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so sad. I spent money on those wings and they don't even appear.

Did you put them under ur background

no, look at the arms, see that odd thick black outline kinda looks like a coat or smthn. There they are. Money wasted.

(1 edit)

Are they angel wings

And you know its like the easiest thing in the world to get more money 

no they are not

really how cause all I know how to do is watch ads-


Go on the everskies website 

login, and watch an ad

You get 1000 stardust and 1 star coin thing

Plus playing the number game gives u money 

U should def add me

Augh omg so the support staff in ontario are on strike rn

and so that means we have to do online school

Which is a major bummer

Because the other day i spent over an hour hand making a paper flower to give to my bsf / my crush and i cant give it to him

I updated the silly 

So i got back into this game called everskies

this is my silly character

the silliest

She has pants on btw

They're just short

Funky /pos


I finally figured out how to make communitys and made one 🤩




Funky town low quality

I wrote a poem and I officially hate myself/j

but seriously it's not the way I wanted it to turn out and now I'm upset. It doesn't have a name, I'm torn between multiple so ig it has multiple names now ur welcome

Oh Ann / Jealousy / A Girl Named Ann

A girl in my class named Ann, oh beautiful Ann, heavenly, gracious Ann, her gorgeous sunshine hair made heads turn, and her smile lit up the world.

Ann, oh Ann, you play me for a fool, but I see through you. The green eyed monster whispers words in my ear, of you Ann, words infused with resentment and fear.

A girl in my class named Ann, oh sweet Ann, bright, luxurious Ann, your sunshine hair feels me with strife, and your horrid smile darkens my life.

Ann, oh Ann, exquisite Ann, I know the truth, you've got them all fooled, heaven't you? You look so perfect, so divine, so wonderful- you've given me bright green eyes.

A girl in my class named Ann, oh splendid Ann, brilliant, lavish Ann, her sunshine hair, a glittering gold, and her smile so sublime.

Ann, oh Ann, I wish I could be as exquisite as you, for that I forever hate you. You make me green with envy, but I know, deep down, the green eyed monster calls to you too.

LMAO I'm gonna go barf at this now.

not looking for compliments.

feel free to bash it as much as you like, I literally could not care less about this poem so just go ahead.

Ann is your basic Disney school bully but has green eyes instead of blue



Requirements to be a Disney High School Bully:

1. pretty

2. blonde

3. blue eyes


Tho she still has everything else



horrid smile that prince charmings love tbh /j




thats not bad its cute!!

thank you


same, except for the alarm thing. And I have an air conditioner not a fan. 

i feel you bro


(1 edit)

Life's great

(quick edit): Wish me luck i rlly need it

i am having a very rough evening everyone be nice to me or I'll send u videos of my crying

aw im sorry what happened

Am I rude?





But everyone is rude sometimes



Sometimes I write a story and I just can't seem to fit in any dialogue, even though I want it, and there are times when I write a story and it's nothing but dialogue, and I've got no in-between.

OoH eEh OoH aH aAh TiNg TaNg WaLlA wAlLa BiNg BaNg-

OoH eEh OoH aH aAh TiNg TaNg WaLlA wAlLa BiNg BaNgGgGgG

(6 edits)

ok so in reference to my last post which is now deleted allow me to explain further because some people just might not get it. You can like Descendants all you want I'm just saying it's not really my cup of tea considering the fact that it's part of then reason EAH was cancelled and I'm still devastated even though it was years ago. Sorry if I'm rude btw.

They Copied!:

Ever After High is a franchise that ran from 2013-2016. Descendants is an ongoing franchise that started in 2015 with production on the first movie starting in 2014, just a year after Ever After High made it's debut. Now we have no idea what happened behind the scenes obviously, maybe the idea for Descendants was around for a while but just didn't get green-lit until then or something. We don't know, but what do you think is the reason it got green-lit? Yeah, it's definitely not cause Disney wanted a part of the success of Ever After High. Now it could definitely be a coincidence and all, but we don't know for sure, so I'm keeping my suspicions until they are either confirmed or disproved which will likely never happen so I'll stay neutral on the "they copied" thing.

