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Still upset abt EAH.

As much as I can hope for a good reboot for it, it's most likely never gonna happen... ever... (after)


Maybe its just for plot but why were there like no genin from the hidden cloud and stone villages 

those guys are the coolest (not as cool as the rain and mist ninja but they're a close second <3)


Sasuke keeps calling himself an avenger

and its like

Sasuke this isn't the right universe

also he's like 3 

3 year olds cant be avengers





Poyo Poyo!!


I love love sakura she is my favorite person in the whole world right now omg 

she deserves more screen time




naruto character 


Cerise Hood.

that's it, that's the post.






listen okay

I was having an 


Last night

and my boyfriend got me chewlery

And i chewed it into smithereens 

Its okay i have more tho




(2 edits) (-1)

Warning about the post below. There's boobies and also more than just boobies.

Don't look at it.

Sheild your eyes children and block the commenter.


We must burry it


indeed we must. Post as much as you can




the fact i clicked on it terrifies me




Sure I'll take some lettuce


yea it'll make all your problems go away




i was lookin at pictures i took of me in December vs pictures i took of me today

And the difference is astounding 

I was so put together and not in the midst (or however you spell it) of my seasonal depression 


Me: *gets snack from fridge with phone in hand*

Me later: *wondering where my phone is*

My phone:




(1 edit) (-1)

I wish bro 😭 

I stole that image from google




way too many times 😭




Hey, if you were reading a story where you're the main character like say Coraline or Please Look After Mom, would the story be better told in first person or second person?

It's just a question I've been wondering about for a while because I'm a loser but I just wanna know.

Which is better?


Seventh person





my stres ball popped and i cried 


Alr this is a true story and it was actually quite recent.

So me and my family always hear people in the house next to us and we see the lights on in the windows sometimes.

We hear people like people that live there,it's always the same voices talking and it's like a family casually talking in their house yk. All the stuff we hear just doesn't make sense if they were workers re-designing the place or something.

Anyway point is, I don't know what happened cause I wasn't there but for some reason my mom and my sister had to get into the other house for some reason ro smthn idk and point is, at some point they ask a security guard about the people there and he's like confused and says "no one lives there"


In conclusion we live next to demons.

I still hear them talking all the time and the lights are still on sometimes.

There's squatters in the house lmao, I actually don't know but they might be squatters and they speak English fluently a lot which is weird cause it's not the native language and also no one here speaks English that well let alone a lot.


im terrified


Oop shit


I just had some 짜장면 (Jjajangmyeon)

Good food.

I like 짜장면.

I am also using it as an excuse to write Korean.

Seriously I need to 하지마 (stop it).


bro what's wrong with me being happy I can write in another language? 💀 (-1)

(1 edit) (-1)

Imo Clover is the best of the three girls in Totally Spies, but rq, did you know Alex's full name is Alexandra?

Anyway, Clover is best girl have Clover info dump.

Clover's a boy crazy aspiring fashion designer who's totally obsessed with looks. She's basically a stereotypical teenage girl. Clover wouldn't be caught dead with seafoam nails as she mentioned in the episode "The Fugitives", her mom is an earlobe contouring surgeon and so Clover lied to her and said she was studying to be a doctor like her mom. Eventually she came clean and revealed she actually wants to be a fashion designer and her mom accepts her not wanting to be a doctor. Clover's mortal enemy is Mandy, a popular girl with a laugh that me and my sisters copy all the time because we're horrible people. Clover has dated basically every guy in the city. Although she's always talking about boys she loves fashion and beauty even more. She's from Los Angeles, California.  She's tall and slim and is the most fashionable and popular of the three.

I like Clover because I just personally think her whole vibe is awesome and obviously cause she's Clover and she's best girl.

Clover image dump

thank you for coming to my Ted Talk





Deleted 1 year ago


And how's that going for you?

(1 edit) (-1)

I... was making a list of people I find attractive and... I'm not okay.

This was a mistake I shouldn't have done this.


I think orochimaru from naruto is kinda attractive 

Its upsetting


no I mean the list revealed a lot abt the kind of people I'm into and... idk what to do now with this information, how do I deal with this, I don’t like it.


