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I tried to make some unique girls.. Don't really know if it worked or not. 




gurl i feel you, i envision my self as a two headed monster two personalities one head sweet kawaii lolita girl and the other head goth messed up insane carzy corruptive............ thing?.... monster? that's why i want there to be an option to have two heads and you would be able to change what the two heads look like differently  this was way too long lol XD

(1 edit)

I mean.. They're meant to be seperate?


I made some characters based off my split personalities!

(Sorry if that is an uncomfortable topic!!)

1: Lucky

She is 21, a famous YouTuber that doesn't really have any secrets from her fans, loves everything, is super forgiving, doesn't like to be hated, gets upset easily, collects stuffed toys because 'they are adorable.'

Favourite food: Chicken

Least favourite food: Red meat

2: Misfortune

She is pretty much Lucky's Darkiplier. She is very sarcastic, dead inside, rude, doesn't like anyone, stalker-ish, doesn't really have any emotions, if someone messes with her, she'd probably plan out their murder and then get away with it, her favourite thing is to draw digitally.

Favourite food: Skittles

Least favourite food: Seafood

3: Kalkia (CAL-KEE-AH) (Also known as 'Witch')

She is a witch from 1400s England. She still practises witchcraft after selling her soul to the devil for immortality, is hot-headed, can get rid of anything that annoys her (via witchcraft), a lot of things annoy her, thinks humans are nuisances, mostly hides in a corner all day.

Favourite food: Rabbit Stew

Least favourite food: Sweets

4: Farmer Joe (Yes that's his actual name)

(Couldn't really make him in MMG but I'll give you a description):

A bald man (around 45), wearing a straw hat, blue denim overalls and a white, dirt covered shirt underneath, boots with mud, wheat sticking out of his mouth, a human, 6'0.

Farmer Joe is a 45 year old farmer, talks in your stereotypical 'Western American,'  breeds farm animals (that are free-range), whenever he hears his name goes 'Who said Farmer Joe?,' LOVES girls (his a teensie bit of a pervert), likes to sleep.

Favourite food: EXTRA BEEFY MEAT PIE

Least favourite food: Salads

hey dude...this is really cool but....(not gonna ask what i was about to ask)


what were you gonna ask?

....uh..i was gonna ask if you're okay....

(2 edits)

I Am  A-Ok!!

only a little not okay

Can i do that too? :|

Deleted 4 years ago

Well im gonna do it.

I'll give you Credits though



Im not 



Everyone knows the best song is "Giant women"

wait....the Steven Universe one?

yuh lol

ALL i WANna dO is sEe YOu tuRn InTo a gAiNT WomaN

Para: shut up

blah BlaH BlaH ifOrGoT GaiNt wOOooOmmMmAaaAN

Para: this is Menetas theme song

wHhhYyYY diid yOu DOoo ThAaAT

Mineta: Bush wut did you- *O*

Amelia: ew get outta here demon -shives outta ro-

Mineta: nooooo ;p;

Para: *stabs him in the d*ck* BEGONE!!! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR TOUCHING FROPPY!!! SHE IS MY SENPA-MENETA DONT TELL HER PLEASE!!!! ill do anything.....yes, even give you my frilliest bra...

♪♪ All I wanna do is see you turn into a giant woman! (a giant woman!)

All I wanna be is someone who gets to see a giant woman!

All I wanna do is help you turn into a giant woman! (a giant woman!)

All I wanna be is someone who gets to see a giant woman!

Oh I know it'll be great and I just can't wait to see the person you are together~!

If you give it a chance, you can do huge dance, because you are a giant woman!

You might even like being together

And if you don't it won't be forever!

But if it were me, I'd really wanna be

A giant woman! (a giant woman!)

All I wanna do

Is see you turn into

A giant woman ~ ~ ♪♪

yaaaaaaaas queeeeeeeeen uwu


☟✋ ☟⚐🕈 ✌☼☜ ✡⚐🕆

Noone wants to hear you crap gaster! Get the f*co outta har . . No I'm kidding plez stay ;>;

Chara: hello f*ck that tricked me into giving you my soul therefore deleting all my happiness!!  hi!! *hides knife behind her back*

☞🕆👍😐 ✡⚐🕆 ❄⚐⚐

chara: *hands you a translator* use this idiot....i mean friend! *gets ready to stab Gaster*

*summons gasters*

⚐😐 ✋☞ ✡⚐🕆 💧✌✡ 💧⚐

Xjjskzksoas yall triggered

(1 edit)

wut sort of gang signs r u trying to pull off like srsly


bOat DoG

I'm gonna be your 

bubblegum bitch



yesssss bishhhhh


There's a little of me in every  body
Whoa there's no where left to hide
The assembly line
Keeps on churning until we are one

NiGhTMare bY DEsGN


yeah boi!!!!!!!! time 2 meet her

S.I.L.V.E.R: *cutesey form* hoi!! im S.I.L.V.E.R!!! S.I.L.V.E.R the wolf!!


