please, for the love of god, don't post off-topic things. the comments have been filled with off-topic posts for as long as i've been here and frankly i'm tired of it. whatever happened to the anti-spam police force?
It was lowkey toxic and a bit of a dictatorship so we disbanded
we were bullying people off the site because we had no chill
And it came to the point where we stopped being a community and it was just a hierarchy set up by randos who decided they had more power then other people, and for what? Because we didn't like people's oc's? Or because they were trying to enjoy themselves? Honestly it was really annoying
And you know what? If you think its unrelated or "spam" you can just *gasp* ✨ignore it✨ *oh my gosh what a good idea*
So in conclusion the anti spam police was a shit idea, and we aren't doing that ever again 🤍💜🖤💛
Shore then. Guess we'll do Hazbin Hotel. I have an OC. I'll put her here when I have my tablet bc she is on mgm 2 and my tab is currently charging so yeah. Her name do be Sapphire. You can probably guess her color scheme.
She has arrived! Welcome Sapphire. My Hazbin Hotel OC.
She hates everyone and everything. Is short-tempered and hates Alistor most of all.
You would mostly see her on her phone, playing games and doing anything but her job.
Bcz I didn't realize that what i was making but when it was completed then she was looking like that she is going to .....................................................................................................................
← Return to game
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im in school :p
im on break :p
please comment something i should do because im bored. TwT
the fixer upper challenge
whats that?
you click random and then you fix the look into something you like :>
awe cute
thank so is that profile pic
thank you
aww so cute
its based of honey
ima make a couple based off fruit lol
heres my furry
i'm sorry if i'm spamming but if you want to see my tiktok its ( diskittenlovesyou )
please, for the love of god, don't post off-topic things. the comments have been filled with off-topic posts for as long as i've been here and frankly i'm tired of it. whatever happened to the anti-spam police force?
It was lowkey toxic and a bit of a dictatorship so we disbanded
we were bullying people off the site because we had no chill
And it came to the point where we stopped being a community and it was just a hierarchy set up by randos who decided they had more power then other people, and for what? Because we didn't like people's oc's? Or because they were trying to enjoy themselves? Honestly it was really annoying
And you know what? If you think its unrelated or "spam" you can just *gasp* ✨ignore it✨ *oh my gosh what a good idea*
So in conclusion the anti spam police was a shit idea, and we aren't doing that ever again 🤍💜🖤💛
-river (formerly known as katsuu)
happy early halloween
if you want to see more of her just let me know
time to make furry lololololo
oof well that was cringy
I watched this in school today
That is alland sorry for the spam 😅
its okay but there is something on it that says reply so :|
food likes:sushi raw seaweed and dumplins
food dislikes:canned vegies raisen oatmeal cookies
likes:quiet, reading, youtube, sleeping,
dislikes:sans fangirls, (THEY THINK THEY CAN KILL OVER THE INTERNEt)
most common speech:
and here she is...
or ill be early
will be revealed at 7 pm (;
bio:from all i know from this creature its shy and it looks to be female
Um sorry for this
But could you type under the picture in your post?
Any body wanna rp?
I love role-plays Y E S
sure. What fandom or no fandom?
I usually do Hazbin, Undertale, or Mortal Kombat ^-^
Shore then. Guess we'll do Hazbin Hotel. I have an OC. I'll put her here when I have my tablet bc she is on mgm 2 and my tab is currently charging so yeah. Her name do be Sapphire. You can probably guess her color scheme.
She has arrived! Welcome Sapphire. My Hazbin Hotel OC.
She hates everyone and everything. Is short-tempered and hates Alistor most of all.
You would mostly see her on her phone, playing games and doing anything but her job.
Date of death: just like 2-3 years before Alastor
Age: 20s to 30s
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: lol idk
sorry I'm late. I been a bit busy. Sure what fandom or no fandom?
uhh idc whatever you want
:T Stranger Things idk
i haven't seen stranger things;-;
Guess what we don't do here?
Spread inappropriate content thats what!
your right lets report her
. . .
i can understand why the picture isnt innapropiate because it is just really neko people on a bed
but use your words wisely if you post the picture
you could have just said "i really like this picture"
or "i think this picture is cute"
just not whatever the fuck it is what you said
its from a hentai game called nekopara 👁👄👁
well crap
. . . ima go hit myself with a rock for a bit.
please dont ever post anything like that ever again
Age: 17
Species: Unknown
Likes: Animals, nature, the color green, and being pet behind the ears.
Dislikes: People touching her tail, opening her eyes, being treated like a pet, makeup, and bullies.
Fears: Fire, the dark, anyone that's new to her, humans, and cars.
Sexuality: Pansexual
valentine-19 🥰i love her
I suggest this link.
did you do this
lol no XD. I don't have that much talent. I can't do anything even close to this.
oh lol mk
Name: 9 (yes that's her name.)
Age: 13
Personality: silent.
Likes: unknown
Dislikes: unknown
Quotes: unknown
theme song (if they had one): Day6 Zombie
She's cute, her and Zoe can be friends :3
Thanks, ^w^. I'm sure she'd like to meet Zoe.
She is Michi.
oh gosh lmao
Well that is very um... nice, she's a nice character but why you you gotta add she licks dick .w.
Bcz I didn't realize that what i was making but when it was completed then she was looking like that she is going to .....................................................................................................................
ok i will edit my post
very cute game :3
She travels between realms to purge, likes collecting things and every kind of arts
Also designed awakening and final fanta state for her according to what's said above
I finned all the gacha ocs finally the official group photo will arrive soon.
The one in orange. Her name is Luna.