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um i'm no kid i'm11

who are you even responding to? also, the last time i checked, 11=kid. you're not even a preteen yet. check back in 4 years if you don't want to be called a kid anymore.

Hol up walk me through the numbers



13= ??

13=preteen (kid)

14=halfway teen (kid, technically)

15=teen (not a kid)

Ok thank you

To be honest, anyone under 18 is legally a child. But I agree with Lemonn.


Why what has my life become

idk but i'm part of the kid gang too

do you guys think you can draw her?


there are many comments that spefically say to ask for requests, why would you aks here? you could at least make it a separate comment, dude.

(1 edit)

if you can, can you do full body?

shes wearing a dress that goes down to her thigh's and the bottom of the dress is like the sleeves and neck collar!!!

you said no scamming though!

she's wearing knee high rainbow socks (no shoes)

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Deleted post

*tearfully* am i....... a child?

(1 edit)


you are a smol bean


'tis better than a kid

I’m really sorry if I offended you, I only meant potentially hurtful to those who are new and might not know any better. Also, there is an official Ghoulkiss server that’s really nice.

Also, just uh, little note to everyone, spammers and police alike, y’all just be decent to each other, okay? We’re all MGM fans, and all people.

oh hi there

Deleted post

all my characters are deleted


that happens sometimes


This game is very fantastic! however, is there a chance that in the next update you could make the eyelashes colorable? its just a suggestion that you do not have to take, but im just putting this out there. This game is incredible.

Quick question to you guys; do y’all know that there’s an MGM 2?

(1 edit)

yep! sometimes we post girls we've made on it here! sadly, it's not on itch...

I really hope Ghoulkiss eventually does add it, but I doubt it. It’d be a lot of work to transfer it.

yeah... but we should be happy that they made a second one!

I definitely am. Her art is spectacular.

(1 edit)

Also, pretty unrelated, but I was wondering, like, what’s going on in this comment section? Like, I get that there’s a whole hierarchy and stuff, but um, no offense, it feels a bit hurtful? Like, the whole idea of MGM is to bring people who like to make characters and stuff together, but this spammer stuff seems to drag everyone down. I’m sorry if that’s rude in any way, I’m not trying to be, but it just feels that way.

i love the simplicity!

how do i change my picture so i don't have the frog???

Deleted post


i drew haruhi i

Its really bad


that's actually really cute


oof that reminds me I have to draw her today

ah same

That’s awesome!

(1 edit)


This is my monster girl- (she isn't really a monster owo....?) her name is Nia!

Info About Nia:

Height: 5'3

Age: 17

Personility: Shy, Is a mute

Likes: Drawing, Listening to music, Sleeping, Going outside

Dislikes: Abuse, Mocking, Drugs, Viruses, Bats

Sexuality: Bisexual

I hope you like her uwu (also I was listening to music so don't mind the other tab owo)

(1 edit)


also don't worry about Nia not being a monster

we get humans sometimes so it's fine

g o o d   v i b e s

she's not human, so that counts as a monster girl OwO

y'all are way to nice pwq

that's the job of the comment police, ma'am. it's my duty as police chief.

well, thank you for being nice to meh uwu

you are most welcome UwU

jµ$ţ ą ǥℓɨţȼh


thank you! i literally just turned high contrast mode on and made a monster girl haha

damn lemonn


Shes my waifu now, and not even the comment police can stop me! 


if you think that we're going to question your waifu then think again

my waifu is shrek-chan

I wanna join the comment police so i can whack ppl with batons heehee

that's not what we do but you can whack people with batons on your own time heehee

frik, i mean you right uwu

Queen Demon and younger sis Teen Demon 


also La Two-Face: 

as much as i disapprove of your spamming...

that girl looks pretty cool tbh

haha thanks. Also look I’m sorry I just joined this thread I don’t really know what you’ve got going on. I THOUGHT it was a place to share monster which is sharing monster girls spamming? Or if it’s not that, what is it? Should I maybe leave?

no no, please don't leave! i guess when people spam monster girls it just means that they post a ton of monster girls in separate comments. you're actually doing a great job reducing your spamming!

