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i'm proud of this one

(2 edits)

yo peeps. Guess who just ate some probably expired hot dogs! Me :'D (help. I'm dying. Well, not really but I feel like it. ;-;)

The hot dogs were not expired. I'm feeling better. It was just a very sickening stomachache. And by sickening I mean it made me wanna vomit for some reason. And my head hurt ;-;







Hey, quick question will skeletons be a possible monster to make in the future? and where are our UNDERTALE FANS cause



i had a breh den they left i think 

meeyaaaaaaaaaaaa nuuuu

there has to be SOMEONE up

uh for me ts currently 9:35

btw when you read this itll prolly not be



wanna rp or somethin?

or continue a rp from here?



witch one?

breh ye still alive

sorry my mom cought me yesterday

oh 6 hours ago for me was 5:42 am... I wake up at 6 or 7 or sumn. idk I don't really check I'm just guessing.

oh k cewl

also hoi

is ANYoNe on????



Through a portal only accessable to the kindest, coolest, purest souls is a portal to humanities last save haven



Name: Melanie

Race: Ghoul

Age: 18

Likes: blood candy, human meat and new friends!!!!

Dislikes: humans meanies and bullies!!!

Fav Food: people candy!!

Least fav food: apples

im so sorry Melanie, but you have to many mistakes on your form

you have to go to the Correctional Facility


here are some rando OCs!!

Name: Amara

Fandom: BNHA/MHA

Age: 7

Name: Candie

Fandom: FNaF

Age: ???

(image made by kat)

Name: Pengu (i hope you like the name Kat!!!)

Fandom: FNaF

Age: 18

Name: H.O.G

Fandom: FNaF

Age: 22

Name: Sam

Fandom: FNaF

Age: 16

Name: Chris

Fandom: CP

Age: 35

Name: Madie

Fandom: one i made up myself! its called the Forgotten Worlds!!!

Age: 6

Name: Melanie

Fandom: Forgotten Worlds

Age: 18

Name: Okimaura

Fandom: CP

Age: 5


So I Was Bored And...........YEAH

I very much enjoys danganronpa

lols same

I'll brb in like a few hours cuz ima draw something for somebody


AnYonE aLivE?

If so rp?

hi yes me woop






(stupid me i cant even spell)


I'm gonna have little nightmares to night

PuN inTeNDeD 👉👉

Deleted 4 years ago

yas uwu✨

Hi if anyone is alive you want to make my girl hair: puff is pink other is black

Skin color: black

Eyes:dark yellow

Her legs and arms are metal 

Cooler her clothes however you want




Just give me a few hours to work on it

it will be finished tomorrow 


hey anyone here?

Look at me answering a post from 7 hours ago bc why not.

im answering one from 33 minutes ago


damn k lol


I gtg bed-


Baby Deku

uwu yaaas

Anyone anyone got a oc to draw


i hav dis

i hav dis (shes a FNaF OC and a Purple Guy fangirl)

and dis



i didnt expect you to do all 3

i really love all of them!!!!

10/10/10/10 for each and every one!!!!!!




i just watched the new(est) SS video

and like

i just got very emotional


i MAY or may not or MAY have a crush on a certain, and ima quote Roman here: "reptillian rapscallion"

so seeing him try to be a "good guy" for the first-ish time was like

i dunno, it just really moved me man


i did the challenge again (kinda long)

context: she isnt human but she is trying to fit in and learn more about humans. people like her use magic but its very diffficult for her to use it so she can only make her horns disappear (i felt like i was writing a paragraph)

at the first day of school people asked her about her white pupils. she panicked and stared at them until they left (it was very awkward)

after a few days she felt a bit more comfortable at school and during those few days she discovered contacts. she forgot to wear them (also a little less shy)

during the weakend she got a new hair pin..uh yea

she went to a new school. she finally made a friend (maybe a potential crush???)

she went from a shy weirdo to a confident human thing





ooo smart


soo, how did it went?



You could say "if it wasent a glitch then maybe I accidently unfriended you when I went to unfriend somebody becuz someone was being very rude to me so I decided unfriended them" . . Or something like that :>

what did steve do?

scroll down  a bit

I made like a whole post about it 


what you should have done is told steve the truth

but becuz i wasnt here is assume you f*cked up

B E  H O N E S T

dude, actualy use what i told you

i can't be honest though... it would hurt Steve's feelings 


steve doesnt HAVE feelings

well, steves feeling sraent important

steve is an asshole

and therefore is a rock

with no (important) feelings

so just be honest

and if steve tries to be all "oh boo hoo poor me"

then tell them to shut it

I guess

yeah man

hey how did it go? hope ur good

i... left her on read 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

(1 edit)

sry for late reply but here i go tryna help-

i think that what you did was good, and really brave. you should be proud of urself! if you didnt think that steve was a good influence in ur life than you have the right to get them out of it. you wont get along with everybody, and you cant make everyone happy. im gonna get kinda philosophical here, but its my opinion, so you dont need to listen. i believe that ever since the first molecules were made, they have gathered and grown to create the exact time we are living in now. we cant control what happens, so why try? you kinda just have to keep pushing forward and hope that what'll happen will be for the better. even if steve ruins your reputation, the friends that stick with you are the only real friends you're gonna need. people like steve arent good people, and most likely deserve what's coming to them. if they dont get what they deserve, we can hope that if there is any kind of after life they get what they really need there. but also, maybe steve isnt doing well mentally, ya know? hurt people hurt people, and you cant control those actions, so the best you can do is reach out, see if they're ok, and if they refuse that helping hand, you can accept you did your best and there's nothing more you could do. i hope you feel better, and here's a song i like <3 i call it my depression song but ya know whatever

again feel well, best of wishes my child

awe... you're too sweet

im not that awesome but ur welcom

is it me or did anyone else checked out the new ADDICT hazbin hotel song and now can't stop thinking about it? here's the link!

