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(1 edit) (-1)

Dog goes woof

Cat goes meow

Bird goes tweet

And mouse goes squeek

Cow goes moo

Frog says croak

And the elephant goes toot

Duck say quack

And fish go blub

And the seal goes ow ow ow


But there's one sound

That no one knows...

What does the fox say?



Made a toothpaste monster

"brush your teeth or I'm going to make a necklace out of them"

(1 edit)

why would you want a necklace of dirty un-brushed teeth?

Nah thats the vibe they give 

I don't want one

yk looking at them, they would probably do that.



My birthday is in 10 days whaaat 


Happy Holidays everyone!

whatever you do this December, remember to enjoy yourself, even if you're not really doing anything, as long as you're happy.












Happy Holidays to all!







one thing that particularly bothers me about you tube is that I can't see who my subscribers are. I can't see who's gonnebe notified of every single video I post.

Now I have to start a brand new channel with a new email just to make sure that no one I don't want seeing my videos, like my mom, sorry mom, but you'll thank me later, is seeing my videos.

Why I don't want my mom seeing my videos is because I know she'll just turn every even slightly wrong thing I say into a lecture and I want to have free will to do and say what I want on my channel without my mom breathing down my neck.




This is important cause it's about my cat and I need you to read it.

I'm just gonna say that I have a cat, yeah I own a cat, you already know, unless you don't, but his name is Sugar, he hated me, and he's also stupid and completely domesticated, he doesn't kill the flies in our house, he's scared of them. So anyway we have to go through a whole bunch of procedures of like vaccinating him and doing all that shit to get him to move here from where he is currently living which is with my dad in another country cause we used to live there but had to move, it's a long story.

Point is my cat has to go through these vaccines and shit to come here and we want him here because it is just completely better cause my dad is busy with work a lot and Sugar is a domesticated cat, he needs attention and someone who can be there for him.

The issue here is that, when he comes, my parents want to keep him outside, they want him to be an outdoor cat, and I'm sure you can tell from what I said earlier about him being literally afraid of everything and completely domesticated that this cat absolutely does not belong outdoors. Under any circumstance, a cat like this should not be left alone in the outside, in the cold and the rain, he would never survive everything that the outside world would present to him.

I can't convince my parents for him to be inside cause they don't want him inside cause they don't want to smell his shit and they just don't want him inside and they think he'll scratch up our stuff (we'll not if we got him a scratching pole then he could scratch that and leave our stuff be but whatever ig) and all that, they just don't want him inside.

So I'm scared cause... if it actually comes down to it, I think we might have to give Sugar away to someone who CAN keep him inside because we can't. And I don't want to do that to him. He has anxiety, we're the only people he knows, then all of a sudden he gets thrust into a new house with new people who we don't even know if they're gonna take care of him properly.

I really don't want it to come down to me having to suggest that and have that happen because I love Sugar with my whole heart and idk what it will take for my parents to let him come inside but whatever it is, I am willing to do anything so if anyone has any suggestions on how to convince them please please please help me cause I don't want to have to let him go because he doesn't belong outside, he's not a street cat, he's never seen an ant let alone had one on him and there are so many outside, he's gonna be so scared and I just don't want that to happen, and I don't want to give him away and both ways is bad, if I could just convince then to have him inside it would be fine but I can't and I've tried so hard please please please how do I convince them?


Tell them about the dangers of an outdoor cat

Not only that but they could get worms and tics and all sorts of diseases

They could get hit by a car or stolen from you

And give him a litter box so you dont smell his craps 

(1 edit) (-1)

of course we have a litter box you can still smell it with the litter box especially since my cat is stupid and HAS to shit on the very edge of the litter box and dig the world's biggest hole to shit in. He has a half for if he's gonna shit and another half for if he doesn't shit. He's a fucking idiot and he has two litterboxes so idk why he chose the half half thing when he could do one for one and one for the other. My cat is fucking stupid.

And yeah I'll try but honestly it'll be hard to convince them, maybe if I talk about it love enough they'll be convinced.


Sorry I need to convince them that him being inside won't be a problem cause if I convince them he can't be outside and they don't want him inside they're gonna give him away which is not the outcome we want


okay just like riv said tell them abt the dangers

honestly if he's never had bugs on him, AND he's terrified of flies, how do your parents expect him to survive ??



