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I made a sibling for unknowingpinkwimp`s deer which i screenshoted and now here is mine and theres together.


unkowingpinkwimp i really hope you like her i am doing her bio now.

she's so cute!


The kind of pain that rips your insides out

That's something I know all about

Shocking, ain't it?

Where's the leak, ma'am? 

anyone get it? haha. I made a funny.

how i be feeling;Spongebob - Where's The Leak Ma'am - YouTube




I tried a panda.... not really that cute...


I .just did a bad thing.... i regret the thing i diiiiiiiiiiid. (The mouth)

yeh it ish cute


Im going to try to make a panda BEAR with me! Hahaha im not funny lol.....


No seriosly im not funny




so i'm doing animal.... what animal should i do next and what kind of personality?


a trash panda and liek, someone who is a a$$hole but doesnt realize


Lol a trash panda



yes gurl Tom Nook genderbend!!! love it!

(1 edit) (+1)

An rabbit or monkey and it should be silly or sweet uwu



yAs qUEeN


yeah okay

Do a hot headed hamster pwp



yas gurl




this is what i kind of look like do i look like a sea monster 😅

(1 edit)

you look like a dope Siren and i love it

awwww thxs

welcome! here ish meh 


aw thanks!! no one else outside of le internet thinks so, and i hav 0 self esteem so you just made meh day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Ummm so maryline is giving me Lagoona Blue vibes (Yes Lagoona Blue from monster high) but its not then her badside since most of yall are doing that shit lol.They had to tye her up with chains and kept making them tighter because she was ecsaping and making them bloody... so yeah i hope you like them!


she need halp *le tries to hug**laos tries to undo le chains*


*le keeps le chains on her* whelp ima jus tryna halp her but okay


Here is me and my messy hair... (just realized i forgot to make the bra blue like mine...) now for my picture...1 i cant find my black oversized sweater but i mean i can do the pose for you...

I had to retry the picture like alot of times so please forgive me if its uglyz...

ish bluetiful

Thank you Parker.

youre welcome!!!



Say flipperflapper if your bored and still in bed like me...





i made a fnaf oc (yay me) ill post it when im back on mobile

damn.... everything i post is so big..... i didn't notice because im normaly on mobile

Same ._.

Somebody give me a theme and will make you a oc uvu ( you can also choose what universe like Steven universe, mha, undertale, etc)


an undertale character as a crystal gem 

yea but what's the theme? Lol


yEs mA'Am oKaY

Here you go my dude uwu

Fnaf night guard

Hair:Blond and black 

scars:one over an eye 


tattoo: angel wings tattoo

uh ok do you want to choose the gender? -if I choose it would be a girl-

you can choose

wElP oKaY


here you go uwu


I saw someone else do themselves so i got bored and did the same because i'm unoriginal lol

Totally relatable ;w;



;w; 👌




my cat was being f*cking adorable 

Thats adorable to me because he never comes in my room 

kul So cute

I love cats so muchhh that one looks like the skinny version of mine haha

i have another one and she's GIGANTIC 

love her though


i have a black cat 😻

awwe i also have a gray one

dear 2045

Me as a mod from Minecraft a Enderman or Enderwoman




Why does he somehow remind me of mineta . . ?


I'm sooooorrrrryy ;-;

It's ok

ye ;w;



before pollution on Earth:

after pollution on Earth:

you should post these types of things on more sites, people need to be aware of the harm humans cause


*Niki is filled with determination*

Me: *le gives u moar determination*

yeah, people should be more aware of this sorta thing!!!


I got bored one day and did a random color thingy (generated a diffrent color for each item except her skin) and made an alien i think it turned out cool... nothing matches tho loll



I saw it as neon for a sec then realized it isnt after i stared more... ITS SO COOL!



I'm new to this whole sharing thing...but i wanted to share this. It's Ochako Uraraka from My Hero Academia (Anime- if you haven't watched it you should uwu) It's not the greatest so....yeahhhhhhh.


I LOVE My Hero Academia so cute

Same!  And thanks!

Np =)

(1 edit) (+1)

Izuku Midoriya

aw i love izuku!

kacchan: >:0 

kat: don't.say.anything.katsuki

kacchan: i wasn't

kat: yes you were

kacchan: you can't prove anything

kat: i watched you open your  mouth to talk 

kacchan: i could have been breathing

kat: that wasn't breathing

kacchan: uh yes it was

kat: does breathing look like this *immitates kacchan's before yelling stance*

kacchan: no. because i don't look like that 

kat: yes you do and  you look like this *starts doing the kacchan walk* 

kacchan: well at least i don't do this *immatates kat's skipping*

kat:i only skip when im happy

kacchan you're always happy 

kat: not true

kacchan: uh yeah it is

kat: it is not >:T 

kacchan: woa whats this... kat whats wrong with your face i i've never seen that look before

kat: *rolls her eyes*

whats  My Hero Academia

its only one of the best anime of ALL TIME 

lol never heard of it

so yall make people from the anime thing 


*dies of cuteness*

Para(meh my hero OC): *blushes* why is she so cute.....

kat (my hero OC) uraraka chan! 

kacchan f*cking round face

kat kacchannnn be nice >:T 

kacchan i AM being nice 

kat sure you are


my fnaf oc:

At day

And at night






hi guys! this is my new account because the old one was broken and i couldn't post anything so yeah... i am so unlucky  ;-;

Uhhhh you just had to verify yer email ....

i did but it still didn't work! 



i know right!? so weird...


yea it is

Anyone on rn???

i am!


hi! :3 how are you?

