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why pass school when you can just pass away?

uhm I have quarter final exams next week and I was absent for like 3 weeks cuz I was in another country

So basically I missed a few lessons. I didn't think it was a big deal cause generally we take rlly simple stuff or stuff I already know, when I came back however I was shocked to learn that in the time I was absent they managed to take the only things in the curriculum I didn't know and none of the teachers offered me any help so I have to go teach myself what they should've taught me, basically fit 3 weeks of knowledge into 3 days.

I'm boutta commit a whole ass murder istg

Welp, here's to my eternal suffering for the next 3 years.


Oh and to top it off, I got paired with the most problematic grade in school. And I ahve to stick with this bunch for the next 3 years. They're so problematic we haven't been allowed to go on any of the field trips because of them. Now the not insane students suffer because some people can't just fucking sit down and not cause an outrage for like 5 seconds. Always gotta cause a fight or say smthn stupid or make every possible problem out there. I hate this place.


Yk I remember the first time I saw a lizard drop it's tail. My oldest sister accidentally stepped in it's vicinity and it dropped it's tail and just sped off. We thought she stepped on it's tail and we thought we had killed a lizard that day.

Good times, good times.


There's just a super casual giant lizard living in my walls. It's home is like on the outside of my house right next to my bedroom window. Apparently it and its family have kinda been terrorizing the neighborhood but no one's been able to even scratch it no matter how hard they hit it and whatever they hit it with. It's not really terrorizing, it's kinda just chilling. 

Also it's not a lizard it's just a kinda big breed of gecko.


my English teacher rlly said "these are the best years of your life"

Aight, nice to know it just gets worse.

I know it's an old joke, but this is definitely an "ok boomer" moment.


Creeped Out is such an interesting series, imagine the infinite amount of stories you could tell. I watched it when it when it first came out, and have re-watched it multiple times since then. IDK what to say, it's just so interesting.

It's the type of thing that could go on forever if you wanted it to, there's no shortage of strange tales you can think up.

It's like "Are You Afraid of the Dark" but modern and the stories are real stories in the Creeped Out universe, not just tales told by a bunch of kids at a campfire.

It's actually really similar to Goosebumps as well. Man, this is the kind of stuff more people should make. Shows like these are awesome. And yes I know Are You Afraid of the Dark recently got a re-boot, but I haven't watched it yet so I have no right to comment. 

Anyway if anyone has any shows like these please do tell cause I could watch these kinds of creepy and weird tales forever.


Mmm dirty bean water.

(1 edit)

subnautica below zero?

Oh man I totally forgot I even posted this-


Theres a new sims pack coming out in a few days


I have been saving for this moment



I can't read the text on that

I bet it's funny tho 🤩


Omg, it's like basically morning, well it isn't but it feels like it and I have WAY MORE WORK TO DO.

kinda wanna just bash my head against a wall instead but what am I gonna do, fail? No way, I'm doing this wether I want to or not


Omfg, jaw on the goddamn floor.

I would explain why, but I kinda wanna just pretend it never happened like wtf was that, no excuse me, what the actual fuck is going on-


TELL. /nf /hj


....I'll text u but fair warning you might have to delete those msgs

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

haha I've lost it lol



no gasps



Whatever is the matter?


life is strange 



Life is strange


boo !


Ay the -1 has returned.

anyways back to what I qas planning on posting in the first place

Death, death, death, dead, dying, murder, I'm fucking dying.

yeah so I'm so sick I CANNOT EVEN WALK ANYMORE NOT EVEN TWO STEPS WITHOUT FACE PLANTING LIKE "pls kill me end my suffering" 

I'm pretty sure I ate something bad yesterday or something but on top of whatever I ate I also still have a cold from like 20 thousand weeks ago. My nose is runny and pls just... just end it, I cannot suffer this way anymore... why must cruel fate do this to me and force me to suffer in the confines of my own garbage immune system. Maybe I should've just eaten more dirt as a child.


ok bye




nothing js being weird like most of the time lmao /hj

Deleted 1 year ago

Lmao the way I read that so wrong cause I was like half-awake when I did.

