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Apologizing doesn't always mean you're wrong and the other person is right. It means you value their happiness more than your ego. - anonymous

I have a discord! It's called: StressHasJoinedTheChat*insert tag here bc for sum reason my laptop won't write it*2231 :>

I just sent a request 

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and my server

Request sent workkkkk

Im to lazy im about to leave anyways :> add me though, Pibb Xtra#2005 ?

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Life is too short to waste time on hating anyone. - anonymous

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. - anonymous


to all of the homophobes




Very cool, thank you, fellow homophobe hater😁

lmao thxs

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well then what hell am supposed to do let them talk to us and to me that way i am not going to let them bully my friends and I am not going to  let them think they are taking over PERIOD (i'm not coming for u btw that's just how i talk when i'm upset).

Name: Silikan 

Age: unknown 

Species: Abomination

Her origin is unknown, but she loves everyone. She tries to be friends with everyone she meets, no matter how much you don't want to. She has no idea why she exists, but she doesn't let anything bring her down. She's the pure embodiment of joy.

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well said master👏👏👏

Exactly. I have started to take a new approach after remembering this!

where are they the homophobic people

they left they usually com back in the afternoon



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Hello wooga lord :-).

hi uWu

hheellooo master

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Hey guys :-) good morning. Just know what you're awesome and beautiful I love u :-) I also lost my puppy last night, his name is Chance. :-(


I hope you find him

Thanks :D I have hopes.


omg you lost your puppy, im so sorry, i really hope you find him

Thanks, I'm gonna ask the neighbours after school. :-)


ok, well i hope you find him, yw <3 :)

Aww i hope you and your fam  are doing ok

Thanks! Thought it's been 4 days, we've looked all over... no sign :(

aw i hope u find the dog

Alright, so I remembered that there's a bisexuality flag. So I did myself some changing of the shirt.I'm bisexual and proud. Love yourself and never give up! The LGBTQ+ community will be loved and respected! Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday, we will have a world of peace!

To all that are being bullied 

You are loved, If people say other wise they know nothing. and if no one accepts you for who you are then I will no matter the gender, sexuality, or color I will be your best friend if needed so stay strong and remember you are loved

-Your friend TheLongFurbyGod 

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master you already sent thes 2 days ago -_-

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oof oik

are you still on a train?

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oh ok


remember to not listen to anyone. don't worry about what people think, be yourself, you don't have to make them happy. LGQBT+ or not you guys are amazing, and perfect in alot of ways. you guys are the most badass, amazing people i have ever met. 

~love, co leader of wooga troop, wolfychu

Yes! Please stay strong! These bullies are just that. Bullies.


yes i shall stay strong!




guys i am back

~ wolfychu

Why are all the straight people and children in the comments being butthurt about lgbtq+ people living their lives and asking for basic human rights that they don't even have unlike the straights? How hard is it to be nice to people? stop being immature.

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They're 12 year old bullies who project their insecurities onto others and can't take when others are living happy lives. Don't mind them.



this game sucks

It's a dress up game. What did you expect? I think it's a really good game!

literally why is it the top game in popular rn lmao

Pls dont tell me I'm all that's left of the war. Wooga troops? Where are you guys?

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good morning wooga lord

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yes wooga lord.

war is still on and sirry i was also sleeping

Think they left.


Does this anger you? Good I want it to. I want to make you angry bc a person like you shouldn't be smiling. Take that homophobe.

I love her!



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If anyone needs a gay, accepting, mom or dad.....please feel free ask me. I will adopt you from your cruel, unaccepting, parent(s), (unless you just want a gay mom/dad)

ok pls adopt me



Anybody alive?

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if you are looking for your gay buddie club, we tossed that earlier

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No, we're looking for people that can understand and accept others for their diversity. And for them to stop and acting like 9 year olds and get their shit together. Like come one man, just because we express ourselves doesn't mean you can come here and silence us. You guys talk about how bad we are but we're human just like you. We are loved, just like you. We are beautiful just like you. We are Equal, just like you.                                                                       

"We all wear crowns, you need to calm down,  cause shade never made anybody less gay." - Taylor Swift, "You need to calm down"


ignore them. And report what they do. They will get banned eventually. We banned some losers before a long time ago so who says we can't do it again.

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the only ones going to understand you are going to be other social rejects like you.  you lgbtq are terrible people.  absolutely horrible.  if you would just treat others like they deserve to be treated, and quit trying to make absolutely everything about you then you might find you would be in a more welcome environment, but you dont.  You really just dont.  you lgbtq like to make up excuses and labels for everything.

compassion? understanding? what world are you living in? you all force this bullshit on absolutely everyone else, and you wonder why nobody accepts you?

i mean there is just something inherently wrong with guys who like to dress up as girls, and girls who also have a dick.  just to name a couple of things.  there are many many others I could name. and again, you want to wonder why nobody accepts you.

as far as coming here and silencing you all, well, we kinda just did.

