good<3

Hewooooo it was great <3

thatts  goooodd!!<3<3

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This is maru, she's an anarchist who's done with everyone's bs and is waiting for the government to fall apart 



Really fun game took me 1 H to make my monster girl haha 

can I see


Hey Guys! Love you all! Hope you all have wonderful days. I'm not sure why I came here in the first place, I seriously came to redownload gacha club and came across this. Sorry for getting in the fight between you guys and Marcie. Sorry for even trying to help out in a situation I had no control over. Sorry for trying to tell the truth. Sorry For Everything. I'm leaving now. Guess I let those haters get the best of me. I will not show up on this or any chat boards you guys ever go on. I will not be sending anymore posts on period if it really is going to make false accusations of myself. Bye y'all, Happy holidays.


Goodbye i'm glad we became friends 

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i hate you because this 'love&sex' poop is NOT FOR ANYBODY'S AGE. STOP IT. IT'S GROSS. *reported.* now stop it.

who are u talking to?

yah who r u talking 2?

AJ he left


AJ he left

My search history is wiiiild

Deleted 2 years ago


im sooooooooooooooo  bored 




so how are yall gonna get rid of him?

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just have to get creative

lmao respect

Deleted 3 years ago
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what's that if y want to say


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who are we getting rid of?

a.j went on there board again and there going to get rid of him

oh ok i dont know why he keeps going back


yea hes crossed the line so, do whatever

AJ did not do shit it's a poser 

idk who the frick to beleive uugghh its so confusing,!!

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all you have to do is go to our board and hes literally right there.

click on his profile and you can see for yourself.  it is NOT a poser it is AJ/Marcie.

i dont know why you are the only one on here who cant see that this guy is just trying to cause problems

See for yourself.  Thats all this guy you are defending does.

o snap, your right i just saw his messages and why is he going over there fucking around?

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I think hes trying to get us to keep coming back and abusing everyone.

only explaination i can come up with

prob now that he knows we dont like nor trust him no more

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he went back again ?

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Yep.  Go see for yourself


Deleted 2 years ago

why does he keep going back?

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a.j if your new u prob dont know so just look in the chat 

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apparently we (somehow) stole his identity and went on shitposting this morning

i dont think you guys did tho

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we didnt

i know thats what i said

oof im bored, how was ur day?

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I told you talking to them normally was useless.

What did they do?  Went RIGHT BACK.

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It wasnt anyone else here it was AJ/Marcie again like usual and always


I have a question. Actually, multiple questions.

1. Who is AJ?

2. Who is Marcie?

3. Why was there a huge argument?

I'm really, confused, why is all this crap on a literal MONSTER GIRL MAKER?

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Because Marcie is posing as AJ and keeps posting stupid shit on our board, yet AGAIN even after last night.

more shit was found on it again this morning And we are really getting tired of coming back again and again because it apparently isnt doing us much good


just gang up on him like u did to us and if that dont work ignore him or sum.


I really am sorry, but I'm telling the truth whether you want to believe or not. I'm. Not. Marcie. And I didn't send those comments, that was another account. Also, why would I send those comments out, like I had already settled it before on discord, I was just hella confused about what people we're talking about and I had already told everyone I wasn't creating arguments with the homo/transphobics anymore and that I was going to be nice and send quotes and other things. I literally had no reason to even "create" another account so why am I being told that I did. I. Didn't.

Do you know who Marcie is? I still have no idea.

Idk who Marcie is, man.

I still have no idea who Marcie is.. Why are people hating on AJ cos people think that he/she/they are Marcie? What did Marcie do to get hated on??

hello humons

Deleted 2 years ago


how r u


where the hell is everybody

im here



Deleted 2 years ago


Hi guys i'm in my 2nd rti rn and im bored so :-( I only have 10 minutes left in here and i start 1st period :-(

yeah i'm in my class right now 

(+1)    i love this song

Deleted 2 years ago

yes queen or king or both😋

Her hair looks alot like billie eilish

me to


to get away from all this craziness whats yalls type they are all female except num 3 is trans  so if u want tell me i'm not gonna make you or anything but i like 3 and 2


ooo i like all of them! <3

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all of them are your type?

