oh, você pode tirar uma captura de tela da sua criação! dependendo do tipo de computador que você possui, acho que a maioria tem a capacidade de capturar capturas de tela. você deve clicar no pequeno ícone da câmera no canto superior direito e depois tirar uma captura de tela! depois disso, clique em "escreva seu comentário" e clique no ícone à direita. este, caso essa fosse uma explicação confusa.
depois de clicar no ícone da imagem, faça o upload da cena da sua garota monstro! espero que isso tenha ajudado.
new challenge: make your favorite social media platform (this includes itch.io and stuff like it) as a monster girl/boy/enbie! remember to write what you made into a MGC (example: "i made instagram", or "i turned discord into a cute girl".)
yeah... i just went with it, since it seemed like a fun thing to do. i guess you don't have to do your favorite if you don't have one, so you could choose from the endless amounts of social media platforms to create into an MGC!
the challenge was already done, and we try not to redo challenges. any other ones we could do? i bet you have lots of great ideas that can be turned into creativity challenges!
i'm just saying that people other than you and fluffybunny will probably not understand what you've been fangirling about for the last 5 comments. i know that i don't.
what? i respect that you may or may not have disabilities that restrict your movement, but is that an excuse for being rude to people who you don't even know?
But there was a challenge i just heard about and i didn't get to do it so heres my addition
The emotion i never show is when my feelings are hurt by a friend, it's landed me in a lot of bad friendships and its always been really controlling and manipulative and i always end up hating that person and its taken a toll on me mentally and emotionally
also don't let that happen to you, unless what the friend did to you was really hurtful/offensive. try not to let that happen when a small thing happens, since if you've known them for a longgg time you can think of all the great things you've done together. if you haven't known them for long, but they do something unsavory to you, give them a chance for the rest of the day/period of time you see them. we believe in you, and wouldn't truly want to hurt you mentally, emotionally, or physically ❤❤❤
I feel you whenever I want to talk to my friends they make up some lame excuse and it’s hurts my feelings i know they don’t mean to hurt my feelings but it still does
Ight so people who wanna join the fanfiction thing ( Original post at the bottom )
i made a google doc, where we can plan our stuff, and how we are gonna go about this
Everyone has a chat color and or font they use when they add or suggest something unless we are doing something that we don't need different colors and fonts
or, if youre using pc like i am, press alt and print screen at the same time (print screen is most likely shortened to prt sc on your keyboard). then, open a photo editing/drawing program like paint tool sai or krita and press ctrl+v and the photo should show up. then, press the file tab, press "save as..." and save the photo (remember to save it as a jpg, jpeg, or png file!). then, if you want to, open the file and crop the photo. hope this helps!
Cool, sometimes people feel like they DON'T actually feel like answering you, and in case you haven't noticed this is NOT your comment section so calm down
it's true, it isn't your fault. we just don't find the content you produce, or the fact that you are indeed spamming without context or correct spelling noteworthy.
← Return to game
Log in with itch.io to leave a comment.
eu queria poder baixar a img pelo computador......
oh, você pode tirar uma captura de tela da sua criação! dependendo do tipo de computador que você possui, acho que a maioria tem a capacidade de capturar capturas de tela. você deve clicar no pequeno ícone da câmera no canto superior direito e depois tirar uma captura de tela! depois disso, clique em "escreva seu comentário" e clique no ícone à direita. este, caso essa fosse uma explicação confusa.
depois de clicar no ícone da imagem, faça o upload da cena da sua garota monstro! espero que isso tenha ajudado.
heheh yeah
tbh i can only speak english and some simple spanish
i take spanish at school, but i downloaded duolingo so i can learn it during quaratine
join thy in a art game, type your username in the name box-
oh hey I saw you on the aggie.io
can you do this in like an hour? i'm pretty busy rn, and i missed it anywayssss
Birthday: Decmeber 19
Sexuality: gay👌
Personality:very shy, itroverted,cute
Lil baby boi
that is sooooo cute i love him
i think she looks good i love her
this is from snow white with the red hare here name is shirayuki
this is toga from my hero academia
I love it
This is REALLY good I think Toga is best girl!!!!
new challenge: make your favorite social media platform (this includes itch.io and stuff like it) as a monster girl/boy/enbie! remember to write what you made into a MGC (example: "i made instagram", or "i turned discord into a cute girl".)
example: reddit-chan! (y e sss memes are life)
yeah... i just went with it, since it seemed like a fun thing to do. i guess you don't have to do your favorite if you don't have one, so you could choose from the endless amounts of social media platforms to create into an MGC!