I read it as "nothing better than being weird most of the time"




if that were the sentence I would very much agree, I so enjoy a good weirdness session on a casual basis just whenever I feel so


Omg nooo

so at school it was like the end of the day and honestly I was having a horrible day and I just wanted to go home and pass out on my bed and wake up 10 years later. On my way downstairs to leave, there's other people going down with me cause they wanna go home too obviously. Suddenly this girl taps me on my shoulder and I turn and she's just like "you look cute" then walks off before I say anything. I stood there for a hot minute to process it like...

That day was a lot less horrible because of that.


People of Canada, please tell me sugar made with sugar cane is the main source of sugar there cause if not I'm jumping ship and finding another place to go to college



We have the white one and icing sugar and brown sugar and maple brown sugar


have you ever tried sugar cane before?


uh, how have u not tried Sugar cane before.

Ok have you tried a sugar beet?


I've had pure maple syrup before

But not even when its syrup just straight from the trunk 


Omg... this is the meanest thing ever. As soon as I get more in game money, THE SECOND I DO, I am going back to make all the choices I wanted to make. Also you can get in game money without paying real money as my very smart brain discovered.


Why does my cousin's younger friend want to do freak business with me at the movies 😟😟😟😟


And to make it worse they both go to my school so my cousin might say smth to him abt it cuz stuff gets around



I can't even talk abt this rn, I CANT EVEN talk abt this rn.

Babes, babes, you can't keep pulling this shit. You can't do that YOU JUST CANT DO THAT.

No, like... idek how to describe what happened. It's like... if you help someone do some really hard work and hey promise you a cake when you're done helping but then they ditch you and not only do you get no cake you also have to do all the work by your goddamn self. Like that but not quite and also highly emotionally damaging if it had been real life not a dating sim, not to say that missing out on cake isn't bad either, I think I'd be pretty emotionally distressed to not get any cake after having been promised one. Portal flashbacks.

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Shitting, crying, screaming.

bruv idek what to say

I'm dying rn.

Like actually in the game I am dying and it's giving me the option to literally just, AS IM DYING, go "we have to stop meeting like this"

Ah shit... oh man... this is exactly why I play dating sims, this is the reason I do this, so I can die with my last words being "we have to stop meeting like this" ok maybe not my last words cause I'm probably gonna live but still.


This game is so mean. Not obey me btw, this other one I downloaded. This is some of the meanest shit ever. You have to pay in game money to unlock extra story, I think it probably leads to some super secret ending if you choose all the dialogue options that cost money, but how do you get the in game money you ask?

by paying real money... 🫠

Ok thanks. that's great.




What game

...a game

What game

dw abt it...

I can and I will 

sounds like a game made by genius studio japan inc 🧌

Or just episode, basically same thing

ok really far off the mark but whatever u say


only ones I could think of LMAOO

I guess this game isn't super popular lol.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

I have this thing where faces are like... non-existent to me.

If I look at someone and intensely study their face then look away for just a second I already forget what they look like. It's the same with names, and then it's also getting names and faces mixed up. It takes a lot for me to remember names. I can manage to remember names though it's hard, faces however... I don't even remember what my own mother looks like and she just walked out of my room literally a second ago. If I see her I will recognize her face, but as long as I am not looking at her, I have no clue what she looks like. IDK what it is. My brain just cannot remember faces.

I can't describe faces either, I'll be like "hmmm, round face?" and it's like a horse or smthn. I don't really define nose shapes when I draw for the same reason, cause faces just don't register to me. If I tried to draw a certain nose shape it'll turn out as a completely different nose from reality and I'll go "yep, seems about right" so I just draw a little line and call it a day.

I'm okay with eye shapes but I have to be looking at the person regularly as I draw and studying their eyes carefully and I have to repeat it a bunch before I get it right.


Naur, Cleaur!


