“It’s like trying to solve a puzzle without the edges and I always start with the edges, if the edges aren’t there, I can’t do the puzzle cause that’s just how it works.”
*rants about the most random subject ever*
“What if *situation that will never happen like ever* wouldn’t that be crazy?”
“Dude, *something completely random and off-topic*”
“Will someone please talk to me about *subject that is no longer relevant whatsoever* please…”
Hi im new. I'm just going to come out and say that i personally hate those people who say that they will do stuff or pay you back for something you gave them something but they never keep their promise. It really fucking fustates me and I feel like strangling them with a thick tv cord because it gets so annoying. Like sometimes it cool because it little stuff, but when it gets to be bigger items it gets fucking annoying
What if when lizzie meant "my jungle ancestors were once ruled by a human..."blah blah blah torture shit,did she actually mean the Lost empire from season 1?(ruled by joey graccefa)
Yk that thing sausage has that hes raised by orthomorphic-whatever that word is animals and lizzie is an orthamorphic(yk) cat so.......AM I SENSING SOME CONNECTIONS HERE???
So yk the time when joel throws a "Truth Potion"on jimmy nd it makes him short? Well if it was a so-called "Truth Potion" then why didnt it make joel taller? It may be bc he was out of the range of the potion but if not then i think we have a MAAAAASSIVE faker on the server
So remeber the lost empire? Well there was this one time when joey said "I can make the jungle thicker by turning down my render distance" well(¡theory incoming!)The lost empire ruler,is a cunning and evil ruler,if you get lost in his jungle,you will have to pay a hefty price to the ruler so he shows you the way.if you can get back to him that is.The only one true exeption to this is those who follow the river gifted by the ocean queen,which always flows its natural path.
No one cares but I kinda need this so read it or don’t doesn’t matter it’s more of just a personal thing for me you don’t need to read it in fact ignore this post all together, it doesn’t exist, ok cool!
yk every time I post something that’s even mildly about an issue I have or am dealing with, my brain always just goes “you’re doing it for attention” and I end up gaslighting myself into thinking my problems aren’t real and I’m putting on an act and I’m just a selfish brat who wants attention and for people to look at me because I’m “special” and all that. I’ve deleted so much stuff that I really needed help with all because I thought posting it- even just “this happened today”- was just me being narcissistic. I’m tired of it so I am going to post this and I’m NOT going to delete it and you guys will NOT make fun of me, if you do I will NOT hesitate to write out a whole entire rant directed specifically at you and written specifically to piss you off and you know I can rant so you better watch your fucking mouth.
Omg same, i hate when my brain does that here's something you can do to make the voice go away. So what you can do is you can go and do meditation and you can drink tea because warm drinks help relax your muscles which helps calm the brain. Hope this helped out. :D
I’m gonna be honest, physics fucking sucks imo. It’s just math but annoying. But when you teach me physics the way Dr. Tatiana at TAMU does, that’s when I’m interested. I don’t want you to tell me about your stupid numbers and shit, THATS BORING AND JUST MAKES ME WANT TO SLEEP. Show me what you mean. Engage me in the lesson. That’s how you get a class to pay attention, make them want to pay attention. If the lesson isn’t interesting then don’t be mad when I don’t care, don’t be upset when I’m asleep cause you were boring as shit. Be less boring.
Yk why writers show don’t tell? To engage you in the story. Teachers should learn from that. Engage your students in the lesson, make them want to learn more instead of making them hate your subject. I don’t hate physics cause it is boring, I hate it cause everyone MAKES it boring.
