Omg for the first time in forever! I posted a comment on a yt video and it's getting HEAPS of attention! Obviously I'm not gonna go "edit: tysm r the likes" no now that's stupid. Everyone collectively hates that. Like why. Just why. But I'm still happy that my comment got attention! 😀
Ah hello I can help with this one! You need to measure around their chest, it's important to make sure you are not going too tight when you do this, it is much much better to have a too loose binder than a too tight one. Also when your friend does get the binder, please have them check in with you at first to make sure it is not hurting them and is not too tight/restricting. Too tight binders genuinely can be dangerous.
(I'm keeping this pg, but I really hope you know what I mean when I say chest.)
I was outside with my friends and then we saw a boy we didn't like so yeah..we walked away...and then fast forward he and this guy that tried to date me were stalking and my friends were all playing outside and then the boys started making adult jokes (but we didn't mind) so then I was running away along side a boyo and then his brother was like (to him..well it's actually pretty adult so imma not say it but then his brother was like)"do that to her,I'm your brother!" So then blah blah blah more adult jokes and our day ended BUT I THINK SOME OF THOSE BOYOS HAVE A C R U S H ON M E (very bad taste ✋🏾🙄)
Her (adopted) dad was 29 and she was originally 15 and i felt like the age difference was like too close and since they have a stronk bond i didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea with their relationship
Standing 5' 8" tall, and frail with bronze skin, Seren has a cold-hearted feel about her.
She has an angular face, a pointed nose, and thick lips. Her brown eyes are puffy and she has fine eyebrows.
Her purple hair is shoulder-length and straight, and is worn in a quiff.(whatever that means)
She usually wears immaculate, matching clothes that are mostly purple, and she wears earrings and a necklace.
Gentle, has high standards, a leader (when necessary), carefree.
Personal Status
Social Class:
B grade student
Personal views
Religious view:
World view:
Racial views:
"We're all the same"
Gender bias:
"I disagree with stereotypical gender roles"
Age preference:
"Children should be respected, not disregarded"
"I hate this place..."
"....Vampires suck"
has asthma
Fidgets a lot
Carpentry, Playing videogames
The smell of burnt food, Unsociable people
Afraid of:
Number 13, and vampires
42% - Increasing
Fitness level:
78% - Stable
Very good at detecting deception and Skilled at self-defense.
You know when you're on a diet and everything in the fridge looks delicious but then when you're on your cheat day everything in the fridge isn't appealing.
Jeez I really am insane... what is my life anymore... why are we still here... just to suffer... everyday... I can feel my leg... and my arm... even my fingers... the body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting...
SO *claps her hands together really loud* I have made THREEadorable creatures AND i’m giving them away for FREE!
They are all extremely nice and friendly, Dream is very cuddly and warm, Glacier would follow you around and sleep at the foot of you bed but shes kinda cold, Sunny is very hot but you can hold her and she loves attention.
They are going to three people of my choice i will be making some and editing the photo if they were sold!
Edit: Glacier is now in the lovely arms and household of a new owner!
Well they asked first and you can't really get anyones head since they technically asked first and it would be nice if you asked for sunny instead logical choice!
Help O-O two people asked for Sunny and two people want Dream O-O so heres how it works, either you decide who gets them, OR neither of you get them and wait until the cows and others come out, BUT because two people asked first i might give them to them O-O
Ok O-O I have decided who I’m giving who to... Dream goes tooooooo *drum roll out of no where* The Most Hated Zodiac Sign so that they dont kill anyone, sorry TheLongFurbyGod..
And Sunny goes to CloudyThoughts if you dont mind Aesthetic person i forgot your username O-O
Sense of style: frilly knee length dresses and poofy skirts
Schooling and job information
Bun has a full elementary school education but xe dropped out after the 8th grade
She worked at a restaurant as a waitress for a while before quitting and bun started a dog grooming / walking business. It did not take off, xe currently has no job
Family: destiny Schwarz.
Friends: Johnathan and Abigail Polanski, mimi (buns fluffy white dog raccon cat thing)
Romantic parters?: no.