I love your Reddit. Here’s my Twitter
I just stared looking at reddit :>
so uh i have no favorite social app but i liked DIY.org a lot until you has to pay for it >:(
oh, nice!
oh no
i like the girl
but... you...
Also tiktok is anti-LGBTQ people >:(
( they remove LGBTQ content and say that LGBTQ things are" Offensive " )
tik tok is not welcome here, as we are the queerest of queer.
wow thats mean why'd they do that >:(
If you wanna read more about this then here is a thing about it https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2019/09/tik-tok-blocking-lgbtq-content-country-needs/
i had to delete that, my mistake
It's WHAT!???????
Yo I LOVE your Reddit design omg <3
thanks dude!
i wanted to make something disturbing, so here we are.
i dont think i did very good tbh
ooh, weird. the bright magenta really pops out and makes this look unique.
Here’s me non-monsterfied (I like the monster version better)
can someone give me a challenge
⬆look up above at the newest comment i made⬆
make sure to name the anime its from
and give the name of the character
new challenge make a character from your fav anime
the challenge was already done, and we try not to redo challenges. any other ones we could do? i bet you have lots of great ideas that can be turned into creativity challenges!
wow, stunning!
these are all amazing! you have a knack for character design, i must say!
thank you!
ok can you stop being mean to me pleas
what? we're just being people and responding to how rude you were about 20 minutes ago.
I know and i'm sorry
apology accepted. but you have to either accept the way people communicate or wait for them to stop being "mean", ok?
make some MGC (monster girl creations) in the sims dude
that should be a challenge if you have the sims or another character creating game/program
ight challenge time fellow gamers:
find a character creating game (other than monster girl maker 2) and make your favorite oc in it, then reply to me with what game you used.
good luck.
Ok! I can maybe get it done later
spring mozu in gacha life because i'm a #BasicDudeWhoHasNothingToDoAndDownloadedGachaLifeJustToDoThisChallenge
I love the sims i spent like 100 dollars on expansion packs
100 well spent, my friend.
truly indeed
Very much so
this is galra keith from voltron hope you like it
ok here is a challenge pick a character from voltron and do make it
not everyone is part of the fandom.
or even likes voltron.
or even knows what voltron is, ok?
ok you don't have to do the challenge
i'm just saying that people other than you and fluffybunny will probably not understand what you've been fangirling about for the last 5 comments. i know that i don't.
ok, and i'm not fangirling i'm a tomboy
how does that make a difference?
i could be wearing a dress rn, and that wouldn't make me unable to fanboy about NITW or something.
and this one (just a screenshot I forgot to save it 😢)
very surreal and trippy. strange to look at, but it's really cool!
This is one of my recent favorites
ooooo, i like her!
I hope you like it and i am sorry for being mean and I have disabilitys so it is not my falte that i spell things ronge.
what? i respect that you may or may not have disabilities that restrict your movement, but is that an excuse for being rude to people who you don't even know?
i think there should be spellcheck maybe?
( sorry)
I’ve been obsessed with this app while in quarantine! I can’t believe I found a forum for sharing monsters I’ve made so many...this is monster me...
guys I think I'm losing track of time
I had to ask my mom what day it was because it felt like a sunday
hhhhhhhhh help us
Whats a Sunday?
