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(2 edits)

ok so- I like to read. I wouldn’t call myself an avid reader though, and I’m traveling in a month. I wanted to finish a book before then but I realized that I probably wouldn’t, so instead, I packed all my books except one, a book of poems about love and tragedy. The Universe of Us by Lang Leav. Here’s one:

I Loved Him

I loved how his eyes danced merrily, 

and the gentle way he spoke;

the way he filled my aimless days,

with bitterness and hope.

I loved him as I fell to sleep,

and each morning as I woke;

I loved him with all my wayward heart—

until the day it broke.


aside from that the poem is actually great 

to Cairo.

Man I thought I was gonna see you again .  Guess I gotta come over but I'm not sure if I'll have the chance to go to Cairo.

I've noticed that I'm very talkative recently. IDK why but I just have a lot of energy today.

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So wanna know something funny. I was just leaving my mom's room, and I had just taken and cleaned my glasses from her bcs she was holding it for me, I had put the glasses on and started exiting when suddenly, I turned back to my mom and said "where are my glasses?? Wait you took my glasses where are they?" and I was so confused bcs I couldn't find my glasses but then eventually I realized that the glasses were on my face. I was wearing them. 

that's relatable ngl-

also you wanna rp?



pick a gentleman? 

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your dad is an asshole

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ok I just started watching infinity train. Completely un-related to the show, well other than the concept of an infinite train, but if there were to be an infinite train. How would that work? Would the train just be on the tracks forever? Would it be a Russian Doll situation where from the outside it's normal, but inside, the train loops? Where does the train go and come from? For an infinite train, there would need to be an infinite track. Now related to the show, if each train car has a different room then there's an infinite possibilities of what these rooms are. So there's like idk... a ping pong room, or a room made of feathers. Or a room covered in blood. Does that mean that there's a room with an exit? Because infinite means basically anything you can think of. So you can find a room that isn't a room at all and just lets you off the train. Is there a room that automatically transports you to another room? IS there an infinite room? A room that just goes on and on and on and on?

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everyone here is so scary some person named lockins was roleplaying... yk, with my sister. pls stop harrasing me


Their name is Lawkins and They haven't been around in a while. 

Whats ur sisters user? Lemme see if I know them 

You seem pretty new, but how are we harassing you?

nat is my sister, all i was trying to do was go onto her discord acc and i see, 😨

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I’m very scary

The law is scary fear it

I'm bored/sad so who wants to talk about random things for no reason

can we talk abt toes



we can talk about portals-


question, if you had a portal that would take you anywhere. Where would you go?

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(3 edits)

not to question the logistics of a cartoon made for babies but... Robbie Rotten invented everything in his bunker... he built all of that with his bare hands and the show tries to say that he's dumb, and that he's lazy. Besides, he gets up every day to make the town lazy, but he himself isn't lazy, considering everything. Not to mention, of course the dude's a villain, he's basically a clown to these people. He's a joke to them, no one takes him seriously, no one likes him, sporta-douche always upstages him, honestly it's just sad. No one cares about Robbie and they just expect him to be better magically overnight. He's just tryna make the town name accurate. And the only characters that have some disheveled, beat up, prolly doesn't even count personality are stingy and stephanie. And Stingy is just stingy. That's his whole personality. Stephanie is active and likes dancing but yk that's pretty much it. Like, I get it's a kids show but it's just so dumb to the point where even as a kid I thought the show was boring. Like cmon ICELAND (last sentence was a joke)

Like many artists, Robbie was underappreciated in his time.

now he is the patron saint of band kids everywhere. 

Band kids and me :)

I subscribe more to doctor doofenshmirtz as my singing kid's show villain but I can appreciate Robbie Rotten 

damn... can I have more than one?

yes of course :) 

I'm not sure about you guys, but when I listen to music, I don't just vibe to it, I ✨VIBE✨ to it. Like if you walk into my room while I'm listening to music, I will be giving a whole performance, I'll be dancing, singing, playing air guitar, everything. I remember on a plane I was listening to music and I was vibing to the music like I usually do, but I was only mouthing the words and I wasn't full on dancing because I couldn't get up and we're in public, so my sister and mom were like "omg pls stop ure embarassing us" 

does anybody else, aggressively vibe to songs or just me?