S.I.L.V.E.R: hello!! im S.I.L.V.E.R, S.I.L.V.E.R the wolf!!

Deleted 4 years ago

Are you a psycho killer? Say "I'm a psycho killer!"

 I am a psycho killer!

Cynthia: iMa PHsyCo kiLLeR . . Wut?

Chara: YEET!!!!!! im not, but if you belive the rumors than like, sure fine...just if that idiot idiot IdiOt IDIOT sans..god 

Cynthia: nah fam ish ok there are rumors that Amelia's my creator but she is not

Chara: idiot idiot idiot idiot......yeah no i 100% understand!!....but for real, hate to break it to you, but me and you....we dont exist

Cynthia: obviously you dont know logic uwu -dramatic hairflip-

(Actually it's quite the oppistite)

Deleted 4 years ago

Tell me I can change Tell me I can change 

You can change . . . ?

From don't you dare forget the sun

<>_<> -in deep thought- uh uh sis I dun know dat

no, no i dont think i will

Nurse Kelly

(1 edit)

Part 2 of stuff about katherine 

She gets anxious when she has to stop listening to music, it helps distract her, she's worried about going back to school, she thinks she's not going to make it through high school, her friends don't talk to her very much, she blames herself, she spends all day alone in her room a lot of the time she'll completely lose it on herself calling herself a "worthless b*ch" and tells herself to "skydive into a f*cking volcano*, she hasn't resorted to self harm yet, (mainly because her dad taught her knife safety in February) 

She feels worthless, she thinks shes annoying, she knows they're lying to her, they're lying to her, she wants to be different, she wants to be normal, and she's fine don't worry about katherine, she's fine, she's fine there's nothing wrong

She's just pretending 

Its just her brain

She isnt ACTUALLY depressed 

She's just copying her friends again 

There's nothing wrong with her

Ignore her

It's just an act and its not impressing anyone 

She ISNT suicidal 

She should join the drama club she's SUCH A good actress 

(2 edits)

I tHiNK sHe bE LYinG she is not fine ;>;

Who's lying?

(1 edit)

Katherin about being fine :>

But katherine is fine

nah nah fam she aint

One of my more cliche Undertale OC's!

     Hoi!! im Tamme, and this is my friend Temme!!

Name: Tamme

Spicies: Human\Goat Mom thing hybrid

Favorite Food: Butterscitch Cinnamon Pie

Least Favorite Food: Hot Dogs

Favorite Color: Baby Blue and Pink

Favorite Zone: Ruins or Waterfall

Last Favorite Zone: Snowdin or Hotlands

Favorite Person: Toriel

Least Favorite Person: Undyne and Chara

Cute uwu

Tamme: HoI!!!! im Tamme!

Amelia: hoi!!

Tamme:hoi!! who are you?

Amelia: ish amelia uvu

(1 edit) (+1)

keita:h-hello, i'm keita....i'm new here :) hope we can be friends

Amelia: h* ll yes we frens

Keita: awww, thank you!

Amelia: Uvu your welcome

(1 edit)

keita: people are so kind to me! why?!?!

Amelia: aren't people supposed to?

Error x Ink=PJ



katherine: ^^ *waves* hi

Kacchan: *freaking angry*

Kacchan: you guys are basically the same person 

Kat: no we're not!

Katherine: exactly 

Kacchan: 🤦🏼‍♂️


Kat/katherine: *looks at each other* nah i don't see it

Kacchan: its because she's blue isn't it 

Kat: no

Katherine: thats not it

Kacchan: you're the same height. You have the same faces, your hair is the same,

Kat/katherine:*shrugs* whatever

(1 edit)

Bunny: for once I actually agree with pickle dude

kacchan: Who is the pickle dude >:(

(2 edits)

Bunny: you duh -.- 


Kat: yes you are calm down *pets his dangerous hair*

Bunny: yes you are. My proof is you gross and ugly like one

any one want me to do ships UwU




(1 edit)


Element one: Air

this is Airiana! 

element: air

Fav food: fried chicken (is that wrong?)

least fav food: Cala'mari

Fave element: Water

least fav: Fire

This is Earth! why does she have a gas mask? because her element is so poluted whenever she has to visit it she puts it on so she doesnt breathe Earths "toxic" air

Fav food: she doesnt eat

Fav element: Water or Air

least fav: no one

can I make fire and water 

sorry 4 the l8 response but yeah!!



thats san-sational!