*insert me listening to this non stop for the past week*

*sigh* same, same...



welcome to the museum of bunny's

It is where I keep my collection of pictures of bunny 

I actually just did kats challange ._.

WarNiNg the nest bunny's aren't wholesome

But they are the better than mineta- because well really anything is better than mineta ;w;

Dis one may partially part of her back story- but you dont know that

Bunny as a bean ._.

awweee! they are so cute!



just a thing

you can ignore it if ya want

i didnt know you could make a thing like that-

cool! but how am i gonna use it?



did Kats challange, but with a bit of a backstory!!

born Oct 31st (or 30th, idk) year (classified) Para is a Zalgiod/Elf hybrid

she ran away from home at age 12 (Zalgiod years) or age 24 (human years) and was homeless for most of her life

eventually she met a man on the streets and they quickly fell in love, the mans name was Toby Rodgers

she soon found out what Toby did for a living (if you count free cheesecake as money) and dicided to try to jion Slenderman and all that as well

she soon found out that the only reason Slenderman wanted her with him is because she was a Zalgiod and having one of Zalgos chldren as an ally would be useful, she then had plans to slaughter Slenderman and all his allies

needless to say that didnt work and she was back on the streets



i made myself again



ⁿᵒ ᵖʳᵒᵇˡᵉᵐ

(1 edit) (+1)

Did the challenge but explaining the story of this oc in between pics because I have nothing better to do \(._.\) you can call it Kat's challenge ~*Snail Edition*~

She doesn't have a name yet sooo I'll call her V-10, because she's an alien! ^^

V-10 originally came to Earth in order to observe humans' defense system, then plant a gps tracker that would lead her race to the planet in order to invade and colonize it.

but her communicator and ship broke once she entered the atmosphere, so she was forced to stay on the planet for a while in order to fix it.

she disguises herself as a human (via shapeshifting) and attempts to blend in at a local high school, but something else starts going wrong..

She starts to get tired and sick- the earth's air isn't meant for her to breathe and it's taking it's toll on her health. As she starts to get weaker, it gets harder to maintain her disguise. 

One day after school, while taking a break from her human form, she collapses on a side street, too weak to go on, when she's discovered by her classmate while looking like an alien! She initially threatens to k*ll him in order to keep her identity a secret, but both of them realize quickly that she's too weak to do anything at all. 

He offers to harbor her at his house since she's been living on the street, and keep her secret as long as she doesn't kill him. She doesn't have much of a choice, so he carries her home and the two become weird roommates. She slowly starts to warm up to him, and her goal to mark the Earth for destruction becomes less important as she learns more and more and starts to become invested in human culture. 

Okie thanks for letting me infodump about my girl ^^ not like you had a choice hehe >:) I'd love to see u guys do your own version of this post with your characters!

i feel like this is a romance and u should write a story abt it jus sayin

yus i luv her

ima do this with one of meh OCs

only question

why did you censor kill?

its not a cuss word or anything

heh I just feel kinda uncomfortable saying it idk >.>




uh idk who tht is or wht manga their from

Saiki is the main character from the anime / manga, the disastrous life of saiki k 

oh ok

Its very good


I now have no bed.

I shall sleep on the couch


But jokes on them. Because now i get to binge cartoons for ten year olds alone in the dark

The perfect plan 👌


mmm yas



Henlo childs

I am back

And currently in your trash bin

Would be so kind to bring me a banana?

I looked for one but but all I could find were the the peels q-p

I brought u a pear


tis good enough

-nom nom nom-


(^•0•)^ yay


Y a s



I am in the process of completely emptying my depression bedroom so i can give my sister my bed (im getting a new one not to worry)

Its hard


i took a few quizes on what -dere type i am

on one i got Yandere

and on the other i got Kuudere

(1 edit)

I just tried it, I tried two quizzes and each time I got a Deredere :DD It's kind of like we're opposites lol!

lol  yep

(Deredere being the only -dere type idk)

(im dumb )

(1 edit)

so i just took a quiz

on witch MHA male character lieks me

and i got Kirishima

ok then


i took another test

this time i got

wait for it



Shigiraki of all people




i aint goin out with you

not in a million years

when you wish you could install mgm2 but you cant



:( ;-; ;(

r u still here?

cool i guess


anyone wanna rp or somethin?

is anyone even on?

i only hav like 10mins

hElP I aTe WiNGs mY MouTH Is DIeiNG 

hey man u alive

😌. I made a 💫🦕sandwich🦕💫




Enjoy my nonsense emoji history sisters✨



did you get mai reply?



Recent girls that ive made XP

Most recent to most old 👌

^ it's a black sheep ^

^ it's a frog ^

theyre all so cool and cute!!!

tysm! ✨

ur welcome!!



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