ahem ahem now here me go on abt how i loved mlp g4(theories)nd that i think g5 is crap nd the fandom is dying
This was the mfing best show ever,G4 Was absolutely amazing how it led alll the way to twilight becoming FULL CELESTIA VIBES.every episode was smth new,nd they didnt repeat the same type of problem over and over again.MLP has a pretty deep inner lore(NOT including equestria girls)i love all the theories going around and,tbh the whole fandom is AMAZING We have many talented ppl in the MLP fandom.MLP really knows how to create suspence nd play w/ur emotions,evry BIG episode is split into 2 episodes and they leave the first one on the BRINK of the climax(SUSPENCE)it creates alot of suspence nd tension between the theorists nd just regular fans,MLP is bound to brake theories every now and then.MLP had a GREAT downfall when the show was near ending,and many ppl also CRIED when it ended(INCLUDING ME),like the last song was Beautiful and emotional,it made many ppl cry. So,its been a year nd shit nd am just scrolling through YT when i see.....MLP a new generation..(GEN5)..i was like:(GASP)"MLPS BACK!?" So i decided to watch the episode nd was..suprised on how evrything was 3D shit.Tbh i didnt enjoy the 3D i loved the mlp g4 style which was subtle and 2D it had nice designs nd stuff...nd i realize SOME STUPID ASS PONIES THINK TWILIGHT (which they call "the princess" cuz they dont know her name)STOLE MAGIC AND BECAME AN ALICORN LIKE THE NON-MAGIC THING WAS THERE BACK THEN.Well anyways,the fandom is..dying,lesser and lesser ppl r watching MLP,ppl arent active posting theories that much anymore nd overall..(in my opinion) the fandom is dying. Pls help revive it D':
LET IT DIE, LET IT DIE, LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE (I’m joking btw but the fandom can be problematic which is why even though I like mlp I would like to exclude myself from the fandom)
Also of course they would think that in case you didn’t pay attention during the movie, all magic in equestria disappeared and the pony races turned on each other and started spreading rumors and prejudice against each other so now there’s racism and shit, so because of all the prejudice and preconceived notions and all the magic disappearing, since the earth ponies were being racist why not be racist to the person who was least like them, Twilight Sparkle, an alicorn. Of course they would do that, I mean if they hate unicorns and pegasus then they automatically hate the one who has both. The mlp reboot builds off the original in a way that still kept the original idea “friendship is magic” made subtle nods to the original and made something enjoyable for kids now even if they had no idea the og even existed and something that SHOULD be enjoyable to the og audience. I think it’s a pretty good reboot and you’re just upset because you can’t handle change but that’s just my opinion.
I Actually CAN handle change,pretty well even just thought to me,this is a MASSIVE change also i payed attenyion ik that shit and...uh you see,I actually like sorta- semi- liked it i just wasnt a fan..many ppl have stopped watching mlp after the new one came out nd eh-yk lesser audience.i still WATCH mlp just am not a fan like i was before like yk am loosing intrest,also on teh course of rewatching old G4 i realized that being an alicorn just needed u to have ALOT of magic nd didnt liek,need u to do a "princess worthy deed" But the point is that idont liek G5 and its just a me thing.
The grown ass men still didn’t leave but now everyone else is leaving- I feel bad for mlp, they just want children to watch their show but instead it’s all grown men
wait, sorry, I might be dumb, but aroace is both sexual identity and romantic, so how would he be bi? I mean I'm also ace and love the idea of transmasc bi hunter, I'm just a bit confused
almost forgot my glasses omw to school today. I wish I had, then they wouldn’t ask me questions cause I can’t answer cause I can’t see. Also would my phones please stop correcting omw to On my way! Because it’s seriously annoying and not helpful like they thought it was when implementing that feature.
nah bro I need these glasses if I don’t wanna go blind, if I have them, I’m wearing them, plus where would I hide it that they won’t see it and it won’t break
ayo guess who’s sick? That’s right it’s the one with too many nicknames! That’s me btw.
