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All spots have been taken! I'll try to finish it today

I tried to make toru, i think i did very well 












last name: woods


she is the oldest sister of 6

(create the other 6 sisters)

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(1 edit)

Name: sophie woods

Age: 15

I did one too! ( is that alright? )

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oh lmao, oops i should fix that

There we go, fixed!

lori woods!

the youngest of the woods sisters at 13!

(ummm did i do it right)

she is so pritey

thank youuuuuuu


the sunrise sunset sisters




her and her sister when they were borne they were each given a piece of Thar mothers jewelry Thar mother was the moon godis she had ran away because of a tarubul man that wanted to kill her ever sens then her doters have bean searching the cosmoses for her.




(ya i did not know if they shoaled be like opus-it twines or both look different i may redo sunset)

tried to make Jiro

Ooo your close

(1 edit) (-1)

Katsuki bakugou 

Soft VERSION bakugou coz we all know he ain't soft

b a k u g o  a i n ' t  s o f t  d u d e

Lmao i know

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Nuuuu i keep seeing a thing where people make a alternate version of characters personality 

Damn i suck at explaining stuffs

Lemme try that again


Mina Ashido

in costume


Amazing! It looks just like her!!!


you can do this if you want i'm okay drawing but if you want to do this follow me and reply what spot number and and what kind of wold you want and what expression but not number 5 it has one already -_- feel free to do it 


spot 1 or 3

Slot 4 please

crazy cat lady i want this on spot 3 her name is sunshine

I love the design but her hair and crown make it really difficult to make her number 3. Maybe can I swap yours with lemon's character and make her 4 instead?


ok here is the rough draft tell me if there is anything you want me to add before out line and color 

Oooooh its really good




I can't wait to see the finished product

me neither

yas queen

(2 edits) (+3)

Spot 2 is taken by cute_happy_monsta's adorable monster. Sry about the crappy lighting. Spot 4 is being held for lemon's monster. Spot

Its a very simillar!

To be honest I'm kinda disappointed in myself with this one. I can redo it if you want


spot 4 for my baby ryan?

Can I make him spot 3 instead? He's looking up and the horns have enough space between them for 1 to fit in

(1 edit)

oh ok!

also btw you've probably been spelling my name wrong

if you look really close at the link for my profile you will see that in fact my name is spelled Iemonn, (the L is actually an uppercase i) since lemonn (lowercase L) was taken haha

That is actually pretty clever.

heheh i always do that with usernames since lemonn is always taken

can you do me crazy cat lady?

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spot 3  or 1

(2 edits)

Meet Denny, the confused femboy i created at like 2am


confused 90% of the time

16 years old

never knows whats going on ever

eldritch humanoid? idk

he babey

total dumbass

he kinda got involved with these vampire peeps and now hes kinda living with them and shiz but eH-

no he wasnt bit. they feared that an eldritch vampire would kinda cause the end of the world

he got a 2% on a test once

about as strong as a limp noodle but will proceed to beat the shit out of you if you hurt someone he cares about

Make a character and pick a number. Only happy characters allowed <3

spot 2,please

Deleted 4 years ago

I didn't have the colour of the hair so I just used a mixture of yellow and her skin colour. I hope that's ok. 

(1 edit)

Slot 1 please (?)

Meet Mia

Name: Starlinia Solaria

Age: As old as light itself

Occupation: Angel Queen of Light

The angel queen of light, she was born at the same time as the Astral Demon Queen. She almost always fights with her dark astral counterpart. The only compromise she's made was the day/night cycle. She doesn't like this compromise, but it's necessary for the survival of humanity.

(yeah we're doing this crap again)

aw yiss this crap again

fun times

no slaves this time though

because you know why

So swapped this time?


