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The next Spiderman movie with Tom Holland is gonna be Spiderman: Homeless

everyday..i cant stop thinking abt this

I didnt know you worked out :0


Dude Retrofuturism is so cool. Like- ob my god. If you’ve ever watched Meet the Robinsons you already have a kind of grasp on what Retrofuturism is, but it’s also so much more than just Meet the Robinsons it’s just so cool and you should totally search it up because I am just in awe

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This is unironically my favorite image on the internet.

eddie froms tranger thin

i hope someone actually does that. Like draws Eddie in there

yeah that would totally work

(1 edit)

Are you being sarcastic or are you serious bcs internet hard to tell.



I’ve come to announce stuff that no one cares abt! Random skewl shtuff.

Like today in the middle of the day I got kinda curious… what songs do I think about during school and how do I come to think of them?

So I wrote on my hand! (I may have not written some songs I thought of because I either forgot I thought of them or I forgot to write them and now I can’t figure out what they were)

The first song was Valley of the Pagans by Gorillaz. Why did I think of it? Idk I was walking to school and I saw some cars and it kinda just popped into my head.

Next was Clint Eastwood, we were learning about some drums. We learned abt the Bass drum and the Snare drum, and I thought of how I wanted to learn to play the drums in Clint Eastwood and that’s how the song came to me.

Next up was Footloose. Footlose drove me mad cause it was in my head the whole day just playing in the background ever since it first emerged. It just kept playing the same verse 5000 times in my head and I just wanted to be done with it. It appeared because I felt like it, it’s a good song and my brain was thinking of dancing thoughts.

After that was Momentary Bliss because I was trying to get Footloose out of my head.

After was Humility because I was thinking if roller skating while listening to music.

Then WANNABE by ITZY because the English teacher wanted us to play a game and the website he used was a Kahoot wannabe website, it was pretty cute tho.

The E.V.I.L B.O.Y.S idk why I was literally in the bathroom my brain just decided “hey wanna listen to this song!” 

Perry the Platypus Theme (Extended) I was thinking if Phineas and Ferb cause of E.V.I.L B.O.Y.S

Backyard Beach same thing.

Never Gonna Give You Up. I saw a poster or smthn on the wall that said “Never give up” and I thought of Never Gonna Give You Up.

Tranz. I thought of like psychedelic stuff because I was bord and Tranz came in! 

Dirty Harry. I was writing down Tranz on my hand and I saw Clint Eastwood and thought “there’s another song made to be like Clint Eastwood because it was so popular” and thag song is Dirty Harry.

Uh that’s all I wrote on my hand but I probably thought of way more songs than that. Oh and in ICT I made a Turtle make some cool shapes and the teacher told the class to clap for me cause I was a star student. SUCK IT EVERYONE ELSE IM BETTER AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Also in Math I pushed up my anime glasses and solved a complicated problem in a few seconds so I’ve concluded that I am MATH ITSELF. I don’t even get it cause I’m pretty bad at math but for some reason in that moment, every atom in my body just aligned so perfectly and the equation just clicked.


And I won the game that my English teacher made us play! See I’m a genius!!

So I saw this weird ass bird today. I got hole from school and searched it up, apparently it’s some weird bird or whatever and uh it’s pretty far from its native area so I’m not quite sure what it’s doing here. I mean like it is in the native country but the exact area is quite far? Uh I hope that bird is okay. 

someone just said 

“You’re in the dark!”

…well I’ll tell you what, Sherlock Holmes…

You are unbelievable.