I sure do wonder how I got sick, surely it can’t possibly be because on the ride home yesterday I sat in the middle seat and all the windows were open and the wind from all 4 windows was going straight onto me and I was freezing and no one would close their fucking windows and not only was it windy cause we were driving and car go fast but it’s also autumn and also night time so there’s already a cool breeze anyway without the car go fast and then at home I slept in the freezing cold air conditioner without a cover! But it’s obviously not because of any of that 😁
Im sharing another opinion because i am on a ROLL here
I don't like huntlow, like the owl house ship. Im sorry i know its heavily implied to be cannon but you have to understand. That is a whole SIXTEEN YEAR OLD and a fourteen year old. That is LITERALLY ILLIGAL (where i live) okay thats like if (and im putting this into american grade terms) if a junior and a freshman started dating. That's WEIRD. The maturity difference is far too much. Like, maybe if willow wasn't a fourteen year old it'd be alright. But like, im technically 16 and i wouldn't date a 14 year old. It's weird, and kinda creepy. And i love hunter far too much to be okay with him dating someone that small compared to his age
When hunter is 18 willow’s gonna be 16. When willow is 18 hunter’s gonna be 20. It’s screaming illegal. Maybe when Willow is 20 and Hunter is 22 because I can fathom that, those numbers kinda make sense, but otherwise I feel weird with the ship’s existence
listen 2 year age difference doesn’t seem like anything when you hear it as 2 year ago difference. But when you hear an 18 year okd dating a 16 year old then you start to realize… nevermind I don’t like it anymore
Besides he can’t be aro/ace since he clearly likes Willow.
Willow hasn’t shown any signs of liking him back though. Unless she has and I’m an idiot.
The ship is quite popular though an dit does seem to be what’s going to become canon so if it does become canon I’ve come up with one solution and another one where it isn’t canon.
Maybe it won’t happen in the show. What if they made it future canon, like Phineas and ferb with Phineas and Isabela except instead of college they’re both some age over 20 because then they’d be consenting adults and it’d be less weird cause they’re adults, like full grown adults not baby children who are in different age groups. Or just never make the ship canon and Hunter just has an unrequited love and then make him fall in love with someone else, anyone who isn’t part of the main group anyone else.
i kind of love the new monster high. Idk what it is i just think its so fun!? Like, don't get me wrong i was RAISED on the og monster high, like it was a massive part of my childhood. But the new one isn't really as bad as many folks like to think it is. In my opinion maybe we're all just a little resistant to change, like it happens with reboots all the time... i think
OH YES PERFECT. The newest mlp reboot, for example received a load of hate and that one isn't bad either. It's just different than what people are used to.
also if one doesn't like the same things i do, i don't really care you are all entitled to your own opinions on these kinds of things, it's just a matter of preference.
I’m sorry for constantly replying to you, I tend to rant about a lot of shit and I’m kind of loud and annoying, like you can like what you like obviously I just wanted to point out that imo it doesn’t build off the original in a flattering way, it’s not like the worst thing I’ve ever seen but in terms of what it was and what it is now I am not feeling it.
They’re supposed to be a show and it’s reboot. When you reboot a show you can change whatever you want about it except for one thing. The core of the original. What made the original show what it is, what is at its core. In MH’s case, the core was “we are monsters, we are proud” no matter what you are or where you come from, no matter about what you look like or who you are, you are you and you should be proud. To send that message they made their characters a certain way, they made them stand out. A vegan lolita vampire? Who’s ever heard of that? Frankenstein’s monster made a monster? You’re crazy. A werewolf designer? That doesn’t make sense, werewolves are wild dogs. A vampire and a werewolf dating? Dude no way. They had everything, contradictions, questions and so much more. There was no designated mean girl just a bunch of high schoolers and I swear to god if you call Toralei the mean girl I will not hesitate to rant on to the next century about how she is not the stereotypical mean girl and the same goes for Cleo. There was no stereotyping with the characters is what I’m saying. In the reboot they kept the core but they didn’t make it land the way the og did because THEY STEREOTYPED THE CHARACTERS. They made a designated mean girl and removed characters that everyone loved just because. I can’t even think of a logical reason to make mh a basic teen drama! MONSTER HIGH FOR GODSSAKE!
girl you know you can just keep that to yourself... right?