The Inevitable Demise of Ever After High:

I know I say Ever After High was successful, and on surface level, yes it was, the... shit I forgot the word. The... uh... people said it was good basically. The reviews were overwhelmingly positive. But deeper in, even if everyone liked Ever After High the fandom wasn't exactly huge, quite a few people did watch it, yes, but not enough to compete with more successful dolls made by Mattel, like it's sister show Monster High. So Ever After High had enough fans to keep going but not enough to really be anything huge, but when Descendants came in and stepped on EAH even more, that was the breaking point that lost EAH plenty of fans, as the story quality started getting worse with EAH frantically trying to build it's fanbase and compete with Descendants, more and more people stopped watching and more and more people liked Descendants and EAH reviews got worse before eventually it was completely cancelled. At first EAH had at least some hope of survival and the chances that they would gradually get bigger weren't too low, but when Disney stepped in... EAH had no chance to compete, no matter how hard the fans tried, there was nothing that could save EAH other than a miracle. Descendants, while it wasn't the full reason, still had a part to play in the end of EAH, and I believe that gives me valid reason to be upset about it.

Mal and Raven:

Mal and Raven are like the main "villains" of both franchises. Mal has a color scheme of mainly purple with green accents similar to her mother in Sleeping Beauty since this is based off Disney fairytale movies not just any fairytales they want. Raven has a color scheme of black, dark magenta and shades of purple, as well as her mom, the Evil Queen. Now that doesn't matter, character color schemes can be whatever, one is just any fairytale ever and the other is specifically Disney so, yeah. Mal is a VK (Villain Kid) who lives on evil people island that I forgot the name of, she is "bad to the bone" and strives to be just as evil as her mom, Maleficent, I forgot what I was gonna write... ughhh I'll continue later.

Hello, yes, to you reading this time has not passed, but to me it has! Anyway I was saying that she wants to be like mommy so when Mal goes to Auradon she and the other VKs come up with a plan to steal the fairy godmother's wand to free everyone on evil people island, but that plan fails, and also Mal is doubting the teachings of her mother and being evil (just like that? OK.) so they come up with another plan and give Benny boy, son of Belle and the Beast, soon to be king of Auradon, a love potion so Mal will be his gf and she can have a clear path to steal the wand, Ben publicly breaks up with his gf and confesses his love to Mal so now they're dating and whatever stuff happens blah blah your mom, now Mal is good and not evil and I hate myself and though I rant a lot ranting can get boring and I kinda just wanna get to the point already because I hate talking abt stuff I don't like it makes me sick anyway.

Raven Queen. Raven doesn't want to be a rebel, from the beginning, she already doesn't want to be like her mother, but in a fairytale world where everyone follows their fairytale destiny and has to keep the stories going and be like their parents, it's not seen as an option for her, she is told that if she doesn't sign away her life and agree to follow her destiny and become like her mother, her story will go poof and she and everyone else will cease to exist. Legacy day is the day everyone signs the Storybook of Legends and agrees to end up just like their parents. So on Legacy Day, Raven causes a whole scene and says she's gonna write her own destiny ending with the words "my Happily Ever After starts now"  as she closes the book without signing it in a dramatic manner as all the mirrors shatter and everything, all the rebels start cheering for Raven while the Royals boo. From this point on, everyone tries to convince Raven to conform to how this society works rather than to deviate from what people expect of her. I'm not really gonna get into it but the whole point is that in the end they decide that people don't have to be royal or rebel, everyone is just a person with their own life and choices and weather you choose to follow in your parent's footsteps or to be your own person is up to you, and you should follow your own destiny not the one others have written for you and Raven Queen is the one who starts the cracks in the conformist system of Ever After High and as more and more people join her in her defiance, the system slowly breaks until eventually it all falls down.

both Raven and Mal are the breaking point in a system that judges people based off their parents rather than the people themselves. Whichever one tackles that subject better is up to you, but personally I just believe EAH did it better. I don't know Descendants's way just isn't speaking to me. it feels way too easy and it happened just like that. A whole society changed it's thoughts just like that. I don't know, it didn't feel right, it felt icky. Also they both have mommy issues 

