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I guess this means the fags are about to start scrolling and flooding the board again

stfu loser

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we are gonna flood till you be kind, or fucking leave. your such an asshole who has no life, you are literally bullying 11 and 12 year olds

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well we are not leaving.

i suggest you start dealing with it.

And btw, we came here for reasons other than you, and like always, you LGBTQ fuckers have to make everything about you.

this had nothing to so with you, but you wanted our attention so lmao, you got it

 never asked for your attention idiot if i werent for you guys calling my friends art work gay this wouldnt have happend. we all and i mean all came here to have fun and make new friends. what did you come here for?

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How many times do I have to tell you?  Nobody wants you people as a friend.

This is why your phone contact list is blank, nobody loves you in real life, and your only friends are on a stupid comment board nobody gives a shit about, lmao

lmao you so "funny" i know you want a friend so bad tho.. but hey thats your choice and one question why are you PICKING ON 12 year olds? are you older than us?

baby why did you leave me?

You could of just funked off.

Arcana dont listen to them they are just bully's because they have been bullied. also here you have a lot of people that wanna be your friend and im one of them, :)

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Alright this is a stick up *holds finger gun threateningly* hand. Over. The. Mother. Fucking. Oc. Bitch

Slots 1 3 4 and 5 are taken

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hey i see you gotta plan im guessing, tell me- why are you calling him sexy and babe? lol

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its called 

Operation makethemextremelyuncomfybyflirtingwiththemtilltheyfuckoff

ah i knew you had a plan. should i do it to or you got it?


Go for it

hahah yas! :) 

can i tell you a plan??

hey can i tell you an idea i have?

for 2, Plantashia. You can edit her if you wish, I'm just trying to help

t h a n k y o u :D

you're welcome 

Slot 2 please.

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ok peoples this is co leader from wooga troop and i am assistance from ratbunny troop

war is back on i repeat war is back on. they have came back telling people to go die. lets make them wish they never messed with us!

I have already begun helping stop them

aight great job! you won a hard worker badge. thank you for all your work!

I hate these homophobics

yea me too. why cant they just be friendly, or be nice?


I have invited some fiends to help us

yas thank you! if your wondering why im calling them babe amd baby ill tell you why we have a plan


its operation makethemextremelyuncomfybyflirtingwiththemtilltheyfuckoff

Thank you

uhmm . . .

so i was in class and we had to an assighnment

the problem is about the story for the assighnment

its uhm . . very very morbid

it might give you nightmares. so uh dont read it if you get those easily

im serious stop.

this is your last warning ._.

ok then dont say i didnt warn you ;w;

The invitation card has a Western theme. Along its margins, cartoon girls in cowboy hats chase a herd of wild Ponies. The Ponies are no taller than the girls, bright as butterflies, fat, with short round-tipped unicorn horns and small fluffy wings. At the bottom of the card, newly caught Ponies mill about in a corral. The girls have lassoed a pink-and-white Pony. Its eyes and mouth are surprised round Os. There is an exclamation mark over its head.

The little girls are cutting off its horn with curved knives. Its wings are already removed, part of a pile beside the corral.

You and your Pony ___[and Sunny’s name is handwritten here, in puffy letters]___ are invited to a cutting-out party with TheOtherGirls! If we like you, and if your Pony does okay, we’ll let you hang out with us.

Sunny says, “I can’t wait to have friends!” She reads over Barbara’s shoulder, rose-scented breath woofling through Barbara’s hair. They are in the backyard next to Sunny’s pink stable.

Barbara says, “Do you know what you want to keep?”

Sunny’s tiny wings are a blur as she hops into the air, loops, and then hovers, legs curled under her. “Oh, being able to talk, absolutely! Flying is great, but talking is way better!” She drops to the grass. “I don’t know why any Pony would keep her horn! It’s not like it does anything!”

This is the way it’s always been, as long as there have been Ponies. All ponies have wings. All Ponies have horns. All Ponies can talk. Then all Ponies go to a cutting-out party, and they give up two of the three, because that’s what has to happen if a girl is going to fit in with TheOtherGirls. Barbara’s never seen a Pony that still had her horn or wings after her cutting-out party.

Barbara sees TheOtherGirls’ Ponies peeking in the classroom windows just before recess or clustered at the bus stop after school. They’re baby pink and lavender and daffodil-yellow, with flossy manes in ringlets, and tails that curl to the ground. When not at school and cello lessons and ballet class and soccer practice and play group and the orthodontist’s, TheOtherGirls spend their days with their Ponies.