Im not making you do anything, you, my friend, are making the conscious decision to type out whatever it is you're crying about... its like easier for everyone if you just like
Bitch what? Frankie looks like a sex thing and I’ll leave it at that. Draculaura’s face reminds me of ST4 child El, it feels like someone’s body and someone else’s face edited on. Her face and body look so awkard together. Wtf is Clawdeen fucking wearing? Wtf is that? Why did they baby-ify her. They really cutesied her to make her more suitable for kids completely ignoring what made everyone like Monster High in the first place. That it was edgy and did something original and different with it’s dolls now it’s just following every other bitch with these designs fr. Don’t even get me started on Lagoona. That’s the ugliest shit I’ve ever seen omg burn it. Kick it idc what you do get that shit out of my goddamn face my eyes bave been cursed. Cleo is definitely aesthetically pleasing in color palette but I’m not getting ancient Egyptian royalty from this, I’m getting basic bitch. How original and creative is that outfit, oh right it isn’t. I feel like I’ve seen that outfit on a certain black cat with pink hair in the MH universe. It’s not the exact same obviously but the basic idea is pretty much a copy paste. Cleo really became every other bitch. What is up with the plastic hats. Theyre ugly as shit no depth or dimension or anything to them cause they’re literally pieces of plastic. It’s so bad it’s sooooooo baddddd 😭
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Hiya gays
How we doing today
(Rant idrm)
I submitted this as a magazine cover for an assignment last year
Not really relevant but its a work of art
im tired ☠️☠️☠️
anyways look at this photo my friend took
she wants to be a photographer when she grows up
she got a shooting star in the photo 🤗
im taking that tyvm /j
her name is johana she’s super sweet
this is a photo of her a year ago on her birthday
but yeah she’s super good at taking photos
but she uses her camera on her phone
she doesn’t have enough money for an actual camera
Hi hru
me casually:
“It’s like trying to solve a puzzle without the edges and I always start with the edges, if the edges aren’t there, I can’t do the puzzle cause that’s just how it works.”
*rants about the most random subject ever*
“What if *situation that will never happen like ever* wouldn’t that be crazy?”
“Dude, *something completely random and off-topic*”
“Will someone please talk to me about *subject that is no longer relevant whatsoever* please…”
I see a line of cars and they’re all painted black
With flowers and my love, both never to come back
I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
Like a newborn baby, it just happens every day
(Paint It Black - The Rolling Stones)
Aw man
I think im gay again
Gosh darn it all
Hi im new. I'm just going to come out and say that i personally hate those people who say that they will do stuff or pay you back for something you gave them something but they never keep their promise. It really fucking fustates me and I feel like strangling them with a thick tv cord because it gets so annoying. Like sometimes it cool because it little stuff, but when it gets to be bigger items it gets fucking annoying
Now seems like agood time to post this
do you watch empires?
Incest is weird
The u wont understand this meme ig
Me when i see flower husbands being technically canon:
So heres me doing L O R E (empires smp2 AND 1)
What if when lizzie meant "my jungle ancestors were once ruled by a human..."blah blah blah torture shit,did she actually mean the Lost empire from season 1?(ruled by joey graccefa)
Yk that thing sausage has that hes raised by orthomorphic-whatever that word is animals and lizzie is an orthamorphic(yk) cat so.......AM I SENSING SOME CONNECTIONS HERE???
So yk the time when joel throws a "Truth Potion"on jimmy nd it makes him short? Well if it was a so-called "Truth Potion" then why didnt it make joel taller? It may be bc he was out of the range of the potion but if not then i think we have a MAAAAASSIVE faker on the server
So remeber the lost empire? Well there was this one time when joey said "I can make the jungle thicker by turning down my render distance" well(¡theory incoming!)The lost empire ruler,is a cunning and evil ruler,if you get lost in his jungle,you will have to pay a hefty price to the ruler so he shows you the way.if you can get back to him that is.The only one true exeption to this is those who follow the river gifted by the ocean queen,which always flows its natural path.
No one cares but I kinda need this so read it or don’t doesn’t matter it’s more of just a personal thing for me you don’t need to read it in fact ignore this post all together, it doesn’t exist, ok cool!
yk every time I post something that’s even mildly about an issue I have or am dealing with, my brain always just goes “you’re doing it for attention” and I end up gaslighting myself into thinking my problems aren’t real and I’m putting on an act and I’m just a selfish brat who wants attention and for people to look at me because I’m “special” and all that. I’ve deleted so much stuff that I really needed help with all because I thought posting it- even just “this happened today”- was just me being narcissistic. I’m tired of it so I am going to post this and I’m NOT going to delete it and you guys will NOT make fun of me, if you do I will NOT hesitate to write out a whole entire rant directed specifically at you and written specifically to piss you off and you know I can rant so you better watch your fucking mouth.
