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No one:


Cry ash:

Not even my stepdad:

Me:  Ask for money, and get advice. Ask for advice, get money twice~  I'm from the dirty, but that chico nice Y'all call it a moment, I call it life!!!

lol I like pitbull don’t judge me


lol okay then I won't


We going places mumsy!!


We at the hotel, motel, Holiday Inn, We at the hotel, motel, Holiday Inn!!!!!


The pain of scoliosis:

You feel like your insides are being crushed to oblivion

It is noticeably hotter

It is hard to bend down and stand up

It sucks

sad sad

I'm stuck in my chairrrr






sanaki kunikaz!!!!

Hows it going?

the world may never know lol


I am just a human and I feel like shhiiittt~

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my fav


Mr.Explosion Boom Boom looking mighty sparkly today


that nice where did you get that?

What’s nice?

the thing down there that tamaki posted


time to educate you guys on my ocs lol

Uh well here goes nothing 

Starting off with.. elk!

Oki elk is bi-gendered, but you can call them a he

You might think he is innocent... he isn’t 

He looks and sounds innocent but once you break him..he gets naughty 

He is ageless

And a double winged elf

Elk is not really tall.. just average 

And he mostly sleeps often

I shall eat le Elk

you can’t eat elk

wait.... uh how are you gonna eat him lol

Ahem, le stabby with Mr. Stabby Stab, put in freezer, thaw, then blend with some legos

now I wonder how elk kun taste lol

thats sad

Ahaha my teacher wont answer me and i have to do something.

Then it's their fault if ya don't get it done

let me play my game leave me alone ok

mate I said that more then a half-hour ago shut the hell up lmao

ok sorry!

Wasn't even talking to you either


you could email the teacher

i did and he said “Oops, sorry i didnt read the zoom chat”

credit to this girl because i made this from picrew

and he looks at me~

And I look at him lol

thats from tiktok

yep lol

its true

Damnnnnnnnn thats cool!



man this chat dead

shut stinky

you tiny bitch no one even likes you tiny ass hole bitch

Does your dictionary consist of cuss words? I'm unfazed by it, of course, I expected it. But, I have many friends on this site, and I also have a lover.  

Asshole is one word, not ass hole.

man let me just play my games plus i was playing wholesome cats but your still talking

i live in airazona i cant travel thats why or we dont want to leave are state

u cant spell Arizona mate-  "AiRaZoNA"

i can

also, you have a fake Twitter account (or ya spelled it wrong), and your account was made an half an hour ago

ok looks like a care

Yes, it looks like a care :/ 

I don't know how old ya are, but if you have time to make a fake Twitter account, take some time to have better grammar.

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sorry i blocked ya i cant see what your saying want me to unblock you?

Then that's sad for you. Only being able to say cuss words but not being able to spell very, VERY simple words is sad.


Taking dogs out in the snow is hard. They're legs are too little and they get stuck. 

I don’t have any pets

My stepdad said I can get a pet rock lol

I really want a bunny

How To Get A Pet Bunny:

Step 1: Go into the woods and find an abandoned baby bunny or a hurt bunny

Step 2: Bring it in the house and ask your parents if your allowed to keep it on one condition, if you can take care of it and stay on top of its health

Step 3: Give it a name and some place to sleep (For the first day then go get a crate from the store)

Step 4: Love on it until your parents have no choice but to let you keep it because it go attached to you and you got attached to it!

there are no woods here.. welp time to find an alligator!!

For more realistic terms, For the first step, baby bunnies are usually accompanied by their parent, and it is very rare for them to be separated because the parent raises them until they are of age.

Step two, parents probably will not allow the rabbit into the house. It was in the woods and the animal is probably dirty. The parent's first move of action would be to ignore your begging and bring the rabbit to the vet or animal shelter. 

Step 3 & 4, ref to step two.

It worked for me when i begged for a cat, and my friend found a baby turtle egg and her parents did what i wrote.

