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this is mine Oc Rn I'm making her brother

I made eggs, sunny side up...I guess

you can’t make something a thing unless you do

Empty isn’t even a thing.. unless you make it that is~..

Smart can’t be smart unless we have dumb...

Therefore if there is no agender we wouldn’t have any more gender

It just vanish...

And we would create vanish right?

People don’t teach us this

They think science will solve anything 

Think outside the box

And there will be a box

It doesn’t matter what’s in it

Matters if it’s there or not

Fire isn’t hot if ice isn’t cold...

We’ve been flinching over a reaction that doesn’t exist 


Your not reading this

It’s reading you :)


To flinch is to react to pain by wincing, pulling away, or cringing. Often it's used to describe a person who shows a moment of weakness or fright: he was so tough, I thought he'd never flinch, but snakes really freak him out. To flinch is to pull away suddenly or recoil when something frightens or hurts you.

weakness isn’t a thing unless one is strong...

I can now scam people out of their bells and NMT on AC:NH. 

Sherb is always in high demand :)


I’m trying to get Judy and goldy

Maybe mable

I want t-bone to die in a pit of flames >:/

i got dom :)

im working on getting raymond


I got merry and Ellie 

i got marnia as my starter villager and shes the 3rd most popular villager

i might try to get marshall tho


Stop showing offf :(

i has discord now 💃


Veganism is a type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, eggs, dairy products, and all other animal-derived ingredients. Many vegans also do not eat foods that are processed using animal products, such as refined white sugar and some wines.

I'm loving all the fun facts dude! 

Some people cannot go vegan due to health conditions.

Yep I am in fact one of those people



Romeo and Juliet:

Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.


Gregory, o' my word, we'll not carry coals.


No, for then we should be colliers.


I mean, an we be in choler, we'll draw.


Ay, while you live, draw your neck out o' the collar.


I strike quickly, being moved.


But thou art not quickly moved to strike.


A dog of the house of Montague moves me.


To move is to stir; and to be valiant is to stand: therefore, if thou art moved, thou runn'st away.


A dog of that house shall move me to stand: I will take the wall of any man or maid of Montague's.


That shows thee a weak slave; for the weakest goes to the wall.


True; and therefore women, being the weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Montague's men from the wall, and thrust his maids to the wall.


The quarrel is between our masters and us their men.


'Tis all one, I will show myself a tyrant: when I have fought with the men, I will be cruel with the maids, and cut off their heads.


The heads of the maids?


Ay, the heads of the maids, or their maidenheads; take it in what sense thou wilt.


They must take it in sense that feel it.


Me they shall feel while I am able to stand: and 'tis known I am a pretty piece of flesh.


'Tis well thou art not fish; if thou hadst, thou hadst been poor John. Draw thy tool! here comes two of the house of the Montagues.


My naked weapon is out: quarrel, I will back thee.


How! turn thy back and run?


Fear me not.


No, marry; I fear thee!


Let us take the law of our sides; let them begin.


I will frown as I pass by, and let them take it as they list.


Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them; which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it. Enter ABRAHAM and BALTHASAR


Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?


I do bite my thumb, sir.


Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?


[Aside to GREGORY] Is the law of our side, if I say ay?




No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir.


Quarrel sir! no, sir.


If you do, sir, I am for you: I serve as good a man as you.


No better.


Well, sir.


Say 'better:' here comes one of my master's kinsmen.


Yes, better, sir.


You lie.


Draw, if you be men. Gregory, remember thy swashing blow. They fight


Part, fools! Put up your swords; you know not what you do. Beats down their swords


What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds? Turn thee, Benvolio, look upon thy death.


I do but keep the peace: put up thy sword, Or manage it to part these men with me.


What, drawn, and talk of peace! I hate the word, As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee: Have at thee, coward! They fight
Enter, several of both houses, who join the fray; then enter Citizens, with clubs

First Citizen

Clubs, bills, and partisans! strike! beat them down! Down with the Capulets! down with the Montagues! Enter CAPULET in his gown, and LADY CAPULET


What noise is this? Give me my long sword, ho!


A crutch, a crutch! why call you for a sword?


