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(2 edits) (+1)

'Help me.'

Name: Lily Sparrow Elizabeth

Known as: Porcelain Lily

Age: 15

absolutely Insane.

Story: Kidnapped at 8 by her psychotic aunt, she broke. She was kept until 15. by that time she was almost dead. No magic could fix her now. Her aunt ran. Lily was insane. Is that blood hers or Her aunts? Or is it some innocent persons? Who knows. All she knows is that she needs to Kill. Her aunt broke her. what did her aunt do? She killed her sister, Phoenix. She killed her friend adam. She burnt her friend Kat alive. Lily was forced to watch these happen, and now she is hunting for revenge.
Will you help her?


on one hand, yeh avenge yer sisters death

on the other hand, revenge just worsens someones mental health

She completely lost her sanity after seeing what she saw, sorry I should have added that.



thats my soudn when idk what to do

i want to halp her but im scrd

but i want to halp her


Oof. She has a hard time trusting people, but if they say they will help her, she no longer cares. She just wants to get revenge for her sister. I will make her again, before she lost her sanity.


i feel like its my responsibility to help everyone

but if she doesnt want help-



'' This is not ideal ''


She's running towards her freedom with open arms but just as she gets to the light she is pulled back into the shadows. 

Name: Katie (3)

Age: 29

Sanity: Completely gone.

Story: Even though the murder of her boyfriend was ruled as self defence, guilt consumed her. She began talking to herself and loosing her self in the middle of a conversation. Concerned, her friends asked from a help of a doctor. The suggestion of therapy didn't work then they went to more extreme methods and put her in asylum. She's been in there for 4 years, rocking in a corner and pulling out her hair talking to herself. Recovery look unlikely...


Red, red, red. All she see's is red. There's blood everywhere but it's not her's. It's his...

Name: Katie (2)

Age: 25

Sanity: Almost none

Story: It happened. She snapped. One day, when her boyfriend was drunk, he grabbed a smashed glass and shoved it up against her neck. Something changed within her. She grabbed his hand, pointed it in his direction and shoved the glass in his neck. Not stopping there she continually beat him to the ground. It happened. She did it... She killed him. Is this her door to freedom?


Bruises. All she's ever seen is bruises. Abuse is not uncommon her, but she can hide her pain pretty well. Surely, fake smiling will only last for so long...

Name: Katie (1)

Age: 24

Sanity: Still there

Story: Although she's abused by her boyfriend she still holds up a smile. She's an expert at hiding bruises and marks but not her tears... For 6 years she has put up with his verbal and physical torment. Little does he know his abuse is driving her to the brink of insanity...


me: *sneakily puts up ads for meh free therapy all over her town*


meet Gwen Hawkins a rebel monster and apart of the royal cyclops family tree she has many responsibilities but she never chose to be royal all she wants to do is be ordinary and just relax   she's also a ungrateful brat tehe


i liked her up untill the ungrateful brat part

(1 edit) (+1)

do i look like her?

does she talk like me??

and if so then you dont make it easy

all the worlds plastic surgery

cant fix my Anxiety

hope you liked this genderswapped Sanders Sides thingy!

is anyone in the entire world still on?

i doubt it

oh I am a minute late ;-;

oh ehya man!

im just staying up for the eclipse

wanna rp or soemthin

r y ded already


I'm dead 

I've died

oh hello

Hi :> I'm dead and my life has ended and I have perished.


U v U




Fem todoroki villain 

would anyone like to draw her?

(i kept screenshoting mid-blink so uh yeah)


if only i had the time

(1 edit) (+2)


year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it. 

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?

Name: Charlotte Emily

Age: ???

Race: Protectors Spirit

World: Earth

Favorite Weapon: she doesnt fight

Food: she doesnt eat, but when she was alive she loved birthday cake

Hobbies: playing -FILE_NOT_FOUND- and Polybus

Friends: everyone who is nice to her

Gang: Forgotten Souls


year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it. 

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?

Name: asahi 

Age: 15

Race: idfk man

World: earth 

Favorite weapon: none *she can't fight*

Favorite food: strawberrys

Hobbies: learning to see with her mouth.... its an interesting process 

Friends: .......Oh

Gang: learningtoseewuthoutoureyesgang

if Delilah and her met:

Deliah: hello...uh, can you see? your about to step on broken glass, just thought id warn you!

asahi: o-oh? I am... oops

Delilah: yeah, *halps you away from the glass**makes/halps you shake her cold, metalic hands...hol up...metallic?*

Asahi: ??? *InteReStIng*

Delilah: sorry if that was a little chilly! :)

what i feel


Year 6XXX

 The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it. 

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?

Name: Delilah Jones

Age: ??? 12 ???

Race: ???

World: Earth?

Favorite Weapon: her metal claws, and seemingly metal teeth

Food: she doesnt seem to eat

Hobbies: relaxing, Arguing with her sister Susie

Friends: Gabriel, Night, Jermy, Susie, Cassidy, Charlotte, Elizabeth

Gang: Forgotten Souls

-concept made by C. San-

what i look like



Its mr potato!

when u realize his moustahce -i cant spell- = his eyes





                                   what i want to look like

Hello...I'm back I guess...