Man, I want to have someone's number and all we do is just send memes to each other. We don't even like talk, it's just memes and stickers.

or maybe we do talk idk I just want memes 😭


I don't have memes, but here's Affogato cookie when you pick him up 

Hope this makes you smile or something


oh thank you, I didn't- I mean I... I wasn't expecting anyone to actually try to reply with a meme-

I- thanks ig idk I didn't plan this now idk what to say



Np Night


those eyes scream : bitch put me down b4 i fucking kill you



He looks like he's seen some things


I remember I used to play rhythm games a lot but for some reason I stopped and I'm not sure why.

So I downloaded a rhythm game and... I discovered why I don't play them anymore.

I fucking suck at rhythm games.

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

7Yk who deserves more appreciation? Anna.

It's not like people don't recognize that Anna is great but she's just overshadowed by Elsa.

Everyone's like "Elsa is so cool, wow she's so hot, she's awesome, she saved her kingdom"

Yeah and she's the one that put it in danger in the first place. Well not in the second movie but you get it.

Anna was willing to die for her sister, even after it's her fault Anna's on the verge of death, which is more than I can say for Elsa, who TRIED TO KILL ANNA JUST BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO TAKE HER BACK TO IDK HOW TO SPELL THE NAME OF THEIR KINGDOM. WHAT A GOOD SISTER RIGHT GUYS, THE BEST.

Elsa teaches people that running away from your problems is okay and totally won't cause mental health issues later on in life., which is just a lie. 

Anna teaches kids, don't marry people you just met, you can't hate someone because of an accident, true love can mean anything, not necessarily a romantic relationship and a lot more.

Elsa pushes people away and gets away with it like it's not a problem. It is.

Anna was brave enough to, only a while after the death of people she cared about a lot, get up and take the steps to fix what her grandfather had done. She got a rock giant to chase her while throwing rocks at her and she was scared as shit but she kept going so she could fix the issue because all of that was more important than anything else. Even if the kingdom would be destroyed, she did what she needed to do to save it from a probably much worse fate and also save the people stuck in that forest place with no way out and no one else able to come in. Keep in mind, while she did all this, she was grieving but she was more concerned for her people, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Then Elsa deus ex machina'd and rose from the dead to save the kingdom because it's Disney and we need to end it on a perfect happy-go-lucky note.

Anna did everything and more, both in the first and second movies.

Sure, Elsa did stuff to, for example, she died in order to figure out how to save her kingdom. She sacrificed her life for her people. She also stopped a giant wave from destroying the kingdom... that's it. That's everything.

Anna rode for who knows how long in a freezing cold snow just to get to Elsa in order to try to help her. Everyone else wanted to kill Elsa because they thought she was a monster but Anna is like "Monster, bitch no, that's my sister, and I'm gonna save her, and you're all gonna be okay with it cause I'm technically the queen while she's gone so deal with it"

Anna gave Elsa more than she deserved, after Elsa emotionally abandoned Anna most of their life and also almost killed Anna how many times now, Anna still cared about her sister and helped her even if she really didn't deserve it.

And no don't go whining about "but Elsa was dealing with this and Elsa did that and blah blah blah" NO your problems are not an excuse to be an asshole. Elsa never said sorry to Anna. I can't count a single sorry for all the pain she caused in the whole two movies.

Listen, I get it okay, but imo Anna is just so much better than Elsa.

But of course you can like whoever you want I'm just saying.


i do not care for frozen movies



me either it's just this one thing that upsets me




is this some alt account or something?




Tye sakura miku i ordered came in yesterday 

here she is

i have always wanted a sakura miku

I just need a regular miku now (i have a snow miku but shes a trash bootleg and has been banished to the bottom of the box pile)






put her in a jar




Took medicine and my sense of smell came back.

Then it left again.


Nvm it's back


"I wanna smell."


"Ok actually i do."


"Ok fr this time i do"


yeah pretty much 💀


Sia was never good at singing



that was sarcastic if you couldn't tell.

Uh it's not covid cause I'm not sick or anything I just suddenly lost my sense of smell for no fucking reason. I'm not sure how I got here or why, but I blame the salt alright. I blame the salt that I accidentally breathed up my nose while I was tryna put it on the scrambled egg I was making.

There's also a phantom smell that just appeared just now randomly it's a salty smell... I did inhale salt up my nose so like... yeah.


You should try




Yeah you see that's where I went wrong, I wasn't smelling that's why I couldn't smell. Thank you, I can smell so much clearer now./s


No problem 😜


Someone stop me.

