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my little sis found out what blippi is help


. . . The only solution is rto run away from the house hold

Until your baby sister comes into the teenage years and eat spaghetti for the rest of your life




That.... sucks man

my sis showed me what lemons are...


i need bleach

here's some holy water my friend 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧

thank u

your welcome

Praise the lord or whatever 🙏🧔✝️

my sister hates me so





I dont know how to draw a normal hooman

Lmao same

i knows how teh draw a T H I C C hooman

I wanna draw thicc hoomans ;-;

hoi i made MOAR shit

the Remy X Emmile ship kids name is.........ROXY! thanks to the person who put that name in the comments below!

when Princeity has Anxiety

Logan and Pattons kid, anyone have name ideas??

Patton and Janus' kid, i also dont have a name for her

and thats all for rn! make sure to check out the post below!

monster tom 

Look what I found 

Tiny beans 


baby beans

yes the beans very coot

gtg everyone


I "started" (/ continued because i watched it when it first came out) she-ra and the princesses of power last night and golly gee that show is good. I mean the DIVERSITY and REPRESENTATION in there is just 😙👌~*chefs kiss*~ 

UGH its so good 

Also more ✨FABULOUS✨ pictures of melody





(1 edit) (+1)

the reboot is so GOOD what are you taking about 












I hash made mor speices thing

is my own speices and craps so uh ye if ya umnmnnm don't likes it then don't read a tis

Name: Sushi -yes that's her actual name-

Personality: very sweet actually but dosent show it, clumsy, reckless, :l

Likes: chicky nuggies, milkshakes, c o o k i n g, and maybe gun practice -yes she has taken a liking to guns, no she is not a kid-

Dislikes: sushi -the food not herself -<--, she HATES anyone who gets hurt, she gets a medkit and stuff treats them like the end of the world is happening ._.

fears: water -even doe she is squid-

Ma spieshes

So these . . Peoples <>w<> are usually born between an angel, demon, or human

They have 2 forms, one which looks like an human and the other is either nightmare-ish or animal like (-cough- furries -cough-)

Sometimes they do have powers but it takes a while and the longer it takes the stronger it is

bUt to give birth to these is extremely illegal and the punishment for the person of these speices. . Is to be killed and or used as experiments for the government :D

also i don't have a names for them . . . ;>;

kay shes a bby and i want to keep her

but breh i shalt free all dese and keep dem as mah kiddos

(i sound like Patton now lol)

(1 edit)

Kay then._.

Btw She's over there messin with a gun I gave bc dats logic <>w<>


mah kiddos! *sneakin up on da bby*

Sushi: you know I can hear you <>><>


Me: 8FUCK* you cant

turn the




here is more shit

here is a Sanders Sides ship my sis belives in, and its Deceit X Patton, and i dont have a name for her, so if you want to request a name you can!

and this is one of the more popular ships, Remy X Emmile Picani! i also dont have a name for her :(

Uhh . . . 

peanut for the first one

Idk for the second ._.

maybe Roxy or Chloe for the second?

omg YAS

Roxy is the perfect name for Remy and Emmiles kid

thank you so much!

although Cloe is i good name to

becuase Remy acts like Regina George anyways

You're welcome! I'm glad you like it.

^ ^

i think im sticking with Roxy tho

i mades soem shit again

so mah dudes ive been way to into Sanders Sides lately and so i made some love children! this one is the Demus ship, and i actauly named her Demus becuase i feel like if Janus and Remus had a kid they would be very lazy with names

this is our 2nd love child, and as most Fanders (hopefully) reading this can tell shes Roman and Virgils kid, and her name is Moxy. Moxy actualy hates being from a very rich and wealthy family, much like Toph (its been years my atla name spelling skills are a bit rusty) in fact, i'd say most of her personality is liek Tophs, and her family is just about as wealthy as Tophs, so yeah, also due to Thomas' love for atla, she was heavily based off Tophs

and this is our last Sanders Sides ship child, (Fanders plz dont be mad at me) her parents are Dr. Emmile Picani and Patton, and her name is Emmiton. and shes sweet, kind, smart, and lovable, and for Fanders who watched the newest episode, she inherrited some.......Frogg(er)y genes from one Side (get it?) of her family....

this is Demus and Moxy hanging out, something they do quite often

remember what i said about Frogg(er)y genes?

