ok hold up, what's with the bullying my friend. im tired of reading the comment calling her or him gay and stuff not okay especially when it offensive to other gay people (like me)and i will not tolerate it so better watch what you say or ill report you so much you'll have to leave the game. so watch your backs 😁😁😁😁
Relax, guy. We both know you are angry at the world and obviously everyone else in it because all you have is coming on here to connect with other unwanted undesired rejects from society, just like you 😀 You are probably sitting there cutting your wrists open you are so angry and miserable. Nobodys fault but your own.
saying suicidal shit is not funny some people have to deal with that shit and for you to say that to a person without knowing what there going through is just proves your an ignorant fuck
And they come here, apparently in force, and upload their gay creations and show what happens when youre 40 years old still living in mommy and daddie basement
I see we right afterall, this board is full of idiot asshole losers.
losers who sit behind a computer 24/7 drawing childish gay ass cartoon girls because theyre nothing but a bunch of social neophytes who cant fit in anywhere else
I think you're the loser who sits behind a computer 24/7 doing childish asshole shit because you're nothing but a pathetic bitch who can't fit in except when they're trying to looks down on people who are clearly better than them. And btw you don't fit in and never will. You don't even stand out. You're just a bitch. A hoe. And a prick. Deal with it or go cry to your mommy about "the little girl who was mean to you" idgaf. Just leave us alone a-hole.
Quick thing. If you're here just to say rude stuff. You can go cry to your mommy bc news flash! nobody cares about your fucking stupid opinions! Get the fuck out and go find some other place to be bitches in. Or go fuck yourself while you're at it. Stop trying to feel better about your sad pathetic little lives by being pricks to other people KAREN. (or KEVIN)
Somebody tell me why that sounds a whole lot like someone who never been with an actual human girl so they relate with other losers who craft idiotic retarded shit.
I've had this bean made for a while now and since everyone was showing off their bunnies i thought id do mine :D
This is Amelia, she doesn't like attention or hugs or anything, she just likes to sit in her room and read or talk to her bunny doll and pretty much avoid all contact with other bunnies in general, she can be seen looking from her tower bedroom window (aha princess baby) staring down at the children of the servants and towns children playing in the courtyard. She has one friend though a gray bunny named millie, she's the daughter of a count who lives in the neighboring kingdom
(Millie)^ since they live relatively far away from each other they write each other letters and have a messenger deliver them (theyre both around 7 or 8)
okay i have a question for everyrat..what is you're biggest pet peeve when it comes to ocs here? personally..mine is highlighter characters..the last thing I need is some neoncore giving me bloodshot eyes at night^^ but that's just my opinion.
mine is . . . when all the character is like . . .
her name is galaxydrop and she can controll time, space, food, people and can breath fire and shhot gliiter out her hands, loves cookies, and is tHE LosT hYRbRid prIncEsS. oh did i mention she's immortal??
glad you mentioned that! i hate weirdass names, like example...sprinklelove or like..firecandy, it just sounds so...weird..like i understand a fantasy name but still it can't STAND names that sound like its from a stupid little girl's show.
When there is clearly no plan and the colours don't even match and when the backstory is like: oh she's an orphan or she hated her parents or whatever yeah yeah so be sorry for her and she did this and oh sad sad. No. Give me something to make me truly feel her. Like let's say their name is Rana or smthg idk: Rana lived with her parents til she was 3 when they tragically died to *insert reason here* she became an orphan and didn't make many friends. She didn't really want to talk to anyone with the fear of their death like her parents. Blah blah explain trauma and depression and blah blah. Yeah now I feel sad for her. Like why you do dat. Also when they make them OP but don't have anything to make them more likeable???? Like why???? And also ThE lOsT pRiNcEsS or whatever. Who even cares about that. If you're gonna do that. Make it interesting at least. I'm gonna cri.
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ok hold up, what's with the bullying my friend. im tired of reading the comment calling her or him gay and stuff not okay especially when it offensive to other gay people (like me)and i will not tolerate it so better watch what you say or ill report you so much you'll have to leave the game. so watch your backs 😁😁😁😁
oh it ok lol
goodmorning everybody!
gm <3
gm <3 how is your day going?
LMAOOOO not there being drama in the comments
um hey guys
hi ?lol
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Marcie. 😀
You cant stay hid forever.
Or we will bash more of your gay little friends.
um what? are you joking or literall?
