Meaning of name: How is there meaning to english names- idk and idc 😃
Nickname: Mira or Liza bc yes
Gender: Female i guess
Age: 18
Date Of Birth: June. 26. 2001
Sibling(s): None
Species: Hmm idk hUmAn
Native Language: Spanish
Accent: Is Mexican an accent or-
Languages Spoken: English, Japanese, and Spanish
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac: Cancer ♋️
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Residence: an Apartment in San Francisco
Occupation: a waitress at a restaurant
Blood type: AB negative bc yes
Mental State: Quite Stable
Phobia(s): Trypanophobia- the fear of injections (i have this phobia bc shots are scary 😃), Cynophobia- the fear of dogs, and lastly Nyctophobia- fear of the dark
Allergies: Bee stings, pollen, and Peanut Butter
Addiction: None
Strengths: Uhhhhhh idk lol
Weaknesses: None
Enemies: Flies, they poop on her burritos >:{
Friends: None other than social media friends 😩🤚
Likes: All animals except flies, damn those flies >:{
Dislikes: FLIES
Theme Song: Cotton Candy Skies - Esthie
Quote: “Life is always better with a pet or friend you can count on to make you feel happy”
Here's May, shes really sweet she has 3 sisters & 1 brother. They get along very well, They also do activities together such as drawing, coloring, playing outside and much more.
Ahem, out of all the fairest in the land. The skies the limits for princess all over. This world filled with possibilities gods replaced with such princess. That have there own unique power to summon a goddess, or god to help them with there kingdoms. These princess are heavily favored and are called Supreme Goddesses. As of now only Four Princess have this unique ability. The first kingdom is called, `The Sakura Cherry Tea Palace` of that kingdom the princess is called, `Miss Momiji Seiko` She is in control of the springs of the land and the goddess that helps her is Persephone the goddess of spring. Of love and peace she controls her kingdom within the finest castle. Now we have the second kingdom called, `Viridescent Herb Kingdom`, the princess of the kingdom is called, `Miss Midori Yasai` She is in control of all herbs and greens she offers vegetables to every kingdom so they don't go hungry in the winters. She also makes sure nobody is starving and everyone in her kingdom shows loyalty for feeding everyone. She is in control of the goddess Demeter. Of vegetation she is one of the most respected princesses around. The next kingdom is called, `Lakeside Sea Palace` Home of, `Miss Mizu Kawa.` She is in control of the goddess of the sea Amphitrite. She is loved and adored for having clean water everyone can drink she stopped dehydration by ten folds. Almost stopping it completely. She is also respected for her good looks and charms she always makes sure to not be too much of a princess and be more like a helping hand to others! A beautiful princess indeed. Ahem the fourth and last kingdom is called, `Star System Palace.` Run by the all lovely, `Miss Yume Hoshi.` She is in control of the goddess of the galaxy Astraea. Miss Yume is adored for having one of the most star filled kingdom it is said her kingdom was put under a curse of eternal night though this curse was considered a blessing in her kingdom. Miss Yume is also labeled as the Princess of Eternal Sleep. As her kingdom is so sleepy those who can almost never sleep can always sleep in her kingdom easily with no problem to think of. These are all the four Princesses!
make your own and RP with me maybe hehe! >:D (Look at bottom for photos of em) ALSO ANYONE WANNA DO GROUP RP MAYBE 🤔
guys im giving this picture i drew away so if you want it let me know, this master piece is called something smells fishy and i made while my dog was whining at me because he thinks i have food.