니 키


알리 가 바보 (sorry to anyone named Ollie, this is a reference to a video I watched)

입 닥쳐



Name: Anemone (my sister used to pronounce it "ann-e-mone" instead of "ann-eh-muh-nee")

Nickname: Skunk (did you know skunks have poor eyesight?)

Pronounce: she/her (yes that's said wrong on purpose)

Imgs I think perfectly describe her:

the rest are all wiki how articles


Her hair is so cool 🦨


indeed it is, that was the goal.


I talked about this like 5 seconds ago

but someone once told me my aesthetic was (pardon my french) a clusterfuck

And i

Love that for me


"oh look! It's gender norms, the game!" - Danny Gonzalez 


ur a Greg?


indeed I am


yk I'm actually considering having "dead people can't play mobile games" as my senior quote.



You should 


I definitely should. That reminds me, I was looking through an old yearbook and one of the senior quotes was

"Power corrupts. Knowledge is power. Study hard. Be evil."  -Elanor Roosevelt

All the others were lame quotes like talking abt oh all the friends they made and wow school is so great but we all know they don't actually feel that way and just stole that quote from somewhere on the internet cause ether couldn't be bothered to actually put something interesting.

"Maybe the real education was the friends we made along the way"/j


I luv gender norms



1) Rizzed up all the girls in my math help 

2) Rizzed up my friend in Florida


4) Rizzed up a tall guy

6) Rizzed up a short guy

(I can feel the rizz coming inside me)


And lets not forget the men who called me mommy 😟


Oh 😧


bro they sound like they need their fathers back


I rizzed my boyfriend 

And thats it 

*oh yeah!*




It is very difficult to have a naruto themed profile picture and not look like a degenerate 


people have asked me what my aesthetic is

and my answer at this point is just "yes" 

Trying to pick one is too hard

I want to have my fingers in as many (fashion) pies as possible 




Ah yes, 10 centuries later you have returned possibly for only a few minutes before disappearing into the abyss once more.


Hey you don't know, it could be longer!

(1 edit) (-1)

Okay, I bet you won't stick around for 3 days.

(2 edits) (-1)


See you in 50 billion light years ig.




you've reappeared once more


By the way I can't access my discord rn but I recently got an old discord back


Oh welcome back from the void


Btw it's me Lofi 👍






2020 vision

city girls winning

cop that shit??

bitch we twininnnnn


Hiiii Natttt


wait did u send this when u didnt have wifi...i forgor...


weeks late but coppin us both shit






im a failure as a canadian

Did you know that i still can't SPEAK French 

Make no mistake i CAN read it and translate when people talk to me (everyone keeps forgetting that and my boyfriend started speaking french to me thinking I couldn't understand him and i was like "babe i know what you're saying 😐") 

But im bad at pronouncing things 

Kinda like when i tried learning croatian to impress my grandpa but gave up because its hard to talk 


I can ask someone if they speak english though so 


Hey its ok idk french eathor

Well,you  an say idk english either-💀

(1 edit) (-1)


I need to stop. Whose bright idea was it to teach me Hangul?


It's all I-Land's fault. If we weren’t watching I-Land my sister never would've tried to read the Hangul resulting in me asking her to teach me Hangul.


don't know what that is or what it's about (i should prob look it up) but that sounds like its annoying

idk what else to say besides

maybe teach her so she'll stop asking??????


korean alphabet

idk if teaching people languages is hard but you could try


my sister is the one teaching me.

I just keep abusing my power of learning the Korean alphabet. Like for example, 바보 (babo/pabo) means 'fool' or 'idiot' and I can basically say that straight to someone's face and they would never realize that I just called them a fool unless they know Korean.

I also just can't stop writing everything I possibly can in Korean. 까져 버려. Unless you use Google translate, you have no idea what I just said.

And if you do use Google translate, I'm sorry, I don't actually mean that, I was just demonstrating what I mean.

I just say whatever in Korean just for fun. Any word at all, just for fun.

I'll shut up abt it now.


PLEASE PLEASE change your pfp 🤭




he has now stolen both you and jonahs pfp 💔💔




smiles with no intention of regret

(1 edit) (-1)

There are many ways to commit crimes but the best crimes are the ones where no one finds out you even did it or that there was even a crime committed in the first place.

Like painting bird poop on something in public, you just became a vandal, and no one will ever know.

Remove the mattress tag, no one's gonna stop you, no one's even gonna know. You just became a criminal and as long as that mattress stays in your possession then, until you die, no one will ever even know.

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