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Deleted 3 years ago



Sorry this is late ;-; and sorry the hair doesn't match I made a mistake.

Name: Dokusei

Likes: Sushi, spicy food, really any kind of food tbh and black.

Dislikes: A lot of stuff including people, human interaction, crowded areas etc.

Quirk: Toxic Gas

she can create a toxic gas from her body (including hair for some reason) this gas will instantly paralyze anyone who inhales it. her horns create gases that would not paralyze you but kill you (she never used them ofc... yet).

Personality: not a very people person, extremely aware of her surroundings, she's that person that if you ask them to get something they go like "oh I would but it's oh it's too far to reach."

Advantage area: she's better when she fights alone for obvious reasons.

Disadvantage area: When she's with other people its hard for her to fight bc she is unable to control her power fully and paralyzing somebody on her side by accident is very likely to happen.

Hero name: Deadly Nightshade

Lol I'm bored and nobody seems to be online so imma just say random facts about my character :>
Dokusei or 有毒的 is chinese for toxic but for some reason if you translate that back into english with google translate it says poisonous anyway that was a kinda random fact that I told the nobody that is online bc I am bored :'D


.o. it kewl u-u

hm that last part I said was like mark playing raft oki den.





there is that gud :>.




Meh is alive u-u

dud no it a meme


She ish really kewl


(1 edit) (+1)

Oop lol


uwu yus



Old OC's from back on DollDivine done as MGM, this time it's my dragon queens

Queen of the Ever-Flight Dragons

Queen of the Forest Dragons

Queen of the Gold Eater Dragons

Queen of the Shadow Smoke Dragons

Queen of the Oceans' Wisdom Dragons

wow these are good


nvmmmmmm i found it uwu


is it another game like monster girl maker?? 


Niki how did you make that


Monster girl Maker 2


(their name is unknown and they dont talk. They are also genderless. They usally hide in dark places. They are also a kid)

Wut has eyes but never sees

Wut has a mouth but never talks

Wut is afraid of the dark but lives in it

Wut exists/lives but is unknown

Its them


ooh kewl >:>

(1 edit) (+1)

Ùwú ty


u-u np uwu

Deleted 4 years ago

u-u np uwu










yus i maed my own sides once

here they are:



Deciet(in a rare moment where she gets emotional)





Me; yep!
Virgil: h-hello

Deciet; *starts confusing you*

Patton: hi!! *happy wave*



I like this :> also I am very annoyed my tablet needs charge bc that's my only access to monster girl maker 2 so I am forced to just sit here saying rando stuff to the nobody that is online during the time I am posting this. Ok it doesn't sound that bad when on paper or on... screen... but I can't stand when I have nothing to do ok and I can't stand it when I'm bored.

wow I just posted a whole rant as a reply to a fnaf monster girl maker 2 post O.O

and now for some reason I wanna watch Mighty Med. Well I was watching it but then smthg happened and I am forced to wait but it should be working now so imma go do that. Mighty Med... oh good times good times :'> *le tears of happiness not le tears of sad*

wow I just posted a reply which i posted a reply to that reply then i posted a reply to that reply so that's three replies all from me on the same post in a row... wait now it's 4 O^O




Im freaking out a little rn

I did this to my pfp on Instagram 

What if one of my friends sees

then they will think its very cool




(1 edit) (+1)

this is from doll divine and i made her as a monster i wont show it yet though 




It called monster girl maker 2



Not a naruto oc but i think she's cute




Noodle hair u-u




idk lol


Also what is that game where you get the full body design of the charector? i cant find it.


:O yes.


I tried the Neon Challange (I don't even known if it exists lol) and i made this beautiful creature. 

She is a videogame Idol (/OWO)/

Name: KiKi YaBaBa

Age: 17

Blood Type: O-

Idol Status: Wannabe Idol

Favorite food: Sushi

Least Favorite Food: Ham?

Hobbies: Sing, Dance, Write Fanfics, Listen to Bakala music.

Quote: uh... it already started?...okay. Hi! I'm KiKi YaBaBa and my dream is to be an Idol,and I hate people! ^^)/

Some Facts: She start to panic every time she sees a specific color and often hurt (and sometimes, kill) another players. She also have Anxiety problems. 

She were supposed to be a NPC player but, because of a bug, she got "discarted" by the creator. She tries her best to be accepted as a virtual Idol.

This is her on Panic Mode

Hope you like it!


Me: she NEEDS to be in a shooter

Me: wanna be in a poorly coded but still prolly cwl by loser standards game?

*yes i am very teerible at everything*


KiKi: Oh...! Wait, are you sure? I would love to! You won't discart me right?

-Start to Panic-

KiKi: I-if i kill someone will you be mad at me?


Me: its a shooter game, its literally murder for the entertainment of others, theres a ton of murderous NPCs with you


This seems Fun! There are any shooter Idols?


Me: what do you mean by Idols? idk......

wow thats good


I really love her so i'm going to put her at my profile lol

(2 edits) (+3)

Name: Nova Starr


Personality: Kind, quiet, shy, caring

Reply down if u have more suggestions ;-;


name: Nova Starr


Parsonallity: kind, quiet, caring

thats all i got


Thx u-u





thx >:3


(1 edit) (+1)

Exactly. its wrong




You've already taken all my energy my time and my freedom. What more do you want from me? Im at my limit, why can't you see im at my limit? I dont have anything else to give, so why to you keep trying to take more? I dont have any other friends. I've practically let you have every part of me for your own. What more do you want, you say i hurt you but i haven't done anything, don't you realize im hurting?? I wanna be free of you, of course that will never happen because you're a *insert bad word* and i cant escape


Me: hell no stop abusing people im SICK of all the sick fucks in this world 

*picks you up* Me: fuck this bullshit were OUT


○ - ○


Me: *takes yew to Kat and Kacchans house* i have adopted this child because im sick of all the bullshit in this world




Me: so kiddo, whast your name anyways?