Ahem, out of all the fairest in the land. The skies the limits for princess all over. This world filled with possibilities gods replaced with such princess. That have there own unique power to summon a goddess, or god to help them with there kingdoms. These princess are heavily favored and are called Supreme Goddesses. As of now only Four Princess have this unique ability. The first kingdom is called, `The Sakura Cherry Tea Palace` of that kingdom the princess is called, `Miss Momiji Seiko` She is in control of the springs of the land and the goddess that helps her is Persephone the goddess of spring. Of love and peace she controls her kingdom within the finest castle. Now we have the second kingdom called, `Viridescent Herb Kingdom`, the princess of the kingdom is called, `Miss Midori Yasai` She is in control of all herbs and greens she offers vegetables to every kingdom so they don't go hungry in the winters. She also makes sure nobody is starving and everyone in her kingdom shows loyalty for feeding everyone. She is in control of the goddess Demeter. Of vegetation she is one of the most respected princesses around. The next kingdom is called, `Lakeside Sea Palace` Home of, `Miss Mizu Kawa.` She is in control of the goddess of the sea Amphitrite. She is loved and adored for having clean water everyone can drink she stopped dehydration by ten folds. Almost stopping it completely. She is also respected for her good looks and charms she always makes sure to not be too much of a princess and be more like a helping hand to others! A beautiful princess indeed. Ahem the fourth and last kingdom is called, `Star System Palace.` Run by the all lovely, `Miss Yume Hoshi.` She is in control of the goddess of the galaxy Astraea. Miss Yume is adored for having one of the most star filled kingdom it is said her kingdom was put under a curse of eternal night though this curse was considered a blessing in her kingdom. Miss Yume is also labeled as the Princess of Eternal Sleep. As her kingdom is so sleepy those who can almost never sleep can always sleep in her kingdom easily with no problem to think of. These are all the four Princesses!
make your own and RP with me maybe hehe! >:D (Look at bottom for photos of em)
Don't be. He seems scary but he's really friendly once you get to know him. He might stare at you a lot but that's just because he's trying to be polite.
Raven. She's blind. Sometimes they even call her Third Eye cause despite being blind she always seems to know everything that's happening in front of her. Also you don't mind if I use 2 people.
Adam. He's a demigod. Of the sun and moon. But he blends in as a normal human.
this is interesting. You say Adam is a demigod of the sun and moon? Because Asrian is the son of Sole, the sun goddess and Melos, the god of shadows...
So watching YouTube and this kid was like (IN AUTOTUNE MIND YOU) to his dog "ayo can I touch that badonkadonk,fool?" And he touched it and the dog was biting him and then HE SCREAMED IN AUTOTUNE MA'AMusbslVdla sla skaanskskslsnslakalanslsanmahakakakavs
Ay, guys! Im bored so should I make an entire story based on the monochrome AU? ( All of the credit, for the idea will go to M i t s u b a S o u s u k e, all of the character credit will go to all of u guys. :D) (its also gonna be REALLY SHORT) your probably gonna see the characters u created here :D (there gonna be A LOT of cursing.)
Standing short and slight with tan skin, Mariana has a distrustful feel about her. She has a long face, a flat nose, full lips, and her black eyes are puffy. Her dark cyan hair is long and lank, and is lightly gelled. She usually wears immaculate, fine clothes that are mostly dark-coloured, and she wears no jewellery. She is usually seen wearing glasses.
Friendly, relaxed , rebellious (if they can't live the way they feel is right), loyal, self-confident.
Personal Status
Social Class:
Upper middle class
A grade student
Marital status:
single (Pansexual)
Gymnast (Work experience) - 62% satisfied
Financial status:
Personal views
Religious view:
World view:
Racial views:
"Everyone is the same"
Gender bias:
"I hate sexism"
Age preference:
"you should always take young people seriously"
"I dislike patriotism"
"All problems can be solved by talking"
Often eats mints, Often chews their hair, Sleep-walks
Doing jigsaw puzzles, Visiting museums, mints and gum
Being nude, Dead legs, Screaming children in public
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Name: Miranda Elizabeth Con
Meaning of name: How is there meaning to english names- idk and idc 😃
Nickname: Mira or Liza bc yes
Gender: Female i guess
Age: 18
Date Of Birth: June. 26. 2001
Sibling(s): None
Species: Hmm idk hUmAn
Native Language: Spanish
Accent: Is Mexican an accent or-
Languages Spoken: English, Japanese, and Spanish
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac: Cancer ♋️
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Residence: an Apartment in San Francisco
Occupation: a waitress at a restaurant
Blood type: AB negative bc yes
Mental State: Quite Stable
Phobia(s): Trypanophobia- the fear of injections (i have this phobia bc shots are scary 😃), Cynophobia- the fear of dogs, and lastly Nyctophobia- fear of the dark
Allergies: Bee stings, pollen, and Peanut Butter
Addiction: None
Strengths: Uhhhhhh idk lol
Weaknesses: None
Enemies: Flies, they poop on her burritos >:{
Friends: None other than social media friends 😩🤚
Likes: All animals except flies, damn those flies >:{
Dislikes: FLIES
Theme Song: Cotton Candy Skies - Esthie
Quote: “Life is always better with a pet or friend you can count on to make you feel happy”
I used this bio from DaQueenOfYou :}
Here's Mari!
