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Picrew dump

but its only me ♡

color coded MGM. I didn’t really do anything creative but eh. Uh I accidentally made two reds cause I forgot I already had a red saved so, you can def tell which one I made now and which one is the older red- I wanted to do black but I don’t know myb later

They’re very cool looking! My favorite is the blue one. By the way I’m new here if you didn’t know. My name is Aisuru, or Ai! Nice to meet you.

thank you, the blue one is my favorite too!

Hello, I’m Nightcrawler, or Queen, or Queenie, or Sprinkle the Tangerine, Sprinkle for short.

hi nice to meet you!!

im nat, or you can call me natalia, natty, nat-nat, ratalia, ect.

nice meeting you aisuru!!

Queen i dont know what one is older 

I am not a magician

I thought it was obvious 🦟

The second one is the recent one. You can see my recent obsession with short hair.

Hey! That is such a great I dea and I decided to make some myself, So I'll be dumping them here when I'm done, you don't mind, right?

So glad I did this

they’re really cute!

Uhm, hello! My name is Aisuru you can call me Ai. Anyways I’ve been’ looking for people to Roleplay with. I remembered roleplaying before on another account, and people roleplayed a lot so I was wondering if you guys still do that? Or is it more of just a hangout now..?

Hola! Soy Dora! Some people still rp but it’s not often.

Ahh.. okay I’ll try to see if anyone’s roleplaying!

I am bridge

Hello nice to meet you Bridge!

Hi!!!! Am dreaming! (abt to be nightmares for spooky month nd also kinda quitting)i might be quick to ask this butt....RP???

Oh sure! What type of roleplay did you want to do?

fantasy☆☆(Sry i replied so late i had to pack for a trip nd my play was comin up- i was VERY busy)

what was ur past account?

Uhm.. I’m not sure. I don’t remember the username but I was very familiar with some people. I roleplayed a lot too. Oh, also it’s nice to meet you Nat.

(1 edit)

oooooooooooooooohhhhhhh, ok, ok...i feel like u could remember me, but im not gonna say nothin


do you know overloard? smt like that-i forgot the username but um, do you know them? or like, remember them?


R YOU "Wholes0meR0ckets"????


Helicopters fly over the beach

Same time every day, same routine

A clear target in the summer, when skies are blue

It’s part of the noise when winter comes

It reverberates in my lungs

Nature’s corrupted in factories far away

One time

A few weeks ago there was a serial killer loose in canada and a whole bunch of helicopters flew over my town

there were like 4

I dont know why they did that though

Cuz the killer dude was in Saskatchewan and i live in ontario

How can you just say that so casually?


There was 2 of them right

And the one was found dead in a feild and idk if they caught the other guy 

They killed 10 people and 15 were injured 


no u arent

Not from 2 serial killers in Saskatchewan 

U dont live in Saskatchewan 

I know that for a fact

(1 edit)

remember the cringe oc I wanted to remake. Here’s her remake, ta da! She’s no longer a furry, she’s still blind and I haven’t decided on quirk stuff but I guess I still have to keep the basis of the character so maybe I’ll keep her quirkless but idk she doesn’t LOOK quirkless-

Her hair was supposed to cover her eyes but I accidentally deleted that image so just imagine it.

If I had the chance to remake her completely, like from scratch, no original character we’re basing it off of, I would’ve completely removed the mha oc part because that would give me more freedom with what I can and can’t do but whatever

I just watched Missing Link for the first time, it’s another movie released in 2019 like the monstrosity called Ugly Dolls. 

Missing Link is produced by LAIKA and Annapurna Pictures. A lot of you are going to recognize LAIKA, they produced many stop motion animation movies such as Coraline and Kubo and the Two Strings, they hold the world record for largest stop motion puppet, The Skeleton Demon in Kubo and the Two Strings, 18 feet tall and believed to be one of if not the most complicated puppets. LAIKA has achieved great things for stop motion animation and set new records for movies of all kinds so I was excited to see what Missing Link had to offer.