EAH and Defiance vs Conformity:

ok some people get the wrong idea about defiance, obviously don't break the law, that's not the message here, please don't commit crimes. Defiance as in breaking out from society's standards, rather than everyone conforming to a society where everyone fits into a box, defiance promotes tearing the box open and saying "FUCK YOU BOX" basically conformity is where everyone conforms and defiance is where everyone defies, pretty self-explanatory. In EAH everyone conforms and is controlled by fear that if they don't they disappear. It's all about conformity and those who don't conform are seen as bad people. Rebels on the surface are defiant but deep down they're still conforming, they're conforming to what society wants and expects of them by signing the Storybook of Legends and being exactly like their parents. Raven is the first one to officially publicly defy the system, starting a chain reaction that ends up in the fall of the conformist system so instead of conformity there is variety. There's no longer good or bad or royal or rebel just people, and people are complicated. They do what they want, they choose their own destiny regardless of what people say about them. It promotes defiance and being yourself even if people call you weird or strange. EAH does this by adding small cracks of defiance over the course of the show and specials. Raven refusing to conform, Ashley dating Hunter (royals can't date rebels and royals should end up with whoever their story says they should rather than who they want) Poppy O' Hair choosing to be both royal and rebel, Poppy O' Hair discovering she's actually meant to be the next Rapunzel not her sister Holly but they decide to hide it and continue as if Holly is the next Rapunzel. People slowly stop conforming and start defying. Rather than everything changing in a second like Descendants, EAH had more freedom using a show rather than a movie to portray a complicated subject because they weren't fucking idiots like Disney, which meant they had the chance to make more sense than Descendants ever could and make a better more compelling story that portrays conformity vs defiance better. I just don't get what Descendants is doing, it's kinda dumb and stupid. Like what is this conformity vs defiance or just "don't be bad" like cmon make some sense please?

EAH is infinitely better at naming characters:

daughter of Maleficent? Now hear me out, and this is crazy but just hear me out... Mal. Perfect, so creative.

Evil Queen? Evie. EZ EZ BRO.



Belle? Ben.

Like cmon guys, really... is that really all the effort you have to put into this? 

Evil Queen's daughter, Raven Queen

Snow White's daughter, Apple White

Cinderella's daughter, Ashlyn Ella

Prince Charming's two sons and one daughter, Dexter, Daring and Darling Charming

Maleficent? Faybelle Thorn

ok... Madeline Hatter is obvious and Hunter Huntsman too BUT YOU GET IT.


sorry I keep editing this, I just don't wanna be rude but I don't wanna like not express my feelings enough but if I express my thoughts and feelings as they truly are people always find it rude take my sister for example I keep telling her not to put stuff on my chair and she does so anyway so I get really upset about it and so I speak my mind and then she goes and says I'm being rude even though she's the one who keeps putting stuff on my chair after I told her so many times how I dislike it, is speaking your mind rude? I mean sure I shit on things and people sometimes but I don't mean to be rude I just mean to be honest in my words and thoughts, it's simply my opinion and I believe one should not be offended by another's opinion no matter how it differs from theirs unless it's an opinion that isn't an opinion at all but an incorrect "fact" like anti-vaxx or racist people, those people you should be mad at and call idiots point is I don't mean to offend people but somehow I always find myself doing so.

am I being rude?

no, ur not /gen



But my mom's at work
what do you possibly need her for

Nothing lol

You know... if i took showers regularly 

and dressed nicely every day

I could pull, pardon my language, mad bitches


Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

||R a n t||

Argh I have had this on my mind for awhile and I can't help but talk abt it...SO, I have recently been reading comics and watching videos having to do with a gay couple...and o m g . There is so much fan service, it's more like watching corn then it is reading or watching a gay romance. I am a trans man who is mainly interested in men (I am unlabeled atm) and seeing how much men with men is so seggualized, not to mention the amount of women who seggualize it. For example: I was looking for some comics to read, and while looking I found a comic about a deaf dude and another dude dating, and because I thought it was a cool concept, I ofc read it (oh boy did I regret it.) in the first week of meeting eachother, the guy whos not deaf started getting corny over deaf guys voice. And then a whole bunch of other stuff happens, and they do corny stuff in pretty much every damn chapter, it's just uncomfortable. (the comic is called Sign, pls no one send hate, I am adding the name for if you want to check it out and see what I mean for yourself.) Another example is in the gacha community, I every once in awhile decide to watch a gcmm and I'll see a bl one, and ofc it's over seggualized. I watched one movie and they even do t h a t thing while one guy is drunk...also the maker tries so hard to seem like they aren't doing anything wrong because "oh but I don't want to! you are drunk!!" trying to make the non drunk guy act like the good guy, then boom, they do it anyways. Every single gcmm/glmm they make are just over seggualized, and they aren't even a man...I constantly see other girls commenting on the videos saying weird things like "that's hot", etc. (The youtuber is Gotcha Gatcha Yuri, please only go to their channel if you wanna see more into it.) I could go on so much more but it's 3:00 am rn, I needed to just get that off my chest :))

