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whats up bitches 

Not much

Something inside me
It's, it's coming out
I feel like killing you

Let loose the anger, held back too long
My blood runs cold

Through my anatomy, dwells another being
Rooted in my cortex, a servant to its bidding

Brutality now becomes my appetite
Violence is now a way of life
The sledge's my tool to torture
As it pounds down on your forehead

Eyes bulging from their sockets
With every swing of my mallet
I smash your fucking head in, until brains seep in
Through the cracks, blood does leak
Distorted beauty, catastrophe
Steaming slop, splattered all over me

Lifeless body, slouching dead
Lecherous abscess, where you once had a head

Avoiding the prophecy of my new found lust
You will never live again, soon your life will end
I'll see you die at my feet, eternally I smash your face
Facial bones collapse as I crack your skull in half

Crushing... cranial... contents

Draining the snot, I rip out the eyes
Squeezing them in my hands nerves are incised
Peeling the flesh off the bottom of my weapon
Involuntarily pulpifying facial regions

Suffer, and then you die
Torture, pulverized

At one with my sixth sense, I feel free
To kill as I please, no one can stop me

Created to kill, the carnage continues
Violently reshaping human facial tissue

Brutality becomes my appetite
Violence is now a way of life
The sledge's my tool to torture
As it pounds down on your forehead


its a  song lol

Hear me out-- 

✨Character development

UR BACK>>?>>>>>????


Deleted 264 days ago

i thought it was being nput down on the first one



hes gonna be put down soon

i hate that mf

he a lttle guy



nat absolutely fucking rko'ing her dog


💌 so tiny

Deleted 2 years ago

ur so silly


Okay so heres whats happening: !TW: Suicide!

So my fairly good friend just randomly out of no where was like “Y’all help my friend wont stop saying shes gonna commit and that nobody can help her what do I do” and gave us her tag, I immediately thought of you- Help

Deleted post

Wait srsly? LAWFUL'S GONE??--


melamine Martinez once said: im back from the dead


I have discord too


what did i just say

i diddnt knowww TOT



hi steve


Sycophants on velvet sofas, lavish mansions, vintage wine.

I am so much more than royal,

Snatch your chain and mace your eyes.

If it feels good, tastes good, it must be mine.

Heroes always get remembered, but you know legends never die.

Broke af?

this must be the work of...

*judgement knights of thunder starts playing in background*




(1 edit)

Saiki K is a great show- I have not finished it yet cuz internet trash

I finished it

its awsome

it’s one serving? And they’re charging almost 3000 yen for it?? That’s obscene, who would spend that much money on a coffee jelly??? I would.

saki is an aro/ace icon

prove me wrong

So... yk Domino:

yeah so I found this picrew with all the masks I could ever want and I thought "hmmmmmmm" so yk how Domino is a wanted criminal? They have friends who are also wanted criminals. Outside of crime, the 3 of them hate each other so I guess not really friends just partners in crime.

Uh first though, here's Domino because obviously Domino is the only one who really matters:

now here's the nameless other two:

idk how but my AC managed to break in a way where 21℃ is colder than 20℃ but then all the other temperatures are perfectly fine? I literally could not explain to you how this happened if I had all the knowledge in the world, I don't understand, was it installed wrong or something? SOMEONE HELP


♥♥♥♥ :3

I'm bord

hello guys

i wish yall lived near me

cuz i am selling bracelets for cheap 

...I just watched Scoob!

I watched the trailer before it came out and I thought "maybe it won't be bad" so I decided I would watch it when it comes out... I did not watch it. Until now that is!

It sucked. I will be posting a review soon, it will most likely be very long since I feel extremely strongly about Scooby-Doo because it was my entire childhood AND THEY STRIPPED IT AWAY FROM ME AND GAVE ME GARBAGE AND DARED TO LET THAT GARBAGE BEAR THE NAME OF SCOOBY DOOBY DOO, A NAME IT DOESN'T AND NEVER WILL DESERVE FUCK YOU WARNER BROTHERS

No but actually, Warner Brothers is shit, they used to shit out something at least watchable every now and then but now they're just... bad... like, really bad, it's a really bad company, wtf Warner Brothers, get some help.

nevermind I will not post a review because of personal reasons


I saw a woman in a thong today.

Not sure if I want to talk about it or not.


why would you talk about it here of all places


Let her wear what she wants 😟

no no it was a picture 😩

again, let her wear what she wants 

I never said she couldnt, but its the fact that she posted her in a thong in a gc of kids who are 12 and 14.

I'm confused, why is a grown woman in a GC with kids?

Netflix animation really in shambles rn huh.

I made more...

Would it be cringe if I posted this on my story lol-


y u tryna be interrogated?

I saw ppl posting stuff like that n I was bored-


ah. Well, idk, I'm cringe myself so I can't tell cringe from not cringe-




Someone: *compliments me*

Me: oh, stop. No seriously, stop, I don't know how to deal with compliments, please stop.


my mom just came into my room saying the weirdest shit ever. I’m not gonna tell you what it is because it’s like really weird- I feel sick after hearing that from my mother. 

I’m not sure how to react to it. I think I’m gonna cry, wtf was that. I’m highly uncomfortable. Even as a joke that was just super weird and awkward.


Hung up and put on hold!


My line is getting cold!


Hung up and put on hold!


uh, I'll try again though.

Baby hotline 🤩

please dial nine to get out!

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea best song, super dark, I love it!


what oither songs do you know? What's your taste in music, TELL ME RI9GHT NOW! 

my music taste is very confusing 😵 

I try to smile a lot but I'm always frontin'
But I do love a ghost and at least that's somethin'

Don't tell me this is an actual command for your dog- unless the dog was already barking before, then telling them to be quiet is just the weirdest thing ever.

