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OMg I  just deleted one of the best creations and I  never saved it

Ugh I know what that's like and it sucks, I'm sorry that happened!

man when i made the oc i showed Dys, i did that twice

Yeah Its the worst feeling. I   so sad now xc

dont be! you could always make em again!




Wow you did great with this

Thanks! ^^


besht axiety boi



i liek Toga more tbh, but than again i like all crazy ppl

I like Toga too uwu, I actually ship Shiggy and Toga together.


the only reason i dont is cuz i i hav a oc that wants to get with toga

(1 edit)

antother pic for Dys, this is my DS OC after getting her butt kicked by the player:

She den get pi$$ed that she got defeated, and then ANOTHER BATTLE! if yuo get a full heath bar after a battle, then you dont this time!! no heath regen or anything!!

DEMON FORM!!! shes about 9-12ft tall in this form, and has a few new atacks up her sleve! she can breathe fire,spit poison (witch is acidic and strong enough to melt diamond) as well as 100% boosted striength...streingth idk. and im gonna look up Boreal Dancer. thx for the idea Dys!!

Haha I love it! I can see she's been humbled indeed!

yeah, she got dun screwed, physical attacks cant do everything

(1 edit) (+3)

More Lovecraft High True/Human forms

True Form: 


Nova - Star Vampire

Nova is a Star/Sun vampire, usually invisible unless she's recently eaten. Nova spent much of her time roaming space alone before arriving on Earth and enrolling in school. So her social skills are a little lacking, but finds it easy to socialise over food and eating together even if her dietary needs tend to make it hard for her to share with others. Her main goal is to eventually consume the blood of Earth's Sun,  however she's slowly getting to enjoy our planet and may even come to mourn us once the sun is gone. 

Human Form:  


True Form: 

Ebony - Night Gaunt

As a Night Gaunt, Ebony has no actual facial features yet is capable of communication via telepathy. Her primary source of food comes from the fears of others.  Although she comes off as an intimidating presence to the other students Ebony really enjoys a good joke. She has a very unusual laugh described as something between a hyena and a goose going through a very high speed mangle. She's a member of the Dream Charter Club, a group dedicated to exploring The Dream Lands. 

Human Form:  

True Form: 

Nyarlathotep - The Creeping Chaos

Nyarlathotep  the shape shifting god of chaos is one of the most popular eldritch horror's in the entire school. Could be natural charisma, could be the inherit and other-worldly power to cultivate the minds of lesser beings.  No shape is the true shape of Nyarlathotep as they love to constantly take on new identities and start new cults. She loves playing mind games with those that are not already counted among her followers, that is till they eventually change their minds. Her closest friend would be Kelly Mason as Nyarlathotep is the reason Kelly was born with a third eye. 

Human Form:  

man i absoloutley ADORE everything you make!!!


ye Dys got a Doll Divine prof where she has even more epic creations

I've updated the bios on this post now, if you want to check them out!

(2 edits)

Lovecraft High inspired OC'S:

Meliane, a over encettric ghoul

Kelpie, a monster i made up called a "Corrupted" a mish-mash of parts that is either a hybrid or made by a dark wizzard as a servant

Yes! Love, love love these! I really like these bubble gum colours. I'm imagining them hanging out at school and Kelpie getting her hair stuck on Meliane's nails or something! 

man that would totally happen!  i expect the  star vampire and the bat wing one wouldnt like them, idk why i just get those vibes, Kelpie like making friends with human children, but most humans are scared of her. Meliane needs to eat humans to survive, and she sometimes kills a few to many, Kelpie and Meliane have like a opposites attract friendship with each other

(1 edit)

More LH inspired OC'S (one so far)

This is Cris!! she would be a bad girl type i think. she is the adopted older sister of Meliane, i say adopted but they were both created by a evil scorceress to kill humans, the reason they are both ghouls, Cris h8s Meliane ever tho shes the loved one, so she doesnt have a curfew and can go out whenever she wants to hang out with the other girls im finna make

this is Murk, and like her name suggests shes Dirty and a Bully. Shes a Swap Creature of sorts and is Dirt poor, but tries to hide it by robbign banks and other illegal things

Oooo, she cute!

who? and they're both super evil btw, but thx

Both! And yes, but still cute.


Melanie Martinez - Copy Cat

(1 edit) (+3)

Melanie Martinez <3

Yessss, I love her!

Oh sammmmmeeee she is literally one of my favorites and copy cat is my song

Undertale Characters!





