IK HOW TO BE FAMOUS WHEN UR JUST STARTING OUT! Post what’s popular. The more trending you are the bigger your platform is and once it’s big enough you can post whatever you want. So if I just draw what’s hot rn like Encanto or Arcane more people will notice me so I’ll get more recognition then boom I’m just as big as my older sister. 200 followers on instagram.
No I meant like popular things. That’s not… it doesn’t always work that way listen I’m sorry I’m not good with words. What I mean is that I just want to get more followers on insta and I noticed if you post things related to popular subjects at the moment you get more attention. The more attention the more followers. So that’s what I meant. My bad for not explaining well.
gee. That one letter contributed so much. It’s almost like if you hadn’t replied in the first place pretty much nothing would have changed. Because of how much that ‘k’ contributed.
yeah because people live under rocks have I not made it clear. Listen I just don’t want to say something that people who haven’t watched these things don’t know yk. I just want to make sure. Some people haven’t even watched a single marvel movie but are planning to get into it so yeah. Also it is almost 11 years old. It turns 11 in April. BUT NOT THE POINT
I noticed that I am being very bitter rn and I’m so sorry you guys it’s just… yk mood swings. They’re kinda weird and all. I get them a lot so yeah you better get used to my freakiness and my depressive episodes ahahaa! LMAO
LMAO I sprained my wrist and it’s not going away so I’m probs gonna have to wear one of those cast but not a cast elastic glove thingies and not use my wrist for a bit until it’s better. Funny thing is I can no longer draw because the way I sit when I draw requires me to hold my sketchbook using guess what MY WRIST! And since I’m so used to doing said thing when I draw, I can’t draw any other way. So thank you being right handed… YOU FAILED ME! 🙂
HOW DO I DEAL WITH AFFECTION FROM STRANGERS OMG SAVE ME! I mean obv I'm not DMing anyone, I'm not risking things like that but seriously what do I do with this, where do I put it. Here? NO, there's no space there. How about here? NO, it's a bad spot. IDK what to do with this send help.
Idk if anyone is online rn but I posted a drawing of Dolores Madrigal and people are asking me to DM them my art and I don’t know what to do because this is the first time this has happened and I feel famous but idk what to make of it. I remember I used to be happy about 50 followers and now there’s strangers commenting about how good my art is and I’m not sure how to feel about it. Pls help how do I deal with this?
No never. More than half those things are disgusting scams plus I don’t want to do that. If I get followers it’ll be on my own terms. My art is my art and I don’t want to give it to someone else when I haven’t officially earned it like it being put in a museum. I don’t want my art to just be a ploy to get followers or be famous. So no I’m not DMing any dumb crappy art gallery insta account.
So basically I want to do this rp where all magic possessors have to be trapped, imprisoned or killed.
So this could be a str8 or Gay rp.
its NSFW
The last magic user was the hardest to find, and the most elusive. While the detective was down to earth, and very hardworking yet also gets what they want. when they want. When the last magic user was finally found, the detective couldn't quite get the image of the magic user(s) seductive smile not to mention everything else about them . Now the detective seems to want to keep the last magic user as a little pet for themselves
Hiiiiii, good evening everyone! My name is river (its a really hot name tbh)
Im a boy lol
A very hot boy
I speak two whole languages *woah* i speak emglish (my first language) and French... sort of- i mean I've been studying it since i was like a fucking fetus, but i cant form a sentence good.. like at all
But we don't talk about that because im sensitive
I like rythm gaming, musical theatre and camping! (I LOVE camping... more specifically tenting)
Some fun facts about me are; when i was in brownies i earned every single badge in my badge book (which is an accomplishment because during that time i was like 6 - 7), when i was in girl guiding i completed the lady baden powell challenge. Um im related to one of the new seats in parliament (he kinda sucks tho...) and im learning how to drum (not to brag, but im veeeeeeeery good at it)
(Also, idk if anyone realized this but all my bragging here is like.. its a bit.. I'm not that narcissistic 😭)
As a special treat
I did a picrew of me
(im supposed to be smiling)
And because im feeling extra generous
You get an actual picture of me <3 (lucky ass)
if you didn't realize already, i do not know what i look like
Encanto needs a series lol. I need one for my survival. I also need more CAMILOOOO. Like where was his identity crisis in the movie! I NEED MORE IT IS ESSENTIAL TO MY SURVIVAL SO IF DISNEY DOESN'T MAKE A SERIES I WILL AND I DON'T EVEN CARE IF I GET COPYRIGHTED BECAUSE I NEED AN ENCANTO SERIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
I speak many lang. like like I can loosely speak Japanese. I know a bit of Korean and and I speak some Deutsch. A few others but they not importnt.