Dog: ...

Owner: Quiet.

Dog: ...

Owner: hey, what did I say?

Dog: ...



who thinks imma be a high school dropout ???????


"when you're in the Metaverse it's like you're really there with people"

yeah bud, sure, whatever you say. I swear this ad is everywhere and I just hate it.

Almost MF DOOM'S death anniversary 

i like how nightcrawshit is the only one actually talkig here lol

it's a lonely life keeping this place from ever being fully dead.

sO I don't know. Art. Stuff. I wanted to draw a thing. But energy non-existent. It's like a cool demon-type entity thing. Entity? Entities. En... titties. Haha tits- (I need sleep) I'm currently living off coffee and my comfort playlist until I eventually become tired enough to just pass out. Before you say coffee makes you wanna wake up, I KNOW THAT I'M NOT STUPID, I just don't care and it barely affects me now anyway. The reason I can't just sleep like a normal human is cuz my phone lost charge, and funny thing about me, if I don't have some kind of background noise AS i SLEEP OR SOME VIDEO to watch, I will not be able to sleeep, at all. I'll just be lying there as my anxiety spikes up and keeps me awake until the morning. Unless I can manage to get tired enough that my body just shuts off, I will be here forever. Hah, I made so many m,istakes typing this. Hah, I made a mistake in the word mistake. That's funny (no it isn't) xcgfguixferzar aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Your mom.


sometimes I wonder if people realize that Sundrop and Moondrop share a physical body.

fr tho.

but AUs?????????????????????/// where they have separate bodies?????????????????????????????????????????????????????/yeah that's a thing but like-

even if its not an au


some people

*shudders* ship them

No what are you talking about, no one ships them at all. (if I keep telling myself they don't I'll eventually believe it and think all the ship posts of them r just jokes)

(ah yes understandable)

oh I said that??

im sorry I did not mean that

it simply doesn't exist

exactly, you get it. All the disgusting af ships the FNaF fandom has come up with? Not real, it's all just a big joke.

one fucked up joke 

But still

They all don't mean it

Weren’t you literally one who obsessed over that ship, done multiple rps with em, and not only that-basically have them an adopted kid? :^

(Also hai6

(2 edits)

shut up 

I don't ship them- 

Like if it's an AU and they have separate bodies so what you want it's an AU

But like

If it's mostly just canon and you make fan art of them in one body, and if they have a shared body and you ship them idk how that's supposed to work because they're basically the same people but different???


Ehh, I see your point. Au or not, it is kinda odd. But there is some sorta thing where your literally attracted to yourself, so-I guess you’d kinda put that in that category?

(Then again it’s two “different” people, so yeah. Doesn’t make to much sense. The only real way I’d say would make it better, is if there was an actual logical reason for the two to be separated. That’s again an au, but if you still ship ‘em when cannon……just say nyeh to them. N y e h.)

(HaiHai. :3)

n y e h 


shut the FUCK up

We’re not gonna take it!

No, we ain’t gonna take it!

We’re not gonna take it anymore!



I can’t believe you done this

I did not

Who did?

I wish I had a Halloween costume 

make one

like im doing

I don't currently have the materials to make and or buy a costume.

closet cosplay 

That's what I'm doing 

You can to 

I could, it is on a Thursday so I could do it after school.


Give me something to make a ppt about.

W a t e r?

W a t e r r r r r r r r

(1 edit) (+2)

Beetlejuice is sexy!

Beetlejuice is smart!

BJ is a graduate of Julliard!

He can help, we found him on Yelp.

Our troubles all ended on the day that we befriended him!

Every word is the truth!

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!

wtf did they do to the monster high movie thats coming out

(3 edits) (+2)

Wtf did they do to monster high?

In an effort to appeal more to children they not only lost the audience they already had but they didn’t get the attention of any children either so in conclusion they have no audience because they got greedy.

they also whitewashed clawdeen , made cleo into a knockoff mean girls character. don't get me started on daculara 

also wtf they made cleo and deuce break up !!!!!!!!!!


In the original show Clawdeen was not interested in dating because she wanted to focus on her dream of being a fashion designer, and she was also a lesbian so if she were to date she would date a girl. 

In this reboot, they not only removed the “no dating” thing they also made her straight and she ends up dating Deuce Gorgon which, sense make 0.

*hyper screaming* 









No spoilersssSSSsS~!





storytime: the math competition

Did anyone else’s school have a math competition when you get out of primary then another when you get out of middle school a final competency for high school. It’s just friendly competition, doesn’t affect anything else at all and like the best students would compete and be put into random teams of 4. 

Well I had one and somehow I managed to land myself in the competition even though I’m like horrible at math, I barely made it last year or at least I thought I barely made it by it ended up being my highest grade on the report card and I have no idea how. So I got put on this team where I knew no one else and we started the competition. We were going through the questions and I wasn’t really doing much because they were doing good on their own- I did help out tho I’m not gonna be that person- so I was occasionally able to help and we were doing alright, a few questions wrong but no biggie. Until one question and they were solving it and all agreeing on the wrong equation, and so I butt in like “no you’ve got it all wrong, you’re doing it wrong guys” and they’re like “omg Sprinkle if you’re not gonna be helpful then just shut up, it’s 3 against one why are you even here?” What a bitch, I hate that girl with every cell in my body. So I was like “fine, if my help isn’t wanted, I guess I’ll sit down and do nothing.” They ended up being wrong and I was right and they lost the competition without me. Serves them right.

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