i'm off for a bit
Stranger things OC 2. I couldn't help myself to wait for tomorrow morning.
Name : Amilea Greens
Meaning Of Name : idk bro
Nickname : Amy
Gender : Female
Age : 15
Date Of Birth : 12/1/1966
Siblings: none
Species : human
Native language : English
Languages spoken : English
Sexuality : Straight
Zodiac : I'm too lazy to search it up leave me alone
Chinese Zodiac : again too lazy
Residence : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Occupation : student
Blood type : B
Mental state : stable
Phobia : Arachniphobia -fear of arachnids
Allergies : Dogs
Addiction : Writing
Strengths : Lingual skills and brains
Weaknesses : getting sucked into a book
Enemies : The Mind Flayer
Friends : The main group
Likes : Writing and Cats
Dislikes : idk too lazy
Theme Song : Fake Smiles -Munn
Quote : "Smiles always make things better!"
Extras: idk.
Popularity at school: 9/10
Persona:mean sometimes
Born in Taranto, canada
Likes:Skating,anime,grunge clothes
dislikes: the goth clique
Favorite shows:F R I E N D S,spongebob ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),Z nation
Shy sometimes
languages known:spanish,english,french, and japanese
favorite singer:Yung gravy
Favorite band ; ROAR
Favorite anime characters:Izuku,All might,bakugou,L,Light,Sir meliodas,ban,And saiki k
Favorite youtuber;SSSniperwolf,kubz scouts, and melville msp.
Um yeah thats it
My dad wouldn't let me get a BTS magazine >:(
And uh..anyone wanna rp?
did u see my quail?
Princess AU:
Ahem, out of all the fairest in the land. The skies the limits for princess all over. This world filled with possibilities gods replaced with such princess. That have there own unique power to summon a goddess, or god to help them with there kingdoms. These princess are heavily favored and are called Supreme Goddesses. As of now only Four Princess have this unique ability. The first kingdom is called, `The Sakura Cherry Tea Palace` of that kingdom the princess is called, `Miss Momiji Seiko` She is in control of the springs of the land and the goddess that helps her is Persephone the goddess of spring. Of love and peace she controls her kingdom within the finest castle. Now we have the second kingdom called, `Viridescent Herb Kingdom`, the princess of the kingdom is called, `Miss Midori Yasai` She is in control of all herbs and greens she offers vegetables to every kingdom so they don't go hungry in the winters. She also makes sure nobody is starving and everyone in her kingdom shows loyalty for feeding everyone. She is in control of the goddess Demeter. Of vegetation she is one of the most respected princesses around. The next kingdom is called, `Lakeside Sea Palace` Home of, `Miss Mizu Kawa.` She is in control of the goddess of the sea Amphitrite. She is loved and adored for having clean water everyone can drink she stopped dehydration by ten folds. Almost stopping it completely. She is also respected for her good looks and charms she always makes sure to not be too much of a princess and be more like a helping hand to others! A beautiful princess indeed. Ahem the fourth and last kingdom is called, `Star System Palace.` Run by the all lovely, `Miss Yume Hoshi.` She is in control of the goddess of the galaxy Astraea. Miss Yume is adored for having one of the most star filled kingdom it is said her kingdom was put under a curse of eternal night though this curse was considered a blessing in her kingdom. Miss Yume is also labeled as the Princess of Eternal Sleep. As her kingdom is so sleepy those who can almost never sleep can always sleep in her kingdom easily with no problem to think of. These are all the four Princesses!
make your own and RP with me maybe hehe! >:D (Look at bottom for photos of em) ALSO ANYONE WANNA DO GROUP RP MAYBE 🤔
i heard the poem thing before
its funny
i like the neck snap
Gore ;(
Here's Haley & Jamie!!
