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im so exided for ur opinon


Hold on......wait a minute...people have a crush on Auntie?!?!? Wait a moment..... Auntie's hair got longer?!?!?! Hold on one more time...AUNTIE HAS GOOD GRADES?!!!!!?!?!?!

Oh, that's great to hear!

And now i want poutine

i love it!

I just created my first OC!





the chat quiet as heck rn

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here have an AI generated inspirational quote.

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look at her

edit: this is my first try btw

aw its creepy and cute

thank you :D


ayo is anyone else having major lag in RH roblox


oh but omg I saw this fight happening in RH, these two dumbasses were in an argument because one said the other was copying her fit or whatever useless bullshit. And they were like arguing abt whatever shit "wuts ur problem" "ur my problem, trying to slay my fit fr it isn't slaying" "dude what are you even talking abt" "it's not giving" so I saw this and I walked up to them and I said "I'm gonna be real honest here, both ur fits ugly as shi-" then I left cuz I was lagging so bad and it sucked

But that was fun. Wish I was there to see their reaction



I couldn't see, half their body didn't even load I was lagging sooooooo bad it was horrible


right what's up with that?

Ayo you play rh to??? 

Gimme ur user 😈


or insertnamehere

whatever shows up for you ig

I've been attempting to teach myself guitar. I mean I only started today cause I couldn't tune the guitar on my own and MY FUCKING SISTER WOULDN'T DOWNLOAD A STUPID GUITAR TUNER TO HELP ME so I got it on my mom's phone and deleted it after I was done. Now I shall go through rigorous amounts of research and video watching to learn how to play before ultimately forgetting about it. Even though I really wanna learn guitar cause wanna play song, wanna play song real badddd, I know it's not gonna last. As with many other interests of mine, it shall only be ephemeral.

Not to say that I don't still wanna learn the things I dropped, oh no, not at all. I would love to pick up violin again or piano or karate. It just wasn't mean to be I guess. I think my violin must still be somewhere, maybe I can learn violin too. I don't have a piano though. Karate is way too stressful for me because of the exams to make it to the next belt. Those exams terrify me to my core. But I am going to pick up fencing soon. I am highly unsure of how it will go but I hope it goes well.

hey look I went on about a topic longer than I should have again!

Nah ur good dw

no I planned this to be like a less than a paragraph post-

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Welcome to today's episode of 'Useless Things I Can Do' where we talk about completely useless abilities I have.

Starting us off we have the ability to read upside down! It's a totally useless skill and a not cool at all party trick. Literally no one cares if you read upside down, it's not that hard. But I do like to read books upside down when I'm bored so I guess the skill is useful for that.

Next up, the ability to touch your thumb to your arm. It's a neat trick but doesn't really do much. It's just... thumb touch arm cause thumb flexible.

And last for today, the ability to turn your tongue upside down. That's cool ngl, but it doesn't really help with anything, does it?

(2 edits)

Cruisin' for a Bruisin' from Teen Beach Movie

Teen Beach Movie came out in 2013... apparently. I don't believe that, there's no way it was 9 years ago.


WHY is everybody talking about Non related content about this game and Other things 

because these comments were dead and the creator was no longer active, so people created a fun lil' community here. It started off as showing our MGM creations then slowly became kind of a chat room to show ocs and talk about stuff. Kind of like just a chill n talk hangout.

Cuz i feel like it

ikr its rude and diruptive

these comments were dead and the creator was no longer active, so people created a fun lil' community here. It started off as showing our MGM creations then slowly became kind of a chat room to show ocs and talk about stuff. Kind of like just a chill n talk hangout.