But they might give him away instead of just letting him inside, I need to convince them that him being inside won't be a problem rather than convince them that he can't be outside so that they don't give him away.


poor kitty 

your parents are kinda mean,,


yeah tell me abt it. And when I go to college idk if the dorms would allow pets so I just rlly want Sugar here.

It's impossible to fix this 😭

What do they want me to do cause I'll clean the whole entire house with my bare hands if that's what they want

i dont have a  cat but i'd really love one



that moment when the autism causes meltdowns instead of giving me a wicked sense of humor 




Hashtag relatable


but it's when it's both at once that the true fun begins



(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

picrew some ass

anyway i made this stupid bitch for fun

his name is lucin

he's a reader

his hand is pure electricity dont shake it shake his normal hand

he reads spell books  and can change his infected hand to any element

like earth





Dude's taking the hand buzzer joke a bit too far there/j


he's done that joke with a lot of people

hope they can survive the surgery though


this was a joke

lucin would never



I can't tell if I doubt that he would or if I doubt that he wouldn't 


chaotic good


picrew link


Oh I used to use that picrew 

I wish to give him ice cream


he would smile warmly if you did


I will get him ice cream


lucin is so cool




So yk how the PSU wasn't the problem in my PC? It was and it's no longer supplying any power to stuff though strangely enough it is supplying power the the fans and the lights like the on button in the PC but otherwise, it's broken and I need a new one. PSU not a new PC... hopefully. I don't think so at least.

Anyway I'm trying my best not to smash the thing to bits out of anger but yk whatevs. Anyway yeah I hate everything and this fucking sucks.

I had a quiz today, an English quiz, grammar to be exact. They gave me a completely grammatically correct sheet of paper nd told me to fix the grammar mistakes. There were none. Or maybe there were and I'm just blind, who knows. Anyway I wrote a bunch of random stuff out of desperation and I'm upset and my friend got suspended for the stupidest shit ever.



That sucks 

i like grammar 

Im the goodest speller ever


no bcs there was not a single grammatical error in that whole thing and I legit made up shit just so that I didn't hand in an empty paper with nothing written on it. Then like we asked an English teacher who came from America if he saw anything grammatically incorrect and he said yes and wee spent hours looking for the grammatical errors and there were none there were 0 errors I read through the whole thing slowly American English is weird idk maybe stuff that was correct in Britain would've like not been correct in America idk I've never been to an American school there wasn't a single mistake and my friend was like idk and she was being very mean about me just being me and she said she didn't have time for my "comic book stuff" and I was just trying to lighten the mood and get brain flow going and like making a joke saying it was an evil scheme for fun because clearly the sheet was grammatically correct and what else are you supposed to do when you don't know what else to put on your test sheet it's not like you can't think and be fun at the same time and has she even read a comic book because my behavior was more like cartoon behavior or smthn not comic book behavior comic books are completely different and I just wanted to lighten the mood and she was being very mean and she wasn't trying to think abt the answer she just kept going around in circles with stuff we already said is grammatically correct and she just kept bringing them up again and again like it was gonna help and I was just trying to be nice and the stupid sheet was grammatically correct so I don't get why they would give out a grammatically correct sheet maybe there was a comma that wasn't supposed to be there or a semicolon or smthn idk I was annoyed and my friend kept interrupting my brain flow to tell me the exact same suggestion for the billionth time and I just wanted to do something cause I was bored with the test and I hated it and I hate grammar I don't even take the time to pay attention to it most of the time cause it's stupid and who cares about grammar and I'm upset cause whatever and my friend was mean and quizzes suck.

Thank you.


good greif

That sounds like a pain 




You're... BRITISH


No I just learned British English for most of my life. I know btitish slang and sometimes I speak in a more British accent but like not a strong one obviously just a hint of British.