And undyne:

Hope you guys like it ;3
Deleted 4 years ago

I had just posted this when I saw yours:D (I love your designs)

Deleted 4 years ago

i truly hope you dont belive that chara is the bad guy

No, I was just trying to make it as close to the game design as possible

oh uh this comment wasnt that related to disighn, just i really dont like people in the Undertale community who think tht

Deleted 4 years ago


Deleted 4 years ago

this is what happens when I get bored

Mahh eyes ;(

Deleted 4 years ago

0-0 lol


Really like this one a lot, feels like it should be promotional material for Five Nights at Freddie's.!

Yh your right the mask and the ears really make it look like they fused 

glitchtrap but if he was trippin' also i love it


pastel UwU

Aww, bab!

Deleted 4 years ago

Floresaug - The flower dragon

Natural/True Form

Human Form

So cool!!!


I really like the contrast between the two forms! Really crazy and also really cute!

(1 edit)

Thank you, you helped me with the idea<3 !! She likes being human because the human world is fascinating to her but when she's a dragon their world to her is dull and boring everything is the same.


Thank you


My fave colors


Thank you

(1 edit)

Official Challenge Board - By Cin (Y’ALL I NEED MORE CHALLENGES)

If you want to suggest a challenge, please comment under this post. If you just have a fun lil' idea, feel free to post it, but please don't label it as a challenge, as it can confuse peeps!

Update to the challenge board! (sorry if I’m spamming, peeps seem to enjoy these.)

#1- Three emoji challenge (you use three emojis to make a girl.)

#2- Light source challenge (you create a light source, and try to color your girl like the source actually exists. Difficult but fun.)

#3- Fixer-upper challenge (you take a randomized girl and fix her up.)

#4- In the dark challenge (you set the background to complete darkness, and make some parts black for a neat effect.)

#5- Neon challenge (make a neon girl!)

#6- Parts challenge (someone gives you a template of a few parts, all white. You have to use those parts to make a girl)

#7- Yeet’s Rage challenge (make one of your girl’s appearances different by putting them into rage mode.)

#8- Iemonn’s fav emoji challenge (make a girl off of your favorite emoji!)

#9- Smash up challenge (combine two or more of your favorite girls!)

#10- Upside-down challenge (make it look like your girl is upside down.)

#11- Maximum challenge (use as many accessories in one girl without it looking bad.)

#12- Two faced challenge (make your girl have one half of her be something different than the other half.)

#13- Pigment challenge (Go to: Generate a random word, and then search for that word in use the color palette from whatever image you found to make a girl!)

#14- Recreate challenge (Take someone else’s character and mix them up!)

#15- Popular character challenge (Recreate a popular character!)

#16- Yeet’s demon and angel challenge (make demon and angel versions of one of your characters.)

#17- Katsuu’s color challenge (Choose a color then base an entire monster girl off it they can only like things in that color personality, food preferences EVERYTHING is like that color.)

#18- Fandomhopper’s OC challenge (If you have an OC that didn’t originate from MGM, try to make them in MGM!)

#19- Iemmon’s ugly challeng (make an amazing monster girl with some of the parts you don’t like!)

#20- Zodiac challenge (use yours/another zodiac symbol to make a gal!)

#21- Melting challenge (make a drippy girl!)

#22- Asymmetry challenge (make a girl who is not symmetrical in any way, so that nothing is the same on one half to the other.)

#23- Pastel challenge (make a pastel girl!)

#24- Mental illness challenge (make a girl based off of a mental illness.)

#25- Food challenge (make a girl based off of your favorite or just a random food!)

#26- Magical’s word challenge (go to, generate a word, and make a girl off of it.)

#27- Name challenge (go to and scroll all the way down to the “Write me some names” button. Use the uppermost name as the basis for your girl!)

#28- MyMomi’s phobia challenge (Make a girl based off of your biggest phobia!)

#29- Magical’s glow challenge (go here to get a random color: and then make a girl who’s accents are that color, while the rest of their body is black, so it looks like they glow in that color!)

#30- Favorite challenge (use all of your favorite parts!)

#31- Iemonn’s room challenge (make your room into a girl!)

#32- Monster reinvent challenge (take a popular monster from fiction, such as a zombie, and completely re-invent them!)

#33- Ghoul challenge (make a ghoul on, and remake them on MGM!)

#34- Rabid challenge (remake one of your girls, but so she looks completely crazy!)

#35- Interesting challenge (do something with a part that’s unique and different!)

#36- Platform challenge (make girls based off of sites, like Google or Youtube!)

#37- Clover’s song challenge (make a girl based off a song!)

#38- Disease challenge (make a girl based off a disease!)