U DREW THIS?!?!??!

LMAO what? No way. That’s from a picrew.

Why can't it just be thanksgiving already

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I'm going to cry.

Deleted 2 years ago

y tho?

Because I can't do shit right :) for now at least


I can't draw for shit and I can't do other things that people find easy and I'm gonna cry ab it

hey drawing isn’t easy. Drawing is a very difficult thing. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, and it’s not calming or nice. It takes work and talent and dedication. And a whole lotta practice. Just because people find something easy doesn’t mean it is. Ask yourself if these people have actually tried to draw. Probably not.

And it’s fine. It mag have been easy in their eyes but nothing is easy. You don’t have to be good at everything. Your talents lie somewhere else, so what, that’s not a bad thing. If you really wanna do something you have to push for it instead of giving up as soon as it seems too difficult.




I just… I saw it tagged in a comment. And I was like “haha wouldn’t it be funny if that was the natalia on mgm” and it was, and I thought it would be funny but it’s probably not funny and I’m just laughing at myself bcs I’m an idiot but like… I found it ig. It’s not funny. My humor is broken.

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… wait… your account is privated. Or do I need my eyes checked again?

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...natalia I just found your look-alike. I think. I forgot what you looked like.

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uh what’s your user, I wanna make sure it is you bcs if it isn’t well then this pretty stupid and I’ve made a fool of myself

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You guys ever started a drawing, never finished it, then had to just stare at that unfinished drawing for days until finally deciding to do something about it, so you continue the drawing, but then you realize it looks shit so you get rid of it and then cry and wonder what you're doing with your life?

Yeah me neither (ʘ‿ʘ)

Could never be me

(1 edit)

yeah yeah same… 🫠


Right here, Nightcrawler



uh u there?

yeah sorry I was otp, imma use  Devin

Ok, I’ve discovered that you’re not afraid of triggering stuff.

So I can go buck wild with this yeah


berfecto, it says “There is nothing wrong.”

This is Jackson.

Jackson is anything but okay.

I’m gonna be on n off for a while

(1 edit)

a male goose is called a gander.

Gander also means to look at something.

To make a sentence, all you need is a noun and a verb, for example “Helen ran” is a sentence.

Gander is both a noun and a verb, which means. Gander gander. Is technically a sentence. Geese look. Weirdest sentence I’ve ever heard, but still a sentence.

Gander gander gander. Another one. Gander gander gander gander gander gander gander- and so on and so forth. 

Buffalo is another one that works with this. Buffalo, an animal. Buffalo, to intimidate.

Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo. Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo. Isn’t this fun. 

Paint paint paint. Paint paint paint paint paint. English really is a weird ass language.




just killed a man 


ok cool


put a gun against his head

nows he' s dead

Mamaaaa, life had just begun

But now I've gone and thrown it all away


nvrm guys, I got it

(1 edit) (+1)


the inspiration behind the famous Roald Dahl book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, or Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory depending on who you ask, was the time that Dahl had spent as a taste tester for a chocolate company, during his school days.

(1 edit) (+1)

Meet Era

And Niu

they're very good friends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Idc who you are...please don't ever practice a TikTok in the middle of class.

my bully used to do that in gym class

I don’t even have tik tok

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(1 edit)

Thor is the strongest ORIGINAL Avenger. Change my mind.

("Strongest Avenger" is a loose term, I mean "strongest" as in, overall strongest. Overall.)

gonna barff ✌

why is this comment section just a bunch of random ass shi

Because it can be.


(1 edit) (+1)

How to pay student loans 101:

step 1: sell your kidney, that's 262,000 buckaroos EACH.

step 2: sell your eyeballs, 1,500 each.

step 3: sell your liver, lemme tell you, livers bring in the big bucks, coming at 557,000 green papers.

step 4: you now have 1082500 Abraham Lincolns (I know he's on the $5 but who even cares) which is still not enough. So you're gonna sell your heart. That costs about 1 million. 

step 5: sell your bladder. Who needs to get rid of harmful fluids left over from digestion anyway? I forgot how much that costs, just go look it up.

step 6: sell, now hear me out, your dead body, because you're dead. You died 6 steps ago. You can't live without both kidneys. At least not for long.



dRaje bc dtabt

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truer words have never been spoken.