Wdym bash
You rlly think this is insulting
Dear lord
Ik that mommy doesn't love you, but making fun of people isn't going to help
Ik that you're bullied fir being a retard, but that won't fix it
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You got your ass kicked, so run away and hide little fag.
You fucking cunt
Never use the fucking f slur you fucking straggot
Hey. I just came to say that I'm blocking reporting and ignoring you people! And everyone should do the same! :D
Also I'm not cutting my wrists. I can show you a picture! But wait. I'm ignoring you! So no. You can believe what you want! Idgaf :D
With Hate
wait what happend?
im going back and reporting every single one
me too!
yea lets report them!
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Relax, guy.
We both know you are angry at the world and obviously everyone else in it because all you have is coming on here to connect with other unwanted undesired rejects from society, just like you 😀
You are probably sitting there cutting your wrists open you are so angry and miserable.
Nobodys fault but your own.
don't call me GUY in fact don't talk to me at all.
saying suicidal shit is not funny some people have to deal with that shit and for you to say that to a person without knowing what there going through is just proves your an ignorant fuck
exactly tell them girl
Says the ones spamming the comments with their retarded bullshit with nothing better to do than bully those who actually have a fucking hobby dipshit
Its not that hard to ignore shit fucking retard
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And they come here, apparently in force, and upload their gay creations and show what happens when youre 40 years old still living in mommy and daddie basement
Oh sorry I think that's you bc clearly you belong in the basment with your rat friends niw leave us alone. :D Know what. Imma ignore you.
Hey, we rats don't claim the fuckatrd
sorry I don't mean you. You're chill. I mean the dirty rats. You know the ones. You're cool tho. And your friends are cool.
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I see we right afterall, this board is full of idiot asshole losers.
losers who sit behind a computer 24/7 drawing childish gay ass cartoon girls because theyre nothing but a bunch of social neophytes who cant fit in anywhere else
I think you're the loser who sits behind a computer 24/7 doing childish asshole shit because you're nothing but a pathetic bitch who can't fit in except when they're trying to looks down on people who are clearly better than them. And btw you don't fit in and never will. You don't even stand out. You're just a bitch. A hoe. And a prick. Deal with it or go cry to your mommy about "the little girl who was mean to you" idgaf. Just leave us alone a-hole.
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quit hijacking my fucking words, dumbass
Just google the shit if you cant do any better lmao
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Angry little bastard isnt he
Can y'all just leave already. NOBODY CARESSS!
then go some were if it bothers you so much go somewhere we are not asking you to stay 🙄
guys stop commenting
I am tired of listening to the truth
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no you shut the fuck up!
Quick thing. If you're here just to say rude stuff. You can go cry to your mommy bc news flash! nobody cares about your fucking stupid opinions! Get the fuck out and go find some other place to be bitches in. Or go fuck yourself while you're at it. Stop trying to feel better about your sad pathetic little lives by being pricks to other people KAREN. (or KEVIN)
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Relax 😊
We both know you are just a tard here posting your gay things so the rest of your little loser buddie club can come feel special.
And we aint Karen (or Kevin) btw.
hehehehhehe shut up. If you think I give 2 shits about your opinion think again. Get the fuck out and go be your pathetic selves somewhere else.
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Go back to drawing your faggoty cartoons, nub.
And get some new material or sit down, bitch.
Go back to doing nothing with your useless life loser
and find something else to do other than be a bitch or just do nothing hoe. 😄
bro shut up not anxiety go off anxiety
what is with you guys against gay people for one I'm gay so kind of offensive
here is my bunny rabbit thing.
I has another bunny rabbit thing but it's more human than bunny rabbit and he is from another thing on Picrew
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How gay
Oh. And how exactly would that be gay huh?
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its gay because only a fucking faggot would post that shit.
well I don't see you posting it?
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Thats because we are not gay idiots like you 😄
who the fuck cares if its gay or not?!!
oooooooh no answer. How intimidating. You don't know do you? Why is that? Idk maybe because it's not gay at all.
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are you stupid too?
Sorry., I think you're looking for a mirror.
just ignore them i read the comments they seem like assholes
That's exactly what I'm doing.
good, as a friend i want to tell you that the bunnies or the stuff you post are not gay, they are just jealous your an awesome person!
who the fuck cares if its gay or not?!!
i think it cute, you did a great job
Well you can thank the app tho 😁 I really just used the options on it. 😅
well you still put the stuff on it tho so that still counts lol
ok well thanks :>
I like the bunny u made 😄
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Or I should say WANTS to belong here, because Marcie doesnt or actually cant belong anywhere.