My sword, I say! Old Montague is come, And flourishes his blade in spite of me. Enter MONTAGUE and LADY MONTAGUE


Thou villain Capulet,--Hold me not, let me go.


Thou shalt not stir a foot to seek a foe. Enter PRINCE, with Attendants


Rebellious subjects, enemies to peace, Profaners of this neighbour-stained steel,-- Will they not hear? What, ho! you men, you beasts, That quench the fire of your pernicious rage With purple fountains issuing from your veins, On pain of torture, from those bloody hands Throw your mistemper'd weapons to the ground, And hear the sentence of your moved prince. Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word, By thee, old Capulet, and Montague, Have thrice disturb'd the quiet of our streets, And made Verona's ancient citizens Cast by their grave beseeming ornaments, To wield old partisans, in hands as old, Canker'd with peace, to part your canker'd hate: If ever you disturb our streets again, Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. For this time, all the rest depart away: You Capulet; shall go along with me: And, Montague, come you this afternoon, To know our further pleasure in this case, To old Free-town, our common judgment-place. Once more, on pain of death, all men depart. Exeunt all but MONTAGUE, LADY MONTAGUE, and BENVOLIO


Who set this ancient quarrel new abroach? Speak, nephew, were you by when it began?


Here were the servants of your adversary, And yours, close fighting ere I did approach: I drew to part them: in the instant came The fiery Tybalt, with his sword prepared, Which, as he breathed defiance to my ears, He swung about his head and cut the winds, Who nothing hurt withal hiss'd him in scorn: While we were interchanging thrusts and blows, Came more and more and fought on part and part, Till the prince came, who parted either part.


O, where is Romeo? saw you him to-day? Right glad I am he was not at this fray.


Madam, an hour before the worshipp'd sun Peer'd forth the golden window of the east, A troubled mind drave me to walk abroad; Where, underneath the grove of sycamore That westward rooteth from the city's side, So early walking did I see your son: Towards him I made, but he was ware of me And stole into the covert of the wood: I, measuring his affections by my own, That most are busied when they're most alone, Pursued my humour not pursuing his, And gladly shunn'd who gladly fled from me.



mhmmmmmmmmmm-yes I do like Romeo and Juliet-

Romeo and Juliet is made by William Shakespeare.

indeed. Ye olde Billy Shakes.


I think Pitch has a problem...


I- P I T C H you ok?


that does no answer my question...


from this I conclude that you are not ok.


from this I conclude that you are not ok.

Luck is not real. 

There is no, "I am so lucky."

It is earned. How people act impacts their life, and their view on things, like life. 

You never know what someone else is thinking. You probably wouldn't want to know either, One of their plans could be to murder someone. Or, to kill themselves. Or, to attempt genocide. All horrible events, but what would you do? How would you approach them? Would you tell your local authorities? Or...would you wish to unthink it? Wish to unsee it? But it is plastered in your mind like the plaster on your walls. So what would you do?




Death is always watching. Always waiting. 

Life is slowly eroding away from your brain and heart. 

Then comes death, to take you away.

This is life. A circle that will end one day. The sun will go white, instantly killing all life and destroying the Earth, if it still exists. Wars will happen. People will die. We will die. Death is not to be feared though. We will reach the holy land, and we will watch our loved ones from up above.

When Jesus comes back, that is the true end of the world. 

uhm... I think the calculator is gaining a concience...

I genuinely don't how to reply to someone who was speaking in numbers and stuff for the past few minutes and then comes out with this whole speech about life or something. I'm so confused.

This is poggers

i mean you are right

Aight dude you want to go get mcdonald's or sumthin? 

McDonald's food is overpriced and has zero nutritional value. The chemicals in the food are harmful to the human body, and we continue to eat them. This applies to almost all Fast Food franchises.

Aight dude I get it we'l go get a salad-

E Coli in salads was linked to cows.

`   =`+   7`&     5`--4+   8+^_    ^74    *8$4*



34`^7       .

Someone: *hates me*

Me: get in line bitch. I don't give a fuck. I don't even know who you are.

Someone: we've known eachother since 3rd gra-

Me: SHUSH. What did I say. Get in the goddamn line. I don't care.

conclusion: where all the hate comments at?




you wants to rp?