I got my glasses. It’s so weird.

hello folks


LMAO, I went to the optomitrist... optonitrist... optomotrist... EYE DOCTOR today. Turns out I'm basically blind in my right eye and my left eye is pretty bad but nothing big. The worst part was when he covered my left eye and showed one of the biggest letters on the thing, and I couldn't fucking see it. Like, no joke, it was the second biggest size of letters in the thing, and I couldn't see shit. This was the first time I've been to the eye doctor in my whole life, and my whole life my vision has been... not good. But it was good enough for me to think that everyone else just saw the same way I did. I thought it was normal to see like this. But in 1-2 days I'm gonna have glasses. Woah. That's weird.

glasses ganggg

I swearr, when the doctor removed the thing covering one of my eyes and asked me if I could see better like this, and my vision was like… crisp. It was like a whole new world. Like… waw. Nothing was blurry or unclear anymore, nothing looked weird anymore, I could see. I’m genuinely amazed.

that's how I felt the first time I got glasses

I can't even IMAGINE finally getting my glasses and wearing them. Seeing life like that. Words won't be blurry anymore. Nothing will be blurry. I can finally read my books without getting headaches. My eyes won't be irritated anymore! 

Like as cool as it is, it's also kinda terrifying. I've lived 13 years of my life having no idea that my vision was bad. Somewhere in my brain, I probably knew that it was, but I just didn't think much of it. And now, knowing for sure that I don't have good vision... it feels weird. Like, I'm suddenly noticing all the imperfections in my vision. IDK if anyone else felt that way, but it feels that way for me.


but hey, it's all gonna work out

that's how I felt the first time I got glasses

COUGH COUGH been going to the eye doctor since yr one  COUGGGGGHHHHHH


what' the thing called. Google meet, but like... the chrome extention that is used to chat using ur email-

(1 edit)

btw ima try being more active here bc why not

after tuesday obv bc finals can go to hell after tha

ok thanks

Not necessarily a super scary dream, more weird, but it sure terrified me!

me, hanging out with the fam at my cousin’s house: “hey guys. What’re you watching?”

No answer

The screen is just blue

I notice that it looks like there’s 6 people on the couch, but I can only see 3, my sisters and my cousin

Me: “who else is watching. Lmao imagine if it were like clones of you guys or smthn.”

The other three turn to look at me. It was clones of them, but eyeless, and creepy

Them: “you need to wake up.”

Me: “what?”

Them: “close your door.”

Me: “what??”

I wake up scared out of my mind and instantly check all the doors and windows as well as make sure my family was okay. I couldn’t go back to sleep after that.


I hate when parents use the "I raised you!" thing in arguments with their children, instead of admitting they were wrong.

Sure, you clothed me, bathed me, fed me, paid for everything and took care of me, but that's YOUR FUCKING JOB! As a parent, taking care of your child is what you're SUPPOSED TO DO, and don't get me wrong, I'm thankful my parents didn't just abandon me on the side of a road, but my point still stands.

Adults are fucking stupid.


I'm starting to turn into that "pls stfu" friends and I'm not mad


ahahahahhahahahaha so, how it everyone, everyone good? Good great, great. So we can all just forget the past 6 hours yeah? Yeah. WONDERFUL now excuse me while I go in a corner and wonder if I was dropped on my head as a child.

Deleted 2 years ago


My teacher mentioned it. It makes me money doesn't it?

Yes. Downside is their extremely bad for the environment

(1 edit)


please don't kill me

Lmao I wasn’t planning on doing so

no please no

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I was just asking.

frig. I am very much idiot.

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. You know what time it is. It's time for me to bother you with AJR crap that y'all don't give a shit about but I don't have real friends nor do I know anyone who is as obsessed with AJR as me so I'm telling you guys everything.


I've been patient, I've been waiting, THEY KEEP TEASING US ;-; ENOUGH TEASERS WHERE IS THE SONG

Also their songs are the best. Like, the beautiful melodies and sounds. The lyrics mean something. I mean, mean something. I've never felt so... understood. I'm not in the music industry but I still relate. THAT'S HOW GOOD IT IS.


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anyways i came akc to itch to say joldan follow

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alrifght ig

Why have you guys been more of a family than my actual family-

That isnt good thing.


wherws the a

To me it is

do not

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