Like I casually say British slang cause it's what I've been normalized to.


oh thank goodness 

i wss worried you were british /hj


ello mate

seems like english aint ya best cup o tea ey?

god wont forgive me for thi

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

More from AURORAs Musical Voyage

I didn't get any pictures of me as a bird or a butterfly or a fish or one of those giant light stingray things unfortunately but I have plenty of pics from basically the end of the whole thing





yeah it's Sky


i went to the mall yesterday and i got one of those big papa pickles from showcase (like the massive pickles from tiktok)

It was life changing

I ate that thing so fast




EYES? putting the fact that they put a trigger for lolita, the Japanese fashion subculture 

they put one for EYES? LIKE, how do you have a trigger for EYES. Do you have a meltdown every time you go outside because most people tend to have those


ok some people find eyes weird and creepy if they're like not where they're supposed to be or disembodied or some even find the concept of eyes freaky so ig it sort of makes sense in a way even thought it's not really a trigger some people just find em weird

But the Lolita one is the one I'm really confused abt.


Oh alr 

Yea the lolita one is silly to me

(+1)(-1) do not look like Sangwoo 


uh... context?


He was doing a Wednesday cosplay I think and then in the caption he said he looks like Sangwoo




Yeah sangwoo is an ugly thumb

that guy is mediocre at best


skull emoji 


sangwoo sucks ass ☠️




it's come to my attention that there's people who think being called a "robot" is an insult and that when my peers say it they mean to say it as an insult. Let me inform you of how much of a compliment it is to be compared to the thing who's intelligence parallels humans in a way we've never seen before. They're smarter, they're better and more innovative, these aren't just "machines" they can do things we've never even dreamed of, they can go to mars, we can't do that yet, but they can. Robots are the future, they can be either the fall of humanity or they way it rises up and solves a lot of world problems. To be compared to such a magnificent innovative thing of genius is a true compliment at it's best. Do better, people.

Maybe they're trying to call me emotionless or like heartless? Stupid argument cause honestly with all the cool things we've achieved the past decade... who says robots can't have emotions, they absolutely can, we could even make a fully robotic human being one day. They'll look and feel completely human but they're completely animatronic. 

Detroit become human lmao.

(1 edit) (-1)

French sucks why would anyone want to learn French, I want to kill French that's what, I hate French. Since no one will appreciate my useless French talent, you guys will!

Je ne parle pas français.

J'ai bu de l'eau avant-hier.

Salut, je deteste s'ennuye.

By the way I just said:

"I do not speak French."

"I drank water before yesterday."

"Hey, I hate being bored." (Hey as a casual hello, usually said among friends)

Aren't I so smart. I'm a big smarty pants.


Thats why i stopped taking french after middle school


I wish, apparently my stupid ass school won't let us pick our lessons even though they should.



even in high school?


I'm in high school-


my mommy speaks french


wow, how much French?


a lot

she studied in France for more than 2 years


dam, my French knowledge is like a crumb compared to studying in France for 2 years.

I could never, I'm already struggling and this is like baby stuff if you asked any real French person.


i mean my mother went too a private school growing up considering she was rich. like this bitch had a whole ass personal maid rich. she went too school with one of the granddaughters of the President. that’s literally how rich she was. but anyways, in her school, she was uhhh, learning english considering she only spoke Spanish and when she got into High school she studied French 

But yeah my mother has always sorta acceded in everything, so she excepts the same from me 


Eeby deebe


juts thinking about that one horse yk the horse Pot-8-os otherwise known as Potoooooooo.


Christmas is in a week 

and i haven't gotten my boyfriend anything

everyone panic








ohhh smart


you have a boyfriend? 




Im just like really cool that way






river liver river's liver


I want to change my pfp but at the same time I just really feel like this pfp is really it yk... man I hate making choices, even the most pointless ones, they all suck.


don't yall hate when your disabilities are disabling 


i hate when my adhd is adhding yes yes i do




i genuinely do cause sometimes when i wanna be serious my adhd makes me say "yibbading boing doing bing bong bong"


not literally but like it gives me the urge to say it


Ok so I joined the drama club so they added me to the whatsapp group and the icon is absolutely atrocious. For one, it isn’t centered right, for another, it's just awkward looking and it's small so I have to strain my eyes to see it. So would it be rude if I just casually changed it even though someone else put in the effort to find and download an image even if it's a not ideal one?


Uh I just got a weird a message from an unknown number and it was just a huge heart emoji and it seemed to be a grown ass man or a weird ass bot so I blocked the number and that's the first time I ever got messaged by a weird stranger. Just now. I've gotten calls from strangers before, they've generally been wrong numbers but yeah.







