make a monster girl based after the cover of you're favorite album
Mine is based after a album from Andrew Jackson Jihad: People Who Can Eat People Are The Luckiest People In The World ( it has the most messed up lyrics and i love it )
Lisa Bloomberg Age: 18 Stuff that she does that's legal: Does drugs, Drinks Wine, And Vapes. Good things she does: None! Bad things she does: Not even going to list the stuff. You guys can draw this if you want.
Most people i know drink anyway, vaping is very much illegal, but hol up, there are different age limits in the different provinces, in Ontario you gotta be 19 but in Quebec its 18
her and her sister when they were borne they were each given a piece of Thar mothers jewelry Thar mother was the moon godis she had ran away because of a tarubul man that wanted to kill her ever sens then her doters have bean searching the cosmoses for her.
(ya i did not know if they shoaled be like opus-it twines or both look different i may redo sunset)
you can do this if you want i'm okay drawing but if you want to do this follow me and reply what spot number and and what kind of wold you want and what expression but not number 5 it has one already -_- feel free to do it
I love the design but her hair and crown make it really difficult to make her number 3. Maybe can I swap yours with lemon's character and make her 4 instead?
also btw you've probably been spelling my name wrong
if you look really close at the link for my profile you will see that in fact my name is spelled Iemonn, (the L is actually an uppercase i) since lemonn (lowercase L) was taken haha
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So I've entered my little baby oc into a lot kf people's drawings but haven't given her a profile yet, ITLL BE SHORT I PROMISE
Name 優しさ( yasashi meaning gentleness in Japanese)
Birthday: December 25
Hight 5/3
Weight: 102 lbs
Age: 16
Blood type: O
Personality: shy, quiet, really nice
Allergies: penicillin
Medical conditions: N/A
Ethnicity: maaaaaaagicaaalllll wooo spooooky
School: Idk school for magic or something
See i said it would be short
uhm if she's like 100 lbs. at 16 is she ok
Shes maaaaaaaaaagicalllllll woo, and nu she is not, sometimes she forgets to eat
Wait, thats light right?
a normal 12 year old is like 110
Huh i hit 100 in like October right before my 13 birthday last year now im 112 or something
dear god your're lucky
bc i'm not like overweight but i'm pretty tall and just l a r g e in general
Full Name: Kurjiori Cookie
Age: 15-19
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her They/Them/Their
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: A mix of an angel and elf i dunno lmao
((She needs a girlfriend XD someone please make her one lmao-))
Challenge time:
make a monster girl based after the cover of you're favorite album
Mine is based after a album from Andrew Jackson Jihad: People Who Can Eat People Are The Luckiest People In The World ( it has the most messed up lyrics and i love it )
mine is a bit more literal,
The album is the stories we tell ourselves by nothing more, i choose my favorite song out of the album to give a link to
pinocchioP, ZERO-GO
i just listen to weeb music haha
Nice :>
Cool, i wish i could listen to weeb music but its really hard to find the right kind on spotify
i'm just all over w/ music tastes tho haha
also i recommend kariki bear, pinocchioP, hachi, haciojiP, neru, gumi, and shinsei kamattechan if u want some good weeb music to get into!^^
Oooh ill check them out
would you like to fanboy about gorillaz with me
also the demon days is my fav album by them because i'm basiccc
tbh whenever i'm browsing spotify i always find myself listening to either clint eastwood, melancholy hill, dare or feel good inc because i'm basicc
tho tranz and magic city are just👌
lemon boy by cavetown. i havent finished the album yet but literally all of his content is absolute gold.
y e s
ah, i see your are a man/woman/whatever of culture as well
just man is fine, but thanks for considering my gender
the only song I kno by him is boys will be bugs and it’s pretty good
I’m not that big of an army but I really like some of the songs in this album
i made mrs hopps (?)
