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here's eva!!

Some or none of you may be wondering but i havent posted the animals for sale bc i made a chatroom where I’ll post them in for you to look at and get!

If you're going to post the art on this platform, please clarify that you did not draw the art and that you traced it, or put the artist's name on the post.




When a teacher mistakes me for being male: 

G E N D E R  E U P H O R I A 

i dont understand big words

btw I have an rp bio board thingy, I post all of the rp bios that I've posted here over there :)

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AND i just got a new writing engine so..I WANNA WRITE but idk what to write about...idk if I wanna do a fanfic or what....

hm, try making a story bases on the OCS you have! :D

Ive got something for you to write about. Ive had an idea for a while now. A murder mystery. A man who calls himself The Ace is going around killing people and he been doing this for years. Every murder victim had a very carefully placed Ace of clubs card placed right on their heart wich would be missing but theres no hole or any possible way of entry to take out the heart. Its simply gone. The person has no other injuries or marks on them. This case has been a mystery for ages until someone comes to investigate. If you want to know more hit me up!

Anyone wanna rp?


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River is in rivers room and does not want to get up 

River will let it close itself up

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It’s-a me!

i didnt make a bio for my dear villains.

Name: Akina Shio

Age: 16

Siblings: Ezume Shio 19

Personality: annoying, petty, selfish, cold, judging, sanity be gone!, intimidating and despite all that she’s quite FUN

Native Language: japanese 

Languages spoken: English, Arabic, Egyptian arabic, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, German, Latin and Taiwanese

Gender: female

Appearance: standing at 5’3 with long crimson red hair styled in a low ponytail and side swoop bangs. She wears a black and white suite with a cut sleeved jacket. She has pitch black leather shoes no shoe laces or straps. One of her eyes is a bright red while the other is black. She sometimes wears red gloves as well.

Sexuality: Ace/Aro

Species: Phoenix Elf

Abilities: very good with guns and close combat, torchers the living hecc out of any hostage and is a good actress.

Weaknesses: people who fight distanced combat and human lie detectors

Backstory: her whole family and species died in a huge fire. Her and her brother are the only ones who survived. 

Quote: “the villain and the hero just depend on who’s side of the story you're on”

Why am i awake?

I am back from the dead

hello guys just wanted to say hi since ive been gone for a month heh.. o-o

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all i want to say is u cant have a community without a toxic person

bestie stop tryna be toxic yall r chill

never fucking call me " bestie"

ill call you whatever the fuck i want 

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okay...ima head out.


Im not being agressive im just

Matching his energy

thousands of posts! are they all here?

i have something to say. do u ever come out of these comments?



mainly cos im on mobile so other games don't work

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my most liked post on yt

A n y o n e l i k e E m m e r y



Ok I made him a boyfriend teehee- name him please- like theo?? idk??? cry help plez name him q-q  


h e l l o o t h e r h u m a n b e i n g 

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hhh this man is so adorable. qwq here's some details he was also referenced from a color palette I had. ok.

Name: Liam
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Hobbies/Interests:Trying new foods, shopping, trends.
Sexuality: Currently undecided
Species: Elf

bestie uh... gender fluid isn't a sexuality

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oh shoot- sorry cry. i keep getting stuff mixed up D: Guess I'll just put undecided


you make it sound like i commited a crime  q-q

all i said was oke?

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part two 


Name: ran watanabe 

 Gender: female  

 Race/Species: Japanese-human

Appearance: really tall, she puts her waist length hair into twin tails 

Personality: loudmouth, sadistic, during fights she kinda lets loose and takes out a lot of the frustrations she had with her home life on the enemy 

Age: 27

 DOB: march 15th 

 Height: 5'8

 Weight:  im not gunna do weight anymore cos it gives me *body dysphoria* 

 Job: her job is working at their company 

 Team: regina, miu and mori

Background/Bio: ran comes from your classic broken home stereotype, her dad was a cheater and her mom was a prostitute and she'd (her mom) often bring home her clients for her "work" she had an older brother who was a dad at 14 and it wasn't a great influence on little ran (seeing as she started an organization who kills and or commits other crimes for money) she's genuinely a nice girl though and she cared a lot about her brother and parents and considers everyone (Unless specified otherwise) a friend  

 Abilities/Hobbies: finding new recruits for their organization (she can't get anyone to join :(  ) 

 Weakness: she gets suuper distracted on one target during a fight and it ultimately gets her killed so :/

Guys I wanna Know should I make a wattpad story..?

