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Her name:jessie

Cute colors!

hope you like her, (robots name: kitty)

Love the color scheme!


I like the pastel!

My only suggestion is that you remove some of the accessories, but it's still good!

(4 edits)

So uhm, don’t mean to spam, but here are some of the Discord challenges, if y’all need inspiration.

#1- Three emoji challenge (you use three emojis to make a girl.)

#2- Light source challenge (you create a light source, and try to color your girl like the source actually exists.)

#3- Fixer-upper challenge (you take a randomized girl and fix her up.)

#4- In the dark challenge (you set the background to complete darkness, and make some parts black for a neat effect.)

#5- Neon challenge (make a neon girl!)

#6- Parts challenge (someone gives you a template of like 4 parts, all white. You have to use those parts to make a girl)

#7- Yeet’s Rage challenge (make one of your girl’s appearances different by putting them into rage mode.)

#8- Lemonn’s fav emoji challenge (make a girl off of your favorite emoji!)

Here’s an example of the fixer-upper challenge!



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oh wow that fixed up one is great. I’m gonna make one too, so excited!

Thank you! And good luck!

fixer upper challenge — original random girl:

fixed girl:

Darkness challenge


Darkness challenge:

You guys! These are so amazing!


Here’s my Nebularomantic bab!

I hope you guys like her, she took forever.

i love her



super cute and creative 


that is so cool ngl

Thanks Lemonn and Ellie! I’ve always loved the flag!

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you design for her looks so nice tho haha

gonna draw

If you have time, feel free to!

not gonna have the time, but i'll probably end up doodling her and not actually doing work haha

proud to be a warrior fighting for the others, (the scars are battle scars)

I like her!


Does anybody else like depressing songs for some reason

Please, please, keep it in a thread. And I mean, depends on the song. I don’t really like most sad songs.



My friend asks what's your fav color I say purple she says pink I want to slap her I hate pink.      

 # Tomboy for life      

I- im not gonna say anything


Do not blame me

For, uh. Im going to try and say this as nicely as possible hating pink doesn't make you a tomboy, nothing makes you a tomboy, you are who you are so accept your friends color preferences as she accepts yours 

sorry your right

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And like, colors don’t have anything to do with tomboy-ness. Which isn’t even really a thing.

challenge:make your oc In rage mode(like when game characters will have special power up or stronger form)sound pretty lame I know

Welp I made a thing 

this is her normally 

And… Upset mode:

Normal mode:

awesome challenge! 

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Also did this one since I knew lots of you liked it 

She’s amazing!

thank you!


you know crap's gonna go down when she takes the mask off

that's how you know

Image result for you're in danger meme

this is her normally

How do I download the girl I made?

You can only take screenshots.

 something terrible has happened 






What do you do, (if you do anything at all)

Chuck whoever hurt her into the fiery pits of the underworld.


She said thank you 

*huggie wuggie*

“No prob. I gotchu.”

*wholesome smile*


Whack em w/ a baton.

"Thank you" ( that was her)

No problem cousin- uwu

*more wholesome smiling*


*breaks down door in extreme fashion*


"Thank you" *w h o l e s o m e Smile*

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She is a fan of your extreme door breaking 

i can only do it in fashion, mate

Oh, well she  likes your extreme door breaking fashion

as she should

Im about to commit hate crime


As Jacksepticeye would say,

"I'ma do a heckin violence"

ah ha ha 

...... Jack 


I find out who broke da babby's heart

then I do a heckin violence on them


do it

dam I go to sleep for 11 hours and I miss so much


this is why i sleep for 5 hours

sleep is for the weak

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Or for those who have 0 access to electronics after 10 :')

yea that makes sense

Normal people: sleep don't want to wake up

Me: stays up whole night closes eyes goes into deep sleep wakes up and feels paralyzed.

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-pAt PaT- i feel your pain my dude ;w;

 come on you could make some friends and umm you know yah I feel you there's really nothing but you have me I can be a somewhat friend

i cant show my monster sorry!