(No I’m not moving from songs to tik tok audios, I just had this audio stuck in my head)


i did the terry fox walk at school last week as we do every year

And my friend kept talking about how he wants to run off during the walk 

(I should mention here that i do in fact have a crush on this friend)

And i kept like grabbing him to keep him from running 

And at some point he goes "what are you gunna hold my hand the whole way?"

and i very enthusiastically say "yes" And i grab his hand 

do you think he could tell i kinda just wanted to hold hands

oh uh. You see I would help you but I really don’t know how human people stuff, if it were me I wouldn’t know but then again I’m like trash at picking up on things like that so idk what u want

Why haven't they got a nose

They don’t need to breathe

What about smelling

Did u think about that


Did u

nuthin to smell underwater

thats what YOU think

Anyway can u read my most recent post and tell me if i was being too obvious 

Its so hard being so old all the time

Anyway heres more picrews of me ♡

ok grandpa

quiet u

You've just come out of the womb (because ur young) 

your mother

Not this again

queen we've been over this 

My mother is grat

(I am spelling great wrong on purpose)


I slammed my penis in the  car door!

proud of u 

Someone stop me

Stop 🤚

thank you, you’ve now permanently deleted this part of my programming and I can go back to normal


I recently started making a lot of myself in Picrew like Rible/Brig because…

Monkey see monkey do 🐒

Anyway I finally have people to talk to in school. We have similar interests! Isn’t that so cool! I mean like that probably seems like nothing to you guys lmao-

the second one    looks like a childrens book

it does




Watson. That's it.



how are ya?

I'm decent 


I’m alive so pretty good ig

Fun Facts Avec MOI!

I’m better than you!

That was ‘Fun Facts Avec MOI’

Im older than u tho so

I win

And i saw ghost in concert AND i was on the floor


just because you’re older doesn’t make you better, really sounding like a boomer there Brig.

Ok you saw a ghost concert, I give you that.



I saw 3 ghost concerts 😊

1 when i was 11

Again when i was 12

And then once more 2 weeks ago 

And i am a boomer

Im 89 yrs old

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I’m better because I’m actually funny unlike u/j


I am actually quite funny irl

Hola, soy Dora! Can you say ‘Your mom?’

made this when my hair was natural, like i made it today but its supposed to be when i didn't have my hair dyed and it was all natural n shit

(also the cat is there for a reason, i used to have a cat named jasmine and she looked JUST like that)


OMG Disturbance! At the Dancing Place



me playing sweetener by ariana grande

"hey ma, wanna see a new dance i learned?"



does it anyways

fun fact

i edited my friend doing that today

in uh


She came out beautifully.

my sister is such a bulllyyyyy 😭

She keeps insulting the fact that I can’t interact with people. Let me be socially awkward in peace!

same thing but with my brother

upside down forggy



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here I am once again asking you to watch Kubo and the Two Strings

Kubo is a young boy who finds himself lost somewhere far from his hometown and along with Monkey and Beetle he discovers that he must collect his deceased father’s legendary armor in order to defeat an evil spirit and save his home.

I remember watching that movie when I was a kid. 

It scared me


yeah understandable lol

But it’s seriously a great movie

I might re-watch it idk 

you should


It's not guaranteed I'll re-watch it

Dear mom and dad, I’m doing fine

You guys are on my mind

You asked me what I wanted to be

Now I think the answer is plain to see

I wanna be famous

Girl you cannot try and turn lyrics from the total drama island opening deep

i just sneezed

(4 edits)


It’s literally just I Wanna Be Famous I don’t get what you mean?

i could have read that wrong

My math teacher says i have a "functional illiteracy" 

yes I wrote in a ‘Don’t’ there. I just came back from school when I edited that for the 6393628th time and I was tired and I made a mistake whatever

When I was

A young boy

My father

Took me into the city

To see a marching band.

he said

"son when, you grow up

would you be the savior

of the broken the beaten

and the damned?"

He said, “Will you

Defeat them?

Your demons,

And all the non-believers

The plans that they have made?”


i have a headache

so thats that

I dont have a Headache

sad, hope u get better

ok so there’s this project my english teacher made the class work on, uh I wont get into details but my part of the project is to write a poem about bullying because the subject of the project us bullying- I don’t know what to write, someone write it for me so i don’t actually have to yk do anything. Please, I’m sick, I need to sleep and I have to go to school tomorrow I feel like such shit just please help me I really don’t want to have to do this


I know you think they’re saints

But mom I’m here to tell!

Those B.O.Y.S 

They’re just E.V.I.L

Those boys are EVIL!

They’re making me feel like my head’s in the hydraulic press!

