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I hope that you all have had a great, fucking..opossum-like day. :) 


This is how I felt ✨ y e s t e r d a y ✨

iliketoeatcheerios wanna continue our rp????

I'm not cheerios but do you wanna rp with me?

Sure :D



I think its  mine

Okay i kinda lost the rp but if you can find it then you can go ahead

K so I haven't fully figured out her deal yet but I freakin' love herrrrrrrrrr-

Psycho depressed kid that's hella hot and has a goal and will do anything even kill to accomplish even though most people would think that her dream isn't worth it 'cause she's trying to bring someone back to life or something like that :) I read her like a book 🔎

...Holy shit.

..I-I just listened to Hayloft....GXAJBSIABSOSB I LOVE IT



Beep happb east bailey


anybody wanna rp?


I wouldn't mind hee hee (i haven't roleplayed since like December tho-)

oh oki! I'll use Annie

I shall use diare (they a genderless being)

ok u start

Okey uh-

diare was walking through the forest- rather quickly too. She didn't actually ahev anywhere to be at that moment but she wanted to look like it to any potential passersby's

Blease did i do it okay its been to long

Hello perfectionists! This is a 89 degree angle. Have a good day!

that looks beautiful-

Did you know I could voice act? Probably not. And you probably didn't need to know but I'm telling you anyway.

:D cool!



we must save 2D at all cost <3

(3 edits)

Name: "you can just call me ellie"

personality: cautious, at first she comes off as rude but she actually kind of caring, yeah thats all i have for her personality so far.

dislikes: the cold, carrots, strangers, anything spicy

hobbies: singing, playing an instrument her kind has made- its kinda like a guitar but with 12 strings. it sound high and low at the same time- not in between though, she likes learning other languages.

what is she?: whatever she is you cannot say it ._.

+* she enjoys sweet foods*+

tHe pHoToS aReNT shOwIng

ok nvm



appy easter!


yes. appy.

Beep bappy easter plankton


overlord u no answer me?

happy easter friendssss! 🐰🐰🐰

Beep happy esster mayhen

Happy easter ❤️✨🥺🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🍬🍫🍭🍬🍫🍭🍬🍫


Boop beep yappy easter angel


Why I'm not more active here ?

My brain: you aren't talented

Me: you right bish 👁️👄👁️

Anyways hoi!!!!! How are you all doing (I'm dead but I'm alive) I really saw a lot of edits and roleplays that are amazing I'm just bored so I'm scrolling down

And happy Easter!!🐰❤️✨🐇🐥🌼👌


Beeep hapot easte iv

eww Easter...


Happy Easter 

hi hi h ih i

Haoot east alinx





linx is ANGORY


im cold why is it so cold

because cold

happy easter.

Happy Easter ~

easterr yay

Happ esster yuki

happy easter :D

Happy Esteban

happy esteban


Happy essteband anuntir

🐣 (btw the bunk beds kinda suck ;-;)

(Ik ik i just put one in my kids room-)


happy easter!


Hapo eas simp

Uncle says happy easter! (For those who celebrate) 

And if you don't celebrate, have a good day!

(1 edit)


hee hee i been off in a mysterious land >:) 

hmm...Don't get all secretive with me...What mysterious land?

Hee hee the mysterious land of ~forgetting to log on~

Well dang O-O



yey me mum finally will let me eat sweet hawaiian rollz

Ooooo cools!

Sometimes people wanna make me do the " -_-" face-


So, i left off on the wrong note last.. So what? Could we maybe forget the past and move on? okay i’ll get off the fake stage now- *jumps off bed and walks away*







SO! Anyone remember when i drew Cotton Sweets?

WELL! I took the outline and i made two versions of it, a transparent background (first one) so you can put anything behind it after coloring it and a normal white background (second one) just for fun!

I dont care if you use them! Its okay by me!


me playing animal jam and finding a new update

New update: draw an item contest, winner gets their item made

Me: * spams with good ideas*


genderless uncle tip of the DAY

Self love :)

If you post sumthin here and you're proud of it and ya think, "hey, this is pretty neat, i wish i got more love" 

just upvote your own post child, nobody will know it was you and it'll encourage others to look at it 😎



That’s an awesome tip



Ite nene's little brother :0 

Tee hee 

This is oliver! He's nene's kid brother, he's 14 years old and a third year in middle school! His quirk is shapeshift..... he can shape shift shocking ik ik. He can turn into any unliving thing like a school bag or paper or like a blanket or if we feeling spicy he can turn into melee weapons, like swords and knives and those thingsses. You can put stuff in em oike of he was a cup you could put pencils in him, when he de transforms tho hed end up throwing it all up (very unpleasant) he likes cookie dough ice cream and ramune! When he gets older he wants to become a hero costume fashion designer or quirk researcher :))

And now

Nene spam

i call this one, embarrassed she got bonked into by the guy she likes and shes a hopeless idiot who can't stop embarrassing herself and yelled at him and bonked him on the nose then apologized a zillion times and ran away nene

This one is smiling but also blushing cos she gets to hang out w the guy she likes for an afternoon (a date!?)

