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i love sfm

when chucklenuts doesnt think fast enough


octopus gal idk what to name her-

hey hawks


Do something mha?

Oh hhelloooo- 

Sure, but I'm gonna go offline in like 13 minutes. You know, school shit. 

yea yea ik

I'm about to go to my painting class :)

ooo sounds fun

it is, yeah. I don't actually take any real classes any more aside from my lit class. 

hi chonk

Vampire OCs 

My fav is Voxxie



Wolf babey. 

. . .


He's hotter and hotter the more I look at him. :)

He's not even my hottest OC is the worst part-well according to Nat. Idk if I agree with her. He's definitely like-the dumbest of my OCS I say that in the most loving way possible he just-he pretty and sweet but also an adorable idiot. 

Okay yeah, like he isn't the like, "OMFG HE'S SO GOD DAMN HOT-MARRY ME LUKAS-PIE"

He's just adorable and amazing. :)

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppp-trust me I DO have one that is in that "OMFG HE'S SO GOD DAMN HOT MARRY ME-" but it's not Lu. 

and yes. Yes he is. OKOKOK do you want me to start? Or do you want to start can you start your starting please. 

Pfft-, yeah yeah, I can def start-anything SPECIFIC you want, like scene, what we're going for, things like that- =w=

And yeah, you, you probably do.

Lukas in his hero suit... 😍



If you look at the clouds to the left and right, they almost looks like negatives of brooding faces.


stop i see it and now i see god :')

shhhh they’re brooding.

Maybe that's why the person in the smirking.



things ive been craving lately

French fries

Dairy queen

Pickles from bennys


My medications/j

Their love, affection and hugs



Onion rings

I just want coffee. Sure coffee isn’t good for you at 3 am in the morning because you have important things to attend to that require you to sleep but sometimes coffee makes me take power naps instead of waking me up so maybe I’ll be lucky.



wats so funny- it’s the truth.

bord give me a ship dynamic

katsuki and kiri

or me and kerem


I said ship dynamic not literal ship. I mean smthn like enemies to lovers or shit like that.


me and Kerem.


enemies bc she lied to me on a test

lovers bc we both love pitbull

…I’m jumping off a cliff now

pls don't

i'll turn emo/hj

"If you want to move forward, you need to push backward; that fundamental law of physics was first described in the 18th century by Sir Isaac Newton and still holds true today. Newton's third law of motion (sometimes called "action and reaction") is not always obvious, but it's the essence of anything that moves us through the world. When you're walking down the street, your feet push back against the sidewalk to move you forward. In a car, it's the wheels that do something similar as their tires kick back against the road. But what about ships and planes powered by propellers? They too use Newton's third law, because a propeller pulls or pushes you forward by hurling a mass of air or water behind you."

…sometimes I wonder why I didn’t leave here when I had the chance

I've not been here a day and I feel like I should run. But it reminds me of the nonsensical times I accidently created a RP not cult community in FFXIV around hottub truth or dare.





Imma go with cinammon roll x protective that's always a fun one. 



peepaw luci is really... really starting to grow on me





*flustered screaming*

I turn away. I do not see. I do not see, I do not pAnic. kajnhuygsyhgauyhguytfgs why.. like.... mmmanhaubygtyfstgbuygbuytfugauygstyugs you know???kjanuyhaahyuga???

i have overcome my gay, thank you





ommgmgmgmgm mr. worlwide AASBHKGUHJFG 😳😳😳😳


YES IKR :))))


I made her before Arcane but ngl she would fit perfectly in the undercity-

*hot lady just stole ur shit*

"The cops can't catch me, I'm too awesome."

laws are shit lemme break em

run, run as far as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the hot lady.