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what should the story be about though like a sad one or what

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k thanks love

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Starting a book 😐👍🏾

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Lol thank you, it's cute love but I'm black..I still accept it though..

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Ill change it rn, and Ill try to draw you :)

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Ok so I need ur profile pic rn so can u give me the full pic please and thank you

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anyone wanna chat or something lol

i have snap(i don really use it), insta, twitter, and discord lol

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i heard we was making villain oc [proud] luckily i has already made some and has been a waiting for an opportunity to post em

Basically uh, a smol group of friends runs this little business and they commit crimes for people who pay dem 

Name: mori usagi 

Gender: female 

Race/Species: Japanese-elfish 

Appearance: short, her hair goes down to like right underneath her Bottom, her eyes seem to glow in the dark 

Personality: quiet, moody, kuudere. Even in a battle or gunfight she's practically as quiet as a mouse only ever saying "go" or "quiet" 

Age: 19

DOB: October 25th 

Height: 5'4 

Weight:  im not gunna do weight anymore cos it gives me *body dysphoria* 

Job: her job is working at their company

Team: regina, miu and ran

Background/Bio: way back when she was a kid she and her dad would go hunting and she got to use his guns uh, timeskip i guess and her superior (ran) offered her a place at their company and bingo she has a job

Abilities/Hobbies: knitting, playing first person shooter games

Weakness: idk if this counts as a weakness but she can't aim as well as she should if she doesn't have her hat covering one of her eyes 

(Part 1 of 4)

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looks pretty cool ngl

thank you not funny guy!

they look really cool :D

merci steve :D


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henlo henlo just checking in, how is everyone doing?

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not really big of a deal ( at least for me) but ok

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let me put it into perspective

lets say you live in a world where you only get ONE shirt for your whole lfe, it grows with you it stays with you it's part if you

and lets say your shirt is red, but one day you realize my shirt isn't meant to be red my shirt is blue

so you start changing your shirt and ask everyone to say your shirt is blue, whenever someone says you still have a red shirt it really really hurts you

because you know its a blue shirt and even if it used to be a red shirt its blue now

so every time someone calls you a red shirt and tells you our shirt will always be red it drills a tiny hole in your heart and makes you incredibly sad

now some people migt call you a red shirt  on accident  because they've known its a red shirt for sooo long and it takes some getting used to

but some people do it on purpose to make you sad and it works

because even though you're a blue shirt some people will say you're a blue shirt just to be mean 

so uh

that make sense

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all im tryna say is, it's very detrimental to ones self esteem and emotional health 

O hello funniest guy

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how do people still know me???



I dunno, you still has funny and guy in your name

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Not Funny Guy


how many strangers have come to our comment board with the words funny and guy in their name

ONE THATS WHO and that who is you not funny guy

I feel like Dababycar

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less go

Yeah Yeah


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          "It's not a phase it's a lifestyle"

🖤:Emmery Monet


🖤:blue eyed baby

🥀:"I see dead people"

oh i know someone who sees dead people. Enter Ezra. Literally sees ghosts but cant differentiate them from humans sadly. Sk the ghosts have to tell Ezra than they are ghosts.


i saw the “i see dead people” and thought “wow thats cool kinda liek Ezra” so i thought id bring it up... DOES EVERYONE HERE NOT LIKE PEOPLE BRINGING UP CHARACTERS WITH THINGS IN COMMON WITH OTHER CHARACTERS?


;-; i just wanna bond with people. Then yall answer with “what?” And “uhm ok?” And “uh thats super common 🙄” like why u do dat.

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It ain't a phase it's a lifestyle

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Villains... we need more of them... so I made siblings... I don't know if they should both be Villains or only one of them but... I prefer both of them cause Villains are hecking cool... so we'll just act like both of them are.

can I have the link to the second picture

thanks love :)

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how the fuck is "They censor their name in kahoot " offensive?

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h- how do u know funniest?


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nah that was a copy pasta lmao

also sorry, I got unbanned

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yep I have been unbanned, steve brought me here lol

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oh-ho, really?


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lol you showed the reply so I came xd

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