Haley is the one with the black hair and light purple dress. Jamie is the one with the light brown hair and blue, white, black dress with a blue tie.
gimmie something to draw with my new markors
no talk me I'm angy
w h y
DrAw It Or ElSe
Draw one of your OCs
F I N E. Uhm..a bike...or Gf from FNF
Draw beyonce?
That explains everything about the raid.
thanks! :D
guys im giving this picture i drew away so if you want it let me know, this master piece is called something smells fishy and i made while my dog was whining at me because he thinks i have food.
i know that it sucks
Uhm y e s ?
okay here ya go its yours and no body elses
Princess AU:
Ahem, out of all the fairest in the land. The skies the limits for princess all over. This world filled with possibilities gods replaced with such princess. That have there own unique power to summon a goddess, or god to help them with there kingdoms. These princess are heavily favored and are called Supreme Goddesses. As of now only Four Princess have this unique ability. The first kingdom is called, `The Sakura Cherry Tea Palace` of that kingdom the princess is called, `Miss Momiji Seiko` She is in control of the springs of the land and the goddess that helps her is Persephone the goddess of spring. Of love and peace she controls her kingdom within the finest castle. Now we have the second kingdom called, `Viridescent Herb Kingdom`, the princess of the kingdom is called, `Miss Midori Yasai` She is in control of all herbs and greens she offers vegetables to every kingdom so they don't go hungry in the winters. She also makes sure nobody is starving and everyone in her kingdom shows loyalty for feeding everyone. She is in control of the goddess Demeter. Of vegetation she is one of the most respected princesses around. The next kingdom is called, `Lakeside Sea Palace` Home of, `Miss Mizu Kawa.` She is in control of the goddess of the sea Amphitrite. She is loved and adored for having clean water everyone can drink she stopped dehydration by ten folds. Almost stopping it completely. She is also respected for her good looks and charms she always makes sure to not be too much of a princess and be more like a helping hand to others! A beautiful princess indeed. Ahem the fourth and last kingdom is called, `Star System Palace.` Run by the all lovely, `Miss Yume Hoshi.` She is in control of the goddess of the galaxy Astraea. Miss Yume is adored for having one of the most star filled kingdom it is said her kingdom was put under a curse of eternal night though this curse was considered a blessing in her kingdom. Miss Yume is also labeled as the Princess of Eternal Sleep. As her kingdom is so sleepy those who can almost never sleep can always sleep in her kingdom easily with no problem to think of. These are all the four Princesses!
make your own and RP with me maybe hehe! >:D (Look at bottom for photos of em)
ADOPT MEH ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uhm y e s ?
Full Name: angun
Reason for name: its cool :>
Nickname: angie
Reason for nickname: his little friend called him that
Age: 2089
Sex: male
Gender: male ish
Place of Birth: space (not an alien tho)
Birthday: 08/06
Currently living in: a small cottage in the woods
Species/Race: uh... demon? Entity?
Ethnicity: N/A
Blood Type: B
Occupation: N/A
Sexual Orientation: unlabeled
Social Status: wanted
Relationship Status: single
Body Build: tall and lanky
Height: 7'9
Weight: 180lbs
Skin colour: the color of space
Hair style: bald
Hair colour: Bald
Eye colour: N/A
Distinguishing Features: he has no face
Preferred Clothing: long sleeves and turtle necks
Accessories: crown?
General health: fair
Posture: excellent
Any physical illnesses?: N/A
Any mental illnesses?: social anxiety
Take drugs?: no
Smoke?: he did for a couple centuries then quit
Mental/Emotional State
Mental age: 25
Act before thinking/Think before acting?: acts before thinking
Emotion-wise, generally: uhh calm?