#39- Change challenge (take a popular character that’s very sweet and innocent, and spice ’em up a little bit!)

#40- Prompt challenge (go to and put words into the box, then click generate until you get a prompt you’re happy with. Finally, use it to make a girl!)

#41- Bxd’s (?) OC friend group challenge (make a friend group for one of your girls!)

#42- Animal challenge (take someones drawing/pic of a feral animal (an animal on all 4 paws) and reinvent them in MGM)

#43- Pet challenge (turn your pet(s) into MGM girls!)

#44- Para’s Outside challenge (take a character from a game\movie or whatever they come from, and make the new version in MGM.)

#45- DysMalLexia’s Alter Ego challenge (make an alter ego of one of your characters!)

#46- DysMalLexia’s Evil Twin challenge (make an evil twin of one of your characters!)



Q: Who made these challenges?

A: Any of the challenges that have a name in front are that person’s! The majority of the others are either ones that I, Cin, have made, or ones I’ve seen in the past that I’m not sure who to give credit to.

Q: Can I submit a challenge to be added?

A: Of course! It’ll almost definitely be added.

Q: I made (insert challenge number here), can I have credit for it?

A: Provide some proof for it, and sure!

Q: Where do I put the challenge girls I’ve made?

A: Preferably right under this comment.

Q: Can I change this challenge while I do it by ___?

A: Go hog wild! They’re your girl!


Parts for #6 (please send me more):


Characters for #14 (please send me some of your characters for use in #14):


did the fixer-upper challenge 

That’s amazing!


i did the recreate challenge with the 6th monster girl pwp

Im gonna try something, i hope you like it

Tiem for a lil pov (i spelt time wrong on propose)

You just started at a new school and everyone seemed to like you (because your all FANTASTIC PEOPLE) everyone came by to say hi at least once during the day except for one person (more on that later). You really hit it off with one girl in particular usui she was an energetic second year high schooler with bright blue hair, she was the only one who told you anything about the person who stayed away

"Oh her? Shes......." you begged her to tell you "no no its not anything Bad really just um" you gave her a playful push "ah! *adorable laughter* ok ok i don't know anything really just my mom said to stay away, my sisters are in her brother's class" "oh?" You ask because you're kinda confused, "yeah her brother is violent to everyone and targeted my sisters for a month every day they would come home with nasty bruises and once he cut them, we've had to disassociate our family from theirs and my sisters aren't allowed to be near him it makes class a little hard but there's only one grade 4 class at their school and we can't transfer them to a new school" 

(Her sisters)

"I think i should go talk to her and get the whole story" you said, "no no dont go it's dangerous she'll hurt you!" 

Do you 

A. Stay with your friend 

B. Go over to her

C. Go visit the girl after school 

I  was going to say B but the other girl might try to stop me so C


name-lisa hartwell



part -ghoul/human/dead

a ghoul fed on her and is now one of them and now  is one hell of a crazy bitch



ehh idk she looks like Harley Quinn soooooo!???? What should I name her!???

I’m not sure, but when I saw her she immediately reminded me of those 3D glasses, so maybe you could do something with that?


Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland 



thank you!


Elfin Snow White 

(1 edit) (+1)

Color challenge [make a gal using your fav of random color] I think its new but idk. Also you can use different shades of you color.


fav color is black

There is already a quite similar challenge, sorry. It’s still a really neat idea tho!


Neon Girl...

Woah, awesome!




Pfffft nice!


Deleted 4 years ago

Awesome colors!

Deleted 4 years ago



i tried that neon challenge. What do you guys think? V(qwp)V


That’s so cool! I could never do that!

thank you sm ^^

(1 edit) (+2)

My some of my Lovecraft High OC's and their human disguise 

True Form

Edith Thane

Edith Thane - Elder Thing Hybrid

Edith Thane is the result of an attempt to bring back the lost civilisation of the Elder Things by creating a hybrid with human DNA.  Possibly one of the smartest of all the students , probably the result of her five lobed brain. A perfectionist to a fault, at least when it comes to the ways of her culture and heritage. She's also obsessed with sharp points and strange angles. She gets on with few as she prefers to work alone. As her biology shares a few traits with that of plants, she gets on best with Enfys best and has a complicated and spiteful relationship with Susan Shog as it was the Elder Things that created the Shoggoths as mindless slaves that later evolved and overthrew their creators almost completely wiping them out. 