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Oh sorry, I'm not a social reject, I'm a social queen! What did we do to be so horrible? I've done nothing but be kind and I'm still horrible? I'm making everything about me? You straight bullies have made this all about you. You've made it about how you hate us for no good reason, not once have you given a soluble reason to hate me as a person or any other person on this. "Because I'm Gay" and "Because you sinned" isn't a reason. Forced? I have told everyone that I shall accept them for who they are, don't say force unless you're going to admit that you're forcing everyone into your mary-sue standers and forcing us out of a childrens oc creator and comment section. But yes of course there are always going to be bad people out there and I admit, there are a lot of bad people in the lgbtq+ community, so standing with it doesn’t mean I stand with sex trafficking and petifilism, it means I stand for my right to love anyone within legal age and that is a law in this country and has been since 2003, if you have a problem with that than move to another country were they don’t allow same gender relations because you’re that homophobic that you would push us over the edge of death just for another laugh about how “Gross”, so to speak, our community is. Why? never answered that question. If i was a straight, 12 year-old female being bullied, I'd be helped out by you, but since i'm a gay, 12 year-old male, you bully me. If it's because you're christina/catholic...just know that in the bible it says to love thy neighbour, and hate all evil..I'm not evil..i'm a loving boy who wants to spread kindness across this unforgiving world.

Lgbtq+ or not. There will always be bad people. But we did nothing to you. You're here bullying some 12 year old guy just bc he's gay? That's low. You are that person who would protest against black lives matter and vote for trump in the election. That is pretty much what you're doing right now. And all for what? So you can be "accepted" into your little buddy group of social outcasts that hide behind a computer screen every night going on comment sections and drive people out just to be "accepted". You are only cowards. You are only losers. And you are only pathetic losers with nothing better to do with your lives. You are the reason racism sexism lookism etc. Exists. People like you. And for what? Tell me. FOR WHAT?!?! JUST SO YOU CAN FEEL ACCEPTANCE BC YOU CAN'T FIND ANY IN THE REAL WORLD?! FOR WHAT?!! SO YOU CAN GET EVEN A SHRED OF HAPPINESS FROM OTHERS PAIN? TELL ME FOR WHAT?

Homophobes are worse, you know. Refusing to accept people for their sexuality/ sexual orientation is waaaaay worse. Just think about it. They're not even causing anyone any harm. It's a natural thing. What's not clicking in your brain?

so . . you dont like our preferences . . . ?

or do you just not get enought attention at home . . .

or do you just hate us?

i am so confused right now ovo

arcana if we are such bad people😑 then why are you on here it seem to me that you are the terrible person what's wrong with gay guys or females with male body parts they did not ask to be that way  and even so why does that make you upset 🙄  you can't force them to be what they are not because then they will be with someone  they  don't love and when that happens it all goes to hell don't try and silent us because you sound really idiotic  so go somewhere else you nimrod.

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i got to friend you a.j

Thank you! You guys are amazing! Hope you have a wonderful day. Vi amo tutti.

thank you love i hope you have a wonderful day to

yes I am ^^

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If your homo/transphobic this is for you, watch till the end. LGBTQ+ members, just let these guys watch's not for you.

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Our work here as liberators is done for now gents (and lady).


I'm "glad" that you can look inside yourself and see that driving away innocent children for the sake that you can feel "comfortable" doesn't make you guilty but rather relieved, I'm "happy" that knowing that the children coming her to create oc's have been pouring their hearts out for acceptance and being treated like horse shit by people like you, and you don't care but rather feel euphoria that you got your way, and knowing that you're going to reply with hate comments because you know it makes you feel terrible inside will just make my gosh darn day.


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Now legit peeps can come and enjoy.


Your hate will only fuel my kindness, your rage will only fuel my joy, just note on that.

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Ahhhh... Peace and quiet.

No lgbtq garbage 😄

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Everyone's values vary, the ones with the most kindness remain at the top, the ones with the most hate rate at the bottom, please, remain kind and you shall be recognized for your love and courageousness.


Think again bitch. 

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lol, I liked that plan we came up with.  Totally brilliant.  They wont know what the fuck hit them

So keep trashing the place as usual in the interim

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i believe we can just continue to bash them into submission, lol

you ran most of then off earlier anyway single handedly, lmao

arcana just shut up🙄


Karma is a state in which what you give comes back later in life, tearing away the joy and light people have will only tear your confidence and self-esteem apart.

Wow you homophobic kids are funny. Anyway, LGBTQ+ queens rise.

lol yesss


I'm just gonna stay out of this Lgbtq community stuff and the bad stuff, it's not worth my time I'm just gonna post monster girl maker oc's like it was ment for also stay out of others conversations. =~=

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thats the idea.  lgbtq's have completely overrun this message board.  they tried to pull shit shit on yet another board, and we a band of gamers ran them off and are putting them in their place.

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Sorry for the stress y'all are going threw. I hope it's gets better and no more stress being caused. 