Basic information
Name: destiny Patricia Schwarz
Nicknames / pet names: des
Age: 28
Height: 5'5
Pronouns: she/they/theirs
Gender: demigirl
Sex: male
Sexuality: aromatic asexual
Hair color: white
Eye color: purple
Skin tone: tan
Hairstyle: twin tails
Hair length: down their back
Sense of style: fluffy long sweaters over shorts
Schooling and job information
They also had a full elementary school education but ended up dropping out in 9th grade
Random facts about my ocs... sept some of them are sad ish? Maybe
• Abigail collects stuffed bears
• Johnathan has really bad separation anxiety and gets super worried every time Abigail goes out
• melody really likes magical girl anime
• people often mistake Johnathan for being one of those creepy guys whenever he's out with his daughter and it's like really really triggering for him so they usually have to leave wherever they are until he can calm down (when they didn't leave he ended up beating the shit outta somebody behind a grocery store)
• sometimes diare gets leaves in his head and it feels like when you get an eyelash or dust in your eye times 10
• Abigail isn't really social so whenever she brings home a friend Johnathan tries his best to make them feel comfortable (and he does a deep clean of their apartment)
• for about a year Johnathan and Abigail lived in a trailer and traveled around till Abigail asked if she could start going to school
• destiny and Michaela (two ocs i haven't done a proper introduction on) used to style Abigail's hair before Johnathan knew how to do it for himself
Likes: Food,staying in the house,Flowers,meeting new people
Dislikes: Her family
Theme Song: Yeah, my receipts be lookin' like phone numbers,If it ain't money, then wrong number Black card is my business card.The way it be settin' the tone for me I don't mean to brag, but I be like, "Put it in the bag," yeah.When you see them racks, they stacked up like my ass.
Standing 5' 8" tall, and frail with bronze skin, Seren has a cold-hearted feel about her. She has an angular face, a pointed nose, and thick lips. Her brown eyes are puffy and she has fine eyebrows. Her purple hair is shoulder-length and straight, and is worn in a quiff.(whatever that means) She usually wears immaculate, matching clothes that are mostly purple, and she wears earrings and a necklace.
Gentle, has high standards, a leader (when necessary), carefree.
Personal Status
Social Class:
B grade student
Personal views
Religious view:
World view:
Racial views:
"We're all the same"
Gender bias:
"I disagree with stereotypical gender roles"
Age preference:
"Children should be respected, not disregarded"
"I hate this place..."
"....Vampires suck"
has asthma
Fidgets a lot
Carpentry, Playing videogames
The smell of burnt food, Unsociable people
Afraid of:
Number 13, and vampires
42% - Increasing
Fitness level:
78% - Stable
Very good at detecting deception and Skilled at self-defense.
She ra fans this is for you. Why do a lot of you hate adora? And think she shouldnt be the main character? No seriously like whats your point of view on this i just wanna know. What do you think?
I don't hate Adora, and I do think she should be the main character. She just annoys me a little bit sometimes. That's how I feel about all hero-type characters.
hallo froends! Im currently not in my house and am very bored. I have nothing to draw on and no website to make characters. Im extremely frustrated and wish i had a laptop or smn.
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Ok Lawkins here is my adorable DEFINITELY NOT ALIEN cinnamon roll
yeeeeeeee-do you wanna start or me?
Elden is walking somewhere when he sees a MYSTERIOUS GREEN GLOW off in the distance
My friends and sometimes family say I sneeze like pan pan from We Bear Bares(?) But uh yeah..anyone wanna rp?
Ew I woke up at a decent time! 😭
Omg for the first time in forever! I posted a comment on a yt video and it's getting HEAPS of attention! Obviously I'm not gonna go "edit: tysm r the likes" no now that's stupid. Everyone collectively hates that. Like why. Just why. But I'm still happy that my comment got attention! 😀
"Greetings, fellow Earthling! I am filled with the happiness to meet you!"
✌️ Zenti years of age✌️
👽Cute as a button, very sweet-complete and utter cinnamon roll, precious👽
✨Definitely NOT an alien✨
I'm assuming this was the alien girl that you were talking about so here's
oh she pretty-aight-do you wish to start or shalt I?
(you please thanks love)
Amethyst is doing her thing when she sees a MYSTERIOUS GREEN GLOW off in the distance
when she saw it she kind of didn't paying mind, given the fact that a lot of weird things were happening that month so she kept on swimming
So anybody hear know how to measure for a binder I don't know what to measure (( It's for a friend ))
Ah hello I can help with this one! You need to measure around their chest, it's important to make sure you are not going too tight when you do this, it is much much better to have a too loose binder than a too tight one. Also when your friend does get the binder, please have them check in with you at first to make sure it is not hurting them and is not too tight/restricting. Too tight binders genuinely can be dangerous.
(I'm keeping this pg, but I really hope you know what I mean when I say chest.)
(Ok that's it. NB squad out!)
yeah i do but thanks :)
good job-now I have a question for you!
yeah what's the question many human spines does one need to offer up as tribute to appease the long furby god?
River is sorry river cannot help
River has a smol chest and dont need a binder
But river thinks you has to order it one size bigger then you? Maybe. (Correct river if i wrokt)
Anyone wanna rp?
i could maybe :I
I gawta go tew bed soon so tewmorrow
Yeah YYeah...LESS GOOO
I was just reading some of ya'll rps just like:👀👀
lol yeah
Was this taken down from google play? Is the APK available to download if we donate?