I need to find new stereotypes 

Because i can't use the bi ones anymore 

Seeing as im not bi

Im actually a lesbian 

👐*jazz hands* 👐

Suprise! :D 


Pls don't kill me *panik*

Why would we kill you <>v<>

i don't know:p..

okay then-


Eyeliner Lesbian

Lipstick Lesbian

(other makeup type here) Lesbian

there are so many


Im bad at makeup

well thats why their steriotypes

what people think and how things actualy are are two very different things

Congrats, my friend.

brehs i made some shit

mah sis made dis

this is Ganderswapped Janus/Deceit Sanders

and this is regular Janus, enjoying some Starbucks, and yes, this IS what you think it is on his neck, i mean, i DO ship Janus X Remus

it is adorble

another very realistic Penelope

and a very not realistic Penelope, sitting in her father Colins room

Anyone else on?


holy shit its been so long!

sorry was at my dads

oh dad dipped..

eh thats alirght man!

oh i did not kno



h a l l o c h i l d


Hi :>



So i saw a tiktok 

And this dude screamed trump's a fascist at a trump rally 

And the trump supporters simultaneously gasped and started mooing (booing but it sounded like moos)

And this old man said take yourself out.and he sounded like plankton and homer Simpson's secret love child

I died

And the comments-

One guy was like (he was old) you clearly don't know what fascist means, and this other guy was like: "you look like someone's 40 year old divorced dad who hits up girls half your age in their dms with a "hey" " )


i dont even know wut to think about this

like dude shoutin insults b a gud man


and old man can shut up

it was honestly the funniest thing I've seen all day


sooooooo . .

i just kinda wanna put down my main ocs personalities down ._.

if you dont wanna read it then ignore it :/

Name: max

personality: optimistic, friendly, if your in a bad mood just kinda call this dude, sometimes his smiles seem a little empty . . .

likes: he's kind of a writer but he dosent do it much because people made fun of him for it, anything sweet or a desert :>, making people laugh

dislikes: sad peeps, carrots . . they feel weird to him, for some reason he is not a fan of drawing becuz when he does it they end up being stick figures (and even those are bad)

fears: heights, tight spaces, being alone (seriously if he is in a small room alone he'll start having a panic attack almost immediently)

age: well i changed it to fifteen but he was turned into a robot at eight so i guess you cant really age outside of your original body ._.

Name: bunny

personality: she's kinda like those warhead candies but the oppisite way around, she can be so calm and chill but the more you suck on it the more you realize how twisted and dark her life and she can be

likes: nice and warm t e a, pastry?, she can play guitar and sing really well but she barely does it . . .-wisper- she finds it embarrasing, i mean maybe drawing but thats just a skill she picked up :/, anything warm or comfy

dislikes: she dosent like pity she feels as though its people looking down on you trying to help when there is nothing to help ._. yea she thought this through, uhhh cold stuff?, anything that reminds her of her childhood

fears: her dad(but he long dead sis), :T being trapped or manipulated i guess( if you wanna know why she afraid of her dad ill tell you at the end :/ . . or anyones fears really lol)

Age: she says 21 i say 26 -we have different ways of thinking in logic ._.-

Name: how about . . . Ava next :>

Personality: kinda like that rebelious teen who dosent really give f- about anything, but is chill

Likes: flowers :> (yep she's a flower girl), her room, maybe killing peeps? (the more people she kills the more stronger she gets), vedgies :T (no she is not vedgetarian or vegan -<-), she's a gamer

dislike: rats like elliot (ah yes elliot the idiot), and uh donuts . . idk why she just dosent like them, idk stuff 

fears: getting to see her b- h- a- mom's face again, mor stuf? -shrug- :/

age: uhhh 15-16?


technically the same as as ava but is a pain in ze butt, has major anger issues, and and is afraid of fire . . not some may-i-talk-to-your-manager mom's face, oh and he finds satisfaction in harvesting the insides of people he kills . . maybe it makes him feels supierior? idk man lol