The party is at TopGirl’s house. She has a mother who’s a pediatrician and a father who’s a cardiologist and a small barn and giant trees shading the grass where the Ponies are playing games. Sunny walks out to them nervously. They silently touch her horn and wings with their velvet noses, and then the Ponies all trot out to the lilac barn at the bottom of the pasture, where a bale of hay has been broken open.

TopGirl meets Barbara at the fence. “That’s your Pony?” she says without greeting. “She’s not as pretty as Starblossom.”

Barbara is defensive. “She’s beautiful!” This is a misstep so she adds, “Yours is so pretty!” And TopGirl’s Pony is pretty: her tail is every shade of purple and glitters with stars. But Sunny’s tail is creamy white and shines with honey-colored light, and Barbara knows that Sunny’s the most beautiful Pony ever.

TopGirl walks away, saying over her shoulder, “There’s Rock Band in the family room and a bunch of TheOtherGirls are hanging out on the deck and Mom bought some cookies and there’s Coke Zero and diet Red Bull and diet lemonade.”

“Where are you?” Barbara asks.

I’m outside,” TopGirl says, so Barbara gets a Crystal Light and three frosted raisin-oatmeal cookies and follows her. TheOtherGirls outside are listening to an iPod plugged into speakers and playing Wii tennis and watching the Ponies play HideAndSeek and Who’sPrettiest and ThisIsTheBestGame. They are all there, SecondGirl and SuckUpGirl and EveryoneLikesHerGirl and the rest. Barbara only speaks when she thinks she’ll get it right.

And then it’s time. TheOtherGirls and their silent Ponies collect in a ring around Barbara and Sunny. Barbara feels sick.

TopGirl says to Barbara, “What did she pick?”

Sunny looks scared but answers her directly. “I would rather talk than fly or stab things with my horn.”

TopGirl says to Barbara, “That’s what Ponies always say.” She gives Barbara a curved knife with a blade as long as a woman’s hand.

“Me?” Barbara says. “I thought someone else did it. A grown-up.”

TopGirl says, “Everyone does it for their own Pony. I did it for Starblossom.”

In silence Sunny stretches out a wing.

It’s not the way it would be, cutting a real pony. The wing comes off easily, smooth as plastic, and the blood smells like cotton candy at the fair. There’s a shiny trembling oval where the wing was, as if Barbara is cutting rose-flavored Turkish Delight in half and sees the pink under the powdered sugar. She thinks, It’s sort of pretty, and throws up.

Sunny shivers, her eyes shut tight. Barbara cuts off the second wing and lays it beside the first.

The horn is harder, like paring a real pony’s hooves. Barbara’s hand slips and she cuts Sunny, and there’s more cotton-candy blood. And then the horn lies in the grass beside the wings.

Sunny drops to her knees. Barbara throws the knife down and falls beside her, sobbing and hiccuping. She scrubs her face with the back of her hand and looks up at the circle.

Starblossom touches the knife with her nose, pushes it toward Barbara with one lilac hoof. TopGirl says, “Now the voice. You have to take away her voice.”

“But I already cut off her wings and her horn!” Barbara throws her arms around Sunny’s neck, protecting it. “Two of the three, you said!”

“That’s the cutting-out, yeah,” TopGirl says. “That’s what you do to be OneOfUs. But the Ponies pick their own friends. And that costs, too.” Starblossom tosses her violet mane. For the first time, Barbara sees that there is a scar shaped like a smile on her throat. All the Ponies have one.

“I won’t!” Barbara tells them all, but even as she cries until her face is caked with snot and tears, she knows she will, and when she’s done crying, she picks up the knife and pulls herself upright.

Sunny stands up beside her on trembling legs. She looks very small without her horn, her wings. Barbara’s hands are slippery, but she tightens her grip.

“No,” Sunny says suddenly. “Not even for this.”

Sunny spins and runs, runs for the fence in a gallop as fast and beautiful as a real pony’s; but there are more of the others, and they are bigger, and Sunny doesn’t have her wings to fly or her horn to fight. They pull her down before she can jump the fence into the woods beyond. Sunny cries out and then there is nothing, only the sound of pounding hooves from the tight circle of Ponies.

TheOtherGirls stand, frozen. Their blind faces are turned toward the Ponies.

The Ponies break their circle, trot away. There is no sign of Sunny, beyond a spray of cotton-candy blood and a coil of her glowing mane torn free and fading as it falls to the grass.