Okay I’m sorry I’m still confused—so it’s not spamming to post monsters, it’s just spamming to post a lot of monsters? Like how many makes it spamming?

can they vibe

she's a demon goddess and she is a glitch in undertale


love the

a e s t h e t i c 

you like lance

and keith

how about pidge

and allura

and lotor

this is pretty well made



who wants chocolate?

(1 edit)

you might wanna put your characters in the same comment

to reduce spam and all

just a suggestion tho

Whoa bizarre I dig it

(1 edit)

this is my booger man

I present to you 

SATAN'S DAUGHTER i call her, ELIZABETH ( after the woman who killes virgin girls to bathe in their blood) 

And her brother LUCIFER


is it lucifer's first day at school


ohhh elizabeth like that girl who bathes in blood to keep herself looking hot


next time on Iemonn's really stupid simplified stories: art week

sounds interesting!

we'll see what shit i put together for it haha

(1 edit)

The dudes were Inspired by these songs 

this is my boyfriend you like??? handsome or what?

(1 edit)

is this a joke

i thought he was my boyfriend

that cheating bastard

i cant see what you posted

I think it's just blank spaces on purpose

Deleted post

Thought he was my HUSBAND 



Big oof

he's cheating on us

real nice

he looks cool

could brush his hair a bit

do any of you think he's handsome???





(2 edits)
<em></em>Log 1, Day 1.
This is the first day of my overseeing of this unit. The subject appears to be harmless, but I will not take any chances.
It is telling me I should come closer, but that is the call of the devil himself.
I will not answer it.
I will not.
Log 1, Day 2.
It started screaming today. About how absolutely lonely It was. 
How it needed someone to be with It.
I almost found myself opened the gates of It's pen for a split second.
I'm weakening. 
It's only the second day, though. I'm sure that I will build up an immunity to It's beckoning voice.
I still stand strong in my observation booth.
Log 1, Day 3.
It stopped screaming. Finally. But now It's whispering to me-questions, I think- and I answered.
What else was I supposed to do?
There's no harm in chatting peacefully, right? I sound foolish. I know I do.
But it's all I can do now to keep myself sane here.
Log 1, Day 4.
It was peaceful when I went into my booth this morning.
"Was" is the key word.
As soon as I tried to talk to It, It answered slowly and smoothly.
"TU351, Do you remember me?"
"Yes. That's a stupid question, isn't it, Dr.******?"
It's harsher language suggested that It was capable of neural and memory and patterns.
I don't remember what it was, but our conversation took a dark turn because of a question It asked me.
I responded, and something happened to It.
It's left eye started dripping a tar-like black liquid, with a similar consistency to molasses from what I saw. It bled through the cloth bandages had used to try and contain it. 
What I saw was not much, because as soon as I slammed my hand down on the intercom button to report how "TU351 is out of control, I repeat, TU351 is out of control,"
It blew open the gate with almost the force of a nuclear explosion, that black liquid hitting the ground, the metal bars, and even the glass of my observing booth, and dissolving it at a quick rate.
I ran away. 
What can I say?
I wasn't a coward. Who knows what It's capable of doing
So I did what any sane person did when It gave chase as I sprinted down the hall.

at first i though thing was about me being an annoying heck and then i read the name of the subject



ummm anyone have challenges, or has this forum been taken over by spam from the spammer police?

we just try to make sure people don't spam memes, random things, off-topic things, or spam too many comments/monster girls at once

y’all are the spammiest kids on the block my friend! 😝

that was a one time thing so that i could recruit the comment police :/

it went on way too longgg 

made this on monster girl maker 2

ooh love the 

💧✨a e s t h e t i c✨💧

how do you get monster girl 2

I think it's an app

(1 edit)

you like I call her the devel's dater 

the devil's dater? what demons she be dating?