Personality: little silly, having almost constant(oh my god i found out how to do this sorry lol, and i dont know how to stop so ima continue like this ._.) night mares, scared alot, and im done typing this so uh yea deal with it lol

likes: mR frOG (its a doll), company, fruits, idk what else to put here so uh stuff

dislikes: people hurt i guess idk what else to put here

fears: almost anything really but mostly blood, hurting people, and the last one . . ? ah yes punishment

age: ehh 5-6

other lilly:

to lazy to type this

congrats your at the end now you can know why their afraid of of crap

bunny's fear: there is multiple reasons why she is afraid of her dad (cuz dats probably what the most intruiging fear ._.) but ima just tell one. ._. so her family is very strict and the rules are very strict and "religous"? though if you looked into the family you could see they were not very religous at all. but anyway she came home and told her family she thought she was bi somethin and because of that her father was p- off and uh they got into an arguement so out of fear she tried to hit him and he reacted by literly shoving her into the kitchen grabbed a knife and like drew a cross or dragged the knife into her arm to make a cross. punishment he said. you'll be fine he said. >:v i hate her dad he's so over dramatic and takes it to extreme, sorry

max's fear: well uhm his dad left him when he was 2 or something so he dosent remember alot from him but that has nothing related to his fear ._. so ye <>><> anyway his mom would lock him in his room alone for hours and hours without food sometimes it wasent even his room sometimes it was a closet or in a bathroom, or maybe his mom would be yelling cruel things at him while he was in there. who knows -<-

Ava's fear: she just hates her mom lol

Elliot's fear: he motha frickin watched his parents and his arms turn into freakin ashes, wHaT dO yOu eXpECt

Lilly: ah yes lilly's fear . . . hmmm i mean they do say if you disobey or do something displeasing to them in her old containment the consequences would be very, very, frightening >:3 (that kinda messes with a kid like her) (wait do they say that?) 

thIs tOoOK sO lOnG

mY stOopId babY siSteR cRyEd aLoT aNd kEpt alErtIng mY paRenTs tO gEt heR tO cAlM dOwn oH mY gODdDdddddDD

and sorreh its a long post

ish cewl

now i feel responseable for trying to make these guys problems fixed

(1 edit)


Okay then :>

well i do

i now feel like i have to fix everyones problems

dont worry im gud, i just have to cure everyones fears



That seems slightly relatable . . but I'm not good with that ._.

so yes fre therapy is open ppls


I did a bunch of pictures of melody >:)

Shipping / being imported from somewhere idk. She's the only dhmis teacher who doesn't have an English accent 

*finished piano practice* *she likes taking a moment to listen to the echo that her piano makes* 

The company / cast (chicken) picnic she's quite photogenic, though she never ACTUALLY smiles for her pictures even though her smile could be considered her best feature) (someone gave her their jacket because of the mosquitoes)

Sleeping on set with one of the props like the vad b she is

Stalking a certain someone whilst their at the grocery store to ensure their safety 

Caught! They keep telling her that if she wants to come she can just say smth. But she DOESN'T want to go, she wants to make sure they don't die (she'll never tell them though)

She had to stay up all night rehearsing her episode (as ordered by roy) 

She's lowkey done with everyone's bs and just wants to fucking nap

Finally finished filming, they made her take a picture after 

Now she's getting sent back to wherever she came from (in slightly more comfortable conditions) 

(Also her hobby is doll making) (no she doesn't do customs, she just makes whatever...... totally)


can you send a link to the doll one?


tah dahh!


this is Davids, and there used to be lots of people in here but.....he ate them all, these two, a gay couple, are the nly two left

and this s what happens when green guy does what David says

green guys place looks kool :>

ye it does

hallo everyone

so a smol part of Penelopes story is that she really likes terrariums

so she made one for almost everybody!

this frst one she made is for Shrignold, one of her favorite people in the world, ans she made it all about real love, sence Shrignold is apart of Malcolms "love" cult, she put in a cherry blossom tree, added roses, and made a lovley little romantic cafe

she made this one for Paige, and i know what youre thinking, yes EVERYTHING is green, even the water, THATS the joke

this one is for Malcolm, and she wanted everything to be super romantic, becuase oviously Malcolm knows what real love is, theres even a lesbain couple in there

this one is for Tony, and there used to be tons of little people in there, but Tony accidently killed them all, and only one remained, now his terrarium shows the passing of time, witch fits

this is Colins, and i think its really ironic and cute because it has nothing to do with technology at all, and instead everything in there is old-fashoned and cutsey


i was bored so i randomized all the characters I had roleplayed ( well the ones i remember) and i got jamie ._.