in what way are you meaning type lol?

like what are you attracted to 

the very last ones my type


it looks so much like my girlfriend lmao

they are all cute .-.


does literally anyone here think im sus???


ok good,zoom thinks maybe

And I think AJ is not sus bc where is your hard proof other then the fake account 

exactly what i thought? thats why im like what, wheres more proof, but also it doesnt mean hes marcie


why do people think your sus

i have no idea?

i guess it might be because you were backing up a.j though that does not seem sus to me you were just trusting a friend.

yea and i trust all my friends tho soooo

ik that's what i said

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woah, i was wondering why he had the same pfp as marcie i thought it was just me lol, i never though about that master

Hmmmm 🧐

idk what do you think?

i dont know what to think but i guess a.j is marcie

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Yeah you're right, i did, it was to match my intro and channel art for my yt page. I didn't do it based off of this chick (Marcie). Look, you guys have no evidence that concludes "I" 'made' the accounts. I have strong evidence that concludes my analisis and proves I didn't do or say that. Also, my computer doesn't allow more than 2 accounts, i have this one and my school account, which my school blocks all online games so how would I have made the other two accounts. I understand that you only knew me for a week and it's hard to trust strangers, but I don't understand why know one believes me.


Along with the dog, we got a bird! What should his name be? I don't
know any good names T-T

omg he/she is soooooo adoorrabbleee!! um here are a list of good names, wait is it a boy or girl?


oki then here are my names i know

Jack or Jackson.

  • Liam.
  • Noah.
  • Oliver.
  • William.
  • Elijah.
  • James.
  • Benjamin.
  • Lucas.


you wwelcome!

(1 edit) (+1)

awwww does it say what you say oh and what about hybrid for the name 

Awwww, so cute!


Um, you can name him Liam! 😄

Deleted 2 years ago

ok thanks for the suggestion

omg guys dont blame aj, this was just part of the bullies plans to make us turn on aj and start conflict, so trust aj.

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what does that mean?

i dont even now what that means -_- sooo and youe can trust him cause hes not lying

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oh crap--...hmmm i didnt think about that... so what are you thinking?

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so you think marcie is aj?

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am i?

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Thank g o d

"Online impersonation laws vary from state to state, as does the threshold for triggering the law. ... Generally, these laws, such as California's, make impersonating somebody online a misdemeanor or third-degree felony punishable by fines and some jail time."  please stop impersonating me and others. I have caught you doing it on other chat boards as well. I can charge you for identity theft and online harassment. This will cost you up to 1,000 dollars and jail time.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

That was to the person impersonating me, I don't think they're kids.

hey aj you still there?

Yes, but I'm not going to bother anyone. I'm only here to play the game.


hey how are you?

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None of this even matters.  Theyll do some other dumb shit tomorrow and we will end up doing this all over again.
AJ/Marcie here is just feeding off the attention.  Hes been here all by himself for the last two hours, so stop strolling thru here feeding this tard.

oh @hspv is the love sex game...just searched it on images

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Oh my god I figured it out!!!

Marcie started hating on everyone from mgm, but when you look at Marcie from this other game, her post says she joined mgm and everyone hated on her, non of her posts are hate comments, they were nice things and she was just sharing her characters, so obviously this person saw her account and pretended to be her and spread hate, then changed it to look like my account and is spreading hate as well, which is why everyone thinks I'm Marcie, bc they originally were the fake Marcie, so now they show up as "me". This culprit might be NIGGABALLS or they're also faking being them as well...Also, mine and Marcie's account have two separate versions, one with hate comments, and the other is just regular us, this other account pretending to be me was only registered for 6 hours on

If you go on another game from the link posted by some random person and click on the profile, you can see all her posts

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oh...i read vrooM_ messages on the other board just now...I get what the "other" board is..Love&Sex, btw i don't play games like that which if you knew me, you'd know I would also not comment on stuff like that. I'm not perverted, not saying anyone on there is but I'm just not the kind of guy to play things that are 18+ when i'm only 12

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none of that shit makes a bit of sense.