In the first second the animation immediately caught my attention, it was beautiful, almost entrancing. The distinct style really puts you in the world and takes you out of reality. Just what you’d expect from LAIKA. 

I won’t go into detail about the whole movie but I will say that it has 88% on rotten tomatoes and 6.7/10 on IMDB. I feel like it should’ve maybe gotten higher but maybe that’s my LAIKA bias speaking.

I did quite enjoy this movie, it was fun to watch and it made me laugh, especially the fact that every single animal in this movie had front facing eyes, that just made it so much better. The birds with front facing eyes will appear in my nightmares lol. 

I do think it could’ve been better if the main character had more of a reason to be so obsessed with the stupid club of grown ass man children, or maybe he was more anti-social or something. Idk I just feel like he could’ve been more interesting.

I do wish that there was maybe more on the edge of your seat with worry type scenes, it would’ve made the adventure part of the movie better, because often times the scenes where you worry about the characters are quickly resolved before you have a chance to be worried.

So anyway, fun movie. I would say 7.7/10 but that’s an unappetizing number so 8/10

....i dont think skeletons have to pay taxes.....

people who pay taxes have skeletons in them don’t they? So yes skeletons pay taxes



(1 edit)

Me when my friends tell me to eat something for breakfast 

(There is nothing on the plate)


i do not like breakfast

It makes me nauseous 



Warden Na.

I talk a lot. I feel like that annoys people. Doesn’t it? If it does then too bad, idk what to tell you, I will do it again.

I’m not actually sorry.

hey guys

nat here

i was gone like for a day idfk

but anyways

i was attacked by a preppy today

told her to stfu

and she reported me

on roblox

so that was a yay

day 2. of saying i hate preppys

(1 edit)

Nat its only roblox

(Pleas dont kill me i have a wife and kids) 


what preppy hurt you so bad that you started doing this 💀

a preppy with blonde hair who insulted my dog

How dare they. Dogs are innocent.





my Poptropica character, Popular Monster, but a real character. Uh idk, here’s the proper image of it.

everyone’s a feminist until there is a spider around

I'm clearly the superior race here (couldn't find my actual favorite movie, Shutter Island, so Mitchells vs the Machines will suffice, it is a very good movie... I shoulda put minions)

I went to my sister’s university’s open house today. I’m gonna be honest it wasn’t that interesting but stuff happened ig. First we had to catch an uber to make it to the bus pick up spot then we got mcdonalds and almost missed the bus but we made it. Me and my sister were listening to music, she gave me one if her airpods so we could listen together, her music taste is quite different from mine but it wasn’t so different that one of us would not enjoy the music, like we both enjoyed it just on different levels. So I slept on the bus ride until MY JAM came on and I jolted awake and started lip syncing cuz we’re in public and I’m not gonna embarrass myself. I don’t actually remember what song came on, that happened like centuries ago rn. Uh so we make it to the place and get a complimentary tote bag and pen and notebook and pamphlet and a food voucher. The voucher only works for university provided food not the food stores nearby sadly. So we did not use the voucher when we got it, instead we went into the art and design administration and checked the display they had of like the type of stuff you would do at the place. It seemed cool and we got a melted chocolate. Then we were dragged to the lecture theatre where people from the UK came (it’s a British school) and said stuff about the university, apparently they’re like management like professors or smthn- and some professors from here also came and talked and some exchange students talked a bit, and these 3 girls came to talk about their experience, one of them had a really cute hairstyle she was so pretty, why am I so obsessed with hair- anyway then we were escorted to the art room where we did some activities similar to what we would do if we were in the university. First we made a something from a metal wire something. My sister made this artistic thing a dude with wings, it’s meant to represent freedom. I made a thing, his name it Little Man. I don’t know why, he just felt like a little man.

His head is meant to be fire. I’m really proud of him. He’s not like amazing like genius artwork but I feel really connected to him. He’s like a part of me but in wire form. Little man is adorable. I really like Little Man.