Omg same, i hate when my brain does that here's something you can do to make the voice go away. So what you can do is you can go and do meditation and you can drink tea because warm drinks help relax your muscles which helps calm the brain. Hope this helped out. :D
thank you! I'll try it.
Wooooo im almost at my home
I feel like
People forget they can just agree to disagree
Like, you don't like something i like? Who cares
Like, i won't force anyone to like my things
Don't force me to like your things
It makes things much easier
Anyway im in a car and i wont get home for another hour and im getting very car sick :,(
I’m gonna be honest, physics fucking sucks imo. It’s just math but annoying. But when you teach me physics the way Dr. Tatiana at TAMU does, that’s when I’m interested. I don’t want you to tell me about your stupid numbers and shit, THATS BORING AND JUST MAKES ME WANT TO SLEEP. Show me what you mean. Engage me in the lesson. That’s how you get a class to pay attention, make them want to pay attention. If the lesson isn’t interesting then don’t be mad when I don’t care, don’t be upset when I’m asleep cause you were boring as shit. Be less boring.
Yk why writers show don’t tell? To engage you in the story. Teachers should learn from that. Engage your students in the lesson, make them want to learn more instead of making them hate your subject. I don’t hate physics cause it is boring, I hate it cause everyone MAKES it boring.
EMPIRESSS S2 EMPIRES S2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lizzies a cat?????
ToTtAlLy A gOd joel.
YoU'vE GoT A fReInD iN mE(jimmy)
Zombei weiner!
Toooottlayy not a scammer pirate joey(also in love with a cursed princess "pirate")
Currently On-The-Run witch
That one girl in school which seems nice nd preppy but is actually a bitch(in this case a cursed monster slayer)
He'll never see his afterlife smp freinds again 😔😞
Hermit False.
ahem ahem now here me go on abt how i loved mlp g4(theories)nd that i think g5 is crap nd the fandom is dying
This was the mfing best show ever,G4 Was absolutely amazing how it led alll the way to twilight becoming FULL CELESTIA VIBES.every episode was smth new,nd they didnt repeat the same type of problem over and over again.MLP has a pretty deep inner lore(NOT including equestria girls)i love all the theories going around and,tbh the whole fandom is AMAZING We have many talented ppl in the MLP fandom.MLP really knows how to create suspence nd play w/ur emotions,evry BIG episode is split into 2 episodes and they leave the first one on the BRINK of the climax(SUSPENCE)it creates alot of suspence nd tension between the theorists nd just regular fans,MLP is bound to brake theories every now and then.MLP had a GREAT downfall when the show was near ending,and many ppl also CRIED when it ended(INCLUDING ME),like the last song was Beautiful and emotional,it made many ppl cry. So,its been a year nd shit nd am just scrolling through YT when i see.....MLP a new generation..(GEN5)..i was like:(GASP)"MLPS BACK!?" So i decided to watch the episode nd was..suprised on how evrything was 3D shit.Tbh i didnt enjoy the 3D i loved the mlp g4 style which was subtle and 2D it had nice designs nd stuff...nd i realize SOME STUPID ASS PONIES THINK TWILIGHT (which they call "the princess" cuz they dont know her name)STOLE MAGIC AND BECAME AN ALICORN LIKE THE NON-MAGIC THING WAS THERE BACK THEN.Well anyways,the fandom is..dying,lesser and lesser ppl r watching MLP,ppl arent active posting theories that much anymore nd overall..(in my opinion) the fandom is dying. Pls help revive it D':
- sincerely, Nightmares.
