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Oh, you thought I was done talking about Monster High? Well don't worry, cause I'm just getting started. I've collected my thoughts in proper bulletpoints so I can talk about them in a calm and orderly manner and I will post a complete review on the comment section I made specifically for reviews by me.

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it may take a while to write though. My computer is broken so I ahve to type on my phone. I hate typing on my phone so I'll end up procrastinating for like... a week.


2 weeks.


Good morning!

and in case I don't see ya- good afternoon, good evening and good night.


Just a sec ago I hear Totally Spies was getting a SEVENTH SEASON- and I was so excited until I heard that the one who announced the supposed "seventh season" was... Thomas Ass-face. He better stay a storyboard supervisor and nothing more or I will throw a temper tantrum. If he ruins Totally Spies for me I will track him down and stab him in his sleep- no I want him to be awake so he can feel the pain, and I'll be sure to use a dull knife. Hurts more. Please tell me he's still just storyboard supervisor, please don't give him a lot of power over the show.

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Damn. I was with my friends one day, and I'm the oldest, so one of my friends said "I listen to very old music, it's so weird" and I was like "really? Me too! Play something" and she went and played music from 2016 or some shit and I'm just like... oh. 😀

And as I slowly came to the realization that she just referred to my entire childhood as "old" I died a little on the inside.


Hey, you!

Yeah I'm talking to you sassy girl.

Need a little- AH- in your step?

Try this on for size.

It's- POP!

It tastes great and makes you feel kinda funny,

Not here,

Not down there,

But all up in this area.

And- coming- July 24, 2001



And before you ask, no I am not sorry.


I thought you were talking bout Pop music for a second 💀

(1 edit) (-1)

well the song is kinda abt Pop music.




Yk the reason no one likes pop songs anymore is because it's overplayed and unoriginal and doesn't achieve the goal of pop music: to make you wanna dance.

But pop music in the 90s to 00s were just... it was the pop golden era.


Sneep snorp


Ugh, kill me.


And do it fast please. I just want to get it over with.


By the way I'm not serious just so you know but I do feel like shit.


Pew pew pew 


O waw I am ded


*deep exhale* I miss Lazy Town. 

It was just a stupid little show for stupid little kids.

Whatever happened to just stupid little shows for stupid little kids? Now all the kids shows are... well actually stupid. Or maybe it's just my nostalgia that makes me like these shows idk.

I actually rewatched a few Lazy Town episodes and it's a fun thing to watch if you've got nothing better to do or have something to do but want some background noise or are eating and just wanna watch smthn while you eat. It's enjoyable, maybe a bit childish and slightly repetitive but that's kinda what it's about. It's just a fun stupid show that teaches kids to be healthy.

Uncle Grandpa doesn't teach you anything, it's just a stupid show to keep stupid kids brains occupied. I love Uncle Grandpa, Uncle Grandpa is great and you can fight me on that.

Courage the Cowardly Dog was amazing. No idea how it passed as "for kids" but CtCD (yes I am too lazy to type the whole name, thank you for noticing) was absolutely amazing and still haunts my nightmares to this day.

PPG (Power Puff Girls) they ruined it... they ruined my childhood... why did they reboot it, IT WAS PERFECT AS IS WHY WHY DID THEY REBOOT IT *dies on the inside* anyway old PPG was great, how HIM passed for children is also baffling, he terrified many kids, me not included surprisingly enough I actually liked HIM, I found him cool as a villain. 

Totally Spies. So when it's women being tied up in weird situations it's fetish fuel but when James Bond is tied to a table with a laser rapidly approaching his crotch, no one says anything. People need help. THEYRE SPIES THEYRE BOUND TO GET CAUGHT UP IN WEIRD SITUATIONS WHAT DID YOU EXPECT THEY JUST GO ON MISSIONS ABOUT WHAT LIKE TAX FRAUD OR SMTHN. I'm so fckn done, so fckn done. Oh and, the spin-off is cringe af. I tried to like it but... I just couldn't. Sorry.

