Eclipse is an experiment from a lab. Her parents sold her at 15 and she has stayed like that since. She has a hard time talking to people, and has insomnia, Social anxiety, And Depression. She Just wants to be normal. Will that ever happen though?
I was here reading a poem casually then I get to this line
DoEs My SeXiNeSs UpSeT yOu
And I'm here like "maybe if I was actually sexy I could say that line ;-;" but I am not. I look like a literal brick.;u; hello darkness my old frieeend. (Wait does anybody even remember or use that song anymore? Bc it just been forgotten and I haven't found any trace of it except the actual song which makes me feel old ;-;)
This is Siren. She is 16 years old and has never had a friend. Everybody says she is a freak and a monster and will bully her at any chance they get. She doesn't understand. she just want a friend, yet they all run. That's why she puts her hands into a heart symbol a lot, to show she doesn't mean harm. Sadly people think its a trick, and that makes them hate her even more.
Will you end her pain and be her friend? Or will you run?
Sorry for not being on, I've been sad this passed 2 weeks because of everything that has happen this year. from coronavirus to the bullys that were here for a few days and I just feel alone.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a good day.
" the corona might not even be real, so there isnt any real worry there "
ex cu se m e. i know you're trying to comfort her 'nd all but like.. n o. corona is very real lmao but it probably wont affect her. kids dont get it bad like babies and elders do. inform yourself please lmao
ok um, could u explain why u dont believe corona is real? explain to me, please, about how thousands are people are dying from the second. why towns are shut down and no one is allowed outside? explain to me.
also its not ok to joke about depression even if ur referencing a vine. also ma'am i guess.
i actualy do have clical deppression and dont take meds due to age
is there PROOF people are dying? i mean, yes, we have numbers, but are the numbers real? there isnt any true way to know if this is a lie or not, there isnt any proof
like, no real proof
not like, walk by someone and they die of corona
no real real proof
that is my reasoning
and i do wear a mask everywhere and social distance if it is real, so i and everyone ik irl and on the intornet as afr as ik stays safe
OwO if you have crippling depression zen go to a therapist. Oh and *hugz*
Also cool that you added non binary individual at the end. Most people don't care about not female or male pplz which is kinda sad ;^; so it's nice to see that every once in a while you know. Somebody who cares about all genders not just male and female. Ur a cool person. I liek yew UwU.
and im Panromantic and Asexual, and Pride is my life. of course i added Non-Binary, not everyone is Female or Male, some people make up their own genders, i have a friend to identifies as Caliou, no joke
that is a really nice thing to do. its not that people dont care its that they dont check enough, i misgendered my friend once and they told me and i cared. i kept apologizing over and over. im sure if you tell them ur actual gender they'll respect it. not everyone is an ass
Kidnapped at 8 by her psychotic aunt, she broke. She was kept until 15. by that time she was almost dead. No magic could fix her now. Her aunt ran. Lily was insane. Is that blood hers or Her aunts? Or is it some innocent persons? Who knows. All she knows is that she needs to Kill. Her aunt broke her. what did her aunt do? She killed her sister, Phoenix. She killed her friend adam. She burnt her friend Kat alive. Lily was forced to watch these happen, and now she is hunting for revenge. Will you help her?
Oof. She has a hard time trusting people, but if they say they will help her, she no longer cares. She just wants to get revenge for her sister. I will make her again, before she lost her sanity.
She's running towards her freedom with open arms but just as she gets to the light she is pulled back into the shadows.
Name: Katie (3)
Age: 29
Sanity: Completely gone.
Story: Even though the murder of her boyfriend was ruled as self defence, guilt consumed her. She began talking to herself and loosing her self in the middle of a conversation. Concerned, her friends asked from a help of a doctor. The suggestion of therapy didn't work then they went to more extreme methods and put her in asylum. She's been in there for 4 years, rocking in a corner and pulling out her hair talking to herself. Recovery look unlikely...