(1 edit)

I uh.. I drew Qoarin qwq

She loves her Goldfish uwu also should I draw more of my ocs? Maybe when I have more motivation qwq


you should totally draw more of your ocs! they're always adorable and you did a great job!^^

thank you! :D That means a lot to me cause I don't really have people that like my art lmao


ehhhh that's ok!

i always compliment nice art when i get the chance!💛


what? mad winky frown? what does that even mean?

hehe just exactly wut u said >,<

(1 edit)

k then

*visible confusion*


i made toga

with mask




i triyed to make shouto

this is haw it terend out



(h e c c it was hard)


I tried to make uraraka

And tsu



(1 edit) (+1)

I also tried to make sparky boom man but i failed 


ah yes my explosion pomeranian

What a wonderful pomeranian he is

Shoto looks like he's thinking bout cold soba

oh god I saw the newest episode that was a mess 



(1 edit) (+1)

It's stardew valley time boi



( low-key Leah was hard i couldn't find fitting eyes )

y e e so uh yeah, I kinda wanna marry Leah or Abigail in one of my saves ( not my main save tho because Elliott is n i c e )

Omfg i love stardew valley

Me to :>

My brother and i used to try to get Abigail to like us before the other

i made




(1 edit)

So cute! Can I pls draw Abigail?

uh she's not my oc, she's a character from a game so s u r e ?

The hearts look terrible, the jackets not blue, the colours look terrible and the nose isn't centred but I tried. I don't normally use colour in my drawings and I normally use charcoal instead of just normal pencil but I wanted to try something new.

The eyes are too far apart and the eyebrows are uneven. That nose is really fricking annoying 

ugh the jackets not centred either. I'm just gonna redraw it

i like it 😊

this is matcha my baby 

I enjoy you're posts but can i maybe post.... less? ( maybe you can post 2 or more oc bios in one post ) you're kinda spamming the posts ( keep making stuff though! )

yeah sorry, I'll stop, 

This is boo

Ok...Koala baby is gone so here ya go...
Need wool?Want pizza?Well Here!

So you know that saying keep your friends close but your enemies closer?Well when I got an idea from my generator this also came along

Heh yeah.....Also Lemonn boi and IdonthaveCreativity can make a desc for her.....ENJOY!

You YOUR LEAVING ME!? YOU CANT HARU NO! osore chan you knew it would happen i told you i was applying, YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T BE ACCEPTED, osore chan please, listen, i leave in a month ok? YOU SHOULD LEAVE NOW, BECAUSE YOU'RE NEVER COMING BACK BECAUSE YOU AND Y/N ARE GOING TO LOVE IT THERE, osore please stop this, NO LEAVE ME ALONE!. 

Haru comes out of the room with tears in her eyes, she runs into your arms crying, y/n im so sorry, i wish i didn't have to be this way, *hic* she's a really nice girl, honestly, lets go, no! Y/n don't go and talk to her, please she's really upset, iys not gonna do any good! you tell haru to wait in the hall and go into osore's room

Character profile:

Name: kowaii osore ( meaning scary fear) ( first name osore) 

Birthday: October 21 

Hight: 5/5

Weight: 99 lbs

Eye: red

Hair: gray

Blood type: O

Quirk: blood curdle ( can control her own blood)

Age: 16 

Ethnicity: Japanese/French 

Personally: scared, shy, sad

Allergies: pollen 

Medical conditions: schizophrenia, OCD, paranoia 

Favorite color: gray

Favorite food: nori ( octopus) kombu (kelp) rice balls

Least favorite food: spice 

School: N/A (she had to leave UA because of her schizophrenia) (it was too much) 

Current residential situation: room 235 musutafu hospital mental illness ward

Friend/ best friend: haru

Favorite thing: fluffy pillows, heavy blankets 

Least favorite thing: having to go "out there"

Hobbies: writing, watching Youtube  (jacksepticeye, markiplier, unnus annus, daz games,) ( lol those are just the channels i watch) 

Extra information: she wears the mask as a shield, it helps her with her mental illness 

Even more extra information: osore is in the hospital because she is slowly becoming less and less stable, its for her own sake 