Fairly Odd Parents. Timmy is an average kid, that no one understands- mom and dad and Vicky always giving him commands "BED TWERP" doom and gloom up in his room is broken instantly, by his magic little fish who grant his every wish cause in reality they are his odd parents fairly odd parents wands and wings floaty crowny things odd parents fairly odd parents bbhshh... words and more words idk this part- odd parents fairly odd parents, it flips your lid when you are a kid with fairly odd parents "yeah right"

Dexter's Labratory. All I know is that I watched it, do I remember anything about it, no, just that I liked Dee Dee as a kid even though she's supposed to be annoying. Ofc I liked Dexter his name is literally in the title so I didn't feel the need to mention it, but yeah I liked Dee Dee.

Spongebob Squarepants. Wait, why's he called "Squarepants" if his pants are a rectangle. Yk what, whatever, it's a kids show with an underwater, talking sea sponge, with legs and arms, that wears a suit, and flips burgers for a living as it's main character, it's not supposed to make sense. Spongebob Squarepants was my life force as a child. If you didn't watch Spongebob Squarepants I can only imagine how sad your childhood must've been. You're missing out.

Rugrats, I don't remember shit about Rugrats, I don't even remember their NAMES all I remember is that I used to watch it all the time with my cousins on the telly. We loved Rugrats and I don't remember a SINGLE THING. (I called it a "telly" now I really sound like I went to British school cause I did)

Girl Meets World. I refuse to explain further.

Scooby Dooby Doo- I loved Scooby Doo and I still do, I will never not like Scooby Doo. I think Shaggy deserves more appreciation though. My favorite movies are ones where Shaggy usually plays a bigger part but I love all the movies and the shows except for Scoob and the adult spin off that hasn't even come out yet. Otherwise, I love Scooby Doo. It's just a group of teens and their dog solving mysteries that seem at first to be supernatural but turn out to be some old guy in a costume with a bone to pick.

Teletubbies, I wat hed Teletubbies as a kid. I did not understand it at all "why are these weird alien creatures talking to children through their bellies... why does the sun have a baby's face... mom I'm scared" but I watched it. I think I kinda just spaced out at the screen and didn't really pay attention. I just drank my choccy milk and ate my cereal in front of the tv while just looking at the pretty colors to distract my tiny child brain.

Barney. The only thing I remember from Barney is the "I love you" song. Otherwise I really did not care for anything Barney or the kids had to say.

GUMBALL I STILL WATCH GUMBALL. Gumball is so great and you can't convince me otherwise, even if you talked yourself into next century I will still like Gumball. Ngl tho, some of the episodes traumatized me. I will never recover but it's fine I still like Gumball.

Lab Rats. Lemme tell you, I was one of those Disney XD kids ok. I watched Disney XD alm the time. Lab Rats, Mighty Med, Kickin' It, Jessie etc. I watched it all and they all deserved better except for Kickin' It I kinda don't care for Kickin' It. Anyway if Mighty Med doesn't get rebooted on a better channel so it can get the attention it DESERVES that woukd be great, but we all know stupid fucking Disney is never gonna do that cause they suck.

ADVENTURE TIME, I don't think I watched any of the deep lore stuff, I just watched the fun weird episodes at the start of the show, none of the other stuff. I like Jake. I found out a while ago that Jake is dead now. So that's fun.

I've talked abt this long enough


i havent watched any of these at all except for Lazy Town (w my cousins), Totally spies (also w my cousins) Adventure time (also w my cousins) and TAWoG / gumball (ALSO WITH MY COUSINS WTH) 

life's sad



You must watch them all now


dumping my opinions on you pt2

Smile was some of the least scary shit I've ever seen. Let me tell you, I get scared very easily, a lot of things scare me, creepy dolls, the dark, weird mysterious tiny holes, not closing doors properly, social interaction and many more. Any horror movie can terrify me to the core and I won't be able to sleep that night, but I love being terrified by horror movies, it's so fun, I mean who doesn't like a good horror movie. So when I heard people say Smile was the most terrifying movie they'd ever seen, I immediately jumped at a chance to watch it and, ultimately, I've concluded that people really need to raise their standards for what they consider scary because I went through that whole movie without flinching, cringing, almost crying and just generally any signs of being even slightly scared. I mean the story was good in terms of how interesting it was to follow but in terms of scariness... yeah sorry it's a no from me. What can I say? It just wasn't scary.