no seriously the comment chief of police won't let her have more that 4 sexy demon boyfriends

it would be illegal to have 5 sexy demon boyfriends

VERY illegal

We would have to call the c o p s

the comment cops are waiting for her to seduce one more sexy demon boyfriend so they can arrest her

I like her, here’s her girlfriend, they go out and pick up dates together 

ohoho y e s

i'm gonna make her 4 sexy demon boyfriends





what do you think of my cute and creepy girl?

this is the kind of spam we are trying to prevent. 

please step down, as you are in violation of the comment law.

this is your first strike, for random, off-topic replying. two more strikes and the comments telling you to stand down with your spamming may become passive-aggressive.

she’s great! (the spam police are more spammy IMO than beautiful work like this 😜)


Deleted 4 years ago

Ok i think i did but im trash at technology 

- assistant chief katsu

oh you changed your name? nice

Thank you

(1 edit)

i like it, it's more sophisticated than Katsu.the.ducky.

Thank you very much 

*wonderful fedora tip*

wait could you be a little more specific I’ve never domes this before

(1 edit)

so. click on the link, and since i have not given you permission to edit, click ask for permission. when you click "ask for permission to edit", also click "add message." that way you can add a message stating your username on itch, and your job in the comment police force, unfortunately, i will have to give you permission to edit in the morning, since i actually have to put my phone down rn and s l e e p

but also not actually sleep, i just want to not be up until 11 on my phone.

oof I don’t think it will work cuz it has to send an email and I used a different email address so I won’t get it 

aw dammit

officer down, calling for backup

anyone know how to fix this

it may take me a small while to get to that for my mother monitors my email and does not know of the police force, but i will try.

- drqxm the undecided

np, neither of my parents know i even have an itch profile, and i'm not really supposed to.

it should certainly be a surprise then haha, especially because of how much the comment police force has grown


my parents don't know I have an itch account either

*posts sneakily*

Im always in a panic to remove my itch notifications so my mom won't find out

uggh same

Deleted 4 years ago
(8 edits)

I pledge to reduce spam messages

also nice badge

Current List of Members:

  • lemonn - Chief of Police
  • IdontHaveCreativity - Assistant Chief of Police
  • fandomhopper (me) - Assistant Chief of Police
  • Yeet - Spam Force Member
  • EmIsTrying - Spam Force Replier
  • Katsuu - Assistant Chief of Police

Will edit as necessary.

Deleted 4 years ago


I would like to be a spam force member

may i join?

Katsu the ducky is a regular police

did you pledge yet

*inhale no

better pledge

k so put the badge on you vcreator profile and choose what job u want

welcome to the force.

choose your rank for the force:

1. spam replier

2. spam force replier

3. assistant chief

4. spam force memer

there can only be 6 of each position.

Deleted post

I pledge my life to helping people by stopping all the spammers

first, put the badge on your creator profile page.

welcome to the force.

choose your rank for the force:

1. spam replier

2. spam force replier

3. assistant chief

4. spam force memer

there can only be 6 of each position.

with the power of having a cool ghost and this drawing i made in 1 minute i am a police chef

put the badge picture on your creator page, and welcome!

welcome to the force.

choose your rank for the force:

1. spam replier

2. spam force replier

3. assistant chief

4. spam force memer

there can only be 6 of each position.

spam force replier >:)


it's literally where you like yell at spammers after thwir 3rd violation of the comment police laws

(3 edits)

I pledge to reduce spam messages,


Lemonn - chief of police                            idonthavecreativity - assistant chief of police                                                                    fandomhopper - assistant chief of police      yeet - unknown                                            katsu the ducky - assistant chief of police 

can you out the badge on your profile page?

i will try

on your creator page it should just be there like "u spam, i k i c k u bro"

may i join?

no. you are one of the spammers that the comment police are trying to stop. i'm greatly sorry, but if you cease spamming, you may join.

aww ok

*sad face*

Ohh before i forget how do i change my picture so i don't have the frog???

