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u like?


you like dis as well?

1. this a place for monster girls, can you not post drawings (unless they are of characters created here)?

2. these are very much traced. there's nothing wrong with that, but please credit the artist you traced this off of.

oof I thought u we’re gonna say no drawings at all cuz I’m really dumb and I posted the drawing of your oc spring mozu

nah if it's MGM related then it can be posted in the comments


who is it?

alice from BATIM




What one do you like the best?

(1 edit)

im personally a fan of the third one

3 !!!

i Think the first one

3, definitely!


I may have done something stupid yesterday..


Sorry!  :3

(3 edits) (+1)

Her Name is Sathena! You like.

I like it

it looks like she's gonna sass the hell out of someone

Omg lol Yes


fixer upper challenge results!! I think this girl I SUPER cute!! how bout y'all

Scence im really sad about not being able to watch Future, I made the best most relatable character!! yes, I can relate to Spinel. . .that's not important!! does anyone like?


Well, well, well, well, well!
Lemme get a look at the menagerie!
You must be Amethyst
You must be Garnet
And Pink Diamond's Pearl, well, she took you with her, isn't that just swell?

It can't be!

Oh, but it can be!
And it is!
I got a new style and a few new toys that are gonna put an end to your happily ever after, once and for all!

Woah, woah! This has gotta be a misunderstanding, in case you haven't heard, I've established peace across the

Yeah, yeah, I've heard. I've had your little message to the universe on LOOP! I just love that part, where Pink Diamond spends the rest of her days on this nowhere planet with a bunch of nobodies!

That's right I heard the story over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends
That's right I heard the story, don't really like how it ends
Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends
What did she say about me? What did she say?
What did you do without me? What did you do?
Did you play games without me? What did you play?
Did you think all this time that I wouldn't find out about you?

That's right I heard the story over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends

She's running circles around us!

I'm rusty, give me a break!

It really is her, but she can't be serious!

You know her, Pearl? Can you tell us who she is?

Who am I? Who am I? What are you even saying?
I'm the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing!
Let's play another game this time I get to win
Lives on the line
Winner takes all
Ready or not
Let's begin!
Oh, that's right I heard the story over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally beat her other friends
Oh, that's right I heard the story, don't really like how it ends
Gee, it's swell to finally beat her
Other friends

wow my fingers hurt TwT

I clicked on a pair of ears and it’s taking a long time to load, did anyone else have this problem?

O   M   G     YES


also here is haruhi


☆○☆    ooooooo

Wow niceeee

(1 edit) (+2)

hey llemon here is spring Mozu  sorry it took a billion years I didn’t color so I wouldn’t keep you waiting also you can outl one it digitally and color it

i'm jelly

did you draw this???


you like

super cute


you like my panda?



Awe shes so cute

ty so much



What do you prefer out of the three

I love ’em all, but maybe the first one?

personally, i like the monotone one the most!

black and white.

Ok thx everyone!

Im trying to decide what my next oc should be 

ill do a few different aesthetics next

Turns out i don't know what a aesthetic is

So ill just try a bunch of different types lmao



Back to basic B&W 👀





does anyone like?

Cute colors!

thx!! I did a random color palette challenge for this one and I love all of these colors



Here ish meh creepypasta OC!! her name is Para and shes a half-Zalgoid like Lazari!! I hope everyone likes her!!!

Super sorry but

Some of those words did not make sense to me :p

sorry! a zalgoid I a child of Zalgo and lazari was the first child of zalgo type creepypasta! OC means original character

:| riiiiiight

Im gonna say i know what that means because im dense

don't worry i didn't understand a thing they said either 👏

(1 edit)

what are these words

also tbh i thought that creepypastas were just spooky stories o.o 

(edit: yeah i looked it up creepypasta stories are just creepy stories)

(1 edit) (+2)

Update to the challenge board! (sorry if I’m spamming, peeps seem to enjoy these.)

#1- Three emoji challenge (you use three emojis to make a girl.)

#2- Light source challenge (you create a light source, and try to color your girl like the source actually exists. Difficult but fun.)

#3- Fixer-upper challenge (you take a randomized girl and fix her up.)

#4- In the dark challenge (you set the background to complete darkness, and make some parts black for a neat effect.)

#5- Neon challenge (make a neon girl!)

#6- Parts challenge (someone gives you a template of a few parts, all white. You have to use those parts to make a girl)

#7- Yeet’s Rage challenge (make one of your girl’s appearances different by putting them into rage mode.)