and i made a whole bunch pictures of her <>w<>

this . . . is probably the closest you'll get to her 

this one looks nothing like her ._.

mmmm this one is pretty close to . . minus not having the yellow eye


mor hooman

for some reason i cant help but cringe at this one <>w<>

ah her first kill . . satisfying isnt it?

she's so sensitive it makes me wanna cry ;w;

congrats you made it to the end

you have earned a free meal of bio with a side of facts

Name: Jamie

speices: (i havent got a name for it ._.)

personality: kind, s e n s i t i v e, a nerdy child, adventurous, brave yet she gets scared easily

fears: bullies?, heights?, the fear of losing control of what going on around you and having an emotional breakdown?

enjoys: she's found an intrest in sewing i guess, she likes to grow plants, messing with hair ->-, and i guess reading outside

dislikes: being rude to people, and meatballs ._. (i am highly offended, meatballs are delicious >:<)

meatballs are gross i agree with jamie

>:O how dares you

meatballs are gud


i dare

meatballs taste like hot ass on a stick

:O oh my she dares

i mean tbh they kinda are? minus the butt part ._.

becuz ya know tooth picks.

also- dont eat the slimy saucy meatballs i agree with those tasting like crap

yes i do


well yeah

yeah man those are the only meatballs ive ever tried

I put (dry) meatballs in soup

(Its rlly good)

-ik this was 2 days ago but idc :>-

indeed thay are ;w;

also jamie ish adorable

oh tanks :T

ur welcome

jamie ur adorable

-looks at jamie-

jamie is confused by your compliment ._.

well thats ok

shes frickin adorable

in fact, i shall bring some peoples over teh agree

*all teh sides come becuz most of them like kids*

Patton: oh my god! can i keep her Thomas?

Thomas: no Patton, she problibly has a mother and father to go home to

Patton: aawww i was really hoping

Virgil: *lots of finger snaps* hey, earth to Patton, you have two kids already!

Patton: but i want 3!

Good night

night-? <>w<>

no bad why no ew bad nightmares i can smell spagetti scauce now


Thats jello

that doesnt explain why i smelled spagetti

no it does not 


i agree

also nuuuu dont leave meh


ill be back in 30-40 mins


im back

hallo :>

hoi m8



and now heres a gaint collection of every picture of Penelope

first one i ever made, and one of the best ones i have!

as you can see her outfit quickly went from something formal to something more casual

it surprisingly barely took me any time to come up with her backstory and relationships with some characters, i also switched he colors on her shirt and hoodie

i then added the bowtie and changed her horn colors

no, i did not switch her horn type on her, this maker just didnt have rams horns, so i had to make do, i also switched he colors on her hoodie and shirt back, and added her earrings

this is when i started really thinking about the first episode she was going to make in her life, and by episode i mean mental breakdown

this time i really thought about her outfit and what type of bowtie/tie she has

i didnt really do much about this one, i didnt really change anything, and the only thing i added was her shoe type and her stockings

this is the most realistic design i have yet, and this time i thought about her sexuality and dicided who she likes/is in a relationship with, and dicided shes dating Hairy, aka the Licorice Man

this is the first one where i tried to make her look happy, and this one has the closest to her hoodie than any of the others, i also gave her a drink in this one, and dicided that she does in fact have to eat to survive, even though she is mostly a robot

i FINALLY got to put the muzzle back on her, witch is an important key to her design, and if anyone is wondering she put that muzze n herself after diciding she was to dangerous without it, and yes, she is drinking coffee through a muzze wih a straw, shes pretty clever

this is another atempt at making a happy Penelope, and i say it went pretty well, also these are the exact glasses Penelope has

 found this terrarium maker and dicided to make some of the things Penelope has in her room, this is one of her terrariums and yes, that is a real, living mini mermaid, not just a statue

this is her other Terraruim, and that is a smal woman in there, her name is Melody, named after someone she actualy holds dear to her, even though she doesnt show it often

this is Penelope at age 4, after the first time her parents didnt give her the answer to a question, as you can see shes very upset, and this is the first time i got to include her stuffed Bunny, named Tony Midnight, after someone who helped her learn about herself and what she can do, and how she can "teach"

this is her at age 3, beofre everything started falling apart, she was a very happy child back then, she was never sad, everyone loved and cared for her, and no one was crazy or mean yet, everything was happy, and peaceful, and because she is a robot, she can still remember these days

this is her at age 6, when she started to think that everything was her fault, i also changed her hoodie to a coat, becuase Page used to actualy spend money on food and comfortable clothes for everyone

this is her in-between when things fell apart and when things were happy and lovley, she didnt really know what to do with her life then

this is her at a more recent time, shes started havong thoughts of leaving home, but hasnt talked to anyone about it yet

le end

So y'all know how i HATE popsicle sticks? 

