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Make a singer like melanie Martinez or others and make them.


Another set of Lovecraft High OC's, their human forms and their bios! I have updated the previous sets of these OC's to include their bios if you'd like to check them out! Anyway here we go...

True Form:

Arkham Siren - Deep One

Akham is a born and bred Innsmouth girl, so she started off her life very much human and only now as she enters her adolescence has her gills started to up in and her skin gain scales. She's actually considered a late bloomer among other deep ones and finds the topic of her metamorphosis. She has a beautifully haunting singing voice, best listened to under water. She likes people though as she's still young and still has things in common with humans. 

Human Form: 



True Form:

Mori - Ghoul

Mori was found in an abandoned mansion, along with what she'd consider her family. Mori doesn't always remember she's dead and this can cause her to panic, but once she remembers her family of ghouls she clams down. She's often found in with Nurse Zoe reattaching anything that might have fallen off. Although she gets confused a lot she's typically a friendly creature. 

Human Form: 


True Form:

Ayi'ig - Daughter of Yig & Yidhra

Ayi'ig was raised by her serpent god parents to love and protect her snake brothers and sisters, this turned into a general love of all animals and aspires to become a healer. She has a very sunny and warm attitude must come from taking long naps in the desert. She tends to get on with most people and other students as long as they don't mess with animals, then her cold blooded nature takes over. 

Human Form: 


okay one thing to say im a SNEK im a slllithery SNEK. sorry but thats the first thing flying out of Melianes mouth every time she sees this girl

Haha...Melianes does have a dislike for snakes? 

no she doesnt actually care..although she has a soft spot for any baby animal.....


Could I interest anyone in a strawberry milkshake werewolf? <3

c-can i dwaw her pwease (or them, im not gonna assume)

of course you can draw her! i'd be honoured! <33

sweet (literally)


ah, yes the finished product. it's really bad quality bc my cp is bad quality but i tried ;-;



yeah go ahead!

Kat: i was thinking about making a photo album as a present for kirishima!! and i did had a photoshoot in my dorm with katsuki (i even combed his hair heheh) so do you wanna see i-

Kacchan: if you show them the pictures i will kill you 

I did not make that game (obviously)

Para: uwu Kacchan you look like a k-pop boy! hang on leem post this to class 1-As blog

Kacchan: don't you DARE-

kat: that would be great 

sorry already did! Deku loves it!! also, check your e-mail, you got a lot of reply by momo and the Human Phone Charger

Kacchan: ohh octob*ch im gonna kill you 

Kat: nope! No your not katsuki.  You agreed to take pictures

b*tch i swear if you try you'll be dead before you know it..oh did i mention i kinda stole 13s power? you wanna get sucked in a black hole?

This is sklar.


Aloha, all! I made this cute little snow white today with a pinch of creepy cute <3


Very cute and nicely creepy! 

aww, thank you love! <3

love her!

She can be friends with my elvin Snow White


I made some oldies band girls! Nirvana and the Beatles..can you tell which is which?

Very nice and instantly recognisable, bravo! 

thank you!

My green girl her name is mochi.:)

Python girl.


  I recently discovered a cartoon called Hazbin Hotel, there's only a pilot and it is certainly NOT for kids, but if you're a grown up with a messed up sense of humour and a love of cute monster people it's sort of perfect. Anyway I made a bunch of the main characters on MGM!

Princess of Hell Charlie


Vaggie -Charlie's girlfriend


Angel Dust

Cherry Bomb


Alastor The Radio Demon

omg i watched the pilot it’s really good and funny

I only found it recently and been repeatedly watching it since!

I've been meaning to watch it.... just haven't gotten around to it

uwu i have a Hazbin Hotel OC and shes Alastors current GF in the AU she comes from!


10 in 100 children in Munsuno City are secretly Corrupted, we exremenated all Corrupted in year 2420, or so we thought, parents who giv birth to a Corrupted can: 1: Keep the child and hide it from the world till maturity 2: kill the child 3: give it to the Munsuno monster Care Center to care fot the child before releasing it

STAGE ONE: the childs eyes will turn black and iris's will turn red, pink, purple, blue, or black and the tips of the childs hair could turn into any color, the most common being blue, red, or pink

STAGE TWO: most if not all of the childs hair will change color, and tounges will grow out of the childs skin, splintering it like wood. parts of the childs face and body will turn black or red and the eyes will drip with corosive acid, at this point the child must wear a mask made to prevent the acid from harming others, and it is okay for the child to be hurt or teased at school or in public

STAGE THREE: the childs mouth will be fixed into a permenant smile, and its eyes will have multiple iris's. the tounges will shrivel up and fall out, (these tounges can be sold for millions of dollars to the Munsuno Reasearch Facility) and the holes will drip the same acid as the eyes, at this point the childs central nervous system will die, thereofre the child cannot feel phsyical pain any longer, at this point the child should be killed or taken to a Research Center or a Care Center.