#8- Iemonn’s fav emoji challenge (make a girl off of your favorite emoji!)

#9- Smash up challenge (combine two or more of your favorite girls!)

#10- Upside-down challenge (make it look like your girl is upside down.)

#11- Maximum challenge (use as many accessories in one girl without it looking bad.)

#12- Two faced challenge (make your girl have one half of her be something different than the other half.)

#13- Pigment challenge (Go to: Generate a random word, and then search for that word in use the color palette from whatever image you found to make a girl!)

#14- Recreate challenge (Take someone else’s character and mix them up!)

#15- Popular character challenge (Recreate a popular character!)

#16- Yeet’s demon and angel challenge (make demon and angel versions of one of your characters.)

#17- Katsuu’s color challenge (Choose a color then base an entire monster girl off it they can only like things in that color personality, food preferences EVERYTHING is like that color.)

#18- Fandomhopper’s OC challenge (If you have an OC that didn’t originate from MGM, try to make them in MGM!)

#19- Iemmon’s ugly challeng (make an amazing monster girl with some of the parts you don’t like!)

#20- Zodiac challenge (use yours/another zodiac symbol to make a gal!)

Tell me if you have a challenge idea, and I’ll add it!


Maximum Challenge! (essentially a normal girl of mine.)

damn this challenge board is long


my word was "unkempt"

my colors were "rock" and "carrot orange"!

(let's see what abomination i've made with the pigment challenge)

She looks awesome!

thank you! i wasn't super sure if i liked her, but thanks for the reassurance that she doesn't suck!


Neon Girl! Inspired by Billie Eilish ☺️


w o a h


my word was collapse!

the colours i got were kenyan copper and supernova.

they're very pretty colours, in my opinion!

That’s awesome!


i c e  c r e a m

Its supposed to be ice cream 🤦‍♀️


omg this is so cute!


Hope u all like this girl and like me too! Hahaha 





omg yes


Cool and cute!!

(2 edits) (+2)








meet  kat




 do yall like



She be lookin like shes a bartender LOVE IT

thxs lol

i made ticki toby 




Follow my deviantart @AgentRat15 to see more

(1 edit) (+2)

color palette challenge 


Ohman wow. Those look amazing!


thank you both!



This is your death. Accept it. Breathe it. B̞̝̙̮̼͍̱͈͚̑̅̊̈́̓̓̾͂͞Ŕ̡̘̪͉̺̹̗̞̓͋͌͌͗͆̋̓ͅḘ̡͚̪̙͓̹̺̔̈̋͂͋̉̆͛͊͢Ȁ̧̼͔̩̥̲̳̱̼̌̉͑̓̓̌̚͞T͓͎̫͉̰̫̼̹̈̀͒̉̊̓̔͜͡͝H̡̛̬̜̞͇̣̼͍̉͆̄́̌̓͆͘ͅ ̢̡͖̜̮̠͇̯͉͋̑͂̾̓̊͆͌̚I̧̟͍̫̼̱̲͈͈̿́̈̓́̇̌̚͡Ţ̬̺͇͕͉̮̘̻̾̿͋̔̂͘͘̚͝.̘̭͈̩̪͓͚̮̒̍̍̌̑̿̅͡͠ͅ


After hours of running, you see a wall ahead of you. Dead end. You jerk your body to stop, dust forming around your feet. Your breathing begins to slow and develop a normal pace. You can hear your heart beating.

Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

It's rhythmic lullaby soothes you, and you close your eyes to listen. Your legs tremble and shake like trees in the wind. Your knees ache. Your arms ache. Everything aches. The feeling of doom clouds over you, grasping at your shoulders, whispering in your ear. Your body parts begin to vibrate.


Your attention shifts to the noise. The dreaded cracking noise grows near, followed by the scratching of nails on the concrete. You were frozen, like a flower in mid-winter. The wind crashes into you, slightly pushing your frame off balance. Your legs buckle, and you fall. Your body makes impact with the ground, pain shooting into you like lightning. The noises grow closer.

You lift your body up, but gravity snatches your arms and slams them back down. You try again, and you succeed. But the feeling of victory washes away as you slowly turn your head to the figure behind you. 

(Slowed down yandere music plays in the background)

The 7 foot tall creature roars, the sound waves penetrating your ears. Your heart drops as you lay eyes on the bug-like being. Giant Claws and mandibles rest on it's body. Dried blood is painted over it's mouth and chest. The other mouths clash their teeth together as the main one uses it's tongue to lick it's lips.