Hello my moldy cheese bags, my eerie companions, my ghostly ghouls. I am here to show you the greatest channel on YouTube and I will fight you on that. Wicked Makers. Oh do I detest most of the DIY channels on YouTube. I have many reasons but of course there are exceptions to my hate of DIY, Wicked Makers being one. I just adore their videos. They post DIY decorations for Halloween or Christmas, but mostly Halloween, and they also have some other videos where they craft stuff and tell you how they did it so you can make it to if you can or want to. It's just a super fun channel, it's run by a married couple, Jay and Jaimie, and they're funny, they're nice, they're cool. I mean who wouldn't love them. Sorry, I forgot my formal speech for a second there. Point is, Wicked Makers make some wicked stuff. You should go take a look at some of their best work.

thats not cool its DISRUPTIVE DUMBASS 

waiting for my skl bus ehe


I was waiting to be picked up from school but I never was so I just went home with other people who live in the same place- like not in the same house obvi but like they lived near me and they walk home too so I walked with them.

I can't walk alone anymore cause yk... gang, so unless someone comes to take me I'll just kinda sit there and collect dust lmao.

(1 edit)

Nice little character creator game ! Here is my creation
(an aqua monster I guess, went with the flow)


Yas queen


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I took this iPad from a five year old and I told them they could only get it back if they let me burn down their house anyways I found this app and it’s really nice here’s the character I made

Sigh, I can't go to le trip de Canada 😔 but I'm goin to Jamaica instead 🤭🫰🏾

Bro I've been to Jamaica before 

It's awesome

Canada sux 

Dont visit here

its like america but Slightly better and with poutine

*le dramatic gasp* The Spanish Inquisition !!?!

A-HA you didn't expect it did you.

No not at all !!



Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

I thought my Domino phase was over but ah shit here we go again


Hello again, my moldy cheese bags, my spooks and skeletons, my lovely creepers. I have returned to give you this. Just watch until the end, I assure you there is something truly special that you should see. Unless you have already seen it which you probably have.

(Also a sad thing is I've noticed quite a lack of truly spoooky movies in recent years. Whatever happened to the ghosts and ghouls? The stuff that comes from the other side of the barrier between the dead and the living. And I do not mean zombies since zombies are half living. I mean the demonic possession and ghost hauntings, I mean the supernatural. Nowadays it is never about any of that. Either that or it is just not scary. Not to say that it has to be about the supernatural I'm just saying it would be nice to have both would it not?)



im sad the next episode isn't out till 2023 tho :(

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no no like- imagine if Disney just wasn't a shit company and this season could've been an actual full season, it would be perfect. FUCK YOU DISNEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! But whatever it's still great and beautiful also noooooooo Hunter, why must this happen to him 😭



LMAOOOOO yeah Disney was great then they became money hungry assholes. They only want the money and they don't care if what they make is yk actually good or liked by people. As long as they get the bills, they don't give two shits about anyone else. They saw The Owl House and how great it was doing but oh no no no, 3rd season? How about three 45 minute specials because the mouse only cares about the money.

Oh, people hate live actions and think they suck ass? WHATEVER WE'RE MAKING MONEY KEEP SHITTING OUT REMAKES!

I am so glad there's still people in Disney who actually care about what they're making and put their heart and soul into it so we can have REAL movies like Encanto

ENCANTO?!?! THATS A FUKING DUMBASS MOVIE LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

last time I checked I wasn't a movie.

Who peed on your toast

my sister... :( it was a waffle toast it was good untill she peed on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Still not an excuse to be a buttface though is it?

Id reccomend rethinking your behaviors 

real men cried to frozen

I am real men

oh nawwww ain't no way sw said this dog looks like dream 🤭

(1 edit)


This dog is positively itching to tell me a riddle



      y'all...why is it so true doe 🤡



Hello again my moldy cheese bags, my lovely ghouls and creeps, I have returned to inform you that I have replied to my Monster High: The Movie post multiple times in order to expand on the reason for the new generation's failure to amuse me. If you wish to see it please scroll down and read, if you do not wish to see it go see it anyway. If you do not see it, I recommend you do, after all it is... to die for... *evil laughter*


I just notice that my comments, Something Scary, have not had a new post in 9 MONTHS *insert dramatic gasp* that is the true horror is it not! But seeing as it is spooky season, it does seem the perfect time to start writing spooooky stories again. I do not know when I will finish it but I shall attempt to write at least one short story by mischief night and have it posted for everyone to read, if I shall finish more than one I will post all of them. Feel free to tell any of my stories at any spoooky gatherings you have with your friends or family, but all of the new stories will be posted on mischief night. If you wish me to post any earlier than that I shall see what I can do, but I make no promises. So remember, my moldy cheese bags, to stay tuned... *insert evil laughter*


dude get help.

