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“I just don’t watch that much gacha anymore”

Also I’m getting my computer back soon so that means I can play :D

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y e s

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my pokesona lmao

~🌼 aaron 🌼~ 


Thats all 

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Hnadoms man ik ik 

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*eyebrow wiggle* 

i know

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Oh random suggestion completely unrelated to the name of this character at all you should go read spirit fingers in webtoon

i dont d o webtoon

... *smacks lips* ._. Ok

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Somebody asked “what is your favorite YouTuber”

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oh, lmao same, I just don’t watch that much gacha anymore

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mine is either Jacksepticeye or Markiplier. Maybe some other YouTuber


I have to update my thing alot, I forget about a lot of YouTubers


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I can howl like a wolf bark like a dog meow like a cat moo like a cow baa like sheep and cockadoodledoo like a rooster.


the filth has invaded our town! we must inform masta before the civilians freak out . . quick gwadsmoth!! {gwaud-smauth} inform the overlord of invasion from our Greatest enemy . . 


GWAUGH!? to fast . . ! enemy's  to fast! we must call for reinforcecements . . yes . . HELP!! GWADSMOTH IS TO LITTLE TO FIGHT OUR ENEMIES!! HELP!!


gwadsmoth is very afraid . . why is gwadsmoth unheard? has thou already . . gained control of masta's kingdom . . ?

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I’m gonna rp with myself now 😼

Zero runs through the alleyway

Dammit! I hate doing this!

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its time for your test

say the chorus of butter

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(I have to finish the rp here cause its glitching)


(thats because the post is old, we have to make new post)

(alright well do you want me to make the new post or finish from here..?)

my names Zero but with an x

wel my nicknames xero or xen but my name is xeon

C o o l !

u smell

C o o l !

Zero runs into coral

ACK! Coral? What are you doing here!

Coral: Uhm, nothing, i guess.

Ugh, i got to go!

Zero runs into the nearby town

Zena spots zero running away from someone

Zena: Idiot.

Zena runs and grabs zero


Zena: Shut up, they’re gonna hear you.

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Zero smiles

Thank you

Zena: Anyways, (👁💧👄💧👁) what the hell did you do.

oh it got worse :’)

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what are you the school nurse?

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Me: I’m having a heart attack!”

School nurse. “Oh that’s terrible. here have an ice pack and I’ll check your temprature ok... oh I’m afraid you have no temprature. Take the ice pack and go on back to class ok.”

Me: *dead*

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/j /j /j/j/j

my rash feels numb. Who wants to see it?

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oh it doesn’t look like tha plague anymore lmao. Oki lemme get a pic if it

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ok so it was a red circle with a red ring around it and now it’s just this

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Im your host Robin

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my friends dog has to be put down so i asked for a picture of their dog and made them this

They are happy now :D

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What- 😅

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the rp place has a lot of nice people

im also eating pizza

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sorry jhjhjhjhuh

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i swerer I’ll jet Jess on you 😾

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you know that idiom “don’t cry over spilled milk” yeah I think my sister needs to head it a few hundred times. First she takes a giant plate if curry and says she wants more curry then she lets me pick a piece of chicken so naturally I pick the bigger one and she says that was hers. Well if it was yours don’t make it one of the options! Then she called me selfish! And shouted at me! Like wtf! I’M the selfish one? Really? SERIOUSLY. She’s complaining over something so futile that happened because it was HER FAULT LIKR WTH

Society by Me


Where colors have gender and

Girls must be girly.


Where body types are shunned and

Others are praised.


Where everyone is corrupt and

No one seems to care.


Where I live and



Because in society’s eyes, I...

Am imperfect.


Is wrong...

Who we are is perfect.

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Oh please take them. I don’t want them anymore. Please.

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why not

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More people should write poems. I wrote one. If the Evil Queen knew if the prince.

Poison Apple by Me

we’ve all heard the story of snow white

The girl with skin white as snow

Lips red as cherries

Eyes blue as the ocean

She took a bite from a poison apple

As the evil queen tricked her so

An evil burden snow white carries

To cure the curse, a certain potion

A true love’s kiss could kill the curse

But snow white’s prince

Is nowhere to be seen

He was killed too by the evil queen

She took a bite from the poison apple

And fell without a wince

Her pure skin was clean

As she was put into the grave by the evil queen

Snow White’s poison apple 

Could have been a disaster

If the queen was only

A little bit smarter

Tragedies and mishaps

Are everyday things

And there’s nothing she can do

Not without her prince

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by the way poems don’t need to rhyme just saying

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poems dont need to rhymmmmmmeee just sayingggggg

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anyway you like it?

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Alrighttttt, well..I wanna rp with you though I do like the poem.

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Alright have anyone..?

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Alright cute, sexuality..?