(1 edit) (-2)

   and i oop :D

goodie game :]

this is a bad game



lol yes beautiful 👌


please, don't post off-topic things. as funny as they are, most pictures posted here are of monster girls that were screenshots from the game, or drawings of the monster girls other people made. i understand that you might not know about this, but it can get pretty annoying if people are just randomly posting memes and not what this comment section was literally created for.


but like wewere posting a bunch of memes just a few days ago I-


that was in a thread, and i stopped. you and katsuu continued it, even though i only posted 2 things. plus, it was in a thread and not directly as a random comment. plus, katsuu was extremely hypocritical about it when faced with replies from IDontHaveCreativity, as she said that the comment police did not have to follow the comment law that is our duty to enforce.

thanks for coming to my tedtalk bye


lol your welcome

About the bit where i was being hypocritical 

I was trying to make a joke :p 

I know, im not funny

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Also your welcome that was a lovely ted talk 

thanks dude

but it wont let me take a picture of the monster sorry.

click the camera icon. screenshot the girl. post her.

also, why the hecc is posting random memes an excuse for not knowing how to take pictures of your creation? seriously, what even was your train of thought for that response?

i know how to screenshot idiot, but it wont freaking let me,idiot :/

are you calling me an idiot because you're too stupid to look up how to screenshot? or is it because i'm calling you out for posting memes? kinda pathetic, isn't it? plus, the actual game doesn't take a screenshot for you. you have to take on manually, stupid. if you're gonna be throwing around petty names, imma be petty too.


yasss queen this picture represents me


man i havent been on since forever xd

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

you might not wanna do a huge art dump, bcus it might be considered spam, bcus the comment police is strict on certain things ig. 
congrats on 7 followers!


oof thanks for tellin me ;w; and thanks for congratulating me ima delete mah comments before bc it might be annoying ;-; 

Ah Np, you might just wanna put it all in one comment or smthing! :3

another oof i already deleted it ;-;

you haven'ttt

dang girl haha

where were you? you missed a crapload of stuff while you were gone haha

Who wanna join thy?

i wanna join

in zoom calls i'm always the guy that always is either on mute, and forgets, or always has really bad camera & audio issues lmao

I wanna join, im the person who is always drawing/ reading in the background because i get distracted 

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can I still join the zoom call

I'm the type of person that doesn't contribute to the zoom call at all

and for some reason zoom keeps telling me I have bad connection


I'm the guy constantly watching something/listening to music in the background, getting up randomly to eat food, and suddenly disconnecting blaming it on my internet but really I was just bored.

(btw my scars are a lot smaller than they are here, it was the best I could find)

Shh, I was never here


So...I saw a video with this drawing as the thumbnail and I thought it might be fun to recreate her, so, her she is uwu 

(idk what her name is soo owo")

So- Im making a book on Wattpad called He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not. It's about Sal x Travis and the Hanahaki Disease uwu so have Hanahaki Travy boi

qwq It's gonna be a sucky book lmao

It’ll be great!

also I love your pfp

Thank chu uwu

you like kore and hades

I don’t like ’em! I love ’em!


Oml Yes

I’m sorry, I don’t mean to spam, but since we have the created MGM comment police, can I create the Chief of the MGM Veterans and make my own badge?

absolutely! as chief of the comment police, i, Iemonn, give u permission!

Why thank you, my fair Lemonn!


And if anyone wants to join, talk to me! You can be in the spam police and the MGM Veteran Squad at the same time!

Also those are the Pan and Enby flags in case you were wondering.

swiftly starts all of mgm girls thread

this is horrifying and cute at the same time

I love it

Thank you.

I second the love. Here’s my latest girl 

and my scared boy

Love ’em!


Here’s my big spoop girl, where I was just kinda messing with ideas.

WOW. Incredible. Spooky. Gorgeous. My favorite so far I must say 😍

Aww, thanks!

Deleted 4 years ago

this thread has turned into spooky thread


(1 edit)


but if anyone has drawing requests I'll do them, i cant do bodies or feet really well

You have been warned 


Heya, do you think you could draw this bab?

Ill try

Thank you! I super appreciate it! I might draw her too…

oooh she’s saucy I like her!

Thank you!






AGAIN  ( also i had to attack her with a hair straightener because it was too hard to draw)

Nah, I love her!

thank you

I legit l-o-v-e your drawing style

just wondering (you fon't have to if you have no motivation) but could you draw my baby speing mozu? draw here any way you want, i'll even settle for a sketch!💞

(2 edits)


aww! she looks so cute!! i love it!!

I know it wasn’t my art thread at all, but I wanted to draw your bab, so I doodled her. She just caught my eye, I guess:

o my gosh! she looks so cuute!

mozu is just like the best cute girl to draw haha

can you do this oc

I am butchering everyone's OC's

Nah, your art is amazing!

oop so cute


I have an eyes closed one if you’re looking for something to draw, but up to you!!

Deleted 4 years ago

I have a challenge make your oc dressed up to go to their favorite thing

Ex: haruhi is going to the flower festival that takes place each year its a very basic/ generic Japanese festival but flower theme 

awww, cute!

Thank you!

Oh and im installing Google hangouts (if my dad lets me) just so you know


*thumbs up* but remember that if my dad wont let me...