I don't know anymore
It feels like a neverending Tuesday
i havent even been able to form cognitive thought about what day it is. i think youre doing fine, dude
oh and if you want you can say who you like better me or hunnybun
no, i think i abhor you both equally.
if you can please follow me
please don't go squandering for random followers here.
i don't mean to be awfully rude, but it's a bit pathetic to just ask if people can follow you with no context.
okay thanks for the advice
no problem, and just so you know, people will eventually flock to your profile and follow you because they like the content you put out!
ok im rlly sorry i just posted something i know
But there was a challenge i just heard about and i didn't get to do it so heres my addition
The emotion i never show is when my feelings are hurt by a friend, it's landed me in a lot of bad friendships and its always been really controlling and manipulative and i always end up hating that person and its taken a toll on me mentally and emotionally
OK thats enough of that
oh dang
don't worry we're all too awkward to hurt youuuuu
also don't let that happen to you, unless what the friend did to you was really hurtful/offensive. try not to let that happen when a small thing happens, since if you've known them for a longgg time you can think of all the great things you've done together. if you haven't known them for long, but they do something unsavory to you, give them a chance for the rest of the day/period of time you see them. we believe in you, and wouldn't truly want to hurt you mentally, emotionally, or physically ❤❤❤
Thank you,
I felt like in my last friendship ( we've known each other for 10 years ) anything would hurt her and my feelings weren't important
we're here, and probably will be for a while! we love and support your choices, as long as they don't harm anyone
(heart spam that represents my love and respect for you and everything you produce)
I feel you whenever I want to talk to my friends they make up some lame excuse and it’s hurts my feelings i know they don’t mean to hurt my feelings but it still does
don't worry, at least one of us is always online and will want to chat about whatever w/ you.
yea that’s why I like this website everyone is nice to eachother and we all relate to eachother
it is literally impossible to be rude/mean when commenting here
Ight so people who wanna join the fanfiction thing ( Original post at the bottom )
i made a google doc, where we can plan our stuff, and how we are gonna go about this
Everyone has a chat color and or font they use when they add or suggest something unless we are doing something that we don't need different colors and fonts
Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YjkWV9nqEO6LYUaiNYcrW65BWjgl1MWnJMlAmqUnCFc/...
Original post: https://itch.io/post/1342121
I asked for permission to join, idk if thats how it works but i did something
I updated the link :>
it still said i had to ask for permission. you don't have to fix it rn, since i'm going to go to bed and am probably gonna try again in the morning
you made a g o o g l e d o c
they did indeed make a g o o g l e d o c
I sent you edit access request please respond
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YjkWV9nqEO6LYUaiNYcrW65BWjgl1MWnJMlAmqUnCFc/... if this doesn't work then i'm screaming into the void
big oof if that happens
heres a picture of me as a monster gir, doing a stupid thing that i do
And this is me when im sad (when I cry im always struggling not to)
please somebody be there
hello anybody there
how do you guys post your images
or, if youre using pc like i am, press alt and print screen at the same time (print screen is most likely shortened to prt sc on your keyboard). then, open a photo editing/drawing program like paint tool sai or krita and press ctrl+v and the photo should show up. then, press the file tab, press "save as..." and save the photo (remember to save it as a jpg, jpeg, or png file!). then, if you want to, open the file and crop the photo. hope this helps!
thanks you the best # and a life saver
this is basically what i look like
hello so i'm new
sense no one is answering my questen i did this
It has been 5 hours
Cool, sometimes people feel like they DON'T actually feel like answering you, and in case you haven't noticed this is NOT your comment section so calm down
ok i'm sorry
That we all have lives outside of this site and even though i refresh the page every hour or so, I'll make this bold and slanted so you understand
You are not entitled to have us answer every post you make, if we don't WANT to then we aren't gonna do it, do you understand
*tries to high five you but ends up akwardly waving hand around in the air*
*realizes what's going on and attempts high five*
OK OK!!!! i'm sorry
and it is not my falt that you you gieas are ignoreing me
it's true, it isn't your fault. we just don't find the content you produce, or the fact that you are indeed spamming without context or correct spelling noteworthy.
Ooooo *high fives*
*Gives high five*
*doesn't realize it's a high five and accidentally fist bumps your palm*
that is mean and just saying that I am sensitiv
I like that one by the way i'm new on the website
Welcome to the cult
heheh yes, hope you're not a *whispers*
you are so mean. and yes i am!!!!!!!!
the heck are you responding to?
I meant to say I am her sister
I am going to do her challenge can you comment on it
Or not
no thanks after you were just toddler screaming about unimportant topics.
It doesn't even matter to any of us
what do you think of my elf witch
very cute! i like the limited color scheme💚
I love her