And I don’t feel too good!

Those boys are EEEVIL

Everybody! E.V.I.L B.O.Y.S

Zoooooooombiiieeeeee queef

Zooommmmbiee queeeeeeeeeef

Black light guides u



I tried to do smthn cute but it ended up uglya s dhit and apparently I just had a stroke trying to type “ugly as shit”

It started out good but then I put in less and less effort and cared less the uglier it got and just gave up.

I don't really like these 2 

but :/

(i like this one better than the blue one)

the shades of blue are too similar

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you're too similar 

(I don't know what you're similar to i just thought this would be a funny thing to say)

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I’m too similar to every single introvert in existence.




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I’ve been going on a lot of movie rants recently… so anyway Kubo and the Two Strings

A criminally underrated movie. Kubo and the Two Strings has an 84% on Metacritic, a 97% on Rotten Tomatoes and the unappetizing number 7.7/10 on IMDB. You’d look at that and think wow this must be such a popular and well known movie seeing how high it’s ratings are. Well you would be both correct and incorrect. Plenty of people know Kubo and the Two Strings, it’s quite a well known movie, but riddle me this, you know the movie exists and of the world record for largest stop motion puppet it holds, but do you know anything about the movie? No, BECAUSE NO ONE WATCHED IT! Maybe it was advertising or something but for some reason people didn’t watch the movie. They just didn’t. And the people who did didn’t like it because they drastically misunderstood the ending, so this movie was both popular and unpopular at the same time. 

Sure, maybe my LAIKA bias is tainting my vision but I think this is one of the best movies ever made. 

The movie starts off with a whole thing I don’t quite remember and I don’t have the movie downloaded but basically you see  this lady use a shamisen (a traditional Japanese instrument) to absolutely obliterate a wave that should have killed her and what we can assume is her son, how did she do it? She strummed the shamisen. Uhm… shooketh basically.

Upon first watch I was like “oh shit how she do that” and also the shamisen glows so even more keonfusion.

I also noticed that, like any other LAIKA movie, the animation was beautiful and entrancing. The movements were swift and the attention to detail was just MMM- yk how LAIKA took time to paint a while bunch of popcorn to be leaves on trees in Coraline? Yea, they collected a whole bunch of leaves from outside just to make a puppet for Kubo and the Two Strings. The amount of effort that goes into their movies is so chefs kiss. Listen I could rant about this movie to the end of time but that’s not why I’m here. I’m here to tell everyone to go watch Kubo and the Two Strings because it is criminally underrated and then tell me their thoughts on the ending so if they misunderstood it like most people, I will clear it up for them. Just go watch the movie because it’s actually gorgeous and my love for this movie can only grow.

I suppose it does paint a kinda bad image of blind people but it doesn’t mean to do that- that was an accidental by product of the message they were trying to give.

New picrew☆


Hey hey hey hey hey someone posted boobs

I think that’s more than just boobs.

no its boobs

yea there’s boobs but it’s bot JUST boobs


…I’ve talked to people about a whole bunch of different things. Boobs was not a subject I expected to add to that list.

Picrew dump

but its only me ♡

color coded MGM. I didn’t really do anything creative but eh. Uh I accidentally made two reds cause I forgot I already had a red saved so, you can def tell which one I made now and which one is the older red- I wanted to do black but I don’t know myb later

They’re very cool looking! My favorite is the blue one. By the way I’m new here if you didn’t know. My name is Aisuru, or Ai! Nice to meet you.

thank you, the blue one is my favorite too!

Hello, I’m Nightcrawler, or Queen, or Queenie, or Sprinkle the Tangerine, Sprinkle for short.

hi nice to meet you!!

im nat, or you can call me natalia, natty, nat-nat, ratalia, ect.

nice meeting you aisuru!!

Queen i dont know what one is older 

I am not a magician

I thought it was obvious 🦟

The second one is the recent one. You can see my recent obsession with short hair.

Hey! That is such a great I dea and I decided to make some myself, So I'll be dumping them here when I'm done, you don't mind, right?

So glad I did this

they’re really cute!

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