LET IT DIE, LET IT DIE, LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE (I’m joking btw but the fandom can be problematic which is why even though I like mlp I would like to exclude myself from the fandom)
Also of course they would think that in case you didn’t pay attention during the movie, all magic in equestria disappeared and the pony races turned on each other and started spreading rumors and prejudice against each other so now there’s racism and shit, so because of all the prejudice and preconceived notions and all the magic disappearing, since the earth ponies were being racist why not be racist to the person who was least like them, Twilight Sparkle, an alicorn. Of course they would do that, I mean if they hate unicorns and pegasus then they automatically hate the one who has both. The mlp reboot builds off the original in a way that still kept the original idea “friendship is magic” made subtle nods to the original and made something enjoyable for kids now even if they had no idea the og even existed and something that SHOULD be enjoyable to the og audience. I think it’s a pretty good reboot and you’re just upset because you can’t handle change but that’s just my opinion.
ok..i dont MEAN to start a fight but..
I Actually CAN handle change,pretty well even just thought to me,this is a MASSIVE change also i payed attenyion ik that shit and...uh you see,I actually like sorta- semi- liked it i just wasnt a fan..many ppl have stopped watching mlp after the new one came out nd eh-yk lesser audience.i still WATCH mlp just am not a fan like i was before like yk am loosing intrest,also on teh course of rewatching old G4 i realized that being an alicorn just needed u to have ALOT of magic nd didnt liek,need u to do a "princess worthy deed" But the point is that idont liek G5 and its just a me thing.
yea they really pushed into the FOR CHILDREN thing, yk why? Cause the whole fandom was grown ass men.
yea for g4 you could watch it when ur a full grown ass man cuz it would be still intresting but now,even I loose intrest
and even after they pushed the FOR CHILDREN
The grown ass men still didn’t leave but now everyone else is leaving- I feel bad for mlp, they just want children to watch their show but instead it’s all grown men
the urge to watch mlp is real bc i never watched it as a kid (except for a few episodes w my cousins but that was years ago)
I wanna watch it for the lore tho
AY if you every do watch it,do NOT start w/gen5 cuz its like a whole continuation thing of gen4 so u need to understand g4 before you go to g5
can't anyone in this household KNOCK OR CLOSE DOORS
Why did the chicken cross the road?
because your mom
It was to get to the idiots house....Knock Knock!

Was gunna make a post about how aroace, bi, transmasc hunter is the best hunter
and then i remembered thats just me
And im projecting again
wait, sorry, I might be dumb, but aroace is both sexual identity and romantic, so how would he be bi? I mean I'm also ace and love the idea of transmasc bi hunter, I'm just a bit confused
its a spectrum really
For example, i SAY im aroace but really im more asexual, cupiosexial and demiromantic
For me aroace is just a broader label (and easier to tell people)
ohhh! okay, yeah I get that. Thank you!
Dreaming spookymonth version here♤♤♤♤♤♧♧♧♧♧
almost forgot my glasses omw to school today. I wish I had, then they wouldn’t ask me questions cause I can’t answer cause I can’t see. Also would my phones please stop correcting omw to On my way! Because it’s seriously annoying and not helpful like they thought it was when implementing that feature.
just hide it, big brein
nah bro I need these glasses if I don’t wanna go blind, if I have them, I’m wearing them, plus where would I hide it that they won’t see it and it won’t break
and dw as of basically my entire life of wearing glasses you wont go blind ur eyesight will get worse
and worse
and worse
and worse
just keep them onyea.
yall he sent me a kiss face and a heart in his goodnight text
Does this mean he likes me
or am i stupid
Theres a chance he likes you
I love love tobias forge
he is so talented
sh came out better than expected n i did it with pen
No stop dont look at those
what r u hiding Brig
my fanfiction collection
Hiya gays
It's your least appearing person Kazoo or Rose or wtv (in that case just call me cheesebag like queen does)
I am here to tell you.
obviously my opinion
but to back my lovely and annoying opinion up, come to my skwl.