So um... I may or may not be quitting...Monster Girl Maker...because I kinda lost motivation and...also had a horrible day...Yeah...I guess this is goodbye...I'll miss you all...


please plase plase dont!

we need people as creative as you!

even if you only post like once a month!

also i give free therapy sessions!


if you do quit

im gonne need way more tissues and reeses

i may cry

bye i guess

it was very nice knowing you!

;( 😭😢

Hand u a tissue*

*pat pat*

They will be missed


Okay so before i give y'all the picture i gotta explain smth

So there's this guy in my class(he has autism) and he's really nice, he doesn't like anime so he buge me about it... it can get annoying but whatever so i opened my email today and i got this





Yes bEcAuSE ANIMe is sOooOOoO BaD


idfc tht this kid has autisim ive known like 5 kids with autisim and theyre all a-ok with meh anime prof pic

this kid



even with mental imparments

is tht the right words?

as in is saying mental imarments ok?

idk if it is, sorry if it offends some of you guys

Lolol its fine. It amuses me



Wish I found some sounds no one's ever heard.

Wish I had a better voice that sang some better words

Wish I found some chords in an order that is new

Wish I didn't have to rhyme every time I sang

I was told that when I grow older all my fears would shrink 

But now I'm insecure, and I care what people think

My name's Blurry Face and I care what you think

My name's Blurry Face and I care what you think

Here are moar pictures of my feet

*when u realize your foot is more photogenic then u are*

Here's a picture of my foot in front of a small pond

I can't find the hair, or the clothes, can anyone help me?

(2 edits)

drag the bar to the left


I know you think I'm a psychopath

A Democrat lurking in the dark
This sucks, I'm the K-mart soda jerk
Cirque du trash, I kept the stash
Of cocoa candy straight from Japan
Hologram Anne, she was never as near
I think you know what I need to get by

Something for your mind (mind), mind (mind), mind (mind)

Something for your mind (mind), mind, mind (mind)

Something for your mind (mind, mind, mind) 

Something for your mind (mind, mind) 

Something for your, for your
M-I, M-I, M-I-N-D
M-I, M-I, M-I-N-D

(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

for the last few weeks ive just been feeling like...

(2 edits) (+2)

Vera is a girl that has been haunted ever since she saw her parents die that one dreadful night in a fire since then she has these reoccurring flashbacks or has been hearing whispers she's was sent to an asylum for 15 years  nothing helped the doctors all thought she was a lost cause. she's was abandoned and all alone though mentally she was surrounded by her fears and demons she's always been told to slay her demons but in this case she was the demon.





FAMILY: they gone

PERSONALITY: quiet ,dark 

WARNING: not stable

Having depression and anxiety isn't a personality y'know. 


Deleted 4 years ago

oops fixed

meet eve my boy crazy OC  she's a elf btw and yeah that's it yup thats all..... for noweve


do you want me to gender swap any one else

U u U

U v U


Ihere are some "professional" photos I took 

And here's a picture of a chess board. Does this seem familiar to anyone?

(Sorry had to re post cause I accidentally deleted the first one)

Deleted 4 years ago




Do you recognise it?


oh, take me high and i'll sing

oh, you make everything okay (okay okay)

guess who

(this is my own AU of a popular character btw)

(1 edit)

its the man behind the slaughter

Will: *inhale* there are many many more names i go by, yet this is the one you chose?


Baa Baa Black sheep, have you any soul?

*fake tears* no sir, by the way, what the hell are "mortals"

hmm yes genderswapped Deciet and regular Virgil, not triggering at all for any SS fans



new oc 

gender: female

age: 13

personality: sweet but can kill you if you befriend her she will protect you with her life


i need her

but im scrd to talk to cool people

I'm not that cool irl

Have fun

Me either Stingy, me either

Me either


hmm yes

the floor here is in fact the floor

indeed it is 😌

*le gasp* the floor... it's.... THE FLOOR! How could the floor be the floor! How unexpected!

I got it guys


(2 edits) (+2)


Species:Ramsheen (Ram based)

History:Ramsheen  were known to be more like animals and would be healers as of the war,at this time,the east had toxic gas that polluted all the animals,including the ramsheen leading them to leave their ways and bring only death and despair amongst others.Now they wear red stripes to show signs of war and an outfit as such to represent the past they have killed for destruction as of a normal nurse hat then a red and black outfit with the cross as red instead of white


Likes:Feeding off despair



Quote: "Isnt it foolish to believe that there is any worth in this puny planet?"



yus i liek it


Lez rp then

ok weh rp here

u want to start or should i

(1 edit)

Hmmm...I mean....

If you want you could start

Guys before we rp ima make my character cuz my mom let me use her phone for a bit

ok dudes

I think im supposed to join :p (?)

If you want

(1 edit)

Itll be like 3-4 mins for me to make the design cuz I have the idea going

Scratch that were forcing you to join



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