yea- they are-... but im not saying they have to like us... i just want them to be friendly to us. also i am only 12, all of us are ages 10-14 so if i know your not going to bully us then let me lnow so i can unblock you
stfu and leave before i do get my parents involved, they check the stuff i do. and i dont give a living fuck what you say i know, we all know that we matter, your just jealous, also you only get two chances so when you want to be nice i will give you a second chance, you could be hanging with some cool people.
haha bitch you have no life. you just a asshole bitch who is a big ass bully, your a motherfucker. watch your mouth cause ill sew it shut haha lmao loser have a good life im blocking you so dont espect me to respong to you again im half demon so i wouldnt mess with me. when people make me angry imma mean person
goodnight every one/every troop, i just wanna let you all know that we all matter. block those hatters and we continue having a peaceful environment. i love having you guys as friends! i will tty tomorrow. we rull lol🌈🌈
guys guys! i got an idea we block all of them (there are new homophobs are coming) then we live and peace and we wont have to see their messages see how smart i am lmao
Okay can you move to like someplace else... *This is why we have a closet, because you make us feel like a guest in our own home* (p.s., this is a safe corner, you have invaded the safe corner. You're the real faggot. Us? No, we're are kings and queens bitches. My way. My way or the highway!!~ 😎🌈👑
is this an insult or are you making a joke as to being gay yourself....not sure...also...i'm not exactly a drag queen..more of a femboy But damn i could rock that queen title!!!
you dont even have to support us, but we are just freindly kids who are tired of getting bullied so if you are being a bully cause ya have no friends i dont mind giving ya a secong chance
Watchout, you wouldn't want half of the world to come knocking on your door.. Stupid fucking homo/transphobic bullies, find some other gamers to antagonize you 45 year-old m.a.p.
bitch gay people are kings and queens of this world. and dont and i mean tdont say that you nasty asshole. do you not know that we are fucking 12 years old???!!
They do lame shit like this. And then other gay idiots come and join them, and the next thing you know, you have a covenant of faggots on here flooding the internet with gay pride and other worthless trash.
That's just what they do. Its the equivalent of trying to get attention because nobody want anything to do with them.
Okay can you move to like someplace else... *This is why we have a closet, because you make us feel like a guest in our own home* (p.s., this is a safe corner, you have invaded the safe corner. You're the real faggot. Us? No, we're are kings and queens bitches. My way. My way or the highway!!~ 😎🌈👑
Also bitch, when were you invited to our lgbtq+ tea party? Move that old man ass of yours out of this place, you have absolutely no idea what us kids/teens/adults in the lgbtq+ have to deal with on the daily, I have enough from my parents, and having you around has been a real fucking drag...can you like, go somewhere else. P.s. you can't hide the pride sweety, we're here and we're queer, deal with it.
no wonder all of these losers are so confused about their sexuality
most everyone else in their pointless lives have rejected them, so they band together on here. how sad, gotta create a little fag group just to feel wanted.
probably also sitting here with there fagtard friends sharing their experiences when they were on suicide watch, lmao
Feel free to keep trashing and spamming your own message boards like the socially awkward basement dwellers you are. :-)
We dont care, lmao
We only come here to piss on your gay heads anyway
Hewo! I'm AJ - the real boi. I love anime (especially bnha/mha), hazbin hotel, and other stuff as well. I hate homo/transphobic bullies, they disgust me.
Anyone got disc? I can invite you to my server if you want. It's for lgbtq+ members and straight/cis allies only
aight, wooga it is..(sowwy bunny rats) P.s. if you check my profile in a few minutes, i'll have my discord account on there, if you have disc you can friend me...i have no friends and kida lonely at the moment.
alright i'm officially calling of all troops because of the fact that the homophobes have vanished for now. lets go back to sending ocs and cute shit. no talking bout the war until it continues
Hi I'm the real boy around here....I'm not exactly part of a group. I love bnha (Boku no hero academia), naruto, atlab (avatar and the last airbender), tlok (the legend of korra), beastars, hazbin hotel, and yeah that's about it as far as tv series go......I'm pansexual, transmasculine, non-binary, asexual, gay, and only make sexual jokes every once in a while to add a little humor.