The person that made this app isn't online anymore ig,sowwy
I was outside with my friends and then we saw a boy we didn't like so yeah..we walked away...and then fast forward he and this guy that tried to date me were stalking and my friends were all playing outside and then the boys started making adult jokes (but we didn't mind) so then I was running away along side a boyo and then his brother was like (to him..well it's actually pretty adult so imma not say it but then his brother was like)"do that to her,I'm your brother!" So then blah blah blah more adult jokes and our day ended BUT I THINK SOME OF THOSE BOYOS HAVE A C R U S H ON M E (very bad taste ✋🏾🙄)
do all of my rp buddies have to disappear at the very second that I reply? (PS no not u Monika or Auntie. That's my fault. I replied late.,
I have made the executive decision to age Abigail down a bit
Basic information
Name: Abigail Christina marina Polanski
Nicknames / pet names: abi
Age: 10 ½
Height: 4'11
Birthday: December 26th
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Gender: female
Sex: female
Sexuality: whats that?
Hair color: brown
Eye color: light blue and dark blue
Skin tone: w h i t e
Hairstyle: normally in two buns or sailor moon style
Hair length: down to her mid back
Sense of style: whatever her dad buys for her
Schooling and job information
She didn't go to elementary school until the fith grade, she's in the 6th grade now.
Family: Jonathan Polanski
Friends: none, at the moment
Her (adopted) dad was 29 and she was originally 15 and i felt like the age difference was like too close and since they have a stronk bond i didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea with their relationship
just make the dad older
the more i think about it the worst it gets
...anyone wanna rp with my girl Seren?
...AhEm might I interest you in an Ezra? can start
^Ezra was walking around. Chilling. Minding their own business when suddenly they bump into someone which happens to be Seren^
"I'm sorry."
-she moved out of Ezra's way-
^They walk past her ^
"Gentle... probably a good leader. Carefree... maybe some high standards."
^he whispers to himself dissecting Seren's whole personality perfectly^
I got sans lol
Is anyone alive?
No were all dead inside.
You know when you're on a diet and everything in the fridge looks delicious but then when you're on your cheat day everything in the fridge isn't appealing.
do you guys ever do like 3 ppl rp's or 4 ppl rp's, was just curious.
Not often but it happens sometimes
ohh ok i was just wondering
We do.
im watching how the grinch stole christmas and im wondering... how did he steal christmas?
HE D I D N ' T
oh but he did... then he gave it back. Well he stole the presents at least.
This is Bitsy. She's an idiot.
"I have no idea what I'm doing, but you can't stop me!"
wow. Did you draw that?
Nah, I used Kisekae. Too bad it ran on Flash.
oh. Yeah.
Jeez I really am insane... what is my life anymore... why are we still here... just to suffer... everyday... I can feel my leg... and my arm... even my fingers... the body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting...
SO *claps her hands together really loud* I have made THREE adorable creatures AND i’m giving them away for FREE!
They are all extremely nice and friendly, Dream is very cuddly and warm, Glacier would follow you around and sleep at the foot of you bed but shes kinda cold, Sunny is very hot but you can hold her and she loves attention.
They are going to three people of my choice i will be making some and editing the photo if they were sold!
Edit: Glacier is now in the lovely arms and household of a new owner!
Aight she’s all yours!
can i have dream plz
Not if I get it first
wouldn't i get it first bc i asked first tho-
That is true-
So you take their side.
Okay. We'll see.
I don't get dream and it'll be your head understand.
Well they asked first and you can't really get anyones head since they technically asked first and it would be nice if you asked for sunny instead logical choice!
I said. I want. Dream. And I never give up. I will never surrender. I am not that person.
I don't mind if you don't give up we can just use a duplicator and make another Dream for you B)
oh well ok then.
Can I take sunny?
can i have sunny pleeeeez
Help O-O two people asked for Sunny and two people want Dream O-O so heres how it works, either you decide who gets them, OR neither of you get them and wait until the cows and others come out, BUT because two people asked first i might give them to them O-O
Ok O-O I have decided who I’m giving who to... Dream goes tooooooo *drum roll out of no where* The Most Hated Zodiac Sign so that they dont kill anyone, sorry TheLongFurbyGod..
And Sunny goes to CloudyThoughts if you dont mind Aesthetic person i forgot your username O-O
You sneaky little person
you gotta get like almost all of bf's head outta there
shut the fuck up
we have to be a bit toxic :)
Why dont you shut your asshole. Cant take a joke.
Basic information
Name: Michaela Marianne Schwarz
Nicknames / pet names: Micky (mouse)
Age: 28
Height: 5'6
Pronouns: she/they/xe/bun
Gender: bigender
Sex: female
Sexuality: pansexual
Hair color: white
Eye color: purple
Skin tone: tan
Hairstyle: tomboyish sidetails
Hair length: short
Sense of style: frilly knee length dresses and poofy skirts
Schooling and job information
Bun has a full elementary school education but xe dropped out after the 8th grade
She worked at a restaurant as a waitress for a while before quitting and bun started a dog grooming / walking business. It did not take off, xe currently has no job
Family: destiny Schwarz.