I regret all of my decisions.

Somebody said skinwalkers werent real (people actually believe in becoming one and theres whole ass rituals)

And I googled “Real life skinwalkers“ thinking there werent gonna be horrifying

Boy oh boy was I terribly wrong.

These arent even the worst.

And the fact there is a whole ranch caller Skinwalker Ranch is petrifying.

Anyways thats all from me.



If anything they just look kinda ugly


actually just give em some plastic surgery and they'll look perfect dw

Don't forget to pop their jaws back in place too

Yeah true but when you werent expecting them

yea I see it and the second pic is the goatman not a skinwalker

It just popped up when I googled that. Idk I think the title said smth about Navajo but I’m not sure

yea that's where the idea of the skinwalker originally came from, it came from Navajo culture.

that looks like jerry. little closer up than jerry usually is though. jerry is chill so i said when i die he can take my skin. I like jerry he is cracked at destiny.



Monster High: The Movie, not as bad as I thought, still not worth your time. Unless you're planning on going blind.

But I should say that Cleo De Nile was some of the most insulting shit I've ever seen and I'm pretty sure these people have never heard of character progression or development. There's only story, no character. At no point during this movie did I feel like anyone improved or was better by the end. Clawdeen saves Cleo's life once and all of a sudden Cleo does a total 180? Sure, yeah, whatever you say.

All my homies hate g3 Cleo cause she's based off no research whatsoever and is extremely insulting to Ancient Egyptian culture.

Cleo notes that she studied with Heka, the ancient Egyptian god of magic and medicine, once in this movie, otherwise, that fact is practically non-existent. She also pronounces 'Heka' like 'hecca' which is weird and also not how you pronounce it. She says 'Oh my Ra' once and during every other point in the movie, you wouldn't even realize she's supposed to be ancient Egyptian royalty.

I don't think any of the emotional beats hit hard enough, they're either cut short or turned into a song and the songs aren't bad but they don't do a really great job of capturing the emotion they're trying to capture so by the end you probably couldn't care less about the characters and what they want or why.

It's honestly just watching a series of events unfold. If ur into that stuff then knock yourself out but personally, I don't enjoy that.

The songs came at the worst times imo, and I just wanted them to end.

I already talked about the fashion nightmare the movie is so I'll skip over that. 

This movie was an hour and thirty minutes of my life wasted. Nothing happens, and I mean it.

I noticed a few youtubers going on youtube to say that "oh it's not that bad" and yeah it isn't... but it's not really good either. Especially Cleo and the absolute shit they made her into, she's just a white pov of ancient Egypt and I hate it.

This entire movie was just:

and that pretty much sums it up. At no point did I genuinely care.


I started re-watching g1 Monster High and I think the reason g3 failed in it's attempt to re-vamp an old show was because they forgot what made Monster High special in the first place. That it wasn't like other girls... literally. Monster High wasn't afraid to be whatever it wanted. Even the motto "we are monsters, we are proud" Monster High was all about just being who you are and owning it. The characters were who they were and they owned it, they didn't let people tell them wrong. Each character was different and special. That's what they got wrong. It's just not interesting anymore because it's not special anymore. "Show your true monster heart" just doesn't really hit that well does it? The original motto makes me feel like I want to shout it out and tell everyone about it, the new one makes me feel like a baby. It's just not special. It's not fun... or funny. Like at all, all the jokes are so flat. It lost the charm that made Monster High special in the first place. That's where they went wrong.

and also g1 never took itself too seriously all the time, not everything has to be so serious. One of the parts that made g1 especially charming was the play-on-words.