This is another naruto oc.;-;

Name: Suzume goshima

Age: 16

Blood type: AB

Rank: chunin (taking the test to be a jonin soon)

Role: attack

Favorite food: sakura mochi

Least favorite food: ramen (how dare she)

Favorite word: N/A

Quote: uh...fLowEr

Heres something interesting about her: she has a kekei genkai plant she can grow plants on her body. But kat theres already a kekei genkai for that. ITS DIFFERENT OKAY


This is my naruto oc! ^^

Name: asuka 

Blood type: O

Age: 15

Rank: chunin

Village: village hidden in the sand

Role: medic (in training)

Favorite food: fried rice 

Least favorite food: shrimp 

Favorite word: strength, growth

Quote: oh!? Im supposed to say something now??? Ok ok ok ok ^^ uhh.... i dunno! Believe it-.... no thats the hokage's thing..... uh. Can i skip this bit?... no? Ok uh. Stop acting like you're still my sensei, go ahead and try something if you like im just itching to kill you XD. Hahaha.... I am being serious. 

Interests: drawing


She ish really cute but . . Why are we supposed to know her blood type?  <>_<>


its important!

She's a shinobi, if she gets hurt on a mission and can't be saved its all over because shes the medic :3 


ohhh okay :>



Woah beautful :0




i started this game yesterday and i got the hang of it already LOL






Anyone else on?






I'm booooorrrrred



My stupid sister woke me up because i had her melty beads

I wanted to SLEEEEEP

so good morning!


Give me something like idk a word or smthg and I will try to make a my hero academia character out of it :>



ok thx


Yw uwu


anybody wanna make a monster girl of this



except that would be impossible :<


Dam dat guddddddddd


bRuH hOOoW


oh I forgot that game existed


that looks pretty good

i have died of jelousy that yew can draw so fucking good

I just draw every day

wow that great



Me IRL except my glasses look different but the ones that look like mine look nothing like mine. Also my hair is shorter.

It's a pikachu wonzie.

Somebody create a story out of this I wanna see how it will turn out

April 3099 a chemical outbreak happened but it placed no harm to humans after this chemical outbreak a girl was born out of the pretty flowers of spring

June 3099 another chemical outbreak happened with no harm to humans again and a girl was born out of the heat of the summer sun

September 3099 the chemical outbreaks were happeningredients at the beginning of each season now and a this time a girl was born out of the dead autumn leaves

November 3099 the last chemical outbreak and a girl was born out of the cold winter snow

Each one the child of a season they have never met but soon they will they have been living their lives bringing their seasons to the world one day they will meet and save the world as it is their destiny

hmm.....then humans shall eradicate all of them for being different

that or they actualy do save the world.....actualy i see a graphic novel idea

I can't make games or graphic novels or stuff like that but that's a really gud idea :>

hmm i mean ik a website but i suck at digital art

if it had a pencil that u can use on a screen I could do some gud digital art but I don't and all the ones I've found are wayyyyyyy too over priced

is ANYONE on

Yes oWo

wanna rp or soemthin?

r u ded or doesn yew jus take a while teh type

Sorry I was making a character

uwu yus gorl

Para: (meh OC)

shes 6

Para: hweo!!!

Jackie:hi uwu she is 7


Show and Tell

oh noes she sad


Me: kiddo dont be scared *hugs*

hullo i exist now


Look what I made UuU 

hmm yes big boi scary


Oh what


*hugs all of your OCS*

UwU thx 

Me: no prob everyone! sorry if theres any emo people who dont liek hugs in this crowd!!

Oh noice big scary boi

Lavender: Meh is a lonely person with nu friends u-u ;-;

Me: *washes up on da shore*

anyone wanna rp with meh ;-;

(1 edit)

yes i do

*plz with ur new OC to)


were kinda rping on da post below dis tho

oki ;-;'''


This is Lavender (Happy version) :>

She was born in the forest near da beach so basically she's friends with nature (which is kewl u-u)

This is Lavender (Bad version) :<

If anyone comes to her island (called Mother Plant), and starts fishing, hunting or starts deforestation, she appears and slices their neck with the sharpest blade ever imagined. No one has went into Mother Plant ever since the most famous and bravest explorer decided to explore it and never came back. Lavender doesn't want humans to come to her peaceful island, but wants monsters to come...only monsters... She has strong and excellent sense, so if you disguise as one, she won't be fooled...

*bummed becuz im all for protecting the enviroment but because shes (predijuiced) i cant*

Me: *gets as close as i can to the island without entering her territory and admiring it*

Yo btw if u no harm da island Lavender gon allow u into da island u-u

Me: *also took a owboat so that i didnt polute her waters*

yeah it took liek a week so what*


Me: *gets scared**hides becuase im scrd*

I am bc I am a respectful hooman being :>

Lol can Sara Goodwalker come I still dont have a scary name for her tho ;-; also she probably wont like it bc you know sand and beaches and stuff remind her of summer also it's typically usually warm weather there rite.

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