(pls do im rlly lonely)
(also queen if ur reading this i miss u pls come back here plspslsplsps)
hola soy dora
Sorry, no can do. I’m stuck here. 😔
Here have this as an apology gift:
hey wait a minute you made friends with me in school 😀
Respectfully I'll have to disagree with you on the school friends thing
most of my best pals are from school
Though everyone's experiences are different so maybe you haven't had much luck with school friends
Its meh dreaming but am nightmares for spooky month
I rlly want Chick-fil-A rn 😔
Carmel yum
It me
ayo guess who’s sick? That’s right it’s the one with too many nicknames! That’s me btw.
I sure do wonder how I got sick, surely it can’t possibly be because on the ride home yesterday I sat in the middle seat and all the windows were open and the wind from all 4 windows was going straight onto me and I was freezing and no one would close their fucking windows and not only was it windy cause we were driving and car go fast but it’s also autumn and also night time so there’s already a cool breeze anyway without the car go fast and then at home I slept in the freezing cold air conditioner without a cover! But it’s obviously not because of any of that 😁
I was just about to reply with this cause you never answered:
Just in case you misunderstand- I mean I don’t mean to assume you didn’t understand, I just wanted to make sure just in case-
Im not dead..
Do u wanna rp
Im sharing another opinion because i am on a ROLL here
I don't like huntlow, like the owl house ship. Im sorry i know its heavily implied to be cannon but you have to understand. That is a whole SIXTEEN YEAR OLD and a fourteen year old. That is LITERALLY ILLIGAL (where i live) okay thats like if (and im putting this into american grade terms) if a junior and a freshman started dating. That's WEIRD. The maturity difference is far too much. Like, maybe if willow wasn't a fourteen year old it'd be alright. But like, im technically 16 and i wouldn't date a 14 year old. It's weird, and kinda creepy. And i love hunter far too much to be okay with him dating someone that small compared to his age
Just make everyone aroace and call it a day
Thats what i do
When hunter is 18 willow’s gonna be 16. When willow is 18 hunter’s gonna be 20. It’s screaming illegal. Maybe when Willow is 20 and Hunter is 22 because I can fathom that, those numbers kinda make sense, but otherwise I feel weird with the ship’s existence
listen 2 year age difference doesn’t seem like anything when you hear it as 2 year ago difference. But when you hear an 18 year okd dating a 16 year old then you start to realize… nevermind I don’t like it anymore
or a 13 year old and an 11 year old
Its a massive red flag
Disney please don't make huntlow cannon
Maybe give hunter a bf
OR do what i do and just say everyone is aroace until proven otherwise
Ok Brig, just let them breathe please.
Besides he can’t be aro/ace since he clearly likes Willow.
Willow hasn’t shown any signs of liking him back though. Unless she has and I’m an idiot.
The ship is quite popular though an dit does seem to be what’s going to become canon so if it does become canon I’ve come up with one solution and another one where it isn’t canon.
Maybe it won’t happen in the show. What if they made it future canon, like Phineas and ferb with Phineas and Isabela except instead of college they’re both some age over 20 because then they’d be consenting adults and it’d be less weird cause they’re adults, like full grown adults not baby children who are in different age groups. Or just never make the ship canon and Hunter just has an unrequited love and then make him fall in love with someone else, anyone who isn’t part of the main group anyone else.
Gonna be totally honest here
i kind of love the new monster high. Idk what it is i just think its so fun!? Like, don't get me wrong i was RAISED on the og monster high, like it was a massive part of my childhood. But the new one isn't really as bad as many folks like to think it is. In my opinion maybe we're all just a little resistant to change, like it happens with reboots all the time... i think
OH YES PERFECT. The newest mlp reboot, for example received a load of hate and that one isn't bad either. It's just different than what people are used to.
also if one doesn't like the same things i do, i don't really care you are all entitled to your own opinions on these kinds of things, it's just a matter of preference.
I’m sorry for constantly replying to you, I tend to rant about a lot of shit and I’m kind of loud and annoying, like you can like what you like obviously I just wanted to point out that imo it doesn’t build off the original in a flattering way, it’s not like the worst thing I’ve ever seen but in terms of what it was and what it is now I am not feeling it.