(1 edit)

!_%    `*4   08+3



wait should i make a boy or girl- because i dont know which one-

Your choice and I think I'll use Ren

(1 edit)

kay- ill just use liam


should i start? or do you want to?

Plz u

I am crying tears of sadness joy and anger at the same time because thet are bullying ARMIN OF ALL PEOPLE I WILL KILL EVERYTHING THAT TRIES TO HARM MY BOI

Someone:*says they don't like me*

Me: -bats eyelashes,blank stare-



shrek do be looking good though O_O

Deleted 3 years ago

ok :(

..... so i just came back from the VR chat side of Omegle and their was this kid so i asked if he had pets and he said “Yeah i do! I have 4 bunnies and 11 babies bunnies” so to that i said “Holy salami, i only have two cats and two dogs” and we talked for a while

u ain’t supposed to be on there >:/

There are creeps

Creepers be creepin 




that wasn’t a thing~

why does deek and klaus look the same to me

This is deek from shield 

and this is klaus from umbrella academy 

I don’t know about you but like

They look the same

.. that’s kinda sus

Idk them but they do look the same

exactly r.r

What if their the same person in two different movies 🤷‍♀️


Two different actors

WHAT! Identical lost twins

deek’s face tho


Klaus is heaven sent. He is lord and savoir. My favorite quote from him is "everytime I close my eyes I imagine a [Insert descriptive word i don't remember] hippo about to shit on my face. It's terrifying" from the first season  😌💅



(1 edit)

i go bye bye

bye bye :)

don’t leeeave



heyyyy what kind should i make

Sea Kind - Nature Kind - Music Kind - Deadly Kind 

Music kind pls



aww 1-10 how cute


aww 1-10 how cute


Im just listening to music w mii crush in VC! He's so BAKA~

Why is he so idiot?

Foolish.....he's so foolish




Why is he so baka 😠

Should I play "say you are my baka"?




empty isn’t a thing



Emp tea

Em tea

M t

Em t

M ty

See r.r


Duchi: and that’s why we drugged your tea with jez... u staying bitch :)

I dont drink tea Duchi- I cant have coffee either so instead i heat up chocolate milk in a coffee cup

Duchi: drugged it.. :) 



Duchi: with jez~ now you have nothing to worry about~...

GOODBYE LOVES! I'M LEAVING! (for a few hours.)

Oh ok

???: it’s been a fucking week now leaf.. you’ve never noticed I’ve drugged your tea with jez...

Leaf: w-what...

???: yeah.. hehe.. uhm.. uhh..

Leaf: stop tampering with this alternate universe... shouldn’t you be with Lizzie?

???: Lizzie is with lilac...

Leaf: and?

???: breaking up a fight...

Leaf: what the fuck happened over there...

???: ... akiro killed lancer :)

Leaf: Parodox!!!

Parodox: whaat?~

Leaf: I- I 

Parodox: you what...

Leaf: fuck it... it’s none of my business..

Parodox: exactly~

-Parodox and leaf

alinx is alive now

Sorry I am late

Well apparently I accidentally made myself sick by stressing myself out 

And that did not work out quit well

I only have a sore throat 

Nothing really severe


Alinx is ok now

And now they feel real swag :3

Yeah I miss rhyming my problems


Yeah, common cold has hit me :/

I’m alright I swear

For now tho



n o

Sickness is the cure


from now on I'm saying 'love' to people.

I think i’m gonna take a break for a week or a few days i havent decided, i’ve made this decision because I kinda have other things i need to focus on instead like school and food, I havent been feeling great lately and decided to un-plug from a social media platform along with roblox. I hope you understand and dont ming to much i just really needed this to kinda have a break and care for myself a little more i just dont really know, by the time you’ll be reading this i’ll either be crying or sleeping depends considering i’ve needed to have a cry for a while and i need more sleep. I’ve been falling asleep at 4:00 am or 5:00 am and then wake up at either 7:00 am or 8:00 depends on the time my alarm goes off its broke but whatever, i just really hope you understand me and i wont respond to anything until my week or days are over sorry for the inconvenience about it! -The Entire Character Crew!

