Somebody tell me why that sounds a whole lot like someone who never been with an actual human girl so they relate with other losers who craft idiotic retarded shit.
I've had this bean made for a while now and since everyone was showing off their bunnies i thought id do mine :D
This is Amelia, she doesn't like attention or hugs or anything, she just likes to sit in her room and read or talk to her bunny doll and pretty much avoid all contact with other bunnies in general, she can be seen looking from her tower bedroom window (aha princess baby) staring down at the children of the servants and towns children playing in the courtyard. She has one friend though a gray bunny named millie, she's the daughter of a count who lives in the neighboring kingdom
(Millie)^ since they live relatively far away from each other they write each other letters and have a messenger deliver them (theyre both around 7 or 8)
okay i have a question for everyrat..what is you're biggest pet peeve when it comes to ocs here? personally..mine is highlighter characters..the last thing I need is some neoncore giving me bloodshot eyes at night^^ but that's just my opinion.
mine is . . . when all the character is like . . .
her name is galaxydrop and she can controll time, space, food, people and can breath fire and shhot gliiter out her hands, loves cookies, and is tHE LosT hYRbRid prIncEsS. oh did i mention she's immortal??
glad you mentioned that! i hate weirdass names, like example...sprinklelove or like..firecandy, it just sounds i understand a fantasy name but still it can't STAND names that sound like its from a stupid little girl's show.
When there is clearly no plan and the colours don't even match and when the backstory is like: oh she's an orphan or she hated her parents or whatever yeah yeah so be sorry for her and she did this and oh sad sad. No. Give me something to make me truly feel her. Like let's say their name is Rana or smthg idk: Rana lived with her parents til she was 3 when they tragically died to *insert reason here* she became an orphan and didn't make many friends. She didn't really want to talk to anyone with the fear of their death like her parents. Blah blah explain trauma and depression and blah blah. Yeah now I feel sad for her. Like why you do dat. Also when they make them OP but don't have anything to make them more likeable???? Like why???? And also ThE lOsT pRiNcEsS or whatever. Who even cares about that. If you're gonna do that. Make it interesting at least. I'm gonna cri.
Oh wow.. Lexi: "what is that trash??!!?? and u said my sister could cause eye problems! thats giving me multiple eye problems right now!" Uh huh... .____.
No but I can draw girls similar to the Harajuku girl, when I have some time when I'm not doing anything, I post one of my drawings from my sketch book on here.
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Or I should say WANTS to belong here, because Marcie doesnt or actually cant belong anywhere.
She have no social skills and roams board to board to board trying to fit in.
Imagine how sorry she is in real life.
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Yes and I can see why Marcie belongs here.
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this goddamn place is fucking stupid.
have any of you scrolled down and actually read this place
if its stupid i think you should leave!
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I would imagine they do hossman.
They are more pathetic than a bunch of acne-riddled 13 year olds fapping to the models in a sears catelogue.
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I see a lot of monster girl pics uploaded. I wonder if these assholes actually fap to this?
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Monster Girl Maker, eh
Somebody tell me why that sounds a whole lot like someone who never been with an actual human girl so they relate with other losers who craft idiotic retarded shit.
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a bunch of brainfucked morons apparently
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hell if i know. i feel like my brain is rotting trying to understand anything posted by anyone thus far.
But then again, tards usually do stupid shit like dool all over themselves and speak in a manner that nobody fucking understands
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So what kind of homosexual retarded gay dumbass loser hangout board is this anyway
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lmao, so much for subleties
you know that thing when teacher block a certain video because it had "kill" in it.
-wheeze laughs-
and you're in middle school or fifth grade.
they still assume we dont overhear bAd canversation or gossip about unholy things
and the best part is that the video isnt even bad :D
-more laugh-
i swear ima expose about how dumb teachers are one day
What if you're in high school o-o
what is wrong with teachers these days?
w e c a n
This brings me pain
i have no words
._. Kill it. Kill it with fire.