all youve been doing is creating problems all over

you can create or change names as many times as you want

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no srsly, look at the posts marcie sent from 6 days ago on the love sex game, click on the account and non of her posts show up as hateful, the six days i've been here, this marcie fake is spreading hate, click on that account and none of the comments match up with the other marcie account. That's probably why the fake marcie questions their gender, first saying girl, than boy, and then saying they were just as "confused" about they're gender as the lgbtq+. Also, i'm not feeding off of this, I'm just a 12 year old boy trying to figure out this cyber bullying crap, I just want people to know the truth and understand that those comments weren't mine. But on the note of that, the culprit is most likely on the weeb discord server, how else would they know the things we were saying and elaborating off of that?

Also, to the Wooga Lord, please, you have to believe me, I didn't say those awful things and I'm not marcie. Please accept my apology for this whole event that took place today. I said I was going to leave, but once it clicked in my head, I had to share it on the board. I know this sounds crazy, but one day, you'll know the truth.

I'm pretty sure you don't know this, but I think that most of us have figured out that this Marcie is a fake...

Not you, the one who's evil and hateful

i didnt think about that aj, because might be right because when marcie first started coming around, she asked to be my friend and i told her i was binary and lesbian, and she was ok with that and then she started hating so that really makes sence


All of you, stop saying that AJ is Marcie, he's not Marcie. I saw his screen and he can't edit any of those posts and he doesn't have the comments showing that he said it. even if all of you hate me now i will protect my friends name.

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youre about as dumb as the rest of them.

all he has to do is make a new account and then manipulate the board like he just did, or well you, but weve dealt with him on more than one occassion so we know how he works

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And your friend is what, like a whole 6 days old that just popped up out of nowhere and said he was gay?  i mean really thats all it took?

you have no idea who the hell it really is, but thats not my problem


I've only ever been on here, what other occasions TnT. And i'm not gay, i'm pan, not like you or anyone else really cares tho 

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why do I have the feeling that somebody new is about to appear?

i mean, its only happened THREE times already

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lol AJ pretty much just admitted he was Marcie all along

Hopefully this puts an end to it


no, i'm just done being accuse

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not like we did it all day long.  we merely pointed out undisputable evidence and you folded instantly, Marcie

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you bring problems and trouble everywhere you go, Marcie

whats even worse is you made these kids pay for your mistakes and nearly took them down with you


Wrong account, the fake one is down bellow in the other comments. I'm the one who told marcie off, not marcie

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Just like you switched names and "told off" one of your other names.

sure, Marcie.  we didnt find you three times under new accounts on different boards by being stupid


Sorry for this, I'm not Marcie, I'm Anabella, i don't go by that because it's my dead name. I hope you all have wonderful days, and happy holidays(I'm not being sarcastic). I'm leaving the board now. I'll be on my way. Hopefully things will be evened out and the truth will be revealed. For now, i'll only be talking to my close friends. I'm not going to sit around and entertain this because marcie and the others got what they want; us being divided so they can conquer.

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Just come from our board, looks like they came back even after us backing off.

Well, Im not stepping in anymore for you all because it apparently does no good, or maybe its just AJ/Marcie the one causing trouble and drama all the time.

I'm making a stream with my proof, it's kind of a long shot, but it's enough to proove that the fake wasn't my account join server to watch, i'll be on the socialize voice channel

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youre still an account changing fake nub either way, Marcie.  Your little discord proves nothing

marcie isn't me, you can see for yourself

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it is.  You appeared immediately when Marcie left.

had a similar pfp for a while too

no durr, do you not remeber the post you guys sent about making a evil plot to get us off the board, this is how you pulled it off

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what, by you pretending somebody stole your account?  even if that is what you are talking about that just eliminates one and not the whole board.  so again, i dont know what you are talking about

besides, we dropped the whole thing until you decided to come back not once but twice today

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also...i had that pic for years. it was downloaded to my computer and i used it for my yt channel, then i used it for itch...and no, someone is just using my pfp and display name. they stopped a while ago tho, i'm just trying to prove that they're fake and i did to furby god

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One thing I dont understand is why would you turn on your own guys here, lmao

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