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lol well no one asked but I'm going to tell you how much vacation is going -_- (it sucks so far btw)

1. Kind of boring 'cause we haven't done any activities just staying in our hotel house room thingy

2. Since day 1 I realized that I can't escape from most of my worries and my pain is my family is right there

3. My family is there

4. I wanna go ice skating 'cause I wanna see if I like figure skating/ice skating 'cause if you don't know I've found an interest in ice skating from watching and I want to try it out l (but I need to see if I like ice skating first)

5. I feel trapped 'cause there isn't a comfy room where I can stay in where my family isn't so I'm legit sitting on the ground with my blanket in a hallway house hotel room thingy

6. The snow is nice but I don't really have anyone to play with

7. I forgive people way too easily and I suck at holding grudges and I forget and I'm sensitive so when my family hurts my feelings I always end up forgiving them even though they don't ask for forgiveness and I try to stay away from them 'cause if I hang out with them they are going to eventually going to hurt my feelings and I forget to remain quiet -_- you'll see what I'm talking about

8. I like to stay quiet and ignore people 'cause then they will just eventually leave me alone...but then again I forget things quite often and so when they hurt my feelings I usually end up saying something rude back which turns into an argument 

9.  can you guys be my new family? lol 

10. but then again I shouldn't be complaining people have it way worse then me, right?

u have vacation!!

U lucky

ye it started snowing two days ago 

its snowing again where im at ;-;


snow has no so in conclusion no one likes snow

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mikan is better than chiaki by sooo many levels, for one she didn't kill my nagito senpai.

hey i'm honeypie and i hate cheese pizza my faceclaim is mikan

Cool! What anime is she from?

its a game. danganronp

Toga told me to stop staring at her.... but i just cant...




Uhh.. yeetle yootle 

U like chest soo I shall vanilottle jk




eh we got the same thing in common lol

Except I like men and women in maid outfits

It’s kinda sexy lol

:> What about Levi in a maid outfit?

(2 edits)

magic fucking left me years ago, there is no tooth fairy nor santa nor angels, we are just humans built to work breed and die like bees, i'm sorry but there is not magical society so stop waiting for your letter and get to work.

signed,my inner thoughts


I’ve never even believed in Santa when I was younger 

I basically ruined children’s dreams lol

I’m savage I guess


still do it to this day

I’m not sorry for it lol

good job^^



damn thats deep


if there is not tooth fairy who has been giving me money when I lost a tooth if it wasn't my mom-

yes your mom.

no my mom dont come inside my room, and I roll in my sleep so if she did I would've bonked her hand

Le gasp my old art lol


the characters were mine but rabbit kun owns them now lol

speaking of rabbit kun, i havent seen him for so long

he is a busy man you know lol



I know he will do the rule 34 with them lol

Some pretty art from dreamalgia/tearzah^^ I love their art.



dis a pen 🖊 

Dis a cat 🐈 

Dis a dog 🐩 

And disappointment 😊


I can’t find it 



lol thanks

I finally figured something out, My dumb bisexual ass had some thoughts and i figured it out. 
- i don't want to celebrate pride or go to festivals i wanna be left alone, it's not that i discourage it, it's just that i don't care for celebration.

- i don't need to come out to my mom, she already thinks i'm gay.

My WhOlE fAmIlY ThInKs I'M gAy!

WheEeeze she already figured it out=

my god cotton sweets you have gacha club well um your gacha character sucks

pretty sure i’m bi to, i find some men (in my age not older or younger like wtf) attractive and then when i look at girl on pintrist i’m like “I need you in my life!” And then i remember i have Toga and i’m all god again.

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I'm more into vampire anime boys~ IRL women work too^^

oml- have u seen this guy in a maid outfit?! Here! ^^ Levi do be hot tho

Damn those thighs lol

i prefer vampires.

ok, shall look!



do you wanna list our anime crushes? just for fun

I give people hints to my pansexuality lol

I made a pan cult in ela class

Question, whats the best way to come out? Because i’m pretty sure i’m bi, am going to find a quiz of how to know you sexualoty

well you just gotta give people hints towards it

I still haven’t told my parents that I’m pansexual but my mum is getting sus about it~

Oh, idk how to tell my bestie bc she says “Your not supposed to know your sexuality until your 13” an i’ve been felling like i’m bi for over a year.


I had a long process to find my gender identity and sexuality lol

Took two years :)


I’m 70% bi, 30% heterosexual, and 10% asexual.

