I am going to outright say this, it's supposed to be male. I tried really hard to make it seem male, but it might not seem to be, even though I am male. I used the pride shirt, because I am bisexual, and I support all of you! (as long as you don't hate on us for being different) The scarf thing was added for artistic effect, because I enjoy making things. Yes, I wear see through glasses. And those bandages on the hands are supposed to be gloves.
Quotes: "I will send you down to the lowest circle of hell myself." "The devil himself fears me." "You will be torchered in hell for ever." "The flames will burn you to a crisp then revive you and burn you again over and over with as much pain as possible." "You are a useless scum. Burn. In. Hell."
Pronouns:they them
Sexuality: Pansexual
Known allies: none
Known enemies: none. (They're all dead)
Backstory: she was a demon created to obey Satan but she was created to be very powerful. More powerful than Satan himself. She was meant to be his assistant but she didn't listen to him. She wondered why she had to take orders and why she had to stay with him when she was more powerful. She went out and she is now a feared icon in the human world and in hell. She was alive once yes but that will be for the rp.
Her death was quite a gruesome one, but we shall not talk about this for now. She was once known for her restaurant she owned. It was specifically for monsters, as she thought of them like they were humans. After her death, she couldn't let go of her love for life. Her will was so strong, that she became a ghost. She continues to serve monsters to this day. Now, her death was by humans. She doesn't resent them for this though, because she believes that they just can't understand why she believed in monsters. They cut her up, until she was only small cubes. They stabbed her multiple times and made sure her skeletal structure was destroyed beyond comprehension. They forced her under water for most of this. This is why she is like how she looks. But because of her ghostly body, she allows herself to phase through things she wishes to. Her life is eternal now, but she is still young in her ghost life
she wasn't supposed to exist but she ended up doing it anyway, a creature with all forms, all bodies, everything..a demon in one a bunny in the other. an anomaly if you will...
this is the closest yall ever gonna get to a picture of my face
Name:...Just call me denise or mime
age: 12
height: 5'2(i hate it)
gender: assigned female at birth, still female
sexuality: bisexual and biromantic
species: rat human
race: African american
personality: cranky gaymer, aizawa kinnie
likes: danganronpa, bnha, kny, roblox,splatoon, that gay shit, the last airbender franchise, horror games, kfc, kfc, kfc, kfc, kfc, that gayer shit, dollieguts(ask me to explain if needed), making ocs and my girledfriend etc
dislikes: trolls, extremely horny people(go to horny jail), babies, loud people, my classmates, that homophobic shit, subs, cockroaches, school, math, etc.
mental state: well i have spectrum autism and i am kinda losing it thanks to school but like- i'm not gonna kill myself :D
Hey guy's. I've seen some pretty offensive stuff on here and please remember, you matter. And don't listen to Marice, just ignore her. She literally has nothing better to do if she's just calling you guys f slurs in a monster girl maker comment section. Kinda dumb right? Marice, I don't know why you're being rude but can you stop? It's hurting people's feelings. Also I hope you guys are doing well :) if you need someone to talk to just reply or talk to me on discord : Pibb Xtra#2005
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Does...Anybody have a toyhouse account?
whats dat?
an account
oof i can make oe then
Hhhhhhhhh, ok, so here's my first try.
Age: 15
Species: human
I am going to outright say this, it's supposed to be male. I tried really hard to make it seem male, but it might not seem to be, even though I am male. I used the pride shirt, because I am bisexual, and I support all of you! (as long as you don't hate on us for being different) The scarf thing was added for artistic effect, because I enjoy making things. Yes, I wear see through glasses. And those bandages on the hands are supposed to be gloves.
I won't be answering anyone the next week bc I have mid terms! Cya till the week after! Peace! ✌
My boy Chris

i likey likey
ey u a girl?
Show post...
i relly lik this game too its awesome
Show post...
wanna be friends?
Show post...
sure. my name is jareth.
ice to meet you jereth, my name is corriana my pronouns are they/them btw
where i come from right now it is 2:02 pm how about you guys?
This game is so cool i'm obsessed with this! :D
wanna be friends?
Nickname: Nightmare
Age : ????
personality: Mean, Stubborn, and good and bad
Sexuality : pansexual ( has girlfriend )
Allies : Dream
Enemy's : none ( stuck in a bad dream )
Species : Dream goddess
Girlfriend : Desi ( Dream)
roleplay anyone
Nice, epic look
Creepy cutie 😱😄😍
That's not good 😱
oh no
Very good
I was just watching an anime, and thought: "what if I was to make myself in the MGM2 app?" Now I'm going to be doing that after dinner.
Yes, it's annoying when you want to do something, but it just happens to be around the time you have it. But now I'm done with dinner for now.
Sorry i cant do full body but :
Name : Desi
Nickname : Dream
Age: ???
personality : kind, stubborn, good and bad
Pronouns : They, Them
Sexuality : A-sexual ( has girlfriend tho )
Allies : Nightmare
Enemy's : none ( all stuck in a dream of eternity )
Species: Dream goddess
Role-play anybody
Neat character
so cute!
More picrew stuff
Oh, I bet it will look cool!
hi master
Darn, I'd never be able to prepare for that. I feel bad for you.
Name: Terra
Nickname: Hell Queen
Personality: tough and stubborn. Kinda scary.
Age: lol idk
Quotes: "I will send you down to the lowest circle of hell myself." "The devil himself fears me." "You will be torchered in hell for ever." "The flames will burn you to a crisp then revive you and burn you again over and over with as much pain as possible." "You are a useless scum. Burn. In. Hell."