The creature moves towards you with rage in it's eyes. The world fades away as it draws closer, every step snatching away more of your sanity. The feeling of dread wraps itself around you, causing your stomach to flip. Your body trembles as the creature clacked it's mandibles in a threatening motion. 

You realize that you are nothing but prey to this creature. You are going to die. And your fate is sealed to this malicious being. You can feel your blood rushing through your body. The creature is now 6 feet away from you. So far, but so close. You feel your body giving in. Adrenaline rushes through your body as your heart races.

Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

But this time it's not calming. This time you feel your mind slowly slip away. This time you feel a hot breath on your neck. This time you feel your body spasm, as pain shoots through you. This time..

You accept your death.

"Accept your death" "breath it"

Me: *starts to hyperventilate because DEATH*

Lmao yes


me: *doesn't hyperventilate because i'm super numb and crap*

also me: "can u dont i would like to life please ma'am"

nice story

I thought I'd be the one killing myself.

Oh well, this is fine

my sister said i sound like a sheep

This is my baby, touch her I kill you-

*pokes baby*


*hugs her\it\them*

:O *grabs may baby and hugs them* >:O

*hugs her harder*


*blows kiss to le behbeh*

Shes so cute i wanna squish her little cheeks!!

nu uwu

*boops da baby on da nose*

*le slaps*

* cri *

*le gasp, pet* u.u I ish sowwy



im running outta ideas 

Creativity has left me 


maybe make a deal with the demon queen of creativity

maybe that'll help

come here children I have many a tall tale for I AM THE DEMON QUEEN OF CREATIVITY

Welcome to the Circle of Creative Hell

We have dental

remember, green isn’t a creative color :>


Haha, Katsuu, it’s a DHMIS ref.

thats why i said it 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Im a huge fan of dhmis

DHMIS hAS TauGhT mE othERWisE >:33333

slow claps Nice.

that's a whole mood


i post alot-



you like


also the shirt is lying I like it

that is the besht spoopy thing I have ever seen

This one is cool and creepy! (not in a bad way) 

I have a challenge for y'all:

If you have an OC that didn't originate from MGM, try to make them in MGM!

Non MGM OC = An OC that you didn't make in MGM

ive... done that like seven times already...

His name is cheschire, hes for a series im currently planning out, its called nightmare drug (its loosely based off of alice in wonderland and has a lot to do with hallucinatory drugs). this is him in the second arc


so uhh my sister is canable she BIT me

MY sister stabbed me with a pen when she was 2

my sister laughs when i fall out of trees

My little brother bites me in the face and pulls the hair out of my head...

how do i put my charcter on here

(1 edit) (+1)

you screenshot your screen and you save it using some form of software. 

upload it using the "add image button" button

it's the last button and it looks like a picture

then you just pick the monster girl you want to show to the comment section

you can add a caption if you want, just make sure that it's in the same comment as your monster girl




So um, I'm taking drawing request 

here is one of my drawings:

so go ahead and ask for one. P.S. i know it's not very good.

mhm mhm

so can i have one of my bby

(also that purple one looks mad cool, what the hecc is it?)

also even if you don't like your art, other people (cough cough me) do like your art. and even if you don't think that, just think about how you're gonna improve

everyone here's probably gonna spam you with requests because that happens a lot so be aware

(p.s, if you have a character i could draw for you, please let me draw them!)

it's a bit mess but here: 

and can you draw her plz


alright, so sorry that it's sketched but i hope you like her!

Ayo Iemonn, what do you use to draw?


so i drew on my laptop this time

and i used (it's not the best program but it is the best i have haha)

i love her

thank you!

Do my baby?

Haven't had kuro done yet!

here you are:


I’m new here!


welcome to the c u l t 


Oh wow I love this—both patterned and chaotic. 


hope you ain't no n o r m i e 

'cause we here in these parts don't tolerate no n o r m i e s


WOW my first oc was just about the worst thing ever. and you come and first thing you do I want so badly I cant think cuz its so beautiful. you're lucky you can come up with something like that!!!


don't. you dare. insult. YOURSELF. YOU WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING.

Your oc is beautiful too! I really like it but I will like it more if you like your own oc too! Don’t think to yourself like that. Okay? Do your best!! 😊


(1 edit)



made this one while listening to fade in fade out by nothing more


you like

I like


I do like yes

shes baby

SUPER GARDEN GIRL!!!. srsly tho she looks so kind *boop*

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