What is wrong with drinking milk on its own? EVERYONE I KNOW DRINKS MILK ON ITS OWN. Like seriously, it's just milk, it's not gonna kill you.

And I usually have a bunch of opinions on my mind that I very strongly want to express but today my brain is taking a nap apparently. Thanks for nothing brain.


Dis b1tch got a Granbull V on her first deck!!





I haven't fixed the funko pops yet

Also im very stressed out

I have many things to think about 

I have to get my friend a gift and make her a cake for her birthday that was 2 weeks ago

And coming up is my month anniversary w my bf, my brother's birthday literally 2 days before that and THEN it's Christmas which means i have to think about a gift to get my boyfriend since it'll be our first Christmas together and I'll have 3 Christmas family gatherings to attend and THEN FOUR DAYS AFTER THAT ITS MY BIRTHDAY AND THEN THE DAY AFTER THAT ITS NEW YEARS 


Wow, looks like your end-of-year schedule is packed.

I think you should get the funko pops in order first, or else ull just keep thinking about it and itll be annoying. But thats just my thoughts, I mean never take advuce from me, I know literally nothing.


I've just discovered that in order to go up the stairs in my house while skipping one step each time you go up perfectly, and by that I eman you make it to the next floor skipping a step, you have to go up one step normally and that fact has ruined my day so I came to make it ruin everybody elses.



ok so my mom just had a whole monologue to me about "words can kill" and all and I'm just... where did this come from?

Like, I get that sometimes I can be rude or harsh or generally unlikeable and disagreeable... but I'm not that bad am I? I'm just very opinionated and all, but I would never explicitly insult someone unless they deserved it or came at me first and if I did, I probably didn't mean to.

Ok, next time I'm rude, I want you guys to tell me and if I meant to be rude, I won't take it back, if I did, I will. See, simple as that.


i don't see you as rude at all tbh


Wow, a lot of people think I'm rude, you and people on mgm are probably the first people who don't think I'm rude.


Anyway spillways is so me



aw darn it

My cat came to snuggle with me

But he made me notice that my funko pops are out of order 



What's your cat's name?





just asking

Deleted post

I gots a headache. Owie.

Here have some more of my overthinking because I keep thinking people are gonna care way more about stuff than they actually probably do:

Anyway I didn't know where the school library was so I read outside in the courtyard- we don't have a cafeteria- and a teacher told me I should join the people in the library tommorow during break but once again... I have no idea where the library is. I didn't tell her because I'm an introverted loser who knows jack about how to people so... I'm kinda fucked cause I agreed to be there, and she's gonna be there, and she's gonna see that I am in fsct not there and I'm gonna be reading in the courtyard... again.


Just stick a note on ur head saying "where tf is the library i need help" /j


perfect lol


perfect lol


this has been such a weird day

I've had 2 meltdowns

Started rearranging my room again 

My cat came to snuggle which he never does

And my mom bought me one of my safe foods for no reason 


Ugh shtin feep vry

eengrih lol


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I'm bored time to spew my opinions at you, oh and my preconcieved notions about Star Wars

I think the whole Jeffery Dahmer story is boring as shit. I mean, it's like... so what? But that's just my opinion. On second thought, I think I might need to scratch Criminal Psychology off my list, might end up dying of boredom.

I never watched Star Wars- I KNOW I KNOW I SHOULD HAVE WATCHED IT BY NOW I MEAN EVERYONE HAS WATCHED STAR WARS BUT I HAVE A REASON. The internet. I mean... the internet already told me some stuff about the movies and it's just like... already knowing what's gonna happen kinda takes the fun out of it. So I thinm... Star Wars will not live up to the hype... when I watch it... but I will still buy a lightsaber and if you don't want me to you can suck my d- 

Rice pudding tastes like if pudding and vomit had a baby but the vomit cheated on the pudding with baby food and even though it does not scientifically make sense its the only analogy I could think of, somehow all their dna got mixed up and ended with a pudding vomit food baby and that baby grew up to be a war criminal. It tastes like shit basically.