Pronouns:they them
Sexuality: Pansexual
Known allies: none
Known enemies: none. (They're all dead)
Backstory: she was a demon created to obey Satan but she was created to be very powerful. More powerful than Satan himself. She was meant to be his assistant but she didn't listen to him. She wondered why she had to take orders and why she had to stay with him when she was more powerful. She went out and she is now a feared icon in the human world and in hell. She was alive once yes but that will be for the rp.
Anybody wanna rp?
Ooo, this looks cool.
thanks. It took me a week to get her right.
oh wow, I just usually wing it, and go with what I hope works.
guess cause I'm new... or cause I ain't experienced... or something along those lines.
It depends.
Wait, how can we rp?
we just say who our characters be then. We start the rp. With smthg like.
Terra: *doing whatever and blah blah blah* then u state where ur character is and what they are doing. And then we just rp.
I know how to rp. I meant do you havery any social media?
only insta. My discord is on a laptop that is not with me rn. But I can make a new acc.
I don't have a Discord because I never thought of any uses for it, but I can make one. I just hope it's compatible with mobile...
Haha, experimental image go AAAAZZAAAAAA.
Age: 27
Species: Ghost
Her death was quite a gruesome one, but we shall not talk about this for now. She was once known for her restaurant she owned. It was specifically for monsters, as she thought of them like they were humans. After her death, she couldn't let go of her love for life. Her will was so strong, that she became a ghost. She continues to serve monsters to this day. Now, her death was by humans. She doesn't resent them for this though, because she believes that they just can't understand why she believed in monsters. They cut her up, until she was only small cubes. They stabbed her multiple times and made sure her skeletal structure was destroyed beyond comprehension. They forced her under water for most of this. This is why she is like how she looks. But because of her ghostly body, she allows herself to phase through things she wishes to. Her life is eternal now, but she is still young in her ghost life
ight, imma write my oc's story now.
Well that's a pretty cool concept...
this is the closest yall ever gonna get to a picture of my face
Name:...Just call me denise or mime
age: 12
height: 5'2(i hate it)
gender: assigned female at birth, still female
sexuality: bisexual and biromantic
rathumanrace: African american
personality: cranky gaymer, aizawa kinnie
likes: danganronpa, bnha, kny, roblox,splatoon, that gay shit, the last airbender franchise, horror games, kfc, kfc, kfc, kfc, kfc, that gayer shit, dollieguts(ask me to explain if needed), making ocs and my girledfriend etc
dislikes: trolls, extremely horny people(go to horny jail), babies, loud people, my classmates, that homophobic shit, subs, cockroaches, school, math, etc.
mental state: well i have spectrum autism and i am kinda losing it thanks to school but like- i'm not gonna kill myself :D
social medias
aww its cute
do you have a discord server for all u idk 😀
Cool! ! Krispi#9498 this is mine btw 😄
Me Monsterrrr:
Thank You!
IM BACK!!! ;)
Who are you? I'm newish here.
Even If you're on remoteeeeee
man class sucksss
yas im in early civ now
oh wel
i don't have class 2day
Ew. School. I hate.
I agree.
Hey, do any of you watch anime? It's an amazing art form. So many different styles! My favourite is JoJo.
i love anime imma big weeb
haha lmao
demon slayer
madoka magica
magical girl site(manga)
magical girls of the end(manga)
soul eater
cardcaptor sakura
sailor moon
no game no life
sword art online(i hated it)
monster musume
houseki no kuni
dragon ball z
Aight sir. you asked for it.
Demon slayer
Violet Evergarden
Dr. Stone
Death Note
Sailor moon
Attack on titan
Dragon Ball z
Black Clover.
There we go. That's all of them. I think.
I also watched this stupid thing called glitter force and I honestly have no idea what that was.
glitter force was originally called precure in japan, i'm pretty sure it was better in it's original Japanese also it was for little kids.
Then that's just gonna be ignored.
yep. sailor moon is big better
That explains it.
your in a train?
ooooo awesome!
lol i love guummymyyz
i've never been a fan of zodiacs hshshshs, i always thought they were meaningless..don't curbstomp me for that pls.
what does curbstomp mean?
stomping people in a curb
oh i would never do that
hello there!
imma gemini
I AM a meme.
here's a dog for good luck :-)
I wanna pet it. Cute.
So adorable!!! 😍😍😍
hello everybunny and everyrat, here is a bunny for good luck.
c h o n k
A gift for y'all peeps in the Lbgt community.
I'm not from LGBTQ+ community but i LOVE IT love is love guys <3
what? thats what she said?
I know. I looked at her posts and saw it.
Oh jeez 😮
Hey guy's. I've seen some pretty offensive stuff on here and please remember, you matter. And don't listen to Marice, just ignore her. She literally has nothing better to do if she's just calling you guys f slurs in a monster girl maker comment section. Kinda dumb right? Marice, I don't know why you're being rude but can you stop? It's hurting people's feelings. Also I hope you guys are doing well :) if you need someone to talk to just reply or talk to me on discord : Pibb Xtra#2005
Also, have you guys tried reporting? Does it work? I reported her.
Hi ! :)
oh hello!
U new?
yep yep
alright, well yesterday was terrible..lets hope for a better today
yes, agreed
I have hopes :-)
me too :)
I'm in my first RTI rn, im bored ;-;
im bored too