Lol me now find a thing on picrew for bi peeps

my flags are pretty!

I don't know ;-; I think me mum thinks I'm gay, or trans cause I heard her on the phone one day about smth about me wanting my parts to be different (which MAYBEEEEEEEEEEEEe) but that remains in question





lol same ngl

lol well my bisexual ass daydreams 24/7 lol I'm hopeless


So I kinda edited a gacha character I found in the internet 



Someone plz give me some tips and tricks on how to edit

Um ok here goes nothing, make sure it can fit an aesthetic you like or if your bored or whatever, i have some simple edits like taking screenshots of gacha characters and making them a transparent thing like i made a strawberry cow with a face and body (Free to use! I made them myself!)

When i added a background and put it together:

Lol needs work.

(1 edit)

As a black bisexual girl, i wanna be left alone, please stop talking about my ancestors history it makes me wanna fucking cry.

you got it lad

I shall comfort you

Here is a cute puppy


that’s what I like to hear lol

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why did steven universe choose the most whitest karen gem to talk about slavery!? 

WHY??!!! I'm not saying white people can't teach about slavery but why PEARL.

oh-oh my god...I-


guess who is a trouble maker..

ME lol

I keep on getting grounded 


Imma baaad bish lol


you know W.A.P

Doesn’t mean wet ass pussy

It also means 


Now u shall do that lol

Simp for me lol


lol that too

lmao i already simp for you

good 😊

i love u bby lol



hard work and suffering

i can't do hard work, just suffering

oml- the last one i have hit my toe on and got pinched so many times

i made some mermaid OCs! 

First: Seana

Breed: Siren

Age: 16 in a half

Birthday: Feb,4,2005

Occupation: Singing to sailors and driving them off course making them go into shark infested water.

Shes up for rp!

Second: Brianna

Before queen version:

After becoming queen version:

Breed: Mermaid

Age: 13

Birthday: January, 21, 2007

Occupation: Singing to the fish and watching boats above water.

Also up for rp!

And then i have a cat OC!

Name: Maisley

Breed: Siamese x Ragdoll x Persian x Turkish Van

Age: 6 (in human years)

Birthday: Unknown

Occupation: Playing with yarn balls and ordering the monster (a dog) commands like getting treats or laying on the floor as a throne.

Yet again up for rp!

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because it pisses people off, i'm gonna say it again^^ cheese pizza is a crime

if you eat cheese pizza with your own will then you are a vile creature cheese pizza is fucking disgusting it is a crime to eat cheese pizza.

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lol do you have any more jokes? I like them :D

yes, thanks. why spend your time with crusty earthlings when anime guys exist

🤣 geezus weezus (or gee-whiz -_- I like saying both it just rolls of the tongue) I'm dying I'm legit dying you speak the truth! 

it would be even more gross if you put pineapple on pizza

but...but I like pineapple on pizza...

how dare you

Yep. I'm a monster. 

yeah and i luv your for it

Dis is Katana this is her summer wear



can has link?


I did the outfit thing you did! But with a completely different character!

Name: Crystal

Summer outfit

Spring outfit

Winter Outfit

(Crap, i was fiddling around with things and reading what the red words said and forgot to take them off, i just now saw it sorry for the words on there)

Fall Outfit

And then lastly Swim Suit

I like the swim suit bc it has a duck.

What happened while i was gone for a few days-...? People have some new usernames and shit so i am confused.

Am changing my username and am also not telling Toga, she will be mad so i will make my actual username this username and then make my cover username something else.

Nobody here can take a joke smfh-


... am confused

My life is a joke

somebody yelled at me for bashing cheese pizza eaters as joke. salty ass people.


yeah lol

am back


Is you new on here?  If so hello!

oh wait, i just checked ur username lol.

yah I just changed my name and profile pic

i like the pfp



Oh my goodness finally my title is given respect! 

lmfao- glad you think so asdfghjk

Gasp do I smell a mutiny!?


Welcome frog lady!

oh, hey there, ribbit


morning overlord!

Good morning oh scary one! 

-.- Am not toga, she wont let me change my username but i accidentally made her mad so now is hiding in my closet yet again.

Oh nooo...

Am changing it either way

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