Red, red, red. All she see's is red. There's blood everywhere but it's not her's. It's his...
Name: Katie (2)
Age: 25
Sanity: Almost none
Story: It happened. She snapped. One day, when her boyfriend was drunk, he grabbed a smashed glass and shoved it up against her neck. Something changed within her. She grabbed his hand, pointed it in his direction and shoved the glass in his neck. Not stopping there she continually beat him to the ground. It happened. She did it... She killed him. Is this her door to freedom?
Bruises. All she's ever seen is bruises. Abuse is not uncommon her, but she can hide her pain pretty well. Surely, fake smiling will only last for so long...
Name: Katie (1)
Age: 24
Sanity: Still there
Story: Although she's abused by her boyfriend she still holds up a smile. She's an expert at hiding bruises and marks but not her tears... For 6 years she has put up with his verbal and physical torment. Little does he know his abuse is driving her to the brink of insanity...
meet Gwen Hawkins a rebel monster and apart of the royal cyclops family tree she has many responsibilities but she never chose to be royal all she wants to do is be ordinary and just relax she's also a ungrateful brat tehe
The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.
The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?
Name: Charlotte Emily
Age: ???
Race: Protectors Spirit
World: Earth
Favorite Weapon: she doesnt fight
Food: she doesnt eat, but when she was alive she loved birthday cake
The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.
The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?
Name: asahi
Age: 15
Race: idfk man
World: earth
Favorite weapon: none *she can't fight*
Favorite food: strawberrys
Hobbies: learning to see with her mouth.... its an interesting process
The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.
The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?
Name: Delilah Jones
Age: ??? 12 ???
Race: ???
World: Earth?
Favorite Weapon: her metal claws, and seemingly metal teeth
Food: she doesnt seem to eat
Hobbies: relaxing, Arguing with her sister Susie
Friends: Gabriel, Night, Jermy, Susie, Cassidy, Charlotte, Elizabeth
So um... I may or may not be quitting...Monster Girl Maker...because I kinda lost motivation and...also had a horrible day...Yeah...I guess this is goodbye...I'll miss you all...
Okay so before i give y'all the picture i gotta explain smth
So there's this guy in my class(he has autism) and he's really nice, he doesn't like anime so he buge me about it... it can get annoying but whatever so i opened my email today and i got this
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they kinda suck. Sorry-
Lilac, 13, Loves making friends.
Amelia, 12, Very shy.
I made a black clover OC. Idk how good it is tho.
The book is the closest thing I could get to a grimoire.
Ello ello. I propose a challenge. Create a Naruto oc wether it be drawn or on MGM
here’s mine
I love your art style~!
thank you
my sides!
Logan got an update!
This is Motivation! shes a fusion, and isnt in meh brain rn
Patton, who kept meh old hairstyle
Virgil, who got her own hairstyle
Sanders Sides Fusions! -genderswapped-
False Confadance! (Virgil/Anxiety + Deceit )
Instinct ( Logan/Logic + Virgil/Anxiety )
Motivation ( Virgil/Anxiety + Roman/Creativity )
These are so cool!!
i really really like Sanders Sides and i LOVE making characters based off it!
I don't watch sanders sides much, but the few I have watched I have loved
srry i didnt respond
witch ones have you watched?
Sorry I fell asleep.
Im not sure which I have watched, its been a while. But I have watched What I think is almost all the Thomas sanders vines and mini videos-
do i
look like her?
does she talk like me?
and if so then, you dont make it easy,
and all the worlds plastic surgery
can't fix my Anxeity
hope you liked this!
can you guess the SS -fanmade- fusion?
So cute!!
'Am I really a monster?'
Eclipse is an experiment from a lab. Her parents sold her at 15 and she has stayed like that since. She has a hard time talking to people, and has insomnia, Social anxiety, And Depression. She Just wants to be normal. Will that ever happen though?