Well i found another thing i hate




yes agreed

y'know when you have a dry marker and you try to draw with it

And it like makes that uncomfy noise

Thats what they feel like (and popsicle sticks)

yeh ik


I've decided 

This song

Is gay


wait gay as in lame or gay as is actualy gay?

Actually gay

It gives me girl in red vibes

So therefore it is now homosexual 

and a collection of all the happy pictures

okay so none of the pictures are happy, theseare just the leftover pictures

eh its close, well not really

insane boi

kay so shes comfortable in this one, it was prolly taken after talking to Colin

speaking of witch here is all le pun names in Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

Paige = Page

Colin = semi-colin, a key on the keybaord

and thats all ik

here is a collection of all le deppressed pictures of Penelope:

and this my children is why you dont accidently eat your mom

sometimes you just need a break

plz halp this girl

don't stay awake for to long, don't go to bed..........

don't leave a 11-year-old in an insane asylum

(NEW picture) don't make your 11-year-old beg for mercy

this is a bittersweet child, she may look happy on the outside, but the inside is always a different story

she needs sleep and happiness

THIS is the most realistic Penelope ever actualy (also NEW picture)

here are some DHMIS stuff i made!

its Paige as a kid! also as a human

this is child Colin! i feel like he would play Yu-Gi-Oh! or Pokemon

this is David the ugly canniball, and i hate him, also that is Hooman soup if anyone was wndering

this is Can Boi, Davids "helper" i actualy headcannon her as a girl, and ik in most AUs its a dude, but honestly Can Boi sounds like a girl, so im going with that

also here is another pcture of Penelope, and this is what she looks like when shes in a good mood

this is actualy the most realistic picture i have of Penelope, and this is her sexuality

more Penelope, and as you can see her metal rusted

and the couple that made Penelope, and when i say made i literally mean made, she is a wind-up toy, after all

guys help

whats the second guy from the cannballisim episode in dhmis' name?

y'know, the spinach/broccoli/other green vegtible guy?

im trying to look up a reference to make them with but idk the name so i cant frickin find it

They don't have a name

I googled it and they haven't got one


stupid dhmis

you google

Human version of the can from dhmis




i am back

and becuz i want to, this is how i headcannon every Don't Hug Me I'm Scared character (plus how they act around my OC, Penelope)

Paige: this chick it a TOTAL Karen, but she usualy hides it to make others like her and fall into her nightmare hell web, also, if anyone thinks green is a creative color and says that to her, she'll drop her nice act and kick thier ass

likes: red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, pink, black, white, brown, NOT green, other Karens, Colin

Dislikes: green, more green, did i mention green? and Penelope

relationship with Penelope: negitive 45%


Colin: hes very nice, sweet and caring, but due to the fact he is a conputer it is hard for him to share these feelings, and he is very tech obseesed, like, he will spend days working on his new programs without eating or charging himself

likes: Penelope, Green Dude, Stringy Boi, and everyone else

Dislikes: glitches, bugs in his programs, viruses, and David

relationship with Penelpe: 85% +


David: he acts nice, but only if you look tasty to him, otherwise he mostly ignores you, also he has a smol crush on Stringy Boi, but not enough for it to be serious

likes: his followers (other canniballs) Penelope, Penelopes insides

Dislikes: scrawny people, people who dont eat people, anti-cannibals, etc

relationship with Penelope: 26% +

Malcolm and the Cult 

Malcolm and co.: theyre all pretty much the same, they'll accept anyone, just dont mention "love" to them, then they wont ever shut up.