Name: Devan Bond
Age: 22 - Born 25th of September
Appearance: Standing short and stout with tan skin, Devan has a disinterested feel about him.
He has a wide face, a turned-up nose, and narrow lips. His green eyes are large and he has well groomed eyebrows.
His black hair is slicked back and wavy.
He usually wears black clothes that are mostly and he wears no jewellery.
Personality: Likeable, respectful, controlling, big-headed, sensitive.
Personal Status
Social Class: Aristocracy
Education: received private tuition - Did very good
Marital status: single (Bisexual)
Job: Make-Up Artist - 90% satisfied
Financial status: Average
Personal views
Religious view: Theist - (Faith: 82%)
World view: Idealist
Racial views: "There's no such thing as a 'Master race'"
Gender bias: "other genders should have more rights"
Age preference: "Respect for all ages"
Nationalism: "...."
Conflict: "Some people only understand force"
Physical/Health: No notable issues
Quirks: Bursts into song at random times
Likes: Watching films, Playing online games
Dislikes: Dead phone, Slow drivers, Doing laundry, Being alone
Afraid of: Being alone
Self-satisfaction: 53% - Increasing
Fitness level: 76% - Increasing
Motivator: Greed
Skills: Good at seduction.
Colours: Likes amber, hates magenta
Music: Likes Gospel, hates Latin
Foods: Sweet food
Book Genre: Folklore


Alright, so I have my man's over here you asked for an angry Buff Boi here ya go love.

H A W T-

(I try :) now are you ready or need more time..?)

(I'll be done in like 5 seconds-) 


(Its been 43 minutes..👩‍🦲)

(Srry I had therapy!!) 


Mhm here you go





we can continue our other rp

Yea sure I don't mind

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Complete the poem: (this was originally a poem when I first heard of it so don’t @ me)

Sick “I cannot go to school today!” 

Said little Peggy Anne McKay

“I have the measles and the mumps.

A gash a rash and purple bumps.

My mouth is wet, my throat is dry

I’m going blind in my right eye.

My tonsils are as big as rocks.

I’ve counted sixteen chicken pox.

And there’s one more that’s seventeen.

And don’t you think my face looks green...

this is from where the sidewalk ends

my leg is cut, my eyes are blue

it might be Instamatic flu

I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke

I'm sure that my left leg is broke

well the thing itself us called Sick and it’s by Shel Silverstien

My hip hurts when I move my chin

My bellybuttons caving in

My back is wrenched my ankle’s sprained 

My pendix pains each time it rains

ik that i have the fuckin book


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☆ Guys I won't be on for a while. I'm taking a break hope you don't miss me for to long. I just y'know wanna work on some Gacha Club projects of mine for my YT Channel (Self Promo be like) ༄


Also cute new frog character I legit love them also they go by they/them and are pansexual and demisexual



oki is cute

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I smell food! O frabjous day! Callooh callay! (If anyone knows where that’s from please say so because I wanna see how many people know)

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it’s from a poem. It’s from a poem! Rememberrrr!

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please tell me you remember?

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I have a terrible rash. Kind of like the rashes people got during the black death pandemic.

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igh. I hate sunburn. I got it once. Talk about snake skin.

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i will

fucking kill 

for this figure

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don't tell me what to do

You don't want to search it up

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too late biitch 

im not calling you a bitch btw

uh oh

eeh not that bad

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its a code for h*ntai

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d o e s  a n y o n e  k n o w  h o w  t o  f l i r t  a s k i n g  f o r  a  f r i e n d 

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no. I could not flirt if my life depended on it.

I sureee doooooo!!! (I made a guy blush just by chocking him playfully 😊... Wait-)

COUGHS LOUDLY AGAIN Guess who didn't get into the year book for some odd reason- (MY MOTHER SENT A PHOTO BC I'M A DL STUDENT AND MY OTHER DL FRIENDS ARE IN THERE TOO SO-!!!)

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dont you have to pay to be in the yearbook

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my mum did in fact pay

oh-well idk

What doth lie beneath the thin layer of flesh?

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theres onky one now laeis

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** lawkins

my vision is all cloudy sorry 4 the spelling 

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indeed but what doth lie beneath them?

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no. Blood vessels. Do you nit bleed friend? DO YOU

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welcome back!

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Tom walks in and takes of his... 


oh dear.





My eyes!

In the face, why the face?!

Thats- Oh, no!

Its like you dont even know the characters!

Upside down?

...with a bungee cord?

Where did the llama come from?!

I dont think i can hold my breath that long.

I dont think anyone can!

Well at least they put tommy bear in there.

WAY in there...

The End...

Question mark?!


I attached some art?!

I know now what must be done. 

COUGHS LOUDLY... Guess who's graduating *a lil dance*

I'm not, lmfao i failed the school year

Not me

Cos im in the 9th grade and won't graduate for another 3 years (hopefully)

Canadians amirite?/j


i... okay :D 

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww-a freshmannnnnn-

I kid I kid- 

well then

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guess who doesn’t have a graduation cause I’m not “moving to the next stage in life” or whatever. I passed the year but I’m not done with high school so I don’t get to celebrate finishing the school year.

uH, I just went on picrew and it was down, does anyone else have the same problem?

No I don't know what's wrong

Wat is dat

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