Creepy much






I am mad at my pencil crayon



(1 edit) (+1)

that is pink-red

someone does not know what brown is

Can you draw a Markiplier

Maybe.... im trash.

I'll try!

(1 edit)

Markimoo is done!

I choose to do the bubblegum floof from 2015

Hope you like!


This is my markimoo

I'm gonna start drawing again (i stopped for like a day or 2) any requests?



Para is finished!

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omfg i love it!!!!


Damn that was quick

yeah ik i have nothing else to do right now so...


aw thats so cute!! i love it!!



Deleted 4 years ago

Can you guys give me 4 people or characters to draw



hmm....can you draw my OC?

her name is Para

Can you draw her:

Her name is Moon! :3

Can you draw katherine?

sav shes just ignorant  sara/ rude/popular /sluty

jasmen you think shes nice but she just a bich girly/rich/always has to have the attention on her

my own mean girls

My world's so bright
It's hard to breathe but that's alright Hush


(1 edit)

This is my new oc.... her name is katherine 

She's in the eighth grade..... she's sensitive and the worst in a fight (because she's really mean) she's socially awkward, she thinks she's ugly, she hated herself, she is lucky enough to have amazing friends, she'll put a smile on for them and is always ready to listen, she values everything over herself, she doesn't take care of herself, she's sad, she's sad a lot, she's having a hard time distracting herself from being sad, she is getting a lot of mean stuff on the internet and she can't seem to get happy, she has a brother and a sister, she wishes she spent more time with her sister, she likes anime and vocaloid, she wants to be a teacher or a graphic designer, she thinks she's stupid, she used to have a friend who told her that all the teachers hated her, that same friend said half the grade hated her, and that she was a hated person, she hates herself now, she just wants a hug from her friends, she doesn't talk about her problems with her parents, she doesn't see them as people she can talk to, her parents tell her she's just putting on an act thats she's not ACTUALLY like that, it's starting to take a toll on her, her ex bff acted like she (not katherine) was the only depressed girl in school, made it impossible for katherine to try and bring anything up, she has other friends and she knows they'll support her, she just doesn't feel like it's important, half the grade really doesn't like her, at least she thinks so anyway, she doesn't see herself as likeable even though everyone says she is, she knows they're lying, they always lie to make her feel better, nobody actually likes katherine and she knows it, she doesn't sleep well at night, theres too much on her mind, she doesn't like going outside, she doesn't like being inside either, she.... I'll make a part 2

Deleted 4 years ago

*bad child starts to play* UwU



katherine i think your pretty

dont be sad

Chara:...hey, kid, nice ta meet ya! *reads mind with somethign she coded into herself* dam....holy motherf*cking sh*t....kid, idk your dosage, but i could get ya on meds....or just help you...

katherine: no no im.... fine!

Chara: well....if you say so.....*sorta sulks off* goddamit..i kill one froggit and they're scared of me....goddamit sans why did you have to spread that rumor.....

katherine: :>

Chara: *comes back aftera while with a cake* here, idk if you like butterscotch, if you dont ill go get Frisk, but its all i can bake on my own! :)

Ooh you're pretty Katherine!

*sorry in advance i kinda wanted to rp*

Moon: It's so saaaadddd

Claire: Shut UP Moon. Katherine is pretty.

Lynnie: Ooooh ~ Can we be friends?

Katherine: hi *waves*

Deleted 4 years ago










Chara: whY iS FrIsk a k-PoP gIrL anD WHY IS UnDyNe kaWAII!!! I hatE tHiS UnIvErsE...alSo i WouLD NeVer wEaR THaT

(1 edit)

i live for tem *i tem allegiance to the tem of the united tem of atemica*

loOk wHAt I FOunD

:○ A BIRD!

Look what i found!




NAtURe uwu


Been awhile, had to give my hands a break from the computer. 

I really like reading and watching stuff about SCPs and the SCP Foundation, so here's my own SCP. 


SCP - ?????? - Red Spine is a cyborg apparently designed to retrieve and contain anomalous items. Was found wandering the desert of _______ with a damaged operating system. SCP- organic components are all from the same human female ______ . SCP-  has a built in defence against memetic hazards, which purges its memory of the last seven hours when compromised. Unfortunately the damaged sustained means SCP's stored memory files are corrupted and cannot be used to trace SCP's origins; 

Looks awesome! Also, cool story!

Thank you so much!

damn thats sick O0O

Thank you! XD



POV (Follow Up):

If you picked B:

Runate: "Joy! Follow me!"

