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my dog pulled a Imagetoday, and i am worried because it is winter and a am a minnesotan ,and no the jokes about it being cold are actually true (you get used to i wore shorts and a t shirt in -40°f, and that's the same in celsius i guess for that one number) but my neighborhood is good at getting dogs safely to their owners (they have done it 3 times in the last month) si i am worried but i think we will get him back i did not find a body. little bit of a rant, but i have had a bad week because my basement flooded two days ago too, and my school bus forgot to school bus today. not a fun week, but other people have it worse.






i feel

So Cool


as you should

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(I made this)





Born on 15th of April



Favorite color is cotton candy pink

Speaks English and Japanese

If there's an insect anywhere near him at any time, he will move to Antarctica to get away from it

Very good with animals, except insects, they can go die in a ditch

Generally very cheerful

Can't decide on a favorite season but they are sure as hell that summer is the worst season

Hates the beach, it scares him

Hates public pools, who would want to get into a giant dirty ass tank with random strangers. People piss in there, you have no idea where those strangers have been and the chlorinated water is a smell he doesn't like


Likes spicy food

Enjoys watching movies and shows

Likes to doodle and draw

Likes to write little story ideas but never comes back for them and they all just stay ideas forever

Likes music, no real specific genre tho

Collects stuff

They like to wear like cute colorful stuff yk (sorry uhm off topic but I have like shelves with funko pops on them and All Might just fell over and knocked Bakugo over so hard he fell off the shelf and All Might was perfectly stable before this and had no reason to just randomly fall now out of nowhere and almost give me a heart attack from just the sudden crash sound. I know funkos fall over a lot but it's still just so weird yk.)

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I love them even more

Even tho I love the beach and the smell of chlorine

About the Funko pop thing: lmao


ok but fr explain to me where the love for the beach comes from? I don't hate the beach I just generally dislike it.

Like I hate sand and I am terrified of deep water-


I love the sea and the ocean


No but like I want to get your perspective. Why do you like it? Why do you find it fun? Is it beach games or is it swimming or like what?


going swimming is fun 

Also the sand is warm, you can make sand castles and burry people in the sand


lucky for him animals are not insects


technically insects are animals since they pass all the requirements but they are not generally thought of or referred to as animals.


So apparently for Americans it's completely normal to... not own a kettle. First of all, why? Second of all, how? Third of all, please just get a kettle and end everyone's suffering.

Like... kettles have been around for so long... get with the times. Stop living in the stone age.


I have a kettle

And use it-


thank you for being sane


lol yw


i as an american have a kettle, but use the microwave instead to make british people angry.



I too use the microwave for stupid reasons


help whos dad doesnt drink shai / tea


I don't think my dad really likes tea. He likes coffee though.


mah arm hurts. I think I slept on it weird.

Anyway I'm dying, not really, but I feel trash.

My vocal chords have practically given up on me as well so-


I'm going to sleep in hopes of feeling better by morning cause today... not the day.

I hope I can make it to my friend's birthday Friday.


Did you end up feeling any better?


No actually I ended up going to the hospital except instead of a hospital we went to a clinic for more immediate care.


I am sorry to hear that


meh I'm fine NOW


Jugemu-jugemu Gokōnosurikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu Kūnerutokoroni-sumutokoro Yaburakōjino-burakōji Paipopaipo-paiponoshūringan Shūringanno-gūrindai Gūrindaino-ponpokopīno-ponpokonāno Chōkyūmeino-chōsuke

Yk I was using that for smthn but I'm too lazy to erase it so it's just gonna be in the post.

Anyway Halloween only ended if you wanted it to end so here have a vampire


Some of my just shapes and beats art


If someone tells you that you smell good, would that be creepy? (Like if they said it in a normal voice and stuff)


Well it's a compliment but at the same time it's also like implying that usually that person smells bad and also kinda feels weird to note on someone's smell-






should I very badly attempt to make a bio for them?



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Is it just me or did November like not even exist?


Snip snap ur opinion is crap



same energy 


guys gimme a random concept or smthn for a thing that I am writing pls don't ask questions, just give me some sort of setting


A tea shop


ok thanks




Wow I was just so productive! I threw away the trash and I organized my closet, which took a while btw! Am I maybe using this as an excuse to distract myself from the fact that my sister and my cousin are watching Wednesday without me? Yes, but I was productive nonetheless.

And now I'm just scrolling though tik tok to distract myself but the fucking Wednesday dance trend really isn't helping.


I'm proud of you for being productive

You go Night :D


thank you 😁


yw :D





I've got a question for you, what's heavier?🤨

A kilogram of steel, or a kilogram of feathers? 🤔


That's right, a kilogram of steel, cause steel is heavier than feathers! 😁


Both of their names are Alex- they have different surnames though... oh you want me to tell you what those surnames are... uh- DISTRACTION *throws smoke bomb* *runs away*


They look like lovers /Pos /hj


Actually they are.



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Here here here them seperately




Nightcrawler and Kazoo/Rose are now sisters 

Fight me


Me and Kazoo have been sisters for years.





its true


Why fight you??


Its an expression 


Ok so I searched it up... no yeah it does not make sense, I'm sorry, but I don't understand how "fight me" is an expression that translates to a term of appreciation. I don't get it... why?


That's oke! 