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When you join forces, you create a bond that lasts longer than the hate that reigned before it. Be the positive force that out-rules the negativity

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thats the whole point here, but people should be able to come without having lgbtq's force their corruption on anyone.

didnt work in our house, and now we own theirs

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oh hell no.  we wont have this in our house.  we took our house back by force.

we will take theirs by force too :-)


Kindness always win, evil always loses, why you might ask, because love will empower yourself and bring out the best in others, hate will only tear away at their own souls and kill the rest of their flicker-flasher light.

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what house nigga you dont own shit 0315 and dark shades of blue so shut tf up bro

BROOOOOOOO this nigga think he the motherfucken  president

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laurenel2664 why dont you stfu and not come on here with your homosexual loving bullshit


People will only try to tear you down to their level, if you let them bring you on your knees, you will only give them what they want, if you be hateful back, you have become just as low as them. Be the ever lasting light that never lets the dark of the moon block out their rays.


why are there so many homophobes in the comments ?? spreading hate and wishing DEATH on ppl j bc of their sexual preferences/ orientation is so childish and i rlly hope yall can rethink how what u say and do impacts other ppl

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elaborate please


Don't let people shadow your light, be above the crowd and show them you're made of more than they could ever imagine.

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i dont see anywhere on this board that it specifically belongs to lgbtq.

thats because it fucking doesnt.

we are taking it away from you

And theres nothing you can do about it either

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hell yes!

we will end this corruption and moral decay

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A negative mind shall only think that privileges are being taken away from them because they internally they aren't worth upholding it.

yes there is we can tell that's what most of my homies are going to do but i think i'm going to insult you until you shut the f up 

marcie i dont see anywhere on the bored that belongs to homophobes ether soo😐

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thats how lgbtq spread and spread, like a fucking disease.


The only plague is hate, for it spreads and kills the positivity and destroys others.

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lgbtq cares only about lgtbq.  they care about nothing else except how many others they can get to join their garbage community.

and do you have evidence for that 😑😑 becuse   ik very well that they  support the blm community very much and what have homophobic done for this  community if anything that made everything worse cus thats the type of person you guys are if you want to say dumb shit like that provide evidence .

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Dracken-chan is just a total fucking idiot.  Dont listen to them.


That's very Rude!

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Thank you for pointing that out to us, as we would have never figured this shit out without your unwanted and totally pointless input.

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Your words and actions will affect yourself more than it shall affect others. A healthy mind does not seek ill towards others.

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You can be like the leaf, floating above the chaos, choosing to stay within the light, or you can be like the stone, that sinks to the bottom and fills it's mind with darkness.


I'm just trying to be nice to y'all because I care about everyone but it seems like no one cares that I'm trying to be nice I guess y'all don't like kind respectful people, that's how It seems like to me I guess you guy's like being rude and rude people, I probably won't be on here for 1 week. 😔

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thats because you are an idiot.  you walk in here, act like we are here to be your friend by fucking default or something, and then preach to we fine gentlemen how to conduct ourselves.

bitch, we dont want or need your gay advice, so stfu

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It only takes one word, one act, one smile, and one gesture to change someone completely. An act of kindness will spread like wildfire as it reaches peace across the world, an act of shame or hate will grow like weeds inside your soul. Choose wisely.

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nobody is listening to you.

so stick your faggoty verses up your gay ass you fucking twinkle toed cocksucker


They hate you put out only weights on your shoulders, not anyone else's. Your actions can only spew back on yourself, whether good or bad.

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to bitch mc connell

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First of all that's not nice at all second of all I'm not in a community of some sort I'm just a nice person that's trying to be nice to everyone because I'm a kind respectful person!

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isnt that sweet?  why dont we all line up and kiss your ass?

just ignore them they are not worth your time

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i think Izzy tossed them all earlier, now we got nothing to mop up.

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hey Arc, were coming up with another plan to get these fuckers.

ill pm you an invite to our Halo SPV3 channel and well talk about it there.


A plot to peace can trickle down to an endless line of smiling people, but a plot to evil will only create darkness that can only grow inside of yourself. 

arcana hoe we still here come for me

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Gay lives matter... For queer season, and seasons in and there is no FAG limit!


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no Fag/bag limit?

or fagbags?

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All lives matter, for each one was created for it's unique purpose. God created each person with it's own unique statistics and wrote everything out, every last detail.

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The rest of the world doesnt owe the lgtbq community a goddamn thing.

You are a fucking plague to us


The hate you bring says more about yourself then the people you speak of.

The straights do owe a lot to the LGBTQ+ community because they've been tortured physically and mentally in the past. So stop saying things against them. They deserve to live life as much as we do. You're probably 12 or something so I suggest you don't comment unless you know how to have a sound argument.

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and then these sick fucks try to act like the rest of the world owes them something

We don't.

We don't ask for a thing, except respect.

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if y'all keep on bullying others and will report you for being rude and hurting people's feelings, it's not nice to say those mean things to others, just please be nice and respectful to others, thanks and goodnight y'all.

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no one cares


Bring the world only peace and kindness, and it shall come to you in return.

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