I'm the Gay King, All Pansexuals stand up and sing: Ass is Ass, Yours is grass, I don't promote it, but imma mow it.......(i don't fukin know....but i was hella bored soo)
I like anime, markiplier, Danny Gonzales and a bunch of other Youtubers that i don't feel like listening. I don't like food i don't like eating i HATE thinking about eating and i don't like chewing or cooking because i always feel fat and disgusting with myself after (even tho im like a twig-)
And im transmasc non binary, demisexual, demiromantic and a lesbian :D
Also i will fight you over whether sakura haruno is usless (she ain't) feel free to discuss with me PLEASE
You might food neophobia...that's a real thing and it's the phobia (or fear) of eating. I read into it a while ago, it's pretty serious and without enough food or nutrients in your body, it will affect your mental/physical health. I'm sorry for being concerned but even tho i don't know you, i want to make sure your okay and healthy and doing good! Also, here's the video i watched when i did research, ofc I'm not saying that you have this or are anything like this but just incase you were wondering or interested
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Ah yes girl in red
The universal lesbian anthem
I have been lising to I wanna be your girlfriend for the last hour
omg same! i love that song!
yep one of my new fav songs
same lol
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guys enough. these are kids for christs sake.
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So where the fuck do you get off at telling a fucking kid they dont matter?
Fuck you, Izzy.
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Hey, cool it.
We're just having a friendly conversation :-)
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The minute you told her literally to go kill herself and that a kid didnt matter, it got unfriendly. Pretty damn quick.
So back the fuck off.
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Well you didnt have a fuckin problem with it last night
are you going to help support us? or are you not a supporter?
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Lets just say theyre taking things a little too far
yea- they are-... but im not saying they have to like us... i just want them to be friendly to us. also i am only 12, all of us are ages 10-14 so if i know your not going to bully us then let me lnow so i can unblock you
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i am not. and they are done too, whether they know it or like it or not.
ok so wanna restart over, maybe become friends?
we send a truce
im 11
oh im 12
ok people i have the folowing homophobs listed pls pls to give me peice in mind block them so we wont have to hear there bitchy homophonic mouths.
-love your co leader of Wooga and bunnyrat troop
-Bitch McConnell
-Dark Shades of Blue
-Julio W.
- marcie
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We have already seen just how ignorant this little band of faggots is, gays like gayrainbowwolf.
who sit here 24/7 because her life has fell into obsolecense.
I hate to break it to you, but you dont matter. Gays do not matter. The rest of the world laughs at you and pisses on you.
Why else do you need a comment board for your daily human interaction?
stfu and leave before i do get my parents involved, they check the stuff i do. and i dont give a living fuck what you say i know, we all know that we matter, your just jealous, also you only get two chances so when you want to be nice i will give you a second chance, you could be hanging with some cool people.
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if you want to hang, i humbly suggest at the end of a nice long piece of nylon cord.
as for your friendship, not interested.
hm ok but i do give second chances tho-
I dunno man
Why are you on here if your life is so well put together
Why are you spending all your time on here if you're so much better than us eh?
If you've ever wondered why the gays have such good fashion sense
It's because we've been in a closet our whole lives
yas girl we have amazing fashion, but i just wear my cosplays to school lmao
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Whoever forgot to board the closet shut should be shot.
Nah I'm in the PANtrey
im in the can of lesBEANS
That was shit oml
hehe puns uWu
lmao so am i
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Because you gay idiots literally have no fucking life and spent the whole day on here flooding faggoty art and other forms of tardive gay shit.
But we know, first thing in the morning, you will come straight back on here to do it again (and again and again).
Lifeless faggots
stfu loser with no life
you message again ill curse the fuck outta u and you will cry to your moma so bad
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I doubt it.
Still waiting for your supposed answer to where I threatened any of you.
haha bitch you have no life. you just a asshole bitch who is a big ass bully, your a motherfucker. watch your mouth cause ill sew it shut haha lmao loser have a good life im blocking you so dont espect me to respong to you again im half demon so i wouldnt mess with me. when people make me angry imma mean person
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i aint worried about it
Well yeah that's sort of the idea
i'm going to bed! please block and report any mean people you see!
rat bunny will see you all tomorrow!
becaus ewe tired master
goodnight fam
Gn lil bean
goodnight every one/every troop, i just wanna let you all know that we all matter. block those hatters and we continue having a peaceful environment. i love having you guys as friends! i will tty tomorrow. we rull lol🌈🌈
nighty night master
i lav chicken nuggies
guys guys! i got an idea we block all of them (there are new homophobs are coming) then we live and peace and we wont have to see their messages see how smart i am lmao
The rat bunny trooooop!