But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo-

sup ppl

idk :)


why is the new social media on this game specifically


Cause yes


I wish i knew


Only children imagining how siblings greet each other: "hey sis" "hey bro"

how me and my sisters greet each other:

"Oi loser!" Or "Puck you" or by engaging in physical combat. (Can't say "fuck" or else mom is gonna slap us across the country)



ive never had a normal conversation w my brother


you always gotta get into the most unorthodox conversations a person could possibly get into.

Like "if you wore your socks inside out then, technically... isn't the entire universe except you wearing the socks?"

"but then the socks are not surrounding the universe they are just facing it so not really"

"you right..."


if yo leg got cutoff would it hurt

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)



where you gon' feel the pain?

In your le...



Me and my brother are always calling each other names

We'll be having a wholesome conversation then out of no where he calls me a monkey 😒 

It's because I'm black bro 😤 He's so mean 


tell me abt it. If siblings don't regularly insult each other just cause, are they really siblings?

*sweats nervously in how this is how me and Sky greet each other*


Oh nvm


One second it was *insert hour of day*:22 the next it's *same hour of day*:40 LIKE EXCUSE ME WHAT LITERALLY 5 SECONDS PASSED


Me: *chilling*

my brain: ...hey remember that one song you hate, lemme constantly replay that one part in your head for the rest of time!





ayyy a fellow mlemer




hi im here and i like music like nirvana


I lost my d4dj account guys!! 😋

I hate rhythm games sometimes





(I was only on rank 65 but still)



Peacock after throwing 16 bombs at me and then jumping away when i try to hit her


I should get a better keyboard 

like a Bluetooth one, so i can play skullgirls second encore easier

Rn my laptop keyboard is just a little guy 

And i need bigger arrow keys for combos


Also not Sal Fisher but made on a Sal Fisher centered picrew... the shirt says SF I probably didn't need to specify what kind of picrew it was


some ocs I made recently but never showed

this girl:

kinda wanna draw and give her a rlly cool fit but I have to study most of the time:

cool lookin':

because yes:


Do u have the link for the first one 🙏🏾🙏🏾


no I don't sorry


It's okay 👍🏾


I just started tick, tick... BOOM! cause I've been wanting to watch it for a while and as 30/90 has just started I've decided that maybe I shouldn't watch this movie after all, am I gonna explain why? NO! :)


Did you know that its actually an autobiography 

im assuming yeah because its been 4 hours

but Johnathan larson was a real life flesh person 

And he wrote rent, actually idina menzel who played maureen in rent also played shelby in glee and elsa 


(1 edit) (-1)

yea I did know

No I did not continue the movie cause I went to sleep


4 days left for the Princess Rose event. I have to wither have the minimum rank 250 or get 90,000 points before the event ends and I currently am rank 49,200 and have 10,000 points... to get to my goal I need an impossible amount of free time considering term 2 exams are just around the corner and I also have to study for hours upon hours every day cause I don't have a choice cause I can't fail my exams, cause if I do I fail the year and have to go to summer school which means no vacation no swimming no fun at all just studying and a whole bunch of lessons in subjects I hate. Between a UR Mammon card and that, I'd rather not have a painful summer thanks.

Goodbye sweet Mammon card... you were beautiful... but I'm afraid we can't be together.


Me when i spend 20 minutes trying to beat double in squigly's story mode 

on normal difficulty


Yk I grew up in an age where if you wanted to listen to music on the go, you didn't use your phone, instead you had to use what's called an mp3 player.

It's this small little thingamagig that fits in your pocket and has buttons for volume up down and next song or previous song. You had to download songs on it via a computer you connect it to. You connect your earphones to it, wired one's obviously, and that's it. That's how you listened to music without internet on the go. Or you could download songs on your fancy shmancy touchscreen smartphone but like hell we're doing that, this is the early 2000s and I have 2 sisters, fancy touchscreen smartphones are expensive, and if my parents buy one for one of us, they have to buy it for all of us.


the last sentence is so true fr

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