Scarice, city of frights (Paris, city of lights)

Boo York (New York)

Boovie (movie, though that one wasn't present in s1)

Spooktacular (spectacular)

Beast (best)

Biteology (Biology)

Creature (teacher)

Casketball (basketball)

Creeperific (terrific)

Creepateria (cafeteria)

Curdy (cute + nerdy, this one isn't play on words, it's just adorable)

E-gore (e-mail)

the list just goes on and it's honestly adorkable. It's so fun and charming, even if I was 80 I'd still love it. It was interesting unlike just "haha bad actually means good in this world isn't that so funny haha hilarious and totally not overused haha lol" it's just so overdone and boring. It doesn't even fit the Monster High universe. Maybe they thought it was "too childish" but that's exactly it, that's exactly what made people of ALL AGES love it so much. It was fun and felt fun to watch. Now it's like they sucked all the life out of it. G2 was too childish, g3 was too lifeless.

Fear leading (cheer leading)

Jaundice Brothers (Jonas Brothers)

Justin Biter (Justin Bieber)

Monstallica (Metallica)

William Shakesfear/Spookspheare (William Shakespeare)

Boofriend (boyfriend)

Ghoulfriend (girlfriend)

Dismembers (members)

Hall moanitor (hall monitor)

Manster (male monster)

Normie (human)

Vamposer (poser)

Mad science (science)

Hauntlywood (Hollywood)

Londoom (London)

Eiffel Terror (Eiffel Tower)

Vampitheater (Amphitheater)

iCoffin (iPhone)

Eek-vite (invite)

FrightTube (YouTube)

Critter (Twitter)

10 Things I Creep About You (10 Things I Hate About You)

Clawless (Clueless)

Twi Hard (Twilight and Die Hard)

Truth or scare (truth or dare)

Dairy Scream (Dairy Queen)

New Yuck Times (New York Times)

Skull-utations (salutations)

Oh my goth! (oh my god/gosh)

Oh my ghoul! (oh my god/gosh)

Boo-la la (ooh la la)

Thank gore (thank god/gosh)

Thank ghoulness (thank goodness)

Voltageous (no real meaning but it's a positive exclamation used by Frankie)

Fangtacular (spectacular,, mostly used by Draculaura but anyone can use it)

Fangtasic (fantastic, mostly used by Draculaura but anyone can use it)

Ghoulest (coolest)

Clawsome (awesome, mostly used by Clawdeen but anyone can use it)

Scaritage (heritage)

Creepover (sleepover)

there's so many I'm getting kinda dizzy.

Bloodies (buddies)

In my opinion, they pretty much whitewashed all the character's. Like how clawdeen looks SOO much lighter ( and i do understand that its make up and editing but the actor is also pretty light aswell) than her actual character, and not to mention about what they did to my girl draculara T-T. The reboot is legit nothing like the og's, the only thing similar is the names and the evironment. Nobody looks the same, the love intrest are not the same, they took characters out, and the story's are just plain. The things about og monster high is there unique characters and storys. Even if the story is similar to many others, it puts a good spin on it to make it good and enjoyable. AND THE SINGING OMG THE SONGS The new gen WILL NEVER understand how og monster high blessed our ears with boo york. but sorry for this little rant, im a huge fan of monster high and seeing what they did to the characters made me cry.

(2 edits) (+1)

Right, they're so whitewashed.

Where's the Transylvanian accent? Where's the vegan? It's just plain and really don't make sense. The whole thousand year war thing with witches is probably the stupidest shit I've ever heard. They do absolutely nothing to sell that concept. I am in no way convinced and I literally do not care.

Clawdeen is like British food. She's unseasoned. No spices, no seasoning, nothing. Plain as shit, no flavor. Basic. Has the personality of a cardboard box. What other words can I use to describe how plain she is?

Frankie is... no character development. They're just there to be Frankie and that's pretty much it, which is sad because Frankie is one of my favs, it hurts my soul to see them go through this.



also no it's fine. I tend to accidentally rant a lot and go on and on about topics etc. so I don't really mind it if other people rant. I think it makes conversation more interesting and easy.

We all died a little on the inside seeing how they ruined them.