And then we split a paper into 4 quarters and drew an emotion in each quarter. I drew jealousy in one and anger in another but I didn’t finish while we were there so I’ll take a pic when I’m done. Uh they gave us a black wristband and I realized my outfit looked really similar to Dee’s outfit, or this guy for all the boring people in the crowd/j

All I was missing was some makeup lol.

And then we had to quickly leave before we missed the bus and I listened to music separately this time and then we ate more mc dindals and went home. So nothing interesting but eh, u get it.

Started actually playing the game 

Cool right


Yes i have been on here longer than u 

i meant started playing again

yeah I thought so because I remember seeing you playing it- but then again I have like really bad memory so

thats sad

I have a very good memory

And i don't know why

I can remember random conversations me and my friend had a year ago

But i still can't read an analog clock...

Isn't that goofy 

yes, very. I can’t remember shit, but if you asked to me to recite the entirety of the lore of some random show I watched centuries ago, I could probably tell you literally everything

I am so cool

I used this once before but I lost the link so can u give me the link

i dotn have it anymoee :(


turns out

I do!

yooooooo hey big guy

(2 edits)


Is that how you spell it

I havent taken a french class since freshman year so i kinda forget 

Maybe it doesn't have an e...??? 

what happened to your old account lol

i wanted to make a new one 🤷‍♂️

God I love this one songs on the bottom

Way to be specific

like the abulms and the artists-



I dont have web toon


i dont need web toon

just get it, use the code and then delete it again, that’s all I need

hey hey hey hey hey u got tiktok 


u should follow me (my user is the same as my discord) 

I used to have webtoon




I watched Ugly Dolls. My therapist will be hearing about this.

Where do I start.

Lou cause he's my favorite character. YK why? CAUSE HE'S THE ONLY CHARACTER THAT ISN'T ONE DIMENSIONAL! He's actually interesting to see on screen unlike literally anyone else.

You know what, Lou technically wasn't a villain. Not that I condone murder but let me explain.

Lou is the perfect doll, he has no flaws, so instead of leaving the institute of perfection to be in the big world, he stayed and dedicated his life to helping the dolls be perfect. BUT TWIST, Lou didn't choose to stay, Lou CAN'T leave. He's a prototype made to help the dolls that come in to be perfect and make it to the big world, that's why he's so perfect. He didn't just happen perfect. 

In this place, being perfect will get you happiness in the big world with your child, but not with Lou. No matter how great, how amazing, how perfect he is, he will never be perfect enough. Everyone else can leave, but he's stuck there. Everyone leaves, every connection he makes turns into nothing. 

He could project his issues onto the other dolls but he doesn't, he actually helps them make it to the big world. Like sure he does brutally insult them and he does resort to murder twice but just think about it. He's only ever tried to physically hurt another doll twice over what we can assume is a long time.

He's not a villain, he doesn't deserve what they gave him in the end, I mean he does deserve some kind of like punishment obviously but what they did was drastic. And they didn't even let him leave the institute of perfection which was all he wanted, he just wanted the ability to be able to get eternal happiness like all the other dolls, but he can't. This isn't a story of acceptance this is a story of a group of annoying one dimensional plushies being psychos.

Also, the whole thing with the glasses miss ma'am was just a pain to sit through. She's so one dimensional, her only personality trait is her glasses.

The main character is so annoying, she should've fucking died in that incinerator, they should've just let her die.

Uh Pitbull is in this movie... I don't know what to say about that, he's just... he's in the movie as this one eyed cat that wears glasses with two lenses for some reason even though he has one eyes so he literally cannot see through those.

There's one line in this movie that particularly bothers me, the pink demon is looking in the mirror and talking about all her "flaws" and she says "Oh my god, look how much you weigh!" but like excited like... thanks for telling us your definition of ugly, group of people that made this movie. That line is so harmful and disgusting it makes me physically sick. 