Batman be like: "I won't kill you, but your hospital bills will"

hot lady be like: "I will kill you, and if I don't your hospital bills will."

this rings a bell ( the oc )



Deleted 2 years ago


(1 edit)

aw man :( 

Was it my handwriting 

Cause the bottom page is from today after i chugged an entire timmies iced capp while on my meds 

So i was shaking like something that shakes

So it was messy 

no. It was the fact that I don't like feeling dumb so stop being smart! NYEGH!*throws notebook filled with doodles and incorrect equations at you*

but otherwise 8/10

queenie you ain't dumb ur in middle school

Thats 10th grader shit (plus the calculator does most of it for me) 

And I appreciate the 8/10 

wait a minute... that the pythagoras theorem?

i'm pro at math

i have d which means: D-mazing!
so like

i understand some of this

my notes are better

also this is for a project

think i'm gonna get an A?

Grades are hard um,

i give you a 3+/4- which is like in the mid 70's to late 80's 

Which is like a B+/A- 

I got an A on my math test yesterday 

I lost points because i rounded too early and forgot to put "cm" next to my answer 



and i deserve an a+

i always put inches or cm

or like when i have to do shit with exponents

i always add my number.

i'm very good at that

i <3 math

does ur school need uniforms 


it has a logo and everything

you would have pretty handwriting but I refuse to actually look at this because it's mAth and my homo self can NOT comprehend the factuals of math

Mf I'm the gayest fucker alive and i actually quite like maths

What in the seven hells did I just walk in on?!

I remember that image lol

This place is wild, but I want in. Who do I need to harass?

no one or we kick u out

Jokes on you I'm only made of love

ok well good

podia ter para pc

Podrías, ¡pero depende del tipo que tengas!







math was so fun

bud not buddy was behind me

jogo muito fofo alem de eu poder fazer diversos personagens eu adorei nota 1000000000000000000000000/10


Hey I’m back I forgot what my old password was so I made a new account.

Btw I’m an emo grandmother.

grandma!!! hug tackles




can I have a cookie?


mm, we love emo grandmothers




wow fail

why did i get - 1 LMAO

bored af, dost thou wish to rp?


yay who u using?

ah... lemme see what I have

uhhhh any specifications rq?

he likes men

°•🍄 Shroomvine 🍄•°

Guys I found glowing sea pikachu!


this is the cutest thing ever



*holds gently*

you’re suffocating it, it lives on the ocean floor


*Puts it back*



Oh you still have that from when I gave it to ya!

I keep everything given to me. Literally everything.


I lose half the stuff I get sometimes


I lose half the stuff I get sometimes

check the drip

I have better taste than all of you

(1 edit) (+1)

Okay so I think my neighbors are partying 'cause our floors are fucking shaking-


TW: Su1cide, venting. (some words are blurred out and some aren't.)

Okay, so there is this group of girls at my school that my friend group HATES. 







Remember those names.

Okay, onto the point. So yesterday the ELA teacher wasn't here, so we had a sub. And the sub didn't really give a shit-he was on his laptop doing whatever. And so, the kids started screwing around. All those girls that I noted are in that class, and me and Kerem have that same class together. So, one of the girls found a razor from a pencil sharpener, and she said: "Hey, why don't we c^t our initials on our arms with this too show how much we care for each other?" and so, they started c^tting themselves. And Abrianne decided to post multiple pictures on her fucking snap/insta story. How dumb could you be to do that? Post it online? Anyways, Johana was looking at Insta when suddenly-she see's the picture.

Now, I don't have the photo but I can tell yall what it said.

"Emo baddies, just cut our selves with a razor from a sharpener lololol"

and they had there @'s on there, and they had multiple photos of them c^tting, and one girl was bleeding and shit.

So Johana takes a ss (screenshot) of it, sending it to Kerem-and then from there, they said that they're gonna report them. 

The fucked up thing here is that Johana had texted Ger and Abrianne about it and Johana said: "Y'know what yall are doing can trigger people right??"

and she said: "Yeah ik."

Ger also said she didn't give a fuck abt su1c1de.

....What. The. Fuck.

How fucked up can you be to say that?