Because every horror monster needs to have the opposite of their gender created
because this is for monsters gals
any guesses? :o
hint: crimes
Im pushing my brain to go beyond (plus ultra) 100% because i need to win the guessing game
you already lost haha
May from Night In The Woods B )
mae boroski
i just finished playing at and may or may not have cried multiple times haha
it was a great game tho
I still need to finish it ;-; I just got past the Halloween thing when i stopped playing
aaaaaaaaaaaait's so good jshsbsbhdisjsvksksjevdhdndmidj
i k n o w ( thinking back maybe it was the second thing when you where looking for ghosts and Angus was being a mood )
I......can' out
sorry bro
Damn, i like guessing games
i'll do another
I know lots of people's have probably done this already but i tried to do a bendy and the ink machine type thing
Lmao im so unoriginal
eh that's ok
nostalgia from BATIM tho
i literally almost cried when they announced that the last chapter was coning out
but there is that new one where you play as boris
Ooh that sounds cool,
I STILL haven't played it BUT I've watched markiplier play through enough times to know pretty much everything lmao im exaggerating,
heheh it's a great game
i liked it
also why did sammy's design get so b u f f
like he ended up muscley and it was wierd
Hahah ikr?
I yelled at jacksepticeye because he was doing the wrong stuff in chapter 4 lmao
I made Ruby from Mr Hopp's Playhouse cuz I love that game
Ooooh that game, i haven't played that but i know it
ooo same
It's a real fun game
that game gave me night meres
this is what i got so far
Nice :>
awesomeee :o
Awww my little yasashi looks so good, this was really well drawn
I know i opened pandora's box by making this but
Monster Girl Maker starter pack
ha yeah
this is my version
10/10 more accurate
Very very queer-
but no one says they are-the very air we breathe and the words we type are just queer and there's no denying it
you can't escape itthe queer envelopes us all
Ooh its a teeny bakugou
Who's bakugou is that, mine or like did someone remake it?
think it was yours dude
Yay im s p e c i a l
this is one of my oc's named fanta
only one of these applies to me
you can probably guess which one
At least 1 Oc? Hah! I have 9 LGBTQ+ OCs AND NO ONE WILL STAHP MEH-
im making a drawling what plays do you whant
1 please!
???hey op why are you're fingertips red???
oh dang they are
like carrots dipped in blood
They ARE red, i had no idea what was happening for a second lmao
um so i bite the tips of my fingers when i git serest or sad
o h
oh crap
its fine plus what you sed about my hands looking like carrots dipped in blood is funny
Slot 3 please
This boi as 6 please?
oh no
smol boi's face
what happened
slot number 2?
I made a yandere not yandere chan in particular,
This is shimana she is a obsessive/sadistic yandere
(Her love interest ⬇️)
i love how everything here is just undeniably, unspokenly queer
haha ikr?
heh yeah
Just made a new character, I need a name for her!
Abelia Lowell
Pose determines your role
1 = Turtle Tamer (taken)
2 = Pastamancer
3 = Disco Bandit (taken)
If you know what Kingdom of Loathing is, you probably recognize the names...
(If you don't post a picture of your character, you automatically get declined)
I did not give these characters a good remake
can i do number 2
can you post your character so I know what I'm working with
3 for my neon baby please
might be slightly tricky because of all the colors but ok
that's ok! she reuses a the colors in a color scheme btw so you don't have to worry about wayyyyyy too many colors
can i do 2
post your character so I know who I'm working with please
could i do 1 please (?)
at least you actually posted a picture of your character
can i do numder 1
I also made yandere chan
Ooooh i wanna get yandere simulator as soon as it comes out on xbox
It's a great game but I have a corrupted version and it makes it better
This is Moon my favorite oc
Are...Are there any Sally Face peeps out there qwq cause.. I made Genderbent Travis Phelps
qwq her name is Trisha Phelps and she has a crush on Sally Fisher lmao Travis is my baby don't hurt him-
Please I wanna know if anyone else likes Sally Face-
y o u r a n g ?