Friends: Johnathan and Abigail Polanski, mimi (buns fluffy white dog raccon cat thing)
Romantic parters?: no.
Basic information
Name: destiny Patricia Schwarz
Nicknames / pet names: des
Age: 28
Height: 5'5
Pronouns: she/they/theirs
Gender: demigirl
Sex: male
Sexuality: aromatic asexual
Hair color: white
Eye color: purple
Skin tone: tan
Hairstyle: twin tails
Hair length: down their back
Sense of style: fluffy long sweaters over shorts
Schooling and job information
They also had a full elementary school education but ended up dropping out in 9th grade
She work at a fast food restaurant
Family: Michaela Schwarz
Friends: Johnathan and Abigail Polanski
Romantic partners?: no.
Random facts about my ocs... sept some of them are sad ish? Maybe
• Abigail collects stuffed bears
• Johnathan has really bad separation anxiety and gets super worried every time Abigail goes out
• melody really likes magical girl anime
• people often mistake Johnathan for being one of those creepy guys whenever he's out with his daughter and it's like really really triggering for him so they usually have to leave wherever they are until he can calm down (when they didn't leave he ended up beating the shit outta somebody behind a grocery store)
• sometimes diare gets leaves in his head and it feels like when you get an eyelash or dust in your eye times 10
• Abigail isn't really social so whenever she brings home a friend Johnathan tries his best to make them feel comfortable (and he does a deep clean of their apartment)
• for about a year Johnathan and Abigail lived in a trailer and traveled around till Abigail asked if she could start going to school
• destiny and Michaela (two ocs i haven't done a proper introduction on) used to style Abigail's hair before Johnathan knew how to do it for himself
안녕하세요. 다들 어때요?
Huh 😃
밤이긴하지만 괜찮아요, 물어봐 줘서 고마워요!
나는 좋은 아침을 말하지 않았다.
Google translate betrayed me.
Name: Kalani
Meaning of name: the heavens, sky, or royal one
Nickname: Kal
Gender: Women
Age: 18
Date Of Birth: August 9,2003
Sibling(s): none
Species:human, kind of want a human and animal rp
Native Language: English
Accent: Russian
Languages Spoken: English,Spanish ill try Russian
Sexuality: Pan
Zodiac: Virgo
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Residence: Her own apartment
Occupation: Model
Blood type: B
Mental State: Good
Weaknesses: none
Enemies: Most of the people that hate her
Friends: People who stay by her side
Likes: Food,staying in the house,Flowers,meeting new people
Dislikes: Her family
Theme Song: Yeah, my receipts be lookin' like phone numbers,If it ain't money, then wrong number Black card is my business card.The way it be settin' the tone for me I don't mean to brag, but I be like, "Put it in the bag," yeah.When you see them racks, they stacked up like my ass.
Quote: "I'm about to start college today"
yea srry
no problem love
She has an angular face, a pointed nose, and thick lips. Her brown eyes are puffy and she has fine eyebrows.
Her purple hair is shoulder-length and straight, and is worn in a quiff.(whatever that means)
She usually wears immaculate, matching clothes that are mostly purple, and she wears earrings and a necklace.
Conclusion... everyone's dead.
mhm. All my rp buddies are offline. Big sad.
Ya wanna rp? I have new children.
Behold: Darcy the soft boi werewolf with trauma
Ok give me one second i currently have 0 characters cause i am not at my own house.
Lol im not dead im just lurking
i am ALIVE!! lmao
She ra fans this is for you. Why do a lot of you hate adora? And think she shouldnt be the main character? No seriously like whats your point of view on this i just wanna know. What do you think?
I don't hate Adora, and I do think she should be the main character. She just annoys me a little bit sometimes. That's how I feel about all hero-type characters.
Not you. The people who hate her. And she's not necessarily a hero-type.
ok so i gotta do this before my mom wakes ip so o can selete this.
Heres Artemis. Named after the greek goddess of hunting, nature and archery. Thank you niw i gotta delete this picture.
hallo froends! Im currently not in my house and am very bored. I have nothing to draw on and no website to make characters. Im extremely frustrated and wish i had a laptop or smn.
Bestie you cab use picrew and on mobile
im on my moms phone bestieee
nice game :>
i came out tto my ex.
am not happy
Wait you still talk to your ex?
Ok but you can't convince me that they are not pretty, Like she's so fucking gorgeous
ikr like-
they be fineee-
Yyessssss..omg Women and Men Chefss kissss