Fallout uvu
ur welcome
YouTubers names literal
The diamond minecart
Dolly guys
Give me a random describing word and I will try to make something from it. :D
Sassy UwU yeshhhh do itttttt!
I will try for you!!
Yayyyyyyyy ^w^
Im sorry for this. I don't really know what sassy is and I never do it, and I normally go for cute or horror themes but I tried my best. ;-; Sorry.

NAME: Karma
AGE: 17
You can decide the rest as you asked. :)
I was here reading a poem casually then I get to this line
DoEs My SeXiNeSs UpSeT yOu
And I'm here like "maybe if I was actually sexy I could say that line ;-;" but I am not. I look like a literal brick.;u; hello darkness my old frieeend. (Wait does anybody even remember or use that song anymore? Bc it just been forgotten and I haven't found any trace of it except the actual song which makes me feel old ;-;)
you prolly dont look like dat
100% authentic photo of me
Yes. A lego brick
I still remember that song
you're a minecraft character? thats sexy lmao i wouldnt consider that ugly at all
Here's a selfie. Not a minecraft character. A brick.
yeah i can see that, at least people wont step all over you because that'd hurt like shit
yes it would.
dose anyone want me to make a anime character for them
can u make deku or todo?
or toga
Toga uvu
'Why do you run?'
This is Siren.
She is 16 years old and has never had a friend.
Everybody says she is a freak and a monster and will bully her at any chance they get. She doesn't understand. she just want a friend, yet they all run. That's why she puts her hands into a heart symbol a lot, to show she doesn't mean harm. Sadly people think its a trick, and that makes them hate her even more.
Will you end her pain and be her friend? Or will you run?
honestly shes just a little hurt
Me: *hug*
Siren would be So happy.
yus gurl
Me: *moar hugging Siren*
*siren hugging back*
Me: u r very beautiful, dont let snyone tell you otherwise
Be her friend of course
She would be glad to hear that. imagine 16 years with no friends and people bullying and hurting you.
I get bullied but not that bad *le hug*
Hug party.
random color challenge
ye shalt also get a hug
Me: *hugs*
Hannah:*hugs right back * thanks
Me: youre welcome!
me as a monster girl:
Im a fe-usH
Hannah:u coot
Me: thankyousomuch!
i barley get compliments
I made a bird monster
im gonne hug her
Me: *hugs her*
Gemma: ×_× no one really hugs her anymore
Me: *le long hug* *i liek yew*
Gemma:your nice I like u too
Me: *gorsp**no one likes meh*
So guys I am camping right now here's me ovo
wht hurt yew?
or who?
or soemthing?
Meh cat does not like being picked up but I pick her up anyways
By the way we're camping in a camper this is my first time camper like this yay no more sleeping on the floor
ive only been camping in a cabin
I'm camping with my grandparents we're going to my grandma's sisters cabin
I never been camping before. What it liek?
Le gasp you can camp 3 ways in a camper in a tent in cabin/hotel
Chara: so today i did somethign awesome!
Asreil: -facepalm- i would HARDLY call ti "awesome"
Chara: point is it was cool!
Chara: so i stole Toriels favorite Lamborgini!!!!!
Asriel: and she took away your MERCY button for it
Chara: ......yeah that sux
Asriel: ye-
Sorry for not being on, I've been sad this passed 2 weeks because of everything that has happen this year. from coronavirus to the bullys that were here for a few days and I just feel alone.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a good day.
i hope you have a good day to
dont worry about the bully, they delted their account
and the corona might not even be real, so there isnt any real worry there
its gonna be okay
after every thunderstorm or rainy day is a rainbow
its alright
thank you
youre welcome!
i hope the rest of your day is better then before dis!