(2 edits)

This is very long and i stopped reading but as a gay dude i agree 

Sexulization of mlm couples is very gross and yucky

But the comic, sign is actually really good and their relationship is super cute

(1 edit) (+1)

Yk I was thinking. I could do the "what I would wear if I could wear anything" thing, but would that really capture what I want? I mean some stuff you just can't find in stickers. Especially my style because google is full of stuff boring old people wear. A plain fitted shirt? Gee thanks. So I've given up, and maybe I'll try again or try an alternative but not rn.

these are the images I gathered one shirt and a bunch of shoes 4 of which are just the same shoe with a diff design ur welcome

Did I start some kinda trend on here or smth OvO

yea kinda but apparently google is a liar and these images do in fact have backgrounds.


Queen you need to search for transparent pngs

See, this is why people need me


when your computer screen is brighter than your future:

I am literally so upset

i just found out justice basically went out of business

It was such a cute store

when I was little I always wanted to go- I never did tho cause my parents always avoided it when we went to the mall...also wdym by outta business? I still see their stuff everywhere, and the online store is still open and public? did sum' happen? orr...

oh dang did I never know this? At my local walmart I very often see justice stuff- I guess u were right, lol


I plan on going from the stinky dyed hair and pronouns kid to the hot dyed hair and pronouns kid

It'll be sick



Thisbis so much workkkkkkkk omg

i will never finish

Im gonna make a kandi belt 

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago


just cause

Its not very nice to look at :(

idk I like it


yeah I think so too






ong my coolsie whatsapp pfp gvhedsbgvjefks


Nvm i dont have enough storage 💀

back to d4dj it is

Im going to take another crack at this project sekai thing

if i turn into a horrible opinionated jerk again I'll know for sure that its the rythm games that're ruining me



(1 edit)

nothing like slurping dowm some balls with the homies

sorry i meant bawls

oh no 😦 (I fr was gonna say same but then I saw the view rest thing...)

i meann if you ignore the second part, its still not exactly wrong.

a man/woman of words *clap clap* 👏

Yay substances 🎉

(1 edit)

its an energy drink, no alcohol. its just an older energy drink so the bottle looks like that for fun. they also are aware of the goofiness of the name.

it's also cannon in the fallout universe (fallout brotherhood, not any of the main games, before they were fps games.

Aw man :( 

No substances 

its cool u know these facts though


This is what i would wear if i could wear anything (i actually could wear like half of these but im too lazy for diy)

arghhh your style is so cool! I am guessing it's a mix of scene and alt, I used to be a alt kid but I was hella awkward and cringy...I very much enjoy those styles, but it's more of something I put on ocs instead of myself -3- loved the accs....some I actually would rlly wear, and the cloths I would def put on ocs :)

(1 edit)

Its a mix of scene and emo actually (so basically the same thing)

Cuz real emo is scene but minus the colours 

Actually they are quite different but are often compared or mixed up, you are right on the color wise, but scene is based off of fashion and 2000s/2010s trends, emo also had to do with trends but also leans more towards music. Some differences you'll see is that emo is more focused on certain types of music like punk, rock, or hardcore music, idk how to explain scene that much so I'd probs look more into it if you wanna know the difference TvT  (also sorry if this is hard to read, I am kinda typing fast)

bruh i know

I was talking style wise 

Where r u finding these images?

Oh its pretty easy i found them on


seriously tell me I want to know


hiyo NightCrawler, the app (or site) they are using is called picsart, it's a editing app/site that lets you make thing like collages, edit, etc or you can just post pictures/art, it's completely safe just incase you aren't sure if you wanna check it out or not! enjoy :)))

no but I can't find images of anything

not surprising

Im cool eh?

my friend grabbed my foot today :(

Still not over it

In the same class though he grabbed my hand and kissed it and i was like ausvekeviebwkabsj3vskqv

If gay people were real i would be gay for him 


I see anything black and white striped and my immediate reaction is just "beetlejuice?"