This is smiley nene on an actual date sept she didn't bring her glasses and wore contacts cos she wanted to look cute for her first date in history but shs ended up finding out he liked her w her glasses on and she called her brother to bring them to her and she's saying buh bye for a second to go get them

This is i just gave the guy i like chocolates for valentine's day and i stg im about to pass out from embarrassment so we just gunna smile through the pain

This is lazy Halloween costume nene.

Thats all for now lolololol


linka: I fly like paper, get high like planes  If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name  If you come around here, I make 'em all day  I get one done in a second if you wait…

(  my fnf oc )

Cool sis B)

thank u

I am not dead okay I am just heavily heavily x-x because Sigh

¨Don´t be´ll be better soon...I hope...¨      


"KYAAAA ! Wear clothes please ! Pervert " , is how any anime girl would act . .

I hate how that´s not wrong...

I hate how i'm not wrong






uhhhhhh-lemme go find it real quick- 

Tee hee 

New oc time :0

suprise suprise its a my hero oc 

This is nene! (She dont have a last name) she's a second year at UA and is ib class 1-A (everyone in my au is a year older) her quirk is reality shift, she can jump through different realities and dimensions. There aren't too many drawbacks to her quirk other than if she leaves her current reality she dissapears (obviously) she can bring up to three people with her if she tries really really hard, if she jumps through 10+ realities within a certain amount of time she'll pass out. She's got a younger brother named oliver (more on him later) and they look nothing alike cos they was both adopted (they don't have any dramatic backstories or anything they was just adopted) she and her brother lived alone in a small apartment (both had to move for school) and their parents couldn't join cos of work.when they were moved to dorms oliver couldn't live alone (because he was a middle school 1st year) so her parents moved into the area so he wouldn't have to quit school. Her (nene) favorite foods are sushi and spicy pork ramen. She's actually a decent cook and whenever she needs to apologize or feels bad for something she carves out little animals from fruits. Her favorite color is white and she always seems to have a zillion different snacks hidden in her room. Her nest friends are tokoyami, shoji and tsu :/

Also i ship her with bakubish because frick you im self projecting leave me be

also if anyone wants to roleplay (doesn't have to be with this oc) my discord is vase#6257 :^


Fun fact:I'm the woman


f### Mike Washrekski

mike washrekshi


It shreckwazuki

oml i wanted to post a scary picture to have some laughs if anyone got scared of it but I didn't know if anyone here would have a panic attack or if I would activate a phobia so i didn't just look at this cute man i made and I'm simping for while I  think about what I was just about to do

also hi ive been gone for a while huh? just you know to lazy to come up with something to talk about.


???: uh who are you..? You better not be one of those thirsty magic people... 

???: wait your not?.. phew... I’m wister!, pleasure meeting ya!


mumsy :0

ye I have returned from da ded...

I miss


I missed u too my childdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd


I woke up

Srry for being a sleepy linx


I’ve been watching this :3

this is my child hood 

Now u shall watch it >:)

sarah and duck?



I remember it playing on tv

Now I shall rewatch it :)


what is potasium


no potasium

it’s a soft metal..


its the stuff in bananaaanananananas 


Picrew WORKS


I’m back 🥲🤚 me saying i would be gone for months lasted less then a day

I was told by fluffy to say this to P I T C H and Your_Local_Overlord...

Its not that shes forcing me to i could’ve not done this but i felt i needed to...

I’m really sorry you guys for being a little bitch and being and asshole and other shit... and normally i don’t mean my apologies but for this one i do... its just that i felt i needed to get some things straight out from the deepest pits of my asshole, dirty minded, heart. The reason why i get “heated” or extremely mad is because of my mother, the truth is she had a bad dad who would beat her and she didn’t know how to handle it, her dad had anger issues that carried on to me, and my dad has anger issues to, and when you mix two adults with harsh anger issues you get me, I could kill someone someday because of my issues, i’ve wanted to try a therapist but i don’t know if i should i would not do it online i want to do it in person instead of an online therapist because i feel like i just needed to do this. I honestly think that i was really rude and my anger issues got the best of me, i really, truly am, extremely sorry for blowing up and being so mean and careless about you and what i was saying, i’m sorry for cussing you out and i’m sorry for everything i did...

(1 edit)

I have anger issues too...I don't think that its because of my parents but mostly because of my siblings being mean to me a lot O-O in has kind of sucked for me....I don't know about you but I've already had 2 mental breakdowns and 2 panic attacks at different times this morning and it absolutely sucked....Just know that people makes mistakes and that Mummy loves u 😘

Thanks Mummy, i’ve been felling quite shitty today

No problemo my child


its okie! we all make mistakes.


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