I hope you feel better uvu
thank you
" the corona might not even be real, so there isnt any real worry there "
ex cu se m e. i know you're trying to comfort her 'nd all but like.. n o. corona is very real lmao but it probably wont affect her. kids dont get it bad like babies and elders do. inform yourself please lmao
im a consirasy therost -srry about my terrible spellng-
so uh, yeh i dont belive the corona is real
sorry for offending u with my beliefs
ill stfu now
hope you have a fantastic day!!!!
I hAvE cRIppIlIng dEppREssIoN
have a nice day ma'am, sir, or non-binary individual!
ok um, could u explain why u dont believe corona is real? explain to me, please, about how thousands are people are dying from the second. why towns are shut down and no one is allowed outside? explain to me.
also its not ok to joke about depression even if ur referencing a vine. also ma'am i guess.
ok first
i actualy do have clical deppression and dont take meds due to age
is there PROOF people are dying? i mean, yes, we have numbers, but are the numbers real? there isnt any true way to know if this is a lie or not, there isnt any proof
like, no real proof
not like, walk by someone and they die of corona
no real real proof
that is my reasoning
and i do wear a mask everywhere and social distance if it is real, so i and everyone ik irl and on the intornet as afr as ik stays safe
so im alright anyways
OwO if you have crippling depression zen go to a therapist. Oh and *hugz*
Also cool that you added non binary individual at the end. Most people don't care about not female or male pplz which is kinda sad ;^; so it's nice to see that every once in a while you know. Somebody who cares about all genders not just male and female. Ur a cool person. I liek yew UwU.
i used to go to therapy
couldnt find the right therapist
and im Panromantic and Asexual, and Pride is my life. of course i added Non-Binary, not everyone is Female or Male, some people make up their own genders, i have a friend to identifies as Caliou, no joke
like, his/their gender is Caliou
also not many people like me, so thx!
that is a really nice thing to do. its not that people dont care its that they dont check enough, i misgendered my friend once and they told me and i cared. i kept apologizing over and over. im sure if you tell them ur actual gender they'll respect it. not everyone is an ass
'Help me.'
Name: Lily Sparrow Elizabeth
Known as: Porcelain Lily
Age: 15
absolutely Insane.
Story: Kidnapped at 8 by her psychotic aunt, she broke. She was kept until 15. by that time she was almost dead. No magic could fix her now. Her aunt ran. Lily was insane. Is that blood hers or Her aunts? Or is it some innocent persons? Who knows. All she knows is that she needs to Kill. Her aunt broke her. what did her aunt do? She killed her sister, Phoenix. She killed her friend adam. She burnt her friend Kat alive. Lily was forced to watch these happen, and now she is hunting for revenge.
Will you help her?
on one hand, yeh avenge yer sisters death
on the other hand, revenge just worsens someones mental health
She completely lost her sanity after seeing what she saw, sorry I should have added that.
thats my soudn when idk what to do
i want to halp her but im scrd
but i want to halp her
Oof. She has a hard time trusting people, but if they say they will help her, she no longer cares. She just wants to get revenge for her sister. I will make her again, before she lost her sanity.
i feel like its my responsibility to help everyone
but if she doesnt want help-
'' This is not ideal ''
She's running towards her freedom with open arms but just as she gets to the light she is pulled back into the shadows.
Name: Katie (3)
Age: 29
Sanity: Completely gone.
Story: Even though the murder of her boyfriend was ruled as self defence, guilt consumed her. She began talking to herself and loosing her self in the middle of a conversation. Concerned, her friends asked from a help of a doctor. The suggestion of therapy didn't work then they went to more extreme methods and put her in asylum. She's been in there for 4 years, rocking in a corner and pulling out her hair talking to herself. Recovery look unlikely...
Red, red, red. All she see's is red. There's blood everywhere but it's not her's. It's his...
Name: Katie (2)
Age: 25
Sanity: Almost none
Story: It happened. She snapped. One day, when her boyfriend was drunk, he grabbed a smashed glass and shoved it up against her neck. Something changed within her. She grabbed his hand, pointed it in his direction and shoved the glass in his neck. Not stopping there she continually beat him to the ground. It happened. She did it... She killed him. Is this her door to freedom?