GO 🇦🇷 






Yea screw u france



ok but mbappe seemed like the only one getting goals fr




oui oui

With 3682 I think other people, I watched this. Uh I had friends with me, well they were strangers but I sat with them and it was great and fun and one didn't speak English, none of us knew each other, I didn't peep a word but you know fun.


I couldnt finish auroras musical voyage

My phone couldn't handle it and crashed


aw poopy. My phone had no internet but I managed to make it from start to finish by a hair. I took a lot of really bad photos, it was so hard to take good pictures cause everyone kept crowding Aroura and she kept sending us to places where we became animals and I had no time to take pictures. But I did get like 5 good pictures so worth it.




It was impossible to find a good seat too

I got one on the floor somehow


oh wow. I got a seat at like mid level. It was a pretty good seat. I made friends except they didn't have a choice cause I was the one that came and sat with them.


aw damn

Yeah i didn't talk to anyone i was sitting with

Too shy


Lucifer is ugly and dumb

nobody wants him around 

He makes me more uncomfortable than asmo does

(2 edits) (-1)

ok I'm done being an attention seeker cry baby now. I just wished you guys had at least said something about it even an "ok don't care" just anything pls say something but yk whatevs, it's no biggie. ANYWAY I GOT MY COMPUTER BACK it's fixed now, thank gosh the PSU was not the problem and everything is in order now. I still have viruses on my comp but it's worth all the pirated movies and shows.


shut up
ur not an attention seeker smh


Social cues are hard

i dont like them 


i will forever be a lucifer anti (obey me)

Hes actually the worst one 

I like belphie more and he literally killed us 


I'm not sticking around people who lack sympathy. I hope you guys have great lives, but I'm out.



nighty so your leaving leaving-?


I'm leaving the mgm comments but not

Itch is my source for games.


awh man

See you around Nighty


Do you even know why I'm leaving?


because we all lack sympathy


Not really


wait can we still talk on whatsapp ?


dude, always


By the way I didn't even begin on everything that happened last week to save you guys the pain and suffering so if you hated that just imagine how much worse it could've been if I wasn't nice.

Also thanks for all the support everyone, or should I say, no one gave me in a tough time when I ALMOST DIED.


at least ur okay :D

right ?


yeah I'm getting better, I'm even going to school tomorrow!



(1 edit) (-1)

Sorry ☹

 i mean i totally understand why you're upset but in my defense it was a really long post man, like really long :(. Sorry you almost died but that was like a whole essay man
If you wanted me to be like 
More sorry i wish you told me so i could be sorry 
That sounded weird
What im saying here is i didn't know you wanted me to reply cause you do go on long rambles sometimes and have never had an issue with the lack of replies in the past 

wasn't really a ramble, more of "Oh shit it's been a real crazy week"

In short I got super sick and almost died and also I got an IV drip but I'm like kinda cool now so no worries.


that does sound bonkers man

What made you sick? 


u don't need to read this whole paragraph I summed up what I tried to say into one sentence at the bottom. But like if you WANTED to read the paragraph- I'm sorry I'll go shut up now, it's not funny.

well I had a cold, at least I think it was a cold, point is cause I'm a dum dum baby I wasn't taking my medicine properly cause, again, I thought it was just a cold and it would clear up eventually like any other cold, no biggie, and it's not like I wasn't taking medicine at all it was like moderate, maybe not consistently but I was taking it. Uh, anyway apparently it didn't go away and instead spread to my digestive system and made it everyone's problem because I couldn't take some dang frickin medicine properly. I mean honestly I would've thought my body developed some kind of defense mechanism against colds by now since I've gotten colds so many times but apparently not cause it sucks and it's fucking weak.

I'm putting in extra unneeded info again. Sorry. Basically I didn't take my meds for a mere cold properly and that made a big oopsie.


aww, bummer

I didn't even know colds could DO that 


oh shit im sorry

at least ur not dead?


nah it's good

and yeah I am still alive and kicking, sick but alive! Not today death... not today.

also I went back to school today and no one except the teachers who like me and my one and only REAL FRIEND noticed. Probably because I mostly sit in the background in silence hoping the teacher doesn't call on me cause I hate public speaking.


ohhh okay

man me and u are polar opposites, i love speaking in public like that’s my best skill right there

but really, im glad you are okay and not dead 🐺


teach me lol

Thanks, I'm also glad I am not currently 6 ft underground


i just like talking lmfO 


naw fr??

me in public : 


You ever see a post online that just makes you go "hm. Yeah no that's enough internet for one day." 