There's also no character growth or character progression at any point in this whole movie. At no point did I feel liek any of these characters were different at the end of the movie than they were at the beginning

looks at you with my autistic eyes <3

more skullgirls redesigns

i love cerebella don't get me wrong, but omg her old colour scheme KILLS me, i can't do with the turquoise and orange. So i replaced the turquoise with purple! She always gave me Halloween clown vibes (no idea what a Halloween clown is) so thats what i kind of went for, i also covered her breasts up a bit for practicality, like im sorry but she's a CIRCUS PREFORMER having her breats hanging out would be so inconvenient, like they could fall out at any moment. I also gave her a belt and fishnets just cuz



umbrella is another personal favorite of mine, i pretty much just made her ginger, gave her shorts and bandaids and a tooth gap

(Before pic)


so i kinda just made parasoul emo gothic whatever that is, the cross on her chest inspired me and she looks hot. Gave her darker makeup,  a jewelry (rings, earrings, lip ring) an eyebrow slit, a tooth gap to match her little sister (umbrella) and pantyhose because her skirt is sort as heck and if shes gunna be flipping and flopping around in combat she'll need some sort of coverage 

(Before pic)

I broke a bracket on my braces again


Good news

i get my braces off in a few weeks

My monitor just randomly went to sleep for no reason so I restarted my PC in as the monitor was starting up again it showed a weird pattern on the black screen, like white dots came together to make this pattern then my PC opened and took an oddly long time to load and so did chrome. I have no idea what happened but it's freaky and if anyone knows it would be nice to know before my anxiety flips me inside out.

A demon is possessing your monitor :) /hj

Yall wanna get emotional ?

The actor who acted as Rubius Hagrid in the Harry Potter movies died.

Life sucks now.

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Robbie Coltrane, truly a legend.

no that guy made dumb movies hbo has movies on how to fix ur life / resadent evil

who'll remember that ?


not anymore
*epicly wipes own memory bc broken logic*

aghhh I love this sm! everything is so adorable, I made my oc but sadly have not found how to save it, if I do I will post it!! love everyones characters btw <333

don't be so mean to my man Hunter 😭

am i wrong 🥺

well yeah but u didn't have to say it- stop bullying him!



I was just watching Monster High: The Movie. 31 minutes in, and let me just say that these outfits are a fashion disaster, worst outfits I've seen, even worse than when I saw a "fashion design" that was literally just an inflatable pool with a hole in it. The clashing is everywhere, and not in a good way. Yes clashing can be good sometimes, but the way it's done here is so poor and frankly just... sad. No person would look at those colors and say their eyes don't hurt. Plaid and stripes... it's a well known fashion DON'T to put plaid and stripes in together, and it's not just preference, have you seen plaid and stripes together, too heavy on the eyes, the outfit will look all over the place. Neon yellow-green with a dulled turquoise? What psycho designed these? Are they trying to make me go blind? They're purposefully putting in all the fashion DON'Ts they can. Honestly, I can't even focus on the movie. I'm not going to comment on the movie itself until it's over but I just have to get my frustration with the outfits out before I CRY. Talk about a major fashion faux pas so bad it's not even just a "faux pas", it's total anarchy.


im slightly concerned abt the little kids who probs watched the movie now..



✨eye damage✨

they're gonna need glasses too LMAO



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and I thought I needed glasses.

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"take off ur glasses, I just wanna see the real you"

OMG I'M NOT THE REAL ME, I WEAR GLASSES SO I MUST BE A DOPPELGANGER I know that's not what the line means but it's just the timing of the two lines right after each other makes it seem like that is what the lien means and I just find that so stupid.




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I actually think this movie was made as like a movie that they thought was genuinely good.

I also watched an episode of the series and it's either the movie isn't canon or the show isn't canon because it just doesn't add up. In the show, they don't know Draculaura's a witch and they find out abt it later as well as her dad but in the movie they know she's a witch in like the middle of the movie in a whole other way than they did in the show. So what's canon and what isn't? It doesn't make sense.

Hey! Ive Loved This app for a while and heres A oc i made,

her name is Satsunea ( Named after My Other oc Satsune) 

I tried but there was limited options **cries**

cool character I guess

Thanks :]

Thanks :]


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