She have no social skills and roams board to board to board trying to fit in.
Imagine how sorry she is in real life.
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Yes and I can see why Marcie belongs here.
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this goddamn place is fucking stupid.
have any of you scrolled down and actually read this place
if its stupid i think you should leave!
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I would imagine they do hossman.
They are more pathetic than a bunch of acne-riddled 13 year olds fapping to the models in a sears catelogue.
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I see a lot of monster girl pics uploaded. I wonder if these assholes actually fap to this?
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Monster Girl Maker, eh
Somebody tell me why that sounds a whole lot like someone who never been with an actual human girl so they relate with other losers who craft idiotic retarded shit.
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a bunch of brainfucked morons apparently
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hell if i know. i feel like my brain is rotting trying to understand anything posted by anyone thus far.
But then again, tards usually do stupid shit like dool all over themselves and speak in a manner that nobody fucking understands
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So what kind of homosexual retarded gay dumbass loser hangout board is this anyway
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lmao, so much for subleties
you know that thing when teacher block a certain video because it had "kill" in it.
-wheeze laughs-
and you're in middle school or fifth grade.
they still assume we dont overhear bAd canversation or gossip about unholy things
and the best part is that the video isnt even bad :D
-more laugh-
i swear ima expose about how dumb teachers are one day
What if you're in high school o-o
what is wrong with teachers these days?
w e c a n
This brings me pain
i have no words
._. Kill it. Kill it with fire.
I've had this bean made for a while now and since everyone was showing off their bunnies i thought id do mine :D
This is Amelia, she doesn't like attention or hugs or anything, she just likes to sit in her room and read or talk to her bunny doll and pretty much avoid all contact with other bunnies in general, she can be seen looking from her tower bedroom window (aha princess baby) staring down at the children of the servants and towns children playing in the courtyard. She has one friend though a gray bunny named millie, she's the daughter of a count who lives in the neighboring kingdom
(Millie)^ since they live relatively far away from each other they write each other letters and have a messenger deliver them (theyre both around 7 or 8)
wait a second-
the first one has mah name-
i know-
It wasn't on purpose i swear
Its just such a pretty name-
okay lol
How tf do you make these
a random one
and then one of my actual ocs as an bunny uvu
when someone tells me to get myself a pisces:
someone- you know if your looking for a good relationship with someone you should befriend a pisces.
me- oh i already have a friend who is pisces.
someone- wait- really? who?
me- myself 😎
okay i have a question for everyrat..what is you're biggest pet peeve when it comes to ocs here? personally..mine is highlighter characters..the last thing I need is some neoncore giving me bloodshot eyes at night^^ but that's just my opinion.
Hrm...... it's prolly when people put the mouths all the way down the faces
Like tha
I dunno why but they just look like characters from the lorax
HHHHHHHHH yep- that too- another one is when it has too much accessories, like to many horns, eyes, you know..TOO MUCH MONSTER
{} me when i create a character just because im bored {}
mine is . . . when all the character is like . . .
her name is galaxydrop and she can controll time, space, food, people and can breath fire and shhot gliiter out her hands, loves cookies, and is tHE LosT hYRbRid prIncEsS. oh did i mention she's immortal??
just . . . why?? (_o-o)_
glad you mentioned that!
i hate weirdass names, like example...sprinklelove or like..firecandy, it just sounds so...weird..like i understand a fantasy name but still it can't STAND names that sound like its from a stupid little girl's show.
When there is clearly no plan and the colours don't even match and when the backstory is like: oh she's an orphan or she hated her parents or whatever yeah yeah so be sorry for her and she did this and oh sad sad. No. Give me something to make me truly feel her. Like let's say their name is Rana or smthg idk: Rana lived with her parents til she was 3 when they tragically died to *insert reason here* she became an orphan and didn't make many friends. She didn't really want to talk to anyone with the fear of their death like her parents. Blah blah explain trauma and depression and blah blah. Yeah now I feel sad for her. Like why you do dat. Also when they make them OP but don't have anything to make them more likeable???? Like why???? And also ThE lOsT pRiNcEsS or whatever. Who even cares about that. If you're gonna do that. Make it interesting at least. I'm gonna cri.
Seriously lexi, vroom please never stop
uno reverse card
Vroom_ , lexi
Y'all entertain the fuck outta me
what the-
Cute character