I said 'fight me' as a joke, I don't want anyone to actually fight me XD


ok then


Aesthetics I like cause... I can idk. In no particular order btw.

Kidcore: I'm not sure why but just the pretty colors and- and it's just... I like it ok.

Dark Academia: many people have told me that I would fit very well into Dark Academia and I guess I would but I also wouldn't. Dark Academia is only part of me, what about my baby side, the idiot that used to think sweetpea wasn't a flower and was... a sweet... pea. That side doesn't fit into Dark Academia.

Dreamcore/Weirdcore: I couldn't find a super good image, but here. I personally prefer images with a darker sort of background but yk whatever.

Grunge: I have nothing to say for myself.

Indie: also have nothing to say for myself.

Retro/90s: it's old but it's not that old. Also while we don't have anything really 90s we do have an old cd player in my house and it works surprisingly well. Nice.

Retro Futurism: I already told you abt this one

I've gone on abt this long enough-


Can I keep the dreamcore/weirdcore ones?? 

Also believe it or not there's a pretty big difference between weirdcore and dreamcore, even tho they look similar



Yes, I already know that. 


yay ty




Is that rude? The full stops make it seem rude, right?


no but you could put /nm (not mad) to make sure


ah OK thanks

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i found a picture of me from like middle school or something and im just like

What in the balls posessed me to do... That

and then i found a different picture of me

which was cute but i dont remember having meganta hair 


It's horrible cause I used imgflip to make it. 0/10 would not recommend. Very difficult to get images into place, annoying to use, very crowded when editing it so you can't tell what's going on until you stop editing. I'm sure it works great for memes but would be my last option to create a... idk if this is actually a mood board but yeah definitely never use it for this.


Do PicsArt

Also can you make me a kidcore or weirdcore mood board??

Please 🥺


yeah picsart is a rlly good option

or ibis


sure yeah I can do that


Used picsart. How do you rotate the images?

Anyway here's the kid core, one with a border the other without, they're a bit blurry though cause the original images were too big to post here so I had to lower the quality to fit.



and I'm not sure how to rotate, I've used it a few times before but forgot



alr thanks


I suggest looking up tutorials idk


someone I just met: *asks me a question*

Me, desperately trying to suppress the urge to say "your mom":


me desperately trying not to break a table over their head 


geez calm down


omg so deep, I relate to this image so much cause I'm emo and depressed 😔/j

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I wanted to make a mood board for smthn but for reasons mematic isn't vibing with me so give me alternate apps to make a mood board on- smthn that edits like mematic


dice jumpscare

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AWOOP ✨️jumscare✨️ (tik tok has tainted my brain and now all I see are tik tok audios everywhere- please save me)





ma name is jonas





James be lookin fine tho

(im sorry)




it's true tho 😔 

Anyways I'ma shut up now lmao


I'm so sorry but...

Prepare for trouble!

And make it double!

To protect the world from devastation!

To unite all peoples within our nation!

To denounce the evils of truth and love!

To extend our reach to the stars above!



Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

Surrender now, or prepare to fight!




I'm so sorry I had to do it 😭




I started saying the Team Rocket motto in front of my sister... she didn't continue it.

Vibe check not passed.


Your sister must suffer the consequences


indeed she must

What are the consequences tho?



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Time to run !

and never come back.

who wants to come !?


let's go run off a cliff while we're at it!


Great idea !!


wait for me



I'll bring the bleach!!


Wonderful !!



Have some!! *Gives bleach bottle*




Cursed Emoji pointing gun Meme Generator - Imgflip

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What do you do when you can't remember the answer in the test?

A. Cheat

B. Sit there blankly staring into space desperately trying to remember the answer and eventually spacing out as your brain thinks of random stuff to keep you entertained but for some reason never thinking of the answer so now you're just sitting there staring off into space wondering why you can't remember the answer and what went wrong in your life to reach this point.

C. Just write down anything.


B and C



and i just draw on the table yk


Wow we really are sisters









Uh hi?


my sister has gotten so desperate to steal my things she broke into my bedroom while i was literally in my bedroom asleep 

Usually i lock my door when im not in there

She needs actual therapy 


i mean what did she steal


nothing of importance 

She's like 9 so just little trinkets i have lying around 

But shes been doing this for years and its quite tiring 


I am backkk time for me to start rping againnn


Oh hey Zenny! 

Welcome back

(It's Lofi btw)




how've you been?


good you ?


pretty decent

Glad you've been well



Fukua gun 


AHHHH (it's auntie btw)






lol in your closet heheheheh


mosquito in my room must've had a real nice meal yesterday cause I've got like 5 different bites that just appeared when I woke up.

I hate mosquitos. 😒 

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ugh I had these amazing fried shrimp cakes yesterday with sweet n sour sauce and they were so goooood. There wasn't enough sauce for all of them which was sad but I really really want more. They were so good like-

I got them from this Thai place and they don't deliver here and I'm never getting my fried shrimp cakes 😭

I wish I had some rn with extra sweet n sour sauce obviously. (It's so sad, they gave me a tiny container of sauce and expected me to have enough for all the shrimp cakes and it tasted so good with the sauce)



all the time


I have the sense of humor of a 13 year old boy

if that wasn't bad enough i have a little brother

Who literally IS a 13 year old boy

And he encourages my horrid shenanigans

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