likes: gravel, "love" their Gravel God, baisicly just gravel

dislikes: anyone who doesn belive in the religion of gravel, real actual love, Stringy Boi

relationship with Penelope: 89% +


I have another question for the non canadians 

What do you Do with your syrup 


This is a very important question. I need answers posthaste 

well . . 

we put it on waffles and pancakes

Or French toast

But for some reason I wanna put it on popcorn <>><> 

My parents won't let me though

They say I won't like and it would be wasted

I see 

*takes notes* 

Yall need to do this in the winter tho

boil maple syrup like from the trees 

And get popsicle sticks 

And put them in a tray of snow

Then pour the maple syrup on the snow

And then we have taffy on the snow / maple syrup popsicles 


We buy syrup from the store

And it like fake syrup

So- ye


Get yourselfs some PROPER SYRUP 

Cos table syrup is good and all

But like

Its not from trees

how would we get it- 

There's no maple trees near lol

uh, put it on pancakes and waffles

and i heard some people put it on ice cream

thats about it



What TYPE of syrup do you use -_-

uh.......idk we dont have any in the house if youre talking about brand

and uh type........idk about that either

most of it is imported from Canada tho


I see -_- 

Ok then



so here are some more moments after Penelopes story

this was the first time anyone ever visited her, and ofc the first to visit was Colin, the conputer dude, Penelope eventually stopped talking when she was in the asylum, so this visit didnt go well, and that day Penelope learned that metal doesnt taste good

this was about the 4th visit, after the first the only one who ever visited was Paige, and all of her visits only ended in sadness and distaster, and one day Paige visited and saw Penelope getting black-out drunk, Paige almost died that day

ths was about the 7th visit, and the only time Malcolm visited, and the only time Penelope let Malcolm talk about his gravel God to her, whitch made Malcolm really happy

and this picture is why she teaches people about r_pe

time to put all pictures of Penelope into cronological order! (i think thats how u use tht word anyways)

this is the most accurate picture of what she looks like, so its the first one we're starting out with

this is her, she first gets introduced when Licoroche Man (Harry) brings her in after Bluedoo Hair (idk his name) eats Duck Dude, she shes all nervous and stuff becuase she HATES David (Canniball Guy) becuase he tried to eat her once, she just waves hi and starts teaching

about halfway into her episode things start getting emotional for her, so she takes a cigarette break like shes seen her "Mom" Paige do so many times

a little bit after she takes a break she sees her "Mom" Paige has taken her spotlight, her only chance at a real episode, so she getts really really pissed, and when shes feeling to many negitive emotions at once, well......think Davids episode

she accidently ends up eating frickin Paige (*clap clap* you have done the world a favor my child) and puts a muzzle on herself, and stops winding up her wind-up key

time skip a few months later and she hasnt wound up her key in about 4 months, and people start getting worried, Malcolm and Conputer dude try cheering her up, but it doesnt work becuase without her key wound up she cant feel happiness. after a while the deppression starts affecting everyone, Malcolm stops feeding gravel to his God, and Conputer Dude stops charging himself.

eventualy Time Dude makes time go an hour slower becuase the deppression hits him to, and the only ones not affected are Canniball Dudes and Paige, so then Paige has this ToTaLlY AMaZiNg idea to wind up Penelopes key, and Penelope can't handle the sudden rush of emotions that came with winding up her key, and snaps, Canputer Dude and the Canniball Dudes force her into an insane asylum, and only Paige and Conputer Dude are allowed to visit, and she sits there to this very day, missing her friends and wishing she just never wound up her key in the first place, additional visitors arent allowed to visit on any day execpt Thursdays, the day her episode came out.

                                                     < THE END >

i hash now made even more pictures of Penelope

this is directly after her episode, after what she did she started getting really insecure about what her "family" (the people that helped make her, so pretty much every single teacher) thought of her, and started hiding her beautiful rams gorns with her hood and headphones and she stopped winding up her wind-up key, witch without her key winded she cant feel any positive emotions or have creativity

eventualy she locked herself up in her room and stopped winding her key, and stopped letting other people wind her key, witch meant she couldnt feel any emotions other than fear and sadness/deppression, and she had no creativity left at all

Paige tried winding her key after a few months, becuase her peanut-sized bitch brain couldnt stand the part of herself used to make Penelope not being used, and Penelope couldnt handle the sudden rush of emotions she hadnt felt in almost a year, and that broke her, Conputer Dude (idk his name) and David forced her into an insane asylum where shes spent the rest of her days, only Paige and Conputer Dude are the only ones allowed to visit her, and only on Thursdays, the day her episode realeased

insane drago <>w<>

shes actualy a wind-up toy made of a bunch of different parts

and shes SUPPOSED to have ram gorns but stupid picrew doesnt have those on most avatar makers

(shes my Don't Hug Me I'm Scared OC)



-already hugging her- what did you say?