Into the silence TopGirl says, “Cookies?” She sounds fragile and false. TheOtherGirls crowd into the house, chattering in equally artificial voices. They start up a game, drink more Diet Coke.

Barbara stumbles after them into the family room. “What are you playing?” she says, uncertainly.

“Why are you here?” FirstGirl says, as if noticing her for the first time. “You’re not OneOfUs.”

TheOtherGirls nod. “You don’t have a pony.”

im so sorry . . . ;w;

I. Require. Moar. Oc's 

3/5 slots filled 

1 is unavailable 

5 is unavailable 

3 is unavailable (mine) 

(2 edits)

can u add my OC? I dont care what u do with her as long as shes a wolf, has red and black every thing and has black skin. something like this:

And black and red eyes. ALSO: Make her pretty pls. slot #2 And she isnt this short. shes 4ft10in. 

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man, why ppl gotta use the f slur on here.  i thot this was gon b a friendly place to get away from the abuse but i see just more of the same.

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Why dont you stfu you fucking gay loser.

Quit crying about people calling you a faggot, you fag

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I have done nothing to u.

Why be like this?

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Why be a gay homosexual confused tard idiot that doesnt know what you want all your life

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man shut up.  Why is there so much hate.

i have trouble making friend in real life because i am bi, i dont need this here

Pls just stop ok

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just kill yourself fag

Nobody wants to be friends with you :-)

Listen, I'll be your friend

 fam i am your friend and here everyone (but the homophobs) are your friend :)

I'll be you friend if you want my discord if you want to talk TheLongFurbyGod#7039

Your just a cult who likes to pick on others

how about u go fuck urself and leave these people alone.

ignore them their just bullies-

or join the war ._.



im sorry you are seeing this we have delt with this the past few days... join the troop so we get get tthem outta here.

(2 edits)

Gimme an oc i wanna draw them on here 2/5 slots filled 

Slot 5 is unavailable 

Slot 1 is unavailable 

Slimela, my Slimefolk OC. Please put her in slot 5.

Im gonna need a picture

Ok.If you don't want to use Slimela that's fine.

Nah its poggers (i may have to humanize her a lil bit because im shit at fantasy)

I mean, she's humanoid, all you have to do is just make her slimy.

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Slot 1. Her name is Lilac and she's wearing a short purple dress. Her hair fades into brown at the bottom and you can see her brown roots growing in at the top. Her hair is about waist/butt length


Ignore the thing below the thing below the thing below me. Also you should report it.


(2 edits)

Ignore the thing below the thing below me. Also report it.

ignore the thing below me.

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yes, i will

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Hello fags.  How are you doing fags?

Bad I hope.

Little Misfortune and Sally Face are done

Sally Face is male.

oh sorry

it's fine. I was confused too.


By ppl!


Me: *relentlessly hunts down a girls tiktok and process to verbally attack her for days because she called my friend ugly and bullied her*

Thank you for being dedicated to helping your freinds

i need 3 character to make fanart for so tell me who you want



will do


Sally face


and does anybody know dollieguts..

sort of

I have no idea what that is. It reminds me of dollightful tho.

Why did I feel sickened by this? I don't even know what this is.

don't ask :D



Does...Anybody have a toyhouse account?

whats dat?

an account

oof i can make oe then

(3 edits)

Hhhhhhhhh, ok, so here's my first try.

Name: (lol, this is me irl, as i would say)

Age: 15

Species: human

I am going to outright say this, it's supposed to be male. I tried really hard to make it seem male, but it might not seem to be, even though I am male. I used the pride shirt, because I am bisexual, and I support all of you! (as long as you don't hate on us for being different) The scarf thing was added for artistic effect, because I enjoy making things. Yes, I wear see through glasses. And those bandages on the hands are supposed to be gloves.

I won't be answering anyone the next week bc I have mid terms! Cya till the week after! Peace! ✌

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My boy Chris

i likey likey



ey u a girl?

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i relly lik this game too its awesome


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wanna be friends?

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sure.  my name is jareth.

ice to meet you jereth, my name is corriana my pronouns are they/them btw

where i come from right now it is 2:02 pm how about you guys?

This game is so cool i'm obsessed with this! :D



wanna be friends?