Anyways, today this girl name Iris comes up to Kerem trying to get her-and Kerem was on the phone with her mom, so I grab Iris's backpack and I say: "Wtf is you're problem dude?' and she says: "Kerem told on my friend group about the c^tting!" And I said: "She was doing the right thing-" and then Iris said: "Shut the fuck up." and so she tries to go to Kerem and Kerem walk's away and of course, I'm tryna defend Kerem so I was defending her. And Geraldine and Iris approachs us saying: "Yo, what the fuck Kerem? Why would you tell on us snitch?" and Kerem just-ignored them. And I said: "She's on the phone with her mom." and Iris says: "She's probably not even talking to someone.." and I say: "Yo-dumbass, can't you hear her mom's voice?" and she gets pissed and the other girls come and I was talking to Kerem's mom explaining what was happening, and she said I was doing good defending Kerem. And then Isabella here says: "If-If Johana and Kerem really cared about us...they wouldn't have told on us."

Listen bitch. None of us like you-you talked shit about everyones back.

Even mine when I did fucking EVERYTHING for you.

And you come at us with this shit?

Fuck you.

You're like one of the worst friends I've EVER had. You compared you're trauma to mine, you made my friends vape, and you come to me and say this shit? No. Fuck you.

Also, Geraldine might be fighting me, Kerem, and Johana tmr for what fucking reaons? 'Cause the short-ass want's attention. 

Deleted 2 years ago

Oh god.


um i was told not to


well i was called to the office abt math

gabe and manuel fighted  

gabe and manuel ???


Hello, I'm new and casually strolling down this long stream of comments...

Welcome! I'm Lofi Kitty, and my brother may or may not show up but his user is ❄️Shoto (online.)🔥/Memes_arelovely Even tho he's not online rn- anyway-

It's nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you, too :^


mighty frUITy, you?


I'm good, gonna go see the new spiderman movie




I should stop yelling-okay-

So, currently as you can see, I'm a fictional character because of Zen-


If this shit had never happened, my name would be Ratatalia.


I'm very funny.

And friendly. (most of the time looikokoik4bvedgwshygvebgdhswbn ebhdjhbwghybe-)

I'm not on drugs.

U sure bakubitch?



Nah, y'know whats too doubt abt me?

If I'm good at math or not.

Heh, Ratatalia... that's funny. You seem like a funny person, and ToTally not on drugs. Dw I'm not either.


wow pro tip dont make friends here they all forget you in 5 hhours of you dont rp with them :crack:

kitchen knife that's a lie, and I can't tell if it's because your high, that what you just said is a joke, or you mean it

I hope it's cuz they're high, lmao

lmao probably

i am completly right as i clearly remember doing a rp with someone and the next hour they asked me who i was


Well that was just one experience

That one experience doesn't define all of us

hello I’m the best one here obviously. You can call me Queen. 

Uh I miserably failed at bowling *sobs* 

I dream to have an army of pets in the future and my ultimate dream is to have at least one of those pets be a Komodo Dragon.

I know random things for no reason like the fact that pandas are actually carnivores and the reason they’re endangered is because all they eat is wood (bamboo) which isn’t a healthy diet for them and they’re just too lazy to go hunt.

Uh yea


im river


Im transginger and bi and all that stuff

 nice to meet u

trans..ginger... hehyvhja that made me laugh so hard and idk why.. anyways hello, i'm shaggy, she/they, pan and all that stUff :>

Anyone wanna rp pleaseee

aww ur character is so cute


(1 edit)

someone needs to stop me like rn

Deleted 2 years ago

no, my fingers get random holes


And then my veins get suuuper dark and start hurting sometimes 

Usually stops after a day tho 


i don't have to wear a mask anymore

but i do

'cause mask fishing 😍😍😍😍

Hear me out...

Fnaf Bar Au...

but no strippers, because that's just weird...

Tell me what you think.

someone give me a fnaf au idea plz

hey hawks-

Up for something?


gay person manga

he’s so damn wholesome 



bro yesterday my sister asked what to do for mother's day so I told her to ask mom what she wants and she said "?" and I told her to just call mom but she didn't reply so later mom called her and she said "I tried talking to them to ask what we should do, but none of them answered"

And I also kept telling them that mom wants a coffee machine and I found an affordable one if we all pitch in we can buy it for her, but no one was listening they were all arguing about what to get mom and all that and I swear how am I even related to these people.


so at lunch me and my friends did this lil tik-tok trend-where like-2 people are on there knees tryna marry the person who's standing up, and then person is like: "Screw you!" and slaps them-and then starts doing the jerk-


Me and Monet were proposing to Romina, and then Romina slapped me and Monet-but she slapped me fucking hard-

I also got slapped by Kerem today 'cause I leaned forward to get a pencil from her and I think she thought I was gonna hit her or something and she slapped me-GREAT JOB KEREM.