🌭a rat who likes chicken nuggies and hot dogs
🌭she is bisexual
🌭she is the first side of rat bunny
🍓other names: berry, omori, bun buns
🍓a gaymer bunny who wants ya Kentucky fried chicken bucket
🍓nagito fangirl
🍓second side of ratbunny
🌮a thing with a lot of forms
🌮she wants your buttered noodles
🌮a bisexual girl dating a spider(kny) and a wolf named shiro(bna)
cyka cyka cyka cyak cyka🌮gaymer
t h a n k
np ^^
Nice characters! 😮😄♥️
This place needs some positivity uWu So I offer you meh art
p e r f e c t
i love it!
Very nice, I like it! 🦊
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I know, right?
Probably getting so angry they are about to start cutting themselves open again and go back on tard watch.
thats no a joke to share what if your the one whos cutting
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See? Fag kids are beat like lil bitchez, yo!
Run you miserable bastards
Okay can you move to like someplace else... *This is why we have a closet, because you make us feel like a guest in our own home* (p.s., this is a safe corner, you have invaded the safe corner. You're the real faggot. Us? No, we're are kings and queens bitches. My way. My way or the highway!!~ 😎🌈👑
omg you rule lol
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oh yeah, I heard about you drag queens.
thats where you take a queen and drag their gay ass down a gravel road going 60MPH, stopping every few minutes to sprinkle salt on their gay ass
thats what I call a drag queen
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is this an insult or are you making a joke as to being gay yourself....not sure...also...i'm not exactly a drag queen..more of a femboy But damn i could rock that queen title!!!
we are fucking 12 years old what what the fuck yo0u say??!!
you dont even have to support us, but we are just freindly kids who are tired of getting bullied so if you are being a bully cause ya have no friends i dont mind giving ya a secong chance
That was to marcie
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Better watch out. We wouldnt want the faggot troop to be mobilized again
Watchout, you wouldn't want half of the world to come knocking on your door.. Stupid fucking homo/transphobic bullies, find some other gamers to antagonize you 45 year-old m.a.p.
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why dont you stfu you little sexually confused "pansexual" idiot.
go rape something
U gud brah
Did your dad beat you too hard or smth
HAHA ikr lmao
bitch gay people are kings and queens of this world. and dont and i mean tdont say that you nasty asshole. do you not know that we are fucking 12 years old???!!
hahaha oh bitch im not going to bring my troops but im also going to bring my fist and fuck you the hell up
ok i blocked them.
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This is what social morons do.
They do lame shit like this. And then other gay idiots come and join them, and the next thing you know, you have a covenant of faggots on here flooding the internet with gay pride and other worthless trash.
That's just what they do. Its the equivalent of trying to get attention because nobody want anything to do with them.
Okay can you move to like someplace else... *This is why we have a closet, because you make us feel like a guest in our own home* (p.s., this is a safe corner, you have invaded the safe corner. You're the real faggot. Us? No, we're are kings and queens bitches. My way. My way or the highway!!~ 😎🌈👑
Also bitch, when were you invited to our lgbtq+ tea party? Move that old man ass of yours out of this place, you have absolutely no idea what us kids/teens/adults in the lgbtq+ have to deal with on the daily, I have enough from my parents, and having you around has been a real fucking drag...can you like, go somewhere else. P.s. you can't hide the pride sweety, we're here and we're queer, deal with it.
ignore the homophobe i REPEAT ignore the homophobe, they feed off your anger okay! just spam reports.
ok breath, just breath. whya re they keeping this up?
yeah. just block em and go on with ya day..also refresh the page and you can't seem them anymore.
ok your right
yall want to join meh discord
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no wonder all of these losers are so confused about their sexuality
most everyone else in their pointless lives have rejected them, so they band together on here. how sad, gotta create a little fag group just to feel wanted.
probably also sitting here with there fagtard friends sharing their experiences when they were on suicide watch, lmao
Feel free to keep trashing and spamming your own message boards like the socially awkward basement dwellers you are. :-)
We dont care, lmao
We only come here to piss on your gay heads anyway
and our moment of peace is gone ;D
Yep :'D
hahaha you piss on me ill cut your dick off lmao
I got the knife =)
hehehe they better watch their dick and their mouth
yep =)
indeed hehehe im so evil
hahah bitch we know our sexuality we are just fuckiinnnggg kids watch you mouth111
Hewo! I'm AJ - the real boi. I love anime (especially bnha/mha), hazbin hotel, and other stuff as well. I hate homo/transphobic bullies, they disgust me.