The point of this movie is that your flaws make you who you are, but yk what the message SHOULD have been? The message should have been that there is no such thing as flaws. Mistakes aren't mistakes just happy little accidents. What you think are flaws someone else will find the most beautiful thing in the world. Everyone is perfect in their own way, physical imperfection is not important unless it's a life threatening medical issue then I'm sorry you have to go through that. THAT'S what the message should have been because the way this movie was written is going to make someone feel bad when they see their physical features on a doll labeled as ugly.

There is so much wrong with this movie not to mention the annoying songs LIKE OMG JUST SHUT UP NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR YOUR STUPID FUCKING MUSIC unless it's Lou, because Lou sings the only good song in this whole movie. EVERYONE ELSE IS SO ANNOYING I WANT TO GRAB SOME SCISSORS AND CUT THEIR TONGUES OFF SO THEY CAN SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Well that was certainly long..

yes and it could be longer. This movie was harmful, horrible and all around just bad, it was really bad.

I watched it as a kid I’m pretty sure. However, I don’t remember much from it..

(1 edit) (+1)

ugly dolls was released in 2019

I pirated it in 2019 and it sucked and I re-watched it with my sister because I wanted her to suffer as well

Yeah nightcrawler goes on rants about things like this 

You'll get used to it 

rawr rawr dragon

Uh I remembered this one cringe af oc I used to have so I’ve decided to fix my past mistakes by remaking her. 

She’s a mha oc to start off and pretty much everything else is gonna change. Originally she was quirkless, blind and also raised by wolves. She behaved like a wolf and her words were limited… I swear I wasn’t a furry-

Uh she was raised by wolves because her parents kinda just yeeted her into the woods and left her to frickin die cause they didn’t want her, I’m pretty sure that’s murder, but she didn’t die because a pack of wolves came along and took care of her… I have 1% I’ll continue later but you get why I need to fix it yea

The one and only...

C A N D L E   Q U E E N

(Insert le music)

Addicted to


and always looking for 

A T T E N T I O N 

thought to be so genuine when she suddonly met with

A P R E H E N S I O N 

The fighting has begun,and shed do anything to get

A H E A D 

By using people as 

L A D D  E R        R U N G S 

And sweeping eggshells under the 

B E D 

Toddlers cries that grow louder and 



U N T E S T I B L E      P O W E R

Glowing red in a 

B L A C K    AND    W H I T E 


The one and only.....

C A N D L E   Q U E E E N

Stocking teh flames that grow higher and

H I G H E R 

Royalty with a crown of


Setting ablaze an 

E X T R A V E G E N T   S C E N E 

The one and only...

C A N D L E    Q U E E N!

Ahh...but there's hope for you

S T I L L all comes 

A F O L D just need to 

C H I L L ......

Its not....

T H E     E N D     O F     T H E      W O R L D ..

She just cant help but be this way...

She lost her 

T R U E    S E L F 

long ago....

Now all her freinds have been pushed away.....

Because a 

C A R I C A T C H E R 

is all they know.....

Toddlers cries that grow louder and

L O U D E R 

Everyone rushing to...

D I S S A V O W   H E R ...

All alone in a black and white scene 

The one and only....

C A N D L E   Q U E E N

Hurt by the flames that grow higher and....

H I G H E R 

Clutching a broken crown of...


All alone in the...

F I N A L     S C E N E

The one and only 

C A N D L E   Q U E E N.

Oh what a pity.....the

C A N D L E E E E E E  E E E    Q U E E E E E E E E E E E N!!!!~

(P.S:im listening to spooky songs again :D)

i wanna bang murdoc sooooooooooo bad ong 

FR? the gorillaz one?

the pickled cactus Murdoc? The green satanist? That Murdoc?


so yesterday I wanted to clean my bed because I was gonna watch something and the bed was a mess but somehow instead of my bed I ended up cleaning the whole room and THEN my bed finally. I don’t know why. I just saw the messiness and started cleaning it like a fricking bot. I just wanted to clean my fucking bed.

logged on here on my phone gonna post some art!!