*nods head*

Penelope: thats just the name you dolt! i actuay really like hugs!

Penelope: *shes currently visiting the other teachers becuase shes kinda better* you should go before the others find you, theyre not as nice

(2 edits)



oh, ok  -stays here because i wanna mess with some people-

today i did that old challange where you keep making your OC over and over but with my DHMIS OC!

This is the OG, her name is Penelope and shes  wind-up toy, her wind-up key is in the middle of her tits, and she teaches kids why r_pe is bad, shes the youngest character (that ik the age of) in the show, at age 13, and shes made of bits of all the other teachers (and i bet you can see what parts used to be whos) and every singe teacher picks on her for being nice to everybody and not being able to come up with any really fucked up ideas

this is her after the episode shes in, she put that muzzle on herself after she......uh, got a little out-of-control

this is her about halfway through her episode

this is her at about the begining of her episode

(1 edit)

Y'know..... it just hit me,

I am classified as one of the special needs kids at school


(Mainly because i have adhd, am very behind in class and have an IEP *individual education program/plan* *that might i add is not helpful AT ALL, i don't appreciate having a teacher hovering over my shoulder all the damn time*) 

I never really realized that 





HAVE TO WALK. AND THATS FINE (sort of) BUT MY OTHER ISSUE IS THAT IM NOT EATING (because i don't want any Corona virus)



1. Where's y'alls bagged milk

2. do you have ketchup chips. And if you don't why not

3. Uh ;-; 

4. (This is just a statement) YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE PAIN OF COLORING NUNAVUT >:,0 

5. Why doesn't your currency have animals on it

6. Wheres the bagged milk 

7. Frick im running out of things

8. Why do y'all have to pay for healthcare 

9. Whats the American equivalent of EBgames? 



(Btw that little green patch next to quebec is ill du prince eduard terre-neuve et labrador and another province) (wait no, the red bit is terre neuve et labrador) 

Oki im done now

Sorry for wasting your time:p


(i mean i live in one of them so that one is easy)

1. bagged milk is not existance in america


3 wut

4........wut is dat?

5. becuase according to america animals arent important enough to be on money

6. its gone, y'all Canadians took it all

7. ok

8. because our government thinks taxes arent enough (real reason)

9. no i dont think so becuz idk wut that is


dude we dont have to do lakes and shit but we have do to the abreviations, first president born there (only on the hard tests tho) capitals, important dates in that state, you have to fit all the letters in the line they give you to right the state name, the fact that states exist, AAAAND what this state produces the most of

well i have an answer that fits all of them for the last one


y'all just have to ASK for bagged milk

Ketchup chips are freaking fabulous 


Nunavut is a province (its up north, its like Canadian alaska)(alaska is a state right?)

Animals on money is fabulous i highly recommend 

And eb games is a game store and it sells consoles and a small amount of graphic tees and anime merch

kay den

yes i want some now


kay, and yes Alaska isa state like Hawaii

yes bitch

oh so American Game Stop


U should tell the uhhh idk that u need ketchup chips 

Oh okie (smort) 


Oh is that what it is



ye, also ye




so for anyone who is wondering

here some shit about meh:

hoi, for those who are new meh name is.....leys go with Para

kay, im an age that is a number and im kinda the self-proclaimed therapist around here

i love rp-ing, and here are some of the fandoms i do:

1. Undertale

2. FNaF


4. Creepypasta

5. Steven Universe

6. any Undertale AU, my favorites being Oceantale, Underfell, and Underswap (minus Blue, he is a insane jerk)

7. Sanders Sides

8. literally any fandom as long as im framiliar with it

also here are my hours:

Mon-Wed 3pm-7: 40 pm CST

Fri-Sat 2pm-10pm CST


Deleted 4 years ago


im sometimes on from 11am-10: 30pm CST

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