Human Form


True Form

Cthulhlette Fhtagn

Cthulhlette Fhtagn - Descendant of Cthulhu

Cthulhlette Fhtagn is in many ways the schools sweet heart, there's something about her that once you meet can't get her out of your head...and dreams...and every waking thought. She likes camping under the stars by the sea and it often seen hanging out with Akrham Siren. She hopes to become a model one day as people can't help, but be inspired...enraptured...Despite her father's infamous temper Cthulhlette is a daddy's girl and he pretty much lets her get away with anything. However upset, offend or hurt her and the stars won't need to be right for him to reek a terrible vengeance. 

Human Form


True Form

Susan Shoggoth

Susan Shoggoth despite her colour pallor and excitedly thriving tendrils, Susan is a pretty defensive soul. Tending to shut people out before they have a chance to get in and try to change her. Although she won't admit it, Susan does feel lonely. She's got a softer side, like sour candy, sweet, but sharp. She really doesn't like Edith Thane as she represents the oppression the Shoggoths went through and doesn't enjoy watching Edith trying to bring that culture back. Yet despite all this Susan is a member of the Night Light Club, a club committed to setting up night time light festivals and the occasions rave and ritual. 

Human Form

WOWOWOWOWOOW I  love it this is amazing and creative.

Thank you so much! =)

So wonderful!

Thanks Cinnamon!


I've updated their bios!


This is RiZA (yes the capitals are necessary). This is gonna be kind of lengthy

Full name - RiZA Aguelon

Age - 9-20 (age range she has been shown as in canon)

Sexuality - 'Tis a secret

Species - Fish/demon/deer thing. It's a bit cmplicated

RiZA is basically a sociopathic cannibal who is very possessive of her cat Ula. Her entire body is hydrophobic, which caused her to nearly die of dehydration around the time she was in fourth grade. The series she's a part of is called Kingdom's Grace and the entire series is basically one big excuse for me to draw a bunch of gore but still have story aspects and characters and enough plot to satisfy my writer instincts but also makes the part of me that desperately wants edge happy. That's literally the main reason behind the story.

btw her outfit/earrings look nothing like that i had to do my best with what i had

Awesome! She looks great!

hope you like it

There all amazing



I can't even!!!:3333✨✨✨✨✨

So adorable omg




Woah, those colors are amazing!


My first time making one :3 any name/backstory suggestions?

Orphaned at 6, Harleen grew a hatred toward people.

Couldn't really think of anything else :P

Also, not very good at backstories here (or names for that matter) 

I  like the beginning The only one that showed her love and care was her orphaned friend they were best friends and one day her best friend was taken by a family the family raped her then killed her once she told the police😓😔

Harleen heard the news and was devastated after she sought out for revenge and killed her best friends parents (hint the blood) After her revenge she killed all evil orphan parents and free children from homes to live with her  (Thats when she gets older ofc)

Ooh I like that!

Cool thanks


Part three of the cast for my idea for "Lovecraft High" a visual novel/otome game I'd like to make some day. 

Nyarlathotep - The Creep Chaos

Nurse Zoe West - Resurrected Daughter of Dr. Herbert West

Yvette Greaves - The Gave Digger's Daughter

Aaaa, amazing!!!

parathedemonqueen when will i get the picture you promised?

sorry im not trying to be demanding


I made a girl with a sky theme, which version is your favorite? pwp





LOVE them all, but night is my favorite 


I really like these, a really cool colours. I like them all a lot, but if I have to pick it'd be Rain!

(1 edit) (+1)

Official Challenge Board - By Cin (Y’ALL I NEED MORE CHALLENGES)

If you want to suggest a challenge, please comment under this post. If you just have a fun lil' idea, feel free to post it, but please don't label it as a challenge, as it can confuse peeps!

Update to the challenge board! (sorry if I’m spamming, peeps seem to enjoy these.)

#1- Three emoji challenge (you use three emojis to make a girl.)

#2- Light source challenge (you create a light source, and try to color your girl like the source actually exists. Difficult but fun.)

#3- Fixer-upper challenge (you take a randomized girl and fix her up.)

#4- In the dark challenge (you set the background to complete darkness, and make some parts black for a neat effect.)

#5- Neon challenge (make a neon girl!)

#6- Parts challenge (someone gives you a template of a few parts, all white. You have to use those parts to make a girl)

#7- Yeet’s Rage challenge (make one of your girl’s appearances different by putting them into rage mode.)

#8- Iemonn’s fav emoji challenge (make a girl off of your favorite emoji!)

#9- Smash up challenge (combine two or more of your favorite girls!)

#10- Upside-down challenge (make it look like your girl is upside down.)

#11- Maximum challenge (use as many accessories in one girl without it looking bad.)

#12- Two faced challenge (make your girl have one half of her be something different than the other half.)