Way of speaking: refined
Common conversation starter: he doesn't start conversations
Swears?: sometimes
Made-up words?: never
Made-up language?: never
Likes: flower crowns, hats
Dislikes: humans (scare him)
Hobbies: gardening
Strengths: good stamina, fast
Weakness: his tail gets caught in stuff
Education: he never had a proper education but can sort of read and write
Secrets: if i said it it WOULDN'T BE A SECRET ANYMORE
Fears: humans, deep bodies of water
Views/Opinions on...
Government: doesn't like em (set out a warrant for his murder)
Religion: doesn't care
Economy: he doesn't need money
Technology: scary
Food: cant eat
Colour: blue
Animal: rabbits
Number: 50
Holiday: doesn't celebrate holiday's
Season: summer
Time of day: evening
Thing to watch: plays
Type of art: paintings
Genre of music: classical or jazz
Genre of literature: horror or mystery
that's one long bio.
That sure is one long bio!
L o n g
L o n g e s t
The longest of the longest of the l o n g e s t
B o I
princess au? ;( THAT IS LONG LONG
ADOPT MEH ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uhm y e s ?
Stranger Things OC 1
Name : April May
Meaning Of Name : Lowkey I just wanted it to represent spring.
Nickname : Perfect Girl
Gender : Female
Age : 13
Date Of Birth : 30/4/1968
Siblings: Eric May 16
Species : human
Native language : English
Languages spoken : English
Sexuality : Pan
Zodiac : Taurus
Chinese Zodiac : Monkey
Residence : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Occupation : student
Blood type : A+ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mental state : eh 50/50
Phobia : Optophobia -Fear of Opening Your Eyes
Allergies : Strawberries
Addiction : none
Strengths : Physical
Weaknesses : Too Sympathetic
Enemies : Many
Friends : Many
Likes : Photography and roses
Dislikes : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) well I'm not sure if I should reveal that quite yet
Theme Song : DOLLHOUSE -Melanie Martinez
Quote : "A perfect smile for a perfect photo!"
Extras: Her quote is baisically "Smile even if you're not happy so you don't ruin everything"
Actualy your oc would be 53-
Stranger things is set in 1983 ma'am
Ahem sir* also I never watched it so im not big brain ;(
Ahem, welcome my princess oc's! Simp or no simp for fun lol 😂 Ima give them all bios and make there au maybe :)))) I wanna make more!!!!
i am simp for all of them
Yess they are so amazing! 😳
yes 💃
their all so beautiful
first one: Kinda simp just tiniest bit tho
Second one: No simp
Third: Yes simp
Fourth: this much simp: 🤏
Wow you must be a fan of water!
Here's Zoey.
She is very lovely U-U
she says "Thank You."
You are welcome :D
yo i am back i guess also look at my cool pixel art B)
I like it :D
I thought I was the only Steve here 🤚🏾😪
it's an inside joke :)
this is my oc kazuhito. say hello to him.
I'm scared.
Don't be. He seems scary but he's really friendly once you get to know him. He might stare at you a lot but that's just because he's trying to be polite.
I don't know how I should feel right now
but hello kazuhito :D
I is bored
What's up Queen! I'm aerefeetlove and I'm new here :D
whats up guys i'm aere feet love
"What's your favorite desert?"
"But- that's a meal?"
"I know."
Hey dude, ya wanna start a new rp?
yay! I shalt use-
Asrian, god of light!
Raven. She's blind. Sometimes they even call her Third Eye cause despite being blind she always seems to know everything that's happening in front of her. Also you don't mind if I use 2 people.
Adam. He's a demigod. Of the sun and moon. But he blends in as a normal human.
this is interesting. You say Adam is a demigod of the sun and moon? Because Asrian is the son of Sole, the sun goddess and Melos, the god of shadows...
So watching YouTube and this kid was like (IN AUTOTUNE MIND YOU) to his dog "ayo can I touch that badonkadonk,fool?" And he touched it and the dog was biting him and then HE SCREAMED IN AUTOTUNE MA'AMusbslVdla sla skaanskskslsnslakalanslsanmahakakakavs
whars tyour animal jam name
literally made one but didnt post it-
g a s p
Ay, guys! Im bored so should I make an entire story based on the monochrome AU? ( All of the credit, for the idea will go to M i t s u b a S o u s u k e, all of the character credit will go to all of u guys. :D) (its also gonna be REALLY SHORT) your probably gonna see the characters u created here :D (there gonna be A LOT of cursing.)