*You start to follow Runate and notice she now has two eyes. Didn't she have one before?*

*Runate leads you to a room at the end of a dim corridor, filled with monster girls!*

*As you walk into the room someone startles you*

??: "What are you looking at? Do you wanna go?"

*Runate pulls you aside*

Runate: "That's Lana. You can just ignore her. She gets super aggressive."

*You look around at all the monsters in the room. Except for the one human in the corner, biting her nails nervously*

Runate: "That over there is Beth." *She points at the human in the corner* 

"She's worried about her boss. He told her to get rid of that one." *She points at a monster that looks like it was stitched up*

*The stitched up monster walks up to Runate, very weirdly...*


??: HelLo! BetH cAlLs mE MadDisOn!"

Runate: "Hi Maddy! Did you wanna go check up on Beth?"

*Maddison walks off*

???: "Are Are~!"

???: "Who are you, little cutie?"

*The unknown monster strokes your chin*


*Runate turns back to you, to see the monster examining you*


*Runate and Lilith start arguing and all you can hear:*



*You walk off, and see the silhouette of another girl*

*She turns around, and you now see why she had only made herself partially visible*

????: "Hi there. I suppose you're a new worker?"

*You shake your head*

????: "Well, welcome to Scarlett's Rescue Home for Monsters."

*The ghost looks at you up and down*

????: "Hmm... Scarlett owned this place. I'm her daughter. We were both murdered. Very brutally."

*She disappears*

*You wonder why these girls were in a rescue home*

Runate: "I'll tell you why we're all in a rescue home!"

You: *Can she read minds..?*

Runate: "Of course! I'm from a different galaxy! I'm species #54670... As the test people said."

*Runate smiles at you*

Runate: "I'm here after being left here by the test people at age 3, Lana because her parents kicked her out for dating a girl, Squolo because she was abandoned and almost killed by her parents, Maddy because Beth's boss wanted her to be 'disposed of' or whatever, Lilith because she needed somewhere to raise her child, Lilly because she's Lilith's daughter, Lynnie and Mynn because they ran away from their foster parents and Oppo because... Well I don't know about her. Oh yeah, and Beth just pops around sometimes to look after us and escape her boss."

*Runate starts rambling on about random things*

Do you:

A) Stay and listen

B) Slip away unseen

C) Go try to talk to Lana

D) Tell her to be quiet because you hear something


POV (Follow Up)

If you answered A:

Squolo: "Oh! You decided to stay? Not a lot of people stay.. Here!"

*Squolo jumps out of her tank and gives you a crumbly cupcake*

Squolo: "I made it myself!"

*She looks at you, waiting for you to bite down*

*When you finally bite a bit of the cupcake, it tastes awful. Did she put salt in it? Why does it taste like metal? You have many questions.*

You: *Puts thumbs up in approval to not make her upset*

Squolo: "Yay! I was hoping you would like it!"

*She turns around and completely forgets about you*

Now's your chance! Do you:

A) Stay and wait for her to remember you're still there

B) Realize you might've made a mistake and run for it

C) Sneak away and look for Runate


A it's still food uvu

im up at this hour bc i like to fry my brain in the the worst imagainble way! :D

Fun! :D

yea! :D










someone needs to tell papy blue is evil


Blue: now now don't go around telling LIES

8sorry for the late response*

Chara: oh?! you wanna go?!

*she makes her face melt, and on of her eyes fall off*

Chara: LEtS f*CKinG GO!!!!

Horror: cool * grabs popcorn* 

(1 edit)

blue:Horror get the FUCK out its between me and he/she

Chara: 8she somehow has a Gaster Blaster, and fires ti at you*

Kat: (sorry) *swoops in and cleans the face offa the ground* its in the blue bucket 

Kat: *leaves*

*sigh* i made this one while listening to rolling girl (the vocaloid song) 

As many of you know rolling girl is about Miku dealing with depression, and the rolling is her harming herself, the last words of the song are "I will stop your breath now" meaning she commit suicide, so i tried to put all that into a monster girl 

bro.....dude Hatsune ish finna be okay!!!

Chara: i could resurect her....

Im sure she's fine! Maybe....

Chara: i know not fine when i see me...

nah nah miku is totally fiinnneee


Chara: *starts giving you the scariest face in all of existence, ehr eyes melting off*


Under fell









Nice dude



Yw UwU



so i made an OC....... here she is!

her name issss~.......
name ideas??~ pls~ (i'm bad at names)  ;^;






Abigail or starlight . . .?



Me & my sister have decided (i needed her help cuz i loved them all ;w;)
her name is (srry for not picking ur names)......
Clarise!  (idk how to pronounce it ;w;)

NVM her name is Iris

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