being sick is so annoying bro. I can’t sleep cause of my goddamn airways stinging and my nose being blocked and my stomach hurts and everything sucks. You ever wanted to stick your hand through your flesh so you could scratch an itch that was like deep in your skin so no matter how much you scratch you’ll never get it? That’s what I want to do with my nasal cavity rn, nothing else is itching, just my fricking nasal cavity. And my throat stings. I wish I had a lemon hinger drink for my throat but we have no ginger and even if we did I don’t know how to make the drink. At this point just kill me. End my suffering. Being sick is such a fucking pain, I hate it.





never mind I am dumb as hell , its you river :3


which one is the best

Number 12

Ah yes thank you that really clears things up.

No probs

ok but fr can you give me an answer


The most terrifying experience of my life just happened but it’s fine it turned out to be nothing- 

Yk how when ur scared you go into fight or flight? Yeah well I went into fight or flight but my brain was too scared and scattered to pick a choice so I went with the third option, freeze. Great job, really did so much for the team there. Thinking about it logically now, fight would’ve had the highest chance of survival because flight would’ve been impossible, I’m a child so I have nowhere to go to and I have nowhere to hide where I won’t be found.

(1 edit)

No but actually y the heck is this place so dead

Its deader than papa nihil and seestor's relationship 

It's deader than popia will be in a year

Its deader than papas i through iii

Its deader than papa nihils father, and his fathers father, and his fathers fathers father, and his fathers fathers fathers father, and his fathers fathers fathers fathers father

Its deader than the bra mountain failed to catch at the leval ritual (which i went to)

Its deader than jutty after falling on stage

Its deader than all those plushias people keep murdering 

Its deader than the mummies used to make mummy dust

Its deader than copia's tricycle 

Its deader than the 5 cars seestor crashed simultaneously 

(2 edits)

Bro this place deader than papa emeritus iii

Anyway part 2 to my thing 

I had to make it 2 parts cuz i cant edit the thing

So yeah

Good news all! I'm much nicer now 

I like to think of myself as very chill and stuff

And I've fallen in loooooove

Still single, but hardcore pining for someone 

Will i confess?

Absolutely not! :D 

I'd rather not mess things up with him

Oh and im still trans (he/him)

And im bi and im aroace 

Cuz being aroace is cool 

(I can't really show this but please imagine me doing a cool pose) 

Like like picture me with like my arms crossed or like me doing a peace sign

Those are cool right

(2 edits)

U guys

will never guess who it is

Did you guess river

Cuz ur wrong my name is bridge now

(I made a new account hehe ☆)

Nat said u was wondering where i was

So uh

Im making my presence known 😋

Its ur favorite boy


Lots of exciting things happened when i left 

I dyed my hair red

I saw ghost live again 


I saw hamilton live too 


I didn't 

Really do anything else



I could feel the music in my uterus and it made my kidneys hurt 

Anyhow this is what I look like now 

i learned about this magical thing called "putting effort into what i wear" 


Now i dress all handosome like (except for this week but thats because i have the worst darn cold and i haven't had energy to shower)


darn website

Slay bridge- 

Uh Its me Lofi, but yeah nice to see ya again

u want to s-s-s-s-s-s-slay me 😱


Calm down


i won't kill you

the one on the right makes her look like a Ghost wannabe 💀

The one on the left is an Entrapta wannabe 🤡

The one in the middle got funky arms ✨


nihil angy

see look closely it’s different I swear

he's gunna kill u like hes gunna kill popia 

(1 edit)

I can't believe they lost- I'm still hung up on the fact that they didn't win.

Yk what’s annoying? Those people who get annoyed by everything. Someone could literally just say “hi” and someone else would be offended by it. Dude I just said “hi” why are you acting like I insulted your entire race of people in 10 different languages.

(1 edit)


But in the magic cove there's a pretty one I

Asked her where it goes, cause I really want I

Wonder if she knows that we're underwater

That's the way it goes in this city wonder

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