So i put my cat in a dress 4 hours ago and now she is in my room like this...dont mind my messy room. Lol

She still hasnt moved at 10:52 in the morning... THE MORNING SHE HASNT MOVED SHE IS BROKEN FOR LOIFE!


I decided to make lilly's friends because why not ( yep lilly is my new fav oc ->-)

Name: Ann

Age: 32

Type: animal (spider)

Personality: protective, calming, sweet

Danger level: 5

Due to how dangerous she the scientists have not put her in many tests out of caution ( oR FEaR)

Name: allison

Age: 6

Type: oozer ( neon greenish yellow)

Danger level: 1

Personality: energetic, optimistic, silly

She has been in many tests but very minor her stomach injury came from the test to find out her danger level

Name: chloe

Age: 4

Type: glower (green)

Danger level: 2

Personality: timid, fearful, nervous alot

Pretty much the same as allison

Name: Lilly

Age: 5

Type: shadow Walker

Danger level: 4

Personality: timid, fearful, nervous alot, silly

She could be a 5 if she learned how to use her powers more properly and her personality didnt make her so scared. She has been in many many experiments. 

I put lilly in because why not uwu

uwu yas..were any of these inspired by meh Freak concept, like the Oozer or Glower? oh yeh, i might post lore about freaks if anyone is interested, theyre free-to-use btw

Yus uwu

thx breh! im glad ya liek the idea!!

Yw uwu

yeh, ill b posting some lore in a bit


Hermione: school work and homework and busy work-

Harry: hermione...

Hermione: hello harry why are you on the ground 

Harry: come here hermione

Harry: something terrible has happened ill ill never walk again 

Hermione: oh no. What happened 

Harry: i learned how to apparate! *apparates to the other side of le room*

Hermione: HARRY thats not f*cking funny

Harry: yes it is! The comedic stylings of HARRY POTTER! *apparetes all over the place* *apparates to the same spot*

Hermione: did you just apparate to the same spot 

Harry: yes

*music starts* *hermione leaves*

Harry: My name's Harry Potter and I'm really great now 
I don't gotta walk 'cause I can apparate now 
I'm a good learner and I learn real good 
Ever since I learned how to apparate I feel good 

I feel on top of the world! 
Though I could go there if I wanted to 
But I don't, so just leave it alone, okay? 

Now you see me 
Now you don't 
Go on, order me to sit still 
'Cause I won't sit still, I'm a smooth apparater 
Check my magic, don't be a hater 

*like 20 seconds of harry apparating around occasionally going unh and yea* 

*harry apparates too fast and pukes.... than smoothly recovers*

Harry Potter in France sacre bleu. Harry Potter in Japan so kawaii . Something on the top shelf who can reach? Harry Potter probably can im your guy

Harry Potter on a farm yeah why not. Harry Potter in space feelings great. Cos there aint no place harry Potter cant grace when i a a a a a aparate

Harry potter to the left harry Potter to the right harry Potter outta sight gonna make you wanna apparate all night

*while harry does that ron comes in*

Ron: hello harry may i join u

*uh oh* 

Harry: huh.....that felt rlly weird

Harry: whats all that noise

Ron: *muffled screaming*

Harry: looks down*

Harry: ah what the hell ah oh jesus ah

*stacked on top of each other*

Harry: ron. If we both apparate at the same timw maybe we can fox dis. 1 2 3 apparate 

Snape: just another cold night alone in my dungeon grading papers- 

Harron: *apparates onto snape*

*a lot of screaming*

Hermione: *walks in* *nope*

Snape: *from all the yelling* HeRmIonE HeLp Me

Dumbledore: whats all this yelling 

Snarryron: *falls onto Dumbledore. Snape kisses Dumbledore by accident*



GoRl DaT wAs ThE MoSt BeAuTiFuL Sh!T i HaVe EvEr ReAd

thank you.

Its not my writing but thanks 

yep lol Potter Puppet Pals





HArRy PoTtAh haRrY poTtaH *said super fast* 


(1 edit) (+3)

Road to Para 

(The start of a story I've been working on)

Even now far beyond the walls of the city or any living souls, Redd could still hear the whispering. Sometimes the whispers were little more than a breeze lifting the split ends of her hairs aside. Other times the whispers were a gale that threatened to rend flesh from bone. Yet no matter the potency the message was always the same. 
...The road to Para lies open...
(I have more written and if anyone's interested I'll put some more on my deviant art)

(P.S Para I actually had that name picked out long before we started chatting on here, hope that's okay)

bro ive been following this story ever scence it was on DD and ive never really had a problem with it man, i was just like, "oh cool my OC has the same name" and yeah, so like i dont really care man its ur story

Cool I thought it'd be okay, wanted to make sure though. I remember getting told once I should change an OC's name because someone in a video game had the same name. I'm glad to know you've been following it, even though it's taken me this long to post anything properly! =D

yeh, that person is really really dumb, whoever made tht character prolly doesnt even care! also, yeh ive been following the story, its f*cking awesome!


what she normally looks likeher hero costumeher uniform

Name: Sakura

Hero name: flower girl

Quirk: root (defense)                                                                                        she can produce hardened roots from her body as much as she wants, but they get heavy quickly making it easier her for her to pass out from exhaustion

Personality: dare devil, edgy, lazy, determined

Favorite food: chocolate mint icecream

Advantage area: forests or anywhere with plants (makes her feel calm)

Disadvantage area: factories (the fumes can easily intoxicate her)

▪︎despite her lazy/dont care self she trains and studies alot▪︎

I posted her again because I can and I really like her ;w; I think she be kool

Is that a my hero academia OC.....? :)


Your so pretty!

william plz don't kill me

Anyone else on?

le me

le nice 👌


I'm black then I'm white


Something isn't right!

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