#13- Pigment challenge (Go to: Generate a random word, and then search for that word in use the color palette from whatever image you found to make a girl!)

#14- Recreate challenge (Take someone else’s character and mix them up!)

#15- Popular character challenge (Recreate a popular character!)

#16- Yeet’s demon and angel challenge (make demon and angel versions of one of your characters.)

#17- Katsuu’s color challenge (Choose a color then base an entire monster girl off it they can only like things in that color personality, food preferences EVERYTHING is like that color.)

#18- Fandomhopper’s OC challenge (If you have an OC that didn’t originate from MGM, try to make them in MGM!)

#19- Iemmon’s ugly challeng (make an amazing monster girl with some of the parts you don’t like!)

#20- Zodiac challenge (use yours/another zodiac symbol to make a gal!)

#21- Melting challenge (make a drippy girl!)

#22- Asymmetry challenge (make a girl who is not symmetrical in any way, so that nothing is the same on one half to the other.)

#23- Pastel challenge (make a pastel girl!)

#24- Mental illness challenge (make a girl based off of a mental illness.)

#25- Food challenge (make a girl based off of your favorite or just a random food!)

#26- Magical’s word challenge (go to, generate a word, and make a girl off of it.)

#27- Name challenge (go to and scroll all the way down to the “Write me some names” button. Use the uppermost name as the basis for your girl!)

#28- MyMomi’s phobia challenge (Make a girl based off of your biggest phobia!)

#29- Magical’s glow challenge (go here to get a random color: and then make a girl who’s accents are that color, while the rest of their body is black, so it looks like they glow in that color!)

#30- Favorite challenge (use all of your favorite parts!)

#31- Iemonn’s room challenge (make your room into a girl!)

#32- Monster reinvent challenge (take a popular monster from fiction, such as a zombie, and completely re-invent them!)

#33- Ghoul challenge (make a ghoul on, and remake them on MGM!)

#34- Rabid challenge (remake one of your girls, but so she looks completely crazy!)

#35- Interesting challenge (do something with a part that’s unique and different!)

#36- Platform challenge (make girls based off of sites, like Google or Youtube!)

#37- Clover’s song challenge (make a girl based off a song!)

#38- Disease challenge (make a girl based off a disease!)

#39- Change challenge (take a popular character that’s very sweet and innocent, and spice ’em up a little bit!)

#40- Prompt challenge (go to and put words into the box, then click generate until you get a prompt you’re happy with. Finally, use it to make a girl!)

#41- Bxd’s (?) OC friend group challenge (make a friend group for one of your girls!)

#42- Animal challenge (take someones drawing/pic of a feral animal (an animal on all 4 paws) and reinvent them in MGM)

#43- Pet challenge (turn your pet(s) into MGM girls!)



Q: Who made these challenges?

A: Any of the challenges that have a name in front are that person’s! The majority of the others are either ones that I, Cin, have made, or ones I’ve seen in the past that I’m not sure who to give credit to.

Q: Can I submit a challenge to be added?

A: Of course! It’ll almost definitely be added.

Q: I made (insert challenge number here), can I have credit for it?

A: Provide some proof for it, and sure!

Q: Where do I put the challenge girls I’ve made?

A: Preferably right under this comment.

Q: Can I change this challenge while I do it by ___?

A: Go hog wild! They’re your girl!


Parts for #6 (please send me more):


Characters for #14 (please send me some of your characters for use in #14):


fantasy name challenge — Olaburns 

That’s… amazing.

thank you 💜


you like my alien




Here's the second part of my cast list for my idea for a "Lovecraft High" a visual novel/otome game. 


Cthulhlette Fhtagn - Descendant of Cthulhu

Edith Thane - Elder Thing hybrid

Greta Shub - Daughter of the Goat with a Thousand Young

Enfys - The Colour of Out of Space

please make it, the characters look amazing

I would love to make it into a real game,I am slowly learning how to use a visual novel software so maybe one day! 

Sounds awesome! Good luck.

Cthulette is amazing 

Thank you I think she's my favourite out of them all so far! 

I dicided to make haruhi's friend group (i dont remember whose idea it was but i liked it)

Haruhi the friend who's too innocent for her own good 

Pinky (lmao i can't make up names) she normally just sits with them but never rlly talks, she's still in the group though

Haruhi's older sister who dyed her hair to get back at her parents 

Blake, he's kind of a sadist and a lil crazy but they love him anyway 

Nejire, tattooed tears under her eyes to see how angry her parents would get: Very

i think that i might've started the friend group thing but idk somebody probably did it before me


Woah, I love those colors!

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