They call it "body positivity" but what you're doing is just encouraging unhealthy obeisity. All shapes and sizes of bodies are perfectly fine. Except for when you're LITERALLY DYING. Do you wanna be so fat you have to sit in a wheelchair? No, you don't, encouraging that is not being body positive it's telling people "yes go get it girl, gain them calories, die of a heart attack!" As long as your weight is not unhealthy, it's fine, but once it reaches a point where your life is at risk, that's not good. See a doctor.

I would continue but its like 5 in the morning and I need to sleep.


im confused abt the rice pudding one help


in short I really really dislike rice pudding.


Star war is pretty good

My entire friend group is obsessed with it

im indifferent










hey! ewoks are cute u fuking jerk butt


I never said they weren't 😀


When I die, I don't want someone to delete my search history, I want them to delete my notes.

The Roman Gods themselves would cower in fear at what I've written there.


Ill read them b4 i delete it dw


Ok so I'm very confused because everything was going fine for a couple weeks then I wouldn't take a picture when I pressed the camera and clicked the yes button. Does anyone have any suggestions or a way to fix it?


Maybe you're low on storage? 

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

oh my gays




If the human race is what's ruining the planet then not wanting children is actually saving the planet.

Stop giving birth, eliminate the human race, save the world.








Yes, you know what I'm talking about!


Like seriously-! 

The people who don't want kids are actually saving the planet 

Less kids means higher the chance of the generations dieing out, which also means no more planet-killing people


That's exactly what I'm saying!

And you've also solved multiple other problems like overpopulation!


oh fr-? Neat!


having a kid is beautiful if you want one, but like..don't have multiple kids, cuz that just doesn't make sense. especially since its inflammation or wtv its called, like you can have a kid but don't have multiple kids if u don't even want them, and even if u do, just don't

thats personally my opinion on it


Alright, that's cool. Everyone has their own pov.


Just watched Catch Me If You Can (the true story of a real fake) and I gotta say...

Is it bad that I actually find this dude's whole criminal record kinda cool.

I mean like don't commit crime obvi and please stop glorifying psychopaths but...

The whole story is just genuinely so fascinating. I mean stuff like this, a 16 year old managing to successfully pose as 3 dufferent adults with different jobs it's not exactly something that happens every day I mean that's why they made a movie out of it cause the story was interesting and people would wanna see it. I know I wanted to see it, I didn't even know about Frank Abagnale Jr until this movie, and I'm obsessed with this true crime stuff. See that's just it, true crime these days, it's all murder, all of it, there's other forms of crime I mean come on, this is some of the most interesting shit I've ever seen. Any and all crime can be just as interesting to look into and learn about as murder. I'm actually thinking I should write down criminal psychology as one of my possible majors in college since I still haven't decided. It's so intersting to really get into the mind of a criminal yk, so fascinating.

Oh shit I've started a rant, sorry, I'll stop before I go on forever.


I'd rather have stew 

because i dont want a son 


Hashtag child free


My sister didn't wish me a happy birthday on my birthday and expects me to wish her a happy birthday.

she wishes.

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Heck she didn't even remember my existence.


tbh youve never told me when your birthday is

but u probably did and i forgot bc im that careless ig

im sorry


nah it's good, I can't remember birthdays for shit.

Nov 14





lol it's gud, thanks









SAME !!!


Yk whats stupid. The school says absences due to sickness can't be excused unless you have a doctor's note.

Who tf goes to the hospital for a fucking cold, no one that's who.

It's just completely stupid.


Doctors note my ass.

I wish my dad was here. He coukd go on over to the hospital he works at and write me a doctors note himslef and I could be absent.

But he isn't here and now if I want to be absent apparently I have to be dying.


It's alright, all skls suck tbh




I got sick and then I didn’t eat and I’m still sick but eating and I liked my body when I wasn’t eating and now I gained weight again and hate it





Why does everyone i know keep saying im gay

Like im a perfectly straight man

Even my boyfriend says im gay

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Idk ask them /j


uhhh sirrrrrrr -_- 























Nov 17th is one of my ocs birthdays 👍🏽


what are we drawing



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