Then i can't

💞i hope he lets u bro❤

um i'm no kid i'm11

who are you even responding to? also, the last time i checked, 11=kid. you're not even a preteen yet. check back in 4 years if you don't want to be called a kid anymore.

Hol up walk me through the numbers



13= ??

13=preteen (kid)

14=halfway teen (kid, technically)

15=teen (not a kid)

Ok thank you

To be honest, anyone under 18 is legally a child. But I agree with Lemonn.


Why what has my life become

idk but i'm part of the kid gang too

do you guys think you can draw her?


there are many comments that spefically say to ask for requests, why would you aks here? you could at least make it a separate comment, dude.

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if you can, can you do full body?

shes wearing a dress that goes down to her thigh's and the bottom of the dress is like the sleeves and neck collar!!!

you said no scamming though!

she's wearing knee high rainbow socks (no shoes)

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*tearfully* am i....... a child?

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you are a smol bean


'tis better than a kid

I’m really sorry if I offended you, I only meant potentially hurtful to those who are new and might not know any better. Also, there is an official Ghoulkiss server that’s really nice.

Also, just uh, little note to everyone, spammers and police alike, y’all just be decent to each other, okay? We’re all MGM fans, and all people.

oh hi there

Deleted post

all my characters are deleted


that happens sometimes


This game is very fantastic! however, is there a chance that in the next update you could make the eyelashes colorable? its just a suggestion that you do not have to take, but im just putting this out there. This game is incredible.

Quick question to you guys; do y’all know that there’s an MGM 2?

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yep! sometimes we post girls we've made on it here! sadly, it's not on itch...

I really hope Ghoulkiss eventually does add it, but I doubt it. It’d be a lot of work to transfer it.

yeah... but we should be happy that they made a second one!

I definitely am. Her art is spectacular.

(1 edit)

Also, pretty unrelated, but I was wondering, like, what’s going on in this comment section? Like, I get that there’s a whole hierarchy and stuff, but um, no offense, it feels a bit hurtful? Like, the whole idea of MGM is to bring people who like to make characters and stuff together, but this spammer stuff seems to drag everyone down. I’m sorry if that’s rude in any way, I’m not trying to be, but it just feels that way.

i love the simplicity!

how do i change my picture so i don't have the frog???

Deleted post


i drew haruhi i

Its really bad


that's actually really cute


oof that reminds me I have to draw her today

ah same

That’s awesome!

(1 edit)


This is my monster girl- (she isn't really a monster owo....?) her name is Nia!

Info About Nia:

Height: 5'3

Age: 17

Personility: Shy, Is a mute

Likes: Drawing, Listening to music, Sleeping, Going outside

Dislikes: Abuse, Mocking, Drugs, Viruses, Bats

Sexuality: Bisexual

I hope you like her uwu (also I was listening to music so don't mind the other tab owo)

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also don't worry about Nia not being a monster

we get humans sometimes so it's fine

g o o d   v i b e s

she's not human, so that counts as a monster girl OwO

y'all are way to nice pwq

that's the job of the comment police, ma'am. it's my duty as police chief.

well, thank you for being nice to meh uwu

you are most welcome UwU

jµ$ţ ą ǥℓɨţȼh


thank you! i literally just turned high contrast mode on and made a monster girl haha

damn lemonn


Shes my waifu now, and not even the comment police can stop me! 


if you think that we're going to question your waifu then think again

my waifu is shrek-chan

I wanna join the comment police so i can whack ppl with batons heehee

that's not what we do but you can whack people with batons on your own time heehee

frik, i mean you right uwu

Queen Demon and younger sis Teen Demon 


also La Two-Face: 

as much as i disapprove of your spamming...

that girl looks pretty cool tbh

haha thanks. Also look I’m sorry I just joined this thread I don’t really know what you’ve got going on. I THOUGHT it was a place to share monster which is sharing monster girls spamming? Or if it’s not that, what is it? Should I maybe leave?

no no, please don't leave! i guess when people spam monster girls it just means that they post a ton of monster girls in separate comments. you're actually doing a great job reducing your spamming!

Okay I’m sorry I’m still confused—so it’s not spamming to post monsters, it’s just spamming to post a lot of monsters? Like how many makes it spamming?

can they vibe

she's a demon goddess and she is a glitch in undertale


love the

a e s t h e t i c 

you like lance

and keith

how about pidge

and allura

and lotor

this is pretty well made



who wants chocolate?

(1 edit)

you might wanna put your characters in the same comment

to reduce spam and all

just a suggestion tho

Whoa bizarre I dig it

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