Already subscribed. :D
I subscribe!
What's it called bc I can't watch yt on mii phone
oki tanks
who would like to rp i am very bored
She has a long face, a flat nose, full lips, and her black eyes are puffy.
Her dark cyan hair is long and lank, and is lightly gelled.
She usually wears immaculate, fine clothes that are mostly dark-coloured, and she wears no jewellery. She is usually seen wearing glasses.
:)))))) mint
who is alive and wishes to rp with me because I'm bored?
me B) im use 🤔🧐🤨 uhhhhhh vampire!
S H O W M E T H E V A M P I R E.
ok but like you got a picture?
☻︎ 名前Name : Utano Ayako ❀ U + Ta + No ❀ Ah + Ya + Ko ❀
名前の意味Meaning Of Name : Utano : Field of Songs ❀ Ayako : Cute Baby ☹︎
☻︎ ニックネームNickname : Uta Uta
性別Gender : Female ❀ She + Her ☹︎
☻︎ 年齢Age : 1600
生年月日Date Of Birth : 10 + 29 + 2004 ☹︎
☻︎ 出生地Place Of Birth : Vamperial Church
種Species : Vampire ☹︎
☻︎ 母国語Native language : ?
話し言葉Languages spoken : English ❀ Japanese ❀ ? ☹︎
☻︎ 民族性Ethnicity : Vamperia
セクシュアリティSexuality : Lesbian ☹︎
☻︎ 干支Zodiac : Scorpio
中国の黄道帯Chinese Zodiac : Monkey ☹︎
☻︎ 知能指数IQ : 93
宗教Religion : Vamperial ☹︎
☻︎ レジデンスResidence : Vamperial Church
教育Education : . . . ? ☹︎
☻︎ 血液型Blood type : O
恐怖症Phobia : Trypanophobia ❀ Fear of Needles and Injections ❀ ☹︎
☻︎アレルギーAllergies To : Dogs
中毒Addiction To : Blood ☹︎
☻︎ 力Strengths : Resourceful ❀ Brave ❀ Passionate
弱点Weaknesses : Distrusting ❀ Jealous ❀ Secretive ❀ Violent ❀ Stubborn ☹︎
☻︎ 敵Enemies : Dogs ❀ Humans
犬Friends : ? ☹︎
☻︎ 香りScent : Fresh Blood ❀ Old Blood
❀ L i k e s ❀
+ Cats
+ Blood
+ Sweet Humans Blood
+ Being a liar to Humans
❀ D i s l i k e s ❀
+ Getting Dirty
+ Looking Like a Vampire in the Human World
+ When Humans say "Vampires don't exist"
+ Everyone in general
❀ S t a t i s t i c s ❀
☻︎ Intelligence ☹︎
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ➈
☻︎ Wisdom ☹︎
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ➆ ➇ ➈
☻︎ Charisma ☹︎
❶ ❷ ❸ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➇ ➈
☻︎ Strength ☹︎
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ➇ ➈
☻︎ Reflexes ☹︎
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾
☻︎ Agility ☹︎
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ➇ ➈
☻︎ Endurance ☹︎
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ⑧ ⑨
☻︎ Dexterity ☹︎
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ⑥ ➆ ➇ ➈
☻︎ Insticts ☹︎
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ⑧ ➈
☻︎ Luck ☹︎
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ➅ ➆ ➇ ➈
❀ P e r s o n a l i t y ❀
Find out in Roleplay ~ 😋
テーマソンTheme Song : All Eyes On Me ❀ Or3o ❀ ☹︎
ロールプレイのジャンルGenre Of Roleplay : Casual ❀ Scary ❀ Romantic
Game Used :
🌸"Don't'll get better, I promise..." 🌸
✨God of light✨
☀️Male presenting☀️
☀️Literal ray of sunshine☀️
✨Comforting presence-plus he smells like a bakery✨
☀️ Mom issues. ☀️
Hahahahaahaaha Mom issues hahahahahaah
A h-
Y E S.
WDYM YES?! o.o