N-no haru p-please i don't wan nt to tal k to anyone right now, Osore-chan you need more friends, haru i don't *haru brought you to visit osore because she thought you two would get along but osore still doesn't seem to want to talk to anyone, you've been there for over a hour* haru please just go, i need to be alone right now. Ok osore I'll come back tomorrow. *you get up from your chair in the hallway* im so sorry y/n..... i know your fine with it but i feel bad, i really thought you could be friends. *haru begins to cry* Im really worried about her *hic* she needs more friends, because when im gone she's gonna be alone *hic hic* and she might do something to herself, *hic* i know we're dating, i know your coming with me, but she needs options, so i thought *hic* that if she let you in *hic* she would let others in too, *you pull haru into your arms she grips onto your shoulders and cries* *you walk out to your car* y/n im sleepy, *she falls asleep in the car, she always sleeps in the car* *you took haru back to your house and carried her in, you put her in your bed and went in next to her coz its bed time* *you gave her a kiss on the forehead and went to sleep*

(Osore back in middle school⬆️)

Haru i said no! I dont want to.....please send them home! Your WHAT!? GET OUT PLEASE. osore-chan be nice, *flashback to this morning* good morning Y/n, y/n? *you were in fact downstairs cooking* *haru puys her arms around your back* good morning y/n whatcha cooking?...... omurice? Oh yay! , *at the breakfast table* y/n i HAVE to tell her, it might change her mind about not making new friends, it IS far y/n its a 3 day drive! It would be impossible to visit every week and besides she needs someone there every day, so i have decided, im telling her that we're moving out to (idk what town im too lazy for reserch) for collage, *you get in the car* it will be fiine y/n don't worry, 

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Yeah sorry about that


i like your content, but she has a point.

I know

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Oh wow shes a school idol? Thats cool, a school idol is a school popstar but i call it by a different name lol

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ooh cool! 👍😀



it's homestuck day

how fitting considering we're all stuck at home

Yes very

happy homestuck day broski!



the story is still as confusing as hell in homestuck^2

man i need to finish homestuck

and you have to catch up on homestuck^2

don't worry about the epilogues 

the homestuck^2 website has a summary of the epilogues

Never mind hah 


Sorry again 


(1 edit)

New NEW challenge! Make a girl based off the main emotion you feel

Thats me on the outside

Thats me on the inside because i can never share my insecurities with my family because they just tell me to stop with the pity party 


Ooh and theres my paranoia. I always have to have audio playing. I dont like my thoughts 

outside: a sort of confused happy. a forced blissful ignorance.

inside: anxious, nervous. the happy is there to mask this.

I know this isn't a monster girl but like

i love that

Thank you

Your welcome

I was watching this and look in the corner 

If anyone gets this reference they are a legend 

lmao I watched that video


don't hug me i'm scared was like


something wasn't it

it's supposed to get a new installment, right?

Dont Hug Me I'm Scared :D I'm traumatized from that lmao


i know same but i love it lmao

Lmao ngl a 6 your old showed it to me XD she didn't seem terrified lmao

i know same but i love it lmao

wonderful friendo

I like it as well uwu..why don't they have a like button or something on here? qwq

Its the little arrow things next to your post lmao

oh,lmao. Im new, sorry about that XD

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(6 edits)

I’m bored so here you go slots taken:All

Slot 3 please

5 for my baby please! she wears a pastel blue tank top, jean short and tall white stockings❤

okay so either 1 or 6 I can't decide

you can pick which spot fits

Can this boi be 6?

me 2

wdym by me 2 

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then the 3

slot three is taken so you will have slot 2 but what oc do you want me to dra

May my baby be #4?

Sorry that he's so complicated!

no worries I like more detailed characters 

new challenge: create your favorite flower! mine's a bleeding heart.

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I have no favorite flower but daisies are nice

𝐿𝒾𝓁𝓎 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒱𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓎

Aaaa minecraft!!! ^^

Minecraft is good

very much yes




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