Dude i didn't see any of those ur good
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions
if u dont like something, you don't like something.. nothing wrong with thaf
ok but you stated your opinion on the reboot and the reboot alone, what about the reboot in comparison to the original
why compare the two
They're different shows with a different target, they really only have the same characters
They're both good on their own
They’re supposed to be a show and it’s reboot. When you reboot a show you can change whatever you want about it except for one thing. The core of the original. What made the original show what it is, what is at its core. In MH’s case, the core was “we are monsters, we are proud” no matter what you are or where you come from, no matter about what you look like or who you are, you are you and you should be proud. To send that message they made their characters a certain way, they made them stand out. A vegan lolita vampire? Who’s ever heard of that? Frankenstein’s monster made a monster? You’re crazy. A werewolf designer? That doesn’t make sense, werewolves are wild dogs. A vampire and a werewolf dating? Dude no way. They had everything, contradictions, questions and so much more. There was no designated mean girl just a bunch of high schoolers and I swear to god if you call Toralei the mean girl I will not hesitate to rant on to the next century about how she is not the stereotypical mean girl and the same goes for Cleo. There was no stereotyping with the characters is what I’m saying. In the reboot they kept the core but they didn’t make it land the way the og did because THEY STEREOTYPED THE CHARACTERS. They made a designated mean girl and removed characters that everyone loved just because. I can’t even think of a logical reason to make mh a basic teen drama! MONSTER HIGH FOR GODSSAKE!
Now I’m ranting! Sorry 😞
Why did you bring Mlp into this...........
Pls...DONT EVER TALK ABT MLP AGAIN.(unless you wanna see me cry ofc)
I'll talk about whatever i like thank you
ok so u wanna see me cry abt the fandom dying every time you talk abt it.D E A L
girl you know you can just keep that to yourself... right?
Im not making you do anything, you, my friend, are making the conscious decision to type out whatever it is you're crying about... its like easier for everyone if you just like
Didn't... do that 👍
I wonder what its like to be gay-
see and i wonder when u ever stfu
oh........ See I wonder when youre going to stop being white
yo se que tienes un nuveo amor
sin emargo
le sed
lo mejor
como la flor
tanto amor
me destie tuuu
se marichito
me marcho hoy
yo se a pedreeddddd pero
como me duele (milton: huele)
como me huelleeeeeeeee AYYYYYYYY COMO ME HUELEEE
sentoooo algo que me mueve
un ritmo
que me ase baliar
toden a la parehas
vamos a guestar
balia esta cumbia
mueve la sintura
las manos de alto
y gretene
grente con locura
hey guys
who tf was I textinggg
jackeline probably
Hi jona 🤩🤩
Okay don't kill me nat Rat made me
my headphones made the cutest shadow today, it’s so small and teeny and adorable and it’s a little heart I love it
The g3 MH dolls
Bitch what? Frankie looks like a sex thing and I’ll leave it at that. Draculaura’s face reminds me of ST4 child El, it feels like someone’s body and someone else’s face edited on. Her face and body look so awkard together. Wtf is Clawdeen fucking wearing? Wtf is that? Why did they baby-ify her. They really cutesied her to make her more suitable for kids completely ignoring what made everyone like Monster High in the first place. That it was edgy and did something original and different with it’s dolls now it’s just following every other bitch with these designs fr. Don’t even get me started on Lagoona. That’s the ugliest shit I’ve ever seen omg burn it. Kick it idc what you do get that shit out of my goddamn face my eyes bave been cursed. Cleo is definitely aesthetically pleasing in color palette but I’m not getting ancient Egyptian royalty from this, I’m getting basic bitch. How original and creative is that outfit, oh right it isn’t. I feel like I’ve seen that outfit on a certain black cat with pink hair in the MH universe. It’s not the exact same obviously but the basic idea is pretty much a copy paste. Cleo really became every other bitch. What is up with the plastic hats. Theyre ugly as shit no depth or dimension or anything to them cause they’re literally pieces of plastic. It’s so bad it’s sooooooo baddddd 😭
Me: *doodling in public*
Every single stranger in existence suddenly appearing out of nowhere: CaN yOu DrAw Me?!?!???
the worst part is I cannot say no so I’m just like: haha sure I’ll try 🥲