I've had this bean made for a while now and since everyone was showing off their bunnies i thought id do mine :D
This is Amelia, she doesn't like attention or hugs or anything, she just likes to sit in her room and read or talk to her bunny doll and pretty much avoid all contact with other bunnies in general, she can be seen looking from her tower bedroom window (aha princess baby) staring down at the children of the servants and towns children playing in the courtyard. She has one friend though a gray bunny named millie, she's the daughter of a count who lives in the neighboring kingdom
(Millie)^ since they live relatively far away from each other they write each other letters and have a messenger deliver them (theyre both around 7 or 8)
wait a second-
the first one has mah name-
i know-
It wasn't on purpose i swear
Its just such a pretty name-
okay lol
How tf do you make these
a random one
and then one of my actual ocs as an bunny uvu
when someone tells me to get myself a pisces:
someone- you know if your looking for a good relationship with someone you should befriend a pisces.
me- oh i already have a friend who is pisces.
someone- wait- really? who?
me- myself 😎
okay i have a question for everyrat..what is you're biggest pet peeve when it comes to ocs here? personally..mine is highlighter characters..the last thing I need is some neoncore giving me bloodshot eyes at night^^ but that's just my opinion.
Hrm...... it's prolly when people put the mouths all the way down the faces
Like tha
I dunno why but they just look like characters from the lorax
HHHHHHHHH yep- that too- another one is when it has too much accessories, like to many horns, eyes, you know..TOO MUCH MONSTER
{} me when i create a character just because im bored {}
mine is . . . when all the character is like . . .
her name is galaxydrop and she can controll time, space, food, people and can breath fire and shhot gliiter out her hands, loves cookies, and is tHE LosT hYRbRid prIncEsS. oh did i mention she's immortal??
just . . . why?? (_o-o)_
glad you mentioned that!
i hate weirdass names, like example...sprinklelove or like..firecandy, it just sounds i understand a fantasy name but still it can't STAND names that sound like its from a stupid little girl's show.
When there is clearly no plan and the colours don't even match and when the backstory is like: oh she's an orphan or she hated her parents or whatever yeah yeah so be sorry for her and she did this and oh sad sad. No. Give me something to make me truly feel her. Like let's say their name is Rana or smthg idk: Rana lived with her parents til she was 3 when they tragically died to *insert reason here* she became an orphan and didn't make many friends. She didn't really want to talk to anyone with the fear of their death like her parents. Blah blah explain trauma and depression and blah blah. Yeah now I feel sad for her. Like why you do dat. Also when they make them OP but don't have anything to make them more likeable???? Like why???? And also ThE lOsT pRiNcEsS or whatever. Who even cares about that. If you're gonna do that. Make it interesting at least. I'm gonna cri.
Seriously lexi, vroom please never stop
uno reverse card
Vroom_ , lexi
Y'all entertain the fuck outta me
what the-
Cute character
Another thing I did on picrew website
My lil bunny oc
I WANT TO SQUEEZE IT TO DEATH (because its cute)
Well she loves hugs just don't hurt her
My sister, LunnaKat:
I sacrificed her ears 4 this screenshot.
what is that trash??!!?? and u said my sister could cause eye problems! thats giving me multiple eye problems right now!
Please add clothes 4 ur OCs! There is an option to do so.
wow thats rude
Oh wow..
Lexi: "what is that trash??!!?? and u said my sister could cause eye problems! thats giving me multiple eye problems right now!"
Uh huh... .____.
My OC (The purple represents my sister) I'ma do a backstory if people want me to. I'm also gonna post my sister.
nobody asked for this but like- here is my pfp
whats an pfp
pfp stands for profile picture
ok thxs
you welcome
profile picture :)
I like the website, very good.
I even made a bunny on there
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW look i made one too:
I wanted to make a todoroki one but guess what? YOU CAN ONLY HAVE 1 HAIR COLORRRR :( any way do u like it?
she a lesbian
no its an app i could never lol
Anybody wanna rp? Me is bored. :T
Really cute Galaxy monster i did (also WHAT DOES OC MEANNN?? dont judge me)
thank you <3
Y didn't u add clothes 4 her?!? Now shes naked!!!
Clothes really dont fit for any of my monsters except for 1 or 2, so >TRY NOT TO PAY ATTENTION TO IT!<
what if she wants to be naked fam
Thanks <3 also (rat god :0 she probably doesn't so we'll go to Burlington L8r)
This is Corpse Husband please don't hate I really tried my best
Thank u for the support also it took me a couple of minutes to just find a perfect photo😊
More Harajuku decora kei fashion. 😄
the hair reminds me of that one dollightful doll makeover video -
I can see how it reminds you of one of dollightful's doll makeover videos
No but I can draw girls similar to the Harajuku girl, when I have some time when I'm not doing anything, I post one of my drawings from my sketch book on here.
the big question here is
what happens when they open their mouth?
I wonder if there cage opens will good or bad come out of it. 😱
Omg a holy orange 😮