From: The Crew

We wrote this for her considering she is crying and wrote what she wanted us to type stay safe and healthy! The Character Crew loves you! ❤️❤️❤️

it's fine love :D

alinx understands :3

Sup dudes anyone wanna rp with me?

shore, that’ll make me reach my rp goals! I’m in rp with Lanna, Mayhem, I like to eat cheerios, and simp_for_girlfriend! MY GOAL WILL BE REACHED TO HAVE 5 RPS AT ONCE! 

Aight shore bud-who you gonna use? 

Deleted 3 years ago

I can use Val


:) u start

who would like to sing on discord with me :D I'm clearly bored.

Ya wanna rp with me? 


ok imma use Esme- 

oh chiz. I gotta find a suitable character brb

guud luck bro! 

sooo I found official names for these two :D 

the girls name is Akari, she's a yandere and obsessed with her master and hopes that one day he'll feel the same about her. She's a human, and she's suuuper clingy, which is okay because the boy (Hiroto) is just as clingy, He thinks of Akari as a friend, he's also a human. If anyone wants to rp with one of these characters I'll just pretend the other one never even existed 😌💅

Shore- i shall rp with Hiroto-


okieee dokieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

you wanna start or shall I?

uhhhhh meeeeeee

💗🌺Alkive is sitting in a patch of flowers talking to the bees and giggling🌺💗

*I walk by noticing you sitting there and think, "ooo~ shes cute..." He sat there and stared for a minute not thinking that he probably looks like a creep..*

Eyo fellow simp may I rp withchu?


Yayyy! Imma say we go with Hiroto, Imma use ma girl Esme! 

poor akari (': anywayz you wanna start or shall I?

Bruh you can 1000% bring her in if ya want, Esme will kick her ass because that´s how Esme do. And meeeeeeee I wanna startttttt! 

Ahem Ahem 

The belltower woods are an enigma. An ancient woods standing suspiciously close to an old graveyard. Terrible sounds can be heard there in the night, whispers in the dark. It is rumored that the woods are haunted, the souls from the graveyard converging in the woods to do their dark business. How you so foolishly managed to wander into these woods in the dead of night is beyond me. Perhaps you truly are a brave soul, entranced by the ghost stories. Perhaps you´re just an idiot. Regardless, as a scream splits the night, shattering the fragile silence of the woods and sending a chill down your spine, you begin to wonder if the rumors about the woods have some validity to them. 


Name: Gabriela Garza
Age: 18 - Born 17th of February
Appearance: Standing 5' 4" tall, and thick with tan skin, Gabriela has an underdog feel about her.
She has a long face, a big nose, puffy lips, and her dark brown eyes are large.
Her dark blue hair is long and straight.
She usually wears practical clothes that are mostly black and form fitting, and she wears a small heart necklace.
Personality: Nice, happy-go-lucky, frank, nurturing, intuitive, one-of-a-kind.
Personal Status
Social Class: Lower middle class
Education: Graduated university with honors
Marital status: Single - Friendships only (Heterosexual)
Job: Actor (Intern) - 96% satisfied
Financial status: stable
Personal views
Religious view: Theist - (Faith: 87%)
World view: Realist
Racial views: "I don't see race"
Gender bias: "Woman and people of the lgbtq+ need more rights"
Age preference: "All people are in need for work,no matter what"
Nationalism: "My country isn't the best or the worst"
Conflict: "War is wrong"
Physical/Health: Has Asthma
Quirks: Flinches often,Shuffles instead of walking
Likes: Gambling, Playing chess, Playing football
Dislikes: Slow replies, People who stand right in front of doors, Being too cold
Afraid of: Childbirth
Self-satisfaction: 58% - Stable
Fitness level: 64% - Increasing
Motivator: Rejection
Skills: Excels at causing trouble. Knows how to use shuriken
Colours: Likes green, hates slate
Music: Likes Rock, hates Reggae
Foods: Vegetarian food
Book Genre: Suspense

good night


lmao its been a minute since ive been here anyways here is Charlotte


Edit for 🐱 🍪 Sliverpaws U-U 🍪 🐱









Soo cute and thoughtful ~


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