STAGE FOUR: at this stage the child has to be killed or taken to a Center. the child will start trying to hunt, kill and eat any human he or she can get her\his hands on, the acid will now gush out of their eyes and the holes in their body. their hair is now entierly the color the tips were at the begining of the process. they will also grow animal-like appendiges for hunting humans, the most common being bat or wolf ears, centipede legs on random parts of their body, or wiskers

STAGE FIVE: this is the final stage, if you have not taken the child to a Center or killed it, you are under arrest for protecting a Corrupted, at the final stage the holes in the child  things body will grow bigger and the acid is not srong enough to melt bone marrow and diamond, and it will never stop flowing from the childs  things body. it will also gorw centipede like apendges from its face, it will also bleed blue blood and is immune to physical pain. if you get bitten by one of these things, than it is to late, and you will be taken to a Care Center. DO. NOT. RESSIST.

i suddenly feel like making a corrupted child

go for it!!


made this girl wut should I name her

..Candy is the first name that comes to mind for me. if you dont like tht 1 Ella maybe

Not really a name, but if was the first thing that popped into my brain...Dominion..Really like her design though, dark & mysterious! 

(1 edit)

"HI!! Welcome to Munsuno City! im Sabrina, your tour guide!" you glance around the city, its everything you dreamed of and more! skyscrapers as tall as a frost giant, and you should know! you've dreamed yuor whole life to be ehre like everyone else, the only city where humans and monsters live together in peace, then why did you still feel like covering up? "Well everyone, if yuo are a monster, please follow Miss R to the Monster Side of the city!!" Monster side? if its anything like you know it is, than just stick with the human crowd. " Well then, thats that, lets get settled! your fist stop is...

1. The Emporium, its said to hold the most dangourous breeds f monsters, and you want a little danger

2. the Musiuem, you always wanted to know the citys history

3. your new Apartment, theres no place like home!


the number with the most votes is the one i make a story for! i need at least 5-10 votes to make another part!

I wanna go to the emporium!


1.:1 votes

2.: 0 votes

3.: 0 votes


If I been bitten by a thing I will wait until I die.



1 in 100 babies are born with black blood, they are classified as circulates shunned from society, when a baby is born they are tested for black blood with a blood test, if the blood is in fact black the parents are then given three options, take their child home but keep them locked up, have the child executed for their oen safety or donate their child to a research organization, as the children grow up they experience changes all over their body, their skin may start to peel off and die causing them to have to sew it back on, they may have tongues and teeth growing out of their skin and their skin may chip and crack like a porcelain doll, that signifies the begging of thier transformation into an adult 

Stage one

After stage one, circulates have to shave their head

Stage two,

The cracks will heal and in their place, mouths will form, they will also experience frequent nosebleeds

Stage three,

Nosebleeds and nose dissapear, mouth changes shape, and blood will flow out from it constantly

Stage four,

Eyes turn black, tongues dissapear from the body, at this time a circulate that isnt already in captivity must be taken to the nearest research facility,

Stage five,

Mouths dissapear from the body, eyes grow in their place, circulates become highly dangerous at this stage

Stage six the final stage,

Fingers can change shape and become sharp, they are extremely dangerous, 

If you see a circulate DO.NOT.ENGAGE., call     ***-*****-**** immediately , give us your location and remain calm, if contact occurs seek medical help immediately 

Symptoms of turning into a circulate include but are not limited to:

Darker blood

The whites of your eyes turning black 

Eyes growing on your skin

Tongues and teeth growing from your skin

If you are experiencing any of  those symptoms it is already too late a collection team is headed to your home, do not resist 


dude, this is one of the best stories ive seen so far!




yeah dude its awesome! i love a good creepypasta or horror story! :)



kat: see that katsuki IM GOOD AT STUFF TOO 

Kacchan: shut up

Para: Yes you are kat!! and dont ever doubt that!

everyone has a fear in there head this one is mine angry ,pain,hate what ones are yours
(1 edit)

that thign staring into my soul. for real tho heights, escalators, dogs and my closet...plz dont judge

lol i wont im scared of bugs

i mean i have arachnphobia so.... did not say that when you were talking about your fear of dogs and your closet but .........................ok


(1 edit) (+2)

yo peoples! made para on another maker tht Dys might know

Credit goes to person who made this maker. this maker isnt mine credit goes to person who made this maker. (i think thats how copyright works anyway)

Nice she looks really cool! Yeah I think it's called the Fairy Tale High maker and it's by DollDivine I don't think creator will mind.


So trying to do two challenges in one #4 & #5

love it



Thank you!



Thank you!

this is so lovely! wow! <3

Aww thank you so much!

the Killers-Mr.Brightside


Green Day

i know its very cliche to make her green but i just had to


i  a moment ill make evry band i like tht i can think of as a girl!

(2 edits) (+2)

My mind has wandered off yet again! 

I honestly find this girl very scary. what do you guys think?

i really should stop or else i might not be able to get back out of my head ofr a while but i was thinking of blood oranges for some reason and made this girl on sort of accident:

what do y'all think?

hopefully last girl of the day for letting my mind wander:

she is naked. that is fine. she is also a orange. 