Idk what these are called are called but I wanted to do one

cause I'm bored 

and I'm finally on Christmas break so yeahhhh


Fellow crk fan 

Fellow obey me fan 

Fellow Roblox player

I used to have Love Nikki (I think it was a long time ago) but it never loaded


Love nikki is so fun 😋


I wanted to play it but never could TvT

I love making outfits


You should download it again and see if it works


I'll try


You should play d4dj

Its by bushiroad

its great


I do play it 

I forgot to put it on there

d4dj is great


i agree

Merm4id and lyrical lilly are the best units fr

(1 edit) (-1)


I really like photon maiden too



They're silly 

I also like happy around too

But only maho and rinku


Yo what's your cookie run kingdom user I wanna friend you


It's Jalia



Deleted 1 year ago



trust me I don't like it any more than you do.

I think what you need to kinda rember is that I didn't just write all this just to gross you out I lived this. I suffered through this physically not just as a random post in a comments section.

I almost died. If you're so disturbed now, imagine how I feel. I can't even eat without wondering if I'm gonna vomit or not, I can't drink coffee because it's probably not a good idea, I can't drink anything I like, I have to take so much medicine every single day, I have suffered and I still have to balance my friends who keep showing up at my door every frickin second, like it's cool that they care but personal space, on top of all of it. I'm just about done with everything that's happened this week, I don't even care how disgusting or weird you think it is cause really it isn't, people vomit, people get injections in their buttcheeks, it happens, these things happen every single day, why's everyone so weirded out by normal things that happen all the time?

But no yeah it's fine, whatever. Just drop a "." And move on. How could a post about vomit be important.

(2 edits) (-1)

Sorry. I can't imagine the amount of pain that you've been in the past week. Also sorry for my rude response.I didn't mean to offend you. Edit: I see that you are leaving. So I just wanna apologize again and say that I wish you nothing but the best.😁

(1 edit) (-1)

It's fine, and thank you. I hope you live a full and wonderful life, you really are a wonderful person and I enjoyed the time we spent together.

Tho you probably mostly remember me as The Alpha or DaQueenOfYou or one of my 20 billion other names idk I think I was Believe in Magic at one point as well. Anyway have fun.


oh god


yeah, but I'm fine now. Thanks!


oh shit holy shit what the fuck what the hell holy shit what the fuck what the hell holy fuck shit



ok but seriously are you okay because that whole thing i just read seemed like you were not in the slightest of okayness


yeah I'm good now. I managed to take my meds properly this time and I am doing better. 👍


ok good

i literally know no one here (including you) yet i still care about how their doing mentally emotionally and physically





thank you, thank you, yes, I know you guys just missed me so much, didn't you.

I can't even imagine what it must've been like without me here to annoy you guys everyday with my shit.

I have so much to tell you, but all in good time. I'm at a birthday party rn.


not me looking at other people returning so calmly like "hey I'm back, hru guys" and meanwhile me making a whole entire thing of it.




check out my new post abt everything that happened the past week









my boyfriend almost fricking died in our shop class today

So we have a little spray hose of like super super compressed air or whatevs, we use it to get sawdust off

But the thing is you are NOT supposed to put it on your skin because it'll make like air bubbles go into your bloodstream and you'll have like a brain aneurysm or something 

Idk, but my bf, who doesn't pay attention to the rules was like "oooh whats this, spray-y hose thing" and sprayed it at the floor and then in the air and he almost put it on his hand

He would've had me and an acquaintance of ours not screamed "NO" at him

And i had to explain why he cant do the thing

It was a whole production 

And then i got sawdust in my eye  





Very stressful 


no actually air bubbles in the blood cause strokes or heart attacks. An aneurysm only happens when there's a weakened blood vessel wall. I should know, my dad's a doctor and my sister is trying to become a doctor, she's currently in college.



it was still stressful 

Heart attacks are also not cool

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