What should we do if one of our members betrays the pledge?


I hereby pledge to reduce the amount of spam in this comment section. Heres to a brighter 2020.


so put the badge on your creator profile page

choose your rank for the force:

1. spam replier

2. spam force replier

3. assistant chief

4. spam force memeber

there can only be 6 of each position.

hm, I suppose I will be a spam force replier. I will stay on watch, chief.

sweet! can you click the link on the comment above bro?

I wish to be a part of the comment police

post the badge on your creator profile, and welcome to the comment police.

welcome to the force.

choose your rank for the force:

1. spam replier

2. spam force replier

3. assistant chief

4. spam force memer

there can only be 6 of each position.

assistant chief


the fact that you reply really fast makes some stuff very confusing

you like


the comment police must ask that you stop S P A M M I N G please have a good day

didn't you get a warning from the comment police already?

put text that is related to your monster girl in the same comment as the image of your monster girl

please and thank you

hunnybun- this is past your 10th violation of the comment police. please acknowledge our efforts to reduce spam before this could get ugly.

please don't spam our little comment section,

-police chief lemonn

Deleted post

I LOVE her!!

Deleted post

We is the comment police so its ok

we do know that, but are trying ro only post memes when necessary, and even when posted, they are posted in threads, rather than randomly as stand alone comments.

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that was a mistake, and was not as bad as things that have happened in text groupchats i have been in. the comment police are going to reduce comment spam and meme spam, and meme threads will not last longer than 5 memes. i sense your keen eye, and as chief of the comment police, i would like to recrute you to the force.

Deleted post

the badge was posted higher up, and post it on your creator profile. after that, we welcome you to the force.


wELcome to Em only does s**tposts now i guess 

nah it's fine if it's my bby boi flim


reminds me of a thing I did while messing around with motion blur


you like keith

*points menacing items at u* COMMENT POLICE please write your words on your post either over/under your monster


lol, ok

todoroki girl looking out for the corona be like

* gun * chef spam police here to yell at you to stop

can I join the comment police 👌👌

i'm sorry i wont do it again but please tell me what you think of my todoroki girl at least

it’s nice is it based off the series on YouTube 



When the heck did so much spam appear

i don't know but the comment police are working hard, day and night to stop these spammers from ruining our safe, wholesome place of monster girls/boys/enbies.

and spammers, we know who are. it's incredibly annoying to randomly post off-topic questions and/or 7 monster girls in a row. please, if you have more than two monster girls to post, put them in one comment. 

*high fives lemonn(?)*

do we have a list of people that are in the comment police

I can make one

List of people I know are probably in the/working with the comment police:

  • lemonn
  • Katsu.the.ducky
  • EmIsTrying (unconfirmed)

can you add me to the list


you like my embarrassed puppy


(1 edit)

Heya guys! So I've been using MGM for a long time, like, way before all this comment chaos. I just recently checked this page, and I just kinda wanted to ask you all to remember to be kind to you fellow MGM users. I love the community around MGM, especially the Discord Server, but I want the comment community to be just as awesome. So just try your best guys, okay? 


(1 edit)

are you challenging my place as the god of wholesome comments

I love that more than anything


well then i respect your answer of perhaps and would gladly give my wholesome comments crown to someone who can craft a nice message like the og post! so enjoy the cow from barnyard saying perhaps friendo

Why thank you. (I literally was looking for that image in my files to send to you.)

(1 edit)

if you know the name of the cow i respect you dude

WOOP WOOP ( siren) 

Comment police are here!

The ( mainly me) police ( who don't want to fight ) say that is ILLEGAL 

Deleted post

you like my tiger






Y E s


excuse me what 

kirishima is okn't

sorry not sorry

Ok, could you maybe just MAYBE put all your monster girls in the same post

i tried already




why what????

*inhaling* if you tried- 

Gahh you broke me

click edit on the first comment with one of your girls and then put in all the other creations you made in the same post?

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