Name: nary 

Nickname: Nightmare 

Age : ????

personality: Mean, Stubborn, and good and bad 

Sexuality : pansexual ( has girlfriend ) 

Allies : Dream 

Enemy's : none ( stuck in a bad dream ) 

Species : Dream goddess 

Girlfriend : Desi ( Dream) 

roleplay anyone

Nice, epic look

Creepy cutie 😱😄😍



That's not good 😱

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oh no


Very good

I was just watching an anime, and thought: "what if I was to make myself in the MGM2 app?" Now I'm going to be doing that after dinner.

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Yes, it's annoying when you want to do something, but it just happens to be around the time you have it. But now I'm done with dinner for now.

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Sorry i cant do full body but :Name : Desi 

Nickname : Dream 

Age: ??? 

personality : kind, stubborn, good and bad

Pronouns : They, Them 

Sexuality : A-sexual ( has girlfriend tho )

Allies : Nightmare 

Enemy's : none ( all stuck in a dream of eternity )  

Species: Dream goddess 

Role-play anybody 


Neat character

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 so cute!

More picrew stuff



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Oh, I bet it will look cool!

hi master

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Darn, I'd never be able to prepare for that. I feel bad for you.


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Name: Terra

Nickname: Hell Queen

Personality: tough and stubborn. Kinda scary.

Age: lol idk

Quotes: "I will send you down to the lowest circle of hell myself." "The devil himself fears me." "You will be torchered in hell for ever." "The flames will burn you to a crisp then revive you and burn you again over and over with as much pain as possible." "You are a useless scum. Burn. In. Hell."

Pronouns:they them

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Known allies: none

Known enemies: none. (They're all dead)

Backstory: she was a demon created to obey Satan but she was created to be very powerful. More powerful than Satan himself. She was meant to be his assistant but she didn't listen to him. She wondered why she had to take orders and why she had to stay with him when she was more powerful. She went out and she is now a feared icon in the human world and in hell. She was alive once yes but that will be for the rp.

Anybody wanna rp?

Ooo, this looks cool.

thanks. It took me a week to get her right.

oh wow, I just usually wing it, and go with what I hope works.

guess cause I'm new... or cause I ain't experienced... or something along those lines.

It depends.

Wait, how can we rp?

we just say who our characters be then. We start the rp. With smthg like.

Terra: *doing whatever and blah blah blah* then u state where ur character is and what they are doing. And then we just rp.

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I know how to rp. I meant do you havery any social media?

only insta. My discord is on a laptop that is not with me rn. But I can make a new acc.

I don't have a Discord because I never thought of any uses for it, but I can make one. I just hope it's compatible with mobile...

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Haha, experimental image go AAAAZZAAAAAA.

Name: Skelitonal

Age: 27

Species: Ghost 

Her death was quite a gruesome one, but we shall not talk about this for now. She was once known for her restaurant she owned. It was specifically for monsters, as she thought of them like they were humans. After her death, she couldn't let go of her love for life. Her will was so strong, that she became a ghost. She continues to serve monsters to this day. Now, her death was by humans. She doesn't resent them for this though, because she believes that they just can't understand why she believed in monsters. They cut her up, until she was only small cubes. They stabbed her multiple times and made sure her skeletal structure was destroyed beyond comprehension. They forced her under water for most of this. This is why she is like how she looks. But because of her ghostly body, she allows herself to phase through things she wishes to. Her life is eternal now, but she is still young in her ghost life

ight, imma write my oc's story now.


she wasn't supposed to exist but she ended up doing it anyway, a creature with all forms, all bodies, everything..a demon in one a bunny in the other. an anomaly if you will...

Well that's a pretty cool concept...

this is the closest yall ever gonna get to a picture of my face

Name:...Just call me denise or mime 

age: 12


height: 5'2(i hate it)

gender: assigned female at birth, still female

sexuality: bisexual and biromantic

species: rat human

race: African american

personality: cranky gaymer, aizawa kinnie

likes: danganronpa, bnha, kny, roblox,splatoon, that gay shit, the last airbender franchise, horror games, kfc, kfc, kfc, kfc, kfc, that gayer shit, dollieguts(ask me to explain if needed), making ocs and my girledfriend etc

dislikes: trolls, extremely horny people(go to horny jail), babies, loud people, my classmates, that homophobic shit, subs, cockroaches, school, math, etc.

mental state: well i have spectrum autism and i am kinda losing it thanks to school but like- i'm not gonna kill myself :D

social medias



aww its cute




do you have a discord server for all u idk 😀

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Cool!   ! Krispi#9498 this is mine btw 😄

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Me Monsterrrr:


Thank You!

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