Anyone got disc? I can invite you to my server if you want. It's for lgbtq+ members and straight/cis allies only
...i already said this?.....ummm......sorry.. i forgot. My apologies, my memory is very dysfunctional.
i'll join
okay..just add me on disc and i'll invite you, my account is Xx Mood xX #2963
It says that there was a problem So this is meh I have the same user name
Ok people I came to a conclusion how about we all be in on big troop?
nyeh what about a group with sub groups
Can I be in your troop also? Plllsss
Sure :D
yay!!!!!! thanks you so mucchhh
ok master
Hell yes...I'm new but can i join this group/troop of yours?
Sure! we have WOOGA or Bunnyrats. Bunnyrats are more fluffy
Wooga troop is mostly full of gay people loo
Wooga is awesome lol join us
aight, wooga it is..(sowwy bunny rats) P.s. if you check my profile in a few minutes, i'll have my discord account on there, if you have disc you can friend me...i have no friends and kida lonely at the moment.
give me your chicken nuggies instead then.
*gives wholesome, minecraft server type dino nuggies to
yayy welcome!
Haha lmao 😆😆😆
Honestly, I love this lil comment section so much It's like small reddit for me.
all WOOGA troops are called off till further notice!
Can I pls join? How about we all be in a big troop
Hi I am TheLongFurbyGod
I am a part of WOOGA troop
I am pan But i'll probly die a singel pringel
Likes: almost all anime, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Unus Annus, and meany more, Art, Get Scared, Le friends. uwu
Dislikes: All types of bullies, thats all uWu
Helloooo! welcome! welcome!
hi uvu
Let's all be in one big troop
people already ssaid no but i am still going to make one
alright i'm officially calling of all troops because of the fact that the homophobes have vanished for now. lets go back to sending ocs and cute shit. no talking bout the war until it continues
Agreed let's go back to peaceful for a while, also no one of the homophobs is telling me he's going to kill me right now
Hi I'm the real boy around here....I'm not exactly part of a group. I love bnha (Boku no hero academia), naruto, atlab (avatar and the last airbender), tlok (the legend of korra), beastars, hazbin hotel, and yeah that's about it as far as tv series go......I'm pansexual, transmasculine, non-binary, asexual, gay, and only make sexual jokes every once in a while to add a little humor.
Avatar is amazing hshshshshs BOTH SERIES
Same lol
i made a fanmade bender character for my own personal gain
this is spider boyedfriend, he's cuddly i swear.
So is he nice?, Also He Is So ADORABLE!! ❤️💜❤️
random shiz
I'm the Gay King, All Pansexuals stand up and sing: Ass is Ass, Yours is grass, I don't promote it, but imma mow it.......(i don't fukin know....but i was hella bored soo)
Lmao can gay count?
Oki guys so I am making an anime troop comment if you wanna join
Hi im rat god
The god of all rats KNEEL BEFORE ME >:D
I like anime, markiplier, Danny Gonzales and a bunch of other Youtubers that i don't feel like listening. I don't like food i don't like eating i HATE thinking about eating and i don't like chewing or cooking because i always feel fat and disgusting with myself after (even tho im like a twig-)
And im transmasc non binary, demisexual, demiromantic and a lesbian :D
Also i will fight you over whether sakura haruno is usless (she ain't) feel free to discuss with me PLEASE
Im also non-binary I didn't put that in mine lol and you need to try to eat.... I don't want you to get hurt:(
No way....I'm a transmasc no binary as well
*prolonged gasp*
Oh I am also wanna be friends
You might food neophobia...that's a real thing and it's the phobia (or fear) of eating. I read into it a while ago, it's pretty serious and without enough food or nutrients in your body, it will affect your mental/physical health. I'm sorry for being concerned but even tho i don't know you, i want to make sure your okay and healthy and doing good! Also, here's the video i watched when i did research, ofc I'm not saying that you have this or are anything like this but just incase you were wondering or interested
To stop/avert spam, I am leaving this chat chain open to talk about the war, and more!