(1 edit)

All I can think of is the straight flag and the classic femboy socks


i wanna dye my hair back to my natural color so bad

thing is

i just got it dyed in july

and my aunt paid a lot for it and my ass finna feel bad if i just re-dye it

its not that i dont like blonde

i just wanna go back to natural and see how i look

and i wanna get a new hair cut


im also getting an electric guitar for chirstmas

i used to play the violin

but i hated it ngl

and i was 8-9

now i want an electric guitar 

there's one on amazon for like 299 but it comes without an amp, but i can buy it separately

i mean my dad said my christmas budget is 300 (either i could get 300 in cash,  or just buy smt thats 300)

he wouldn't mind spending 325 dollars

i found an amp thats like 25 bucks??

but yeah

thats whats going on in my life rn




Btw when I say "rawr" I dont mean it seriously, obviously. But I just wanted to make sure you know.


*screaming and sobbing* 



the pain of getting kicked out of your account(s) for no reason sucks. I use my computer so I am locked out of literally everything so ik how ur bro feels T3T


He moved to discord


P a i n .....I had discord but I am locked out :'((((

rip your discord 


he didn't get kicked out

its just that like um..

doesn't have safari on his phone

cuz his parents deleted it and he can't get onto itch cuz his sister broke his laptop a while ago, but dw

im pretty sure he'll be able to get on some how

(1 edit)


Can't he like download it or something??


im not sure


He could if he tried, you can find almost anything in the app store ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


argh....everything is so cute. I am literally so jealous if you dress like this 😦 (the text says "what I would wear if I could wear anything" just in case you can't see it correctly)

the jeans r cute, i just done like skirts..i really like hello kitty tho, ummm the bags r cute as well, tbh 7.5/10 style

I used to hate skirts..I was that one girl (I am trans) who was like "eW I hate skirts, I am not like other girls! I like blue and I wear big t-shirts and sweats. I am so cool" I am the complete opposite now.....I am a hella girly dude now

(ahhh ok good to know) pft-i just dont like em still and probably wont ever

I wish gay people were real :( 


Guess I dont exist

*fades away*

literally becomes the invisible man

*stops being real*

so I watched 'the School for Good and Evil' and... it left a kind of unsatisfying taste in my mouth. It's not that it was bad it just... didn't feel like it really fulfilled anything. It felt more like things just happening, I was never really satisfied or dissatisfied. More so annoyed and confused and just... sitting there wondering whatever went wrong so that I could end up here. I skipped ahead a few times but not really too many times I just skipped cause I was bored with what was happening. At the end these two people who were obviously gonna get together, surprise, surprise, they get together and I'm pretty sure I speak for most people when I say no one fucking cares about them being in a relationship or not. What I do care about is Sophie and Hort. You really just... you put it in front of us and then give nothing. You introduce it as a ship and then just... don't expand on it whatsoever and they interact like 3 times in the movie. And they just what... go home at the end? That's really the path you decided to take with this ignoring everything it could've been? Gee thanks, how interesting, sure can't wait to see more of this boring ass uninteresting movie that did absolutely nothing by the end. This movie is a waste of time, I have gained nothing and I have lost nothing by watching this movie, it's basically the equivalent of spending all of your time doing absolutely nothing.

I saw my mom watching this like- a week ago and it looked strange in my opinion, I watched like 5 minutes of it and questioned what the hell I was was so dramatic and I understood nothing...

tell me abt it. It's not a bad movie though, it's the story that was so plain and nothing. Story matters more than quality so even though quality wise this is a really beautiful and great movie, the story was confusing and felt like "why did we have to go through that if nothing changed by the end really?" 

lol, dry netflix shows always do that, Idk why but my mom likes like every crappy teenage drama on netflix that barely have nothing other then a bunch of drama, love, murder (?), etc in it.......I am a teenager but like- I still watch my little pony with my 9 y/o sister, sometimes her shows actually confused the hell out of me. oh well tho (she uses my netflix account so I have to deal with all her shows showing up on my keep watching list and my dad always asks me about it and idk what to say other then "it's moms, not mine...the stuff that is mine is the anime, korean romance, and the cartoons....")


everyone has their own netflix on netflix but I use my moms because she doesn't use it

Ohp- my mom is always busy but she somehow finds time to go on my account and fill it with crappy teen shows



Todays the day!..

Im leaving....

I will miss yall..


Look ill be back on important events but for now.......


(Also u can throw that party thing kermit.)

(1 edit)


And good luck with school

Peace out Dreaming/Nightmare! 

You are very cool

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