Yeah I think you did a good job awhile using so many items, yet keeping the sort of over all theme together. Plus blood orange seems like food inspiration!  

yeah thanks! i wasnt really paying atention to what i was doing making these girls, i just had a baisic heme and maybe a few parts in mind, i kinda made it up as i went along

(1 edit)

Love em! Especially the cat lady

aw thx!

(2 edits) (+1)

Challenge time!!

Make your favorite movie as a girl (idk if its already done but whatever)

A silent voice! Its suuuuuuuuper good!!!!! 

Its about a boy who bullied a deaf girl and then stuff happens when the meet again in their final year of high school 

Its the most wholesome movie I've ever seen

Kacchan: HAAAAH!? your favorite movie isn't my hero academia hero's rising? I play a bit part in it *thoroughly peeved*

Kat: no i haven't even seen it yet! Because YOU promised to take me and kirishima but you bailed AGAIN >:^

Shouko: *signing* stop fighting

Kacchan: haaah?! Whats she saying 

Shouya: shes saying stop fighting

Kacchan: ......

Kat: it wasn't a fight don't worry sho-chan! 

Shouko: ?

Shouya: *signing* it wasn't a fight don't worry sho-chan


what do you think guys?rolling miku


poor gal she looks beaten and exhausted!


yes that's it

she kinda reminds me of Sally Face


This is what happens when i let my mind wander

what do you guys think of her

Beautiful, let your mind wander more often please!

okay i will! the thing is i have a problem with letting it wander becus it take a vERY long time for it to stop, but if you like it then ill do a few more!!

i posted 3 more girls i made by letting my mind wander, you should check em out


I like a lot of musicians and bands so there's gonna be a lot 

First off is kensuke ushido, he did the soundtrack for a silent voice 

Nothing more!!


Bad lip reading!

The Gregory brothers for their remixes of jacksepticeye and markiplier 

Avril lavigne 

Paramour/ paramore (i can't spell)

could i draw a few of them? its ok if not

Sure plain butter!

why thank you very much 

no problem!

(3 edits) (+1)

Hey guys Para here! Katsuu inspired me to write what i think of class 1-A, scince he did it, so keep a eye out!

y'know what ima just write it here

Katsuki Bakugo: Annoying, hot-headed, cute when angry

Izuku "Deku" Midoria: cute, lovable, innocent, dreamy....i could go on and on

Kirishima: hard-headed, kinda dumb, fight first ask questions later

Denki: human phone charger

Momo Youyurozu: genius, kinda weak, a support item as a person

Jiro: LGBTQ+ supporter, the only girl Balls doesnt like

Balls: pervy, annoying, short

Ida: cute, tall, muscular-ish, stuck-up, plays by the rules, goody-goody

Rock head: talks like a 5 year old child,bald

Mina: cute, horrible fashon sense

Froppy: adorable, should do the nya thing more often

and that all the people i care about or can think of!


Shoto Todoroki: Daddy issues, pretty much has a evil twin, hawt, cute, so calm and quiet


*whispering* im two different people, im bakugou and im kat so im a she

Actually its fine i don't rlly care call me whatever 


Nah its fine!


Valentine <3

Ohmygod she’s so cute.

why thank you kind Cinnamon Bun :}

Hey guys it’s yeet I had to make a new account anyways new challenge make a girl based off ur favorite brand

(1 edit)

YEET! welcome back you've been gone for a while 

Ik I have a lot of school stuff

also wut happened to Iemmon I have been scrolling through the comments and haven’t seen them at all

Idk i was wondering the same thing

Me too! Probably school work, they said they had a lot.

yoyoyo katsu wazzup! you should read what i said about class 1-A. tee hee

not to worry i did! :)

yeah boi any comment on anything..

Hmmm...... well i have a different opinion on deku buuut thats not impor-

Kacchan:HE'S A WEAK NERD *pomeranian noises*

Kat: shut up katsuki! Im talking >:^

yo dude i totally doing that! the thing is idk witch band to do, so can people vote on it! here are the options:

The Killers


Green Day

Fallout Boy

Munford & Sons

The Lumeneers

Modest Mouse (i think that a band, it has multiple people hasnt it)


Neat colors!


Uh ho!!!


Dear girl.:)

Aww, I like her!

(1 edit) (+1)

ariel bryntos

allen bryntos (her older brother

ophelia andromeda

chisana kumo

eve mariam

floa leilani (eve's best friend)

scott finley (haha get it?)

unknown name

(34JAIDEN .PNG file)


Awesome girls!

thank you so much! this is the first time i sent something here!

(p.s. one is a boy but thats ok!)


uwu uwu uwu

owo owo owo






Dude! You’re really good!

Coraline vibes

Aww, bab!

Nice gradient!



Bright! I like it!


I love the multitude of different colors!



Candy girl!!!


Ifson the demon (from fantasy name challenge) 

This is an amazing demon!



May redberg

Pastel boi pwp

Very cute!

thank you ^^

Exuse me, how do you post? I've been wondering for the longest time! Can you tell me?


first time on the game hope you like



oh thank you I appreciate it i always had a nack for haveing a great imagination

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