I got slapped because i bit a chunk outta my friend's school schedule, deep throated an ice cream cone and then bit my friend's hoodie (in that order)


i sniffed kerem hair in 5th period and she called me a rat sniffing food-and then kerem during 7th (we set next by eachother) started sniffing my hair.

I enjoyed that 😘


Also, Kerem know that I got your back.

If those bitches come at you, I got you.

Fuckin' Iris is pissed at me-

So is Isa, (fuck her.)


and Abrianne.

Fuck them.

Deleted 2 years ago



I should totally be a wedding planner. Just imagine, a couple getting married and both of them are into old movies and want that to be the main theme. The cake is themed perfectly, bottom tier is red and white stripes like a popcorn bag and there’s scrunched up edible paper with edible paint on a part of it for the kernel acting as popcorn, second tier the oh so familiar “the end” or “fin” screen when the movie’s over, it used ti be in every single movie or show, top tier is that old video camera you’d put film reel into and it would play the movie, you know that old thing. Beautiful. The colors would be black and white with 1 or two red accents. The bride and groom’s hair are done like it’s the 70s and same with the outfits. If that were me, I’d feel just like an old movie.







Someone was SHOT🔫 dead with a KNIFE🔪 


(1 edit)

Did you ever think…

The person standing in front of you is also technically standing the farthest behind you.

If you have two pillows, the top pillow is technically using the bottom pillow as a pillow.

Earth is a wet rock that’s been sitting out so long, stuff started to grow on it.

You never actually stop clapping, the time between claps just becomes longer.

You can get arrested for peeing in front of other people, then you will be forced to pee in front of other people.

By the time your brain processes the present, it becomes the past.

Rainbows are just water, so they taste like water, and there’s nothing more to it.

Children think adults have all the freedom, and adults think children have all the freedom.

If everyone on Earth died at the same time, the internet would technically just be bots posting, liking and commenting on each other with no purpose in sight.

We laugh at dogs getting excited when they hear a bark on TV, but if TV was just a string of random noises then suddenly someone spoke your language you’d also be pretty excited.

Lamps in video games still use electricity like real lamps.

Bottled water companies don’t produce water… they just produce plastic bottles.

When you buy water, you’re not paying for the water, you’re paying for the bottle.

Technically, buying water just means paying to stay alive.

If you can only last 3 minutes without air before brain damage starts to happen, synchronized swimmers must be significantly brain damaged.

Refrigerator doesn’t have a ‘d’ in it, but fridge does.

February 22 2022 is a Tuesday. This is the day with the most identically pronounced words in our lifetime. We will never experience a day with more identical words.

If you like chocolate, but don’t like dark chocolate, and like extra sugar with your tea or coffee, but don’t like it without, you technically just really like sugar.

If you stayed in one place for the whole day, technically you didn’t since the earth is constantly moving, and you will likely not be in the exact same place you were before, and the sun moves as well so the chances of being in the exact same place at the exact same time etc. in our galaxy are 1 in more than your brain can comprehend.

The world’s basically ending soon so I’ve been thinking…

Who would I want to die with?

My pets duh. I’d rather be surrounded by cute critters and creatures than be surrounded by my own family. Yeah I said it. My pets are my anti-depressants deal with it. I’d be sitting on the couch watching their favorite movie (animals can have favorite movies) and as the world ends because we all know it will end soon and we take our final breath, it will all be peaceful. Just me, my cats, my Komodo dragons, my hamsters and my dogs. A perfect way to go out.

i would wanna die with myself

cause i aint got no bitches

(1 edit)



She pretty

I love a strong woman

Who could like... beat the fuck outta my ass

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