Y e s. I did uwu
I love sally face and I love this
Im glad you do uwu I love Travis on an unhealthy level-
oh hey
d u d e
never played it but I've watched people play it, im not allowed to play anything "scary" coz of my 2 younger siblings,
i havent played it either but thats only because i have zero (0) money
Lmao same
name:Sally Face
Is sally face a boy or girl......ppl are still asking that
Mah child uwu
O que outras pessoas estão dizendo
Ooooh ok
2. Cute_Happy_Monsta
3. Iemonn
4. charcoal_stitch
that looks aaaaaaaaaaamazing!!! thank youdhsdjbcjsbjjjsnjnj💛💛
Very good command.
Guess the youtuber.
Idk sorry
Utsukushi-sa? or Utsu? It means Beauty in Japanese
I like that, utsu it is
then her name is depression
Yaaay 😰
Oh shoot- I was trying to come up with a short name for Utsukushi-sa qwq i feel bad now
she looks like a Millie
Age: 18
Stuff that she does that's legal: Does drugs, Drinks Wine, And Vapes.
Good things she does: None!
Bad things she does: Not even going to list the stuff.
You guys can draw this if you want.
im fairly sure that (at least in canada) drinking and i assume smoking weed at 18 is not legal
Most people i know drink anyway, vaping is very much illegal, but hol up, there are different age limits in the different provinces, in Ontario you gotta be 19 but in Quebec its 18
oh shit i forgot about the province thing-
Ah ha ha, sometimes i forget im Canadian
same but like why cant americans deal with the fact we bag milk
Wow I didn't know that in different states there could be different ages that you could drink at.
I tried to make toru, i think i did very well
last name: woods
she is the oldest sister of 6
(create the other 6 sisters)
Name: sophie woods
Age: 15
I did one too! ( is that alright? )
oh lmao, oops i should fix that
There we go, fixed!
lori woods!
the youngest of the woods sisters at 13!
(ummm did i do it right)
she is so pritey
thank youuuuuuu
the sunrise sunset sisters
her and her sister when they were borne they were each given a piece of Thar mothers jewelry Thar mother was the moon godis she had ran away because of a tarubul man that wanted to kill her ever sens then her doters have bean searching the cosmoses for her.
(ya i did not know if they shoaled be like opus-it twines or both look different i may redo sunset)
tried to make Jiro
Ooo your close
Katsuki bakugou
Soft VERSION bakugou coz we all know he ain't soft
b a k u g o a i n ' t s o f t d u d e
Lmao i know
Nuuuu i keep seeing a thing where people make a alternate version of characters personality
Damn i suck at explaining stuffs
Lemme try that again
Mina Ashido
in costume
Amazing! It looks just like her!!!
you can do this if you want i'm okay drawing but if you want to do this follow me and reply what spot number and and what kind of wold you want and what expression but not number 5 it has one already -_- feel free to do it
spot 1 or 3
Slot 4 please
I love the design but her hair and crown make it really difficult to make her number 3. Maybe can I swap yours with lemon's character and make her 4 instead?
Oooooh its really good
I can't wait to see the finished product
me neither
yas queen
Its a very simillar!
To be honest I'm kinda disappointed in myself with this one. I can redo it if you want
spot 4 for my baby ryan?
Can I make him spot 3 instead? He's looking up and the horns have enough space between them for 1 to fit in
oh ok!
also btw you've probably been spelling my name wrong
if you look really close at the link for my profile you will see that in fact my name is spelled Iemonn, (the L is actually an uppercase i) since lemonn (lowercase L) was taken haha
That is actually pretty clever.
heheh i always do that with usernames since lemonn is always taken
can you do me crazy cat lady?
spot 3 or 1
Meet Denny, the confused femboy i created at like 2am
confused 90% of the time
16 years old
never knows whats going on ever
eldritch humanoid? idk
he babey
total dumbass
he kinda got involved with these vampire peeps and now hes kinda living with them and shiz but eH-
no he wasnt bit. they feared that an eldritch vampire would kinda cause the end of the world
he got a 2% on a test once
about as strong as a limp noodle but will proceed to beat the shit out of you if you hurt someone he cares about
spot 2,please
I didn't have the colour of the hair so I just used a mixture of yellow and her skin colour. I hope that's ok.
Slot 1 please (?)