Bruises. All she's ever seen is bruises. Abuse is not uncommon her, but she can hide her pain pretty well. Surely, fake smiling will only last for so long...
Name: Katie (1)
Age: 24
Sanity: Still there
Story: Although she's abused by her boyfriend she still holds up a smile. She's an expert at hiding bruises and marks but not her tears... For 6 years she has put up with his verbal and physical torment. Little does he know his abuse is driving her to the brink of insanity...
me: *sneakily puts up ads for meh free therapy all over her town*
i liked her up untill the ungrateful brat part
do i look like her?
does she talk like me??
and if so then you dont make it easy
all the worlds plastic surgery
cant fix my Anxiety
hope you liked this genderswapped Sanders Sides thingy!
is anyone in the entire world still on?
i doubt it
oh I am a minute late ;-;
oh ehya man!
im just staying up for the eclipse
wanna rp or soemthin
r y ded already
I'm dead
I've died
oh hello
Hi :> I'm dead and my life has ended and I have perished.
U v U
Fem todoroki villain
would anyone like to draw her?
(i kept screenshoting mid-blink so uh yeah)
if only i had the time
year 6XXX
The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.
The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?
Name: Charlotte Emily
Age: ???
Race: Protectors Spirit
World: Earth
Favorite Weapon: she doesnt fight
Food: she doesnt eat, but when she was alive she loved birthday cake
Hobbies: playing -FILE_NOT_FOUND- and Polybus
Friends: everyone who is nice to her
Gang: Forgotten Souls
year 6XXX
The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.
The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?
Name: asahi
Age: 15
Race: idfk man
World: earth
Favorite weapon: none *she can't fight*
Favorite food: strawberrys
Hobbies: learning to see with her mouth.... its an interesting process
Friends: .......Oh
Gang: learningtoseewuthoutoureyesgang
if Delilah and her met:
Deliah: hello...uh, can you see? your about to step on broken glass, just thought id warn you!
asahi: o-oh? I am... oops
Delilah: yeah, *halps you away from the glass**makes/halps you shake her cold, metalic hands...hol up...metallic?*
Asahi: ??? *InteReStIng*
Delilah: sorry if that was a little chilly! :)
what i feel
Year 6XXX
The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.
The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?
Name: Delilah Jones
Age: ??? 12 ???
Race: ???
World: Earth?
Favorite Weapon: her metal claws, and seemingly metal teeth
Food: she doesnt seem to eat
Hobbies: relaxing, Arguing with her sister Susie
Friends: Gabriel, Night, Jermy, Susie, Cassidy, Charlotte, Elizabeth
Gang: Forgotten Souls
-concept made by C. San-
what i look like
Its mr potato!
when u realize his moustahce -i cant spell- = his eyes
Hello...I'm back I guess...
So um... I may or may not be quitting...Monster Girl Maker...because I kinda lost motivation and...also had a horrible day...Yeah...I guess this is goodbye...I'll miss you all...
please plase plase dont!
we need people as creative as you!
even if you only post like once a month!
also i give free therapy sessions!
if you do quit
im gonne need way more tissues and reeses
i may cry
bye i guess
it was very nice knowing you!
;( 😭😢
Hand u a tissue*
*pat pat*
They will be missed
Okay so before i give y'all the picture i gotta explain smth
So there's this guy in my class(he has autism) and he's really nice, he doesn't like anime so he buge me about it... it can get annoying but whatever so i opened my email today and i got this
Yes bEcAuSE ANIMe is sOooOOoO BaD
idfc tht this kid has autisim ive known like 5 kids with autisim and theyre all a-ok with meh anime prof pic
this kid
even with mental imparments
is tht the right words?
as in is saying mental imarments ok?
idk if it is, sorry if it offends some of you guys
Lolol its fine. It amuses me