Je suis egyptienne. I am also socially awkward and an introvert. I hate people and if you touch me prepare to die.
I know the most random facts for no reason like you have a total of 33 vertebrae in your body and the first ever person to be convicted of speeding was going 8mph.
Did you know most murders of indigenous people are done by non-indigenous people. Most murders of non-indigenous people are done by non-indigenous people. But a good percentage is still done by indigenous people.
The BLM movement is still going on but most people forgot because it’s not what’s popular anymore.
Uhm I like art. I draws. I used to take it as a hobby but later realized it was my passion. My dream school is Rhode.
Finland is my fav place and I ADORE ribs. Might add more l8r but I’m eatin so shut up
I'm a wrestler in the 102lb category and a crazy fanatic about art.
I mean, like, ANYTHING art.
Music, drawing, painting. Heck, even crocheting!
I've just started wrestling this year, and I'm SUPER into it as well, since it's almost a freestyle sport. I don't have to memorize routines or be perfect; I can just get on the mat and go. It's a great sport with even better people in it, so you should check it out.
I have a whole family outside my family in wrestling. I've got multiple siblings, a father-in-law, an older sibling, and a husbando. It's the best thing I've ever done...
And yeah, that's just a review of all the important things :)
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break from school: ends
My mental stability:
me when my sister watches 0.000000000000000000001 seconds of a show I wanted to watch with her:
is anybody my " friend "
y r u gae/j
IK HOW TO BE FAMOUS WHEN UR JUST STARTING OUT! Post what’s popular. The more trending you are the bigger your platform is and once it’s big enough you can post whatever you want. So if I just draw what’s hot rn like Encanto or Arcane more people will notice me so I’ll get more recognition then boom I’m just as big as my older sister. 200 followers on instagram.
...So then how come my cousin got famous with her boyfriend on tiktok..?
2 million likes on that video. But they broke up-so she put it private-but-
she didn't go with the trending stuff-
No I meant like popular things. That’s not… it doesn’t always work that way listen I’m sorry I’m not good with words. What I mean is that I just want to get more followers on insta and I noticed if you post things related to popular subjects at the moment you get more attention. The more attention the more followers. So that’s what I meant. My bad for not explaining well.
No no, you explained it perfectly-
I'm just-
it’s aight
I made a character
if my gacha luck improves
I Could have this saaya card (at the bottom)
Then, not only would i have a 5/5 poppin party band, but I'd ALSO have the full hydrangea set
It's like killing two birds with one stone
I ordered another bandori figure
I'll end up with the whole cast at this rate
Oh my god… you’ve been in VR chat for the past year, Twigs. Everyone was worried about you. I can’t believe you’re back.
Yeah. We don’t want things like that happening. Everyone should monitor their screen time more. To avoid another accident.
so Loki is a Frost Giant right. But let's be honest with ourselves... Loki is more of a Frost Average. I'm sorry someone had to say it ok.
gee. That one letter contributed so much. It’s almost like if you hadn’t replied in the first place pretty much nothing would have changed. Because of how much that ‘k’ contributed.
Spoilers for a movie over 10 years old (I think)
yeah because people live under rocks have I not made it clear. Listen I just don’t want to say something that people who haven’t watched these things don’t know yk. I just want to make sure. Some people haven’t even watched a single marvel movie but are planning to get into it so yeah. Also it is almost 11 years old. It turns 11 in April. BUT NOT THE POINT
Like fr tho he a frost average, he didn’t even make it through infinity war
yeah Loki you’re the fraking trickster god and you get bested by a grape?
I noticed that I am being very bitter rn and I’m so sorry you guys it’s just… yk mood swings. They’re kinda weird and all. I get them a lot so yeah you better get used to my freakiness and my depressive episodes ahahaa! LMAO
Old very smol house visit time!..
mountain climbing,ENCANTOOOOOOO
Movie time!
Old VERY VERY smol house in renovation visit time!
Stay in old smol house for two days
LMAO I sprained my wrist and it’s not going away so I’m probs gonna have to wear one of those cast but not a cast elastic glove thingies and not use my wrist for a bit until it’s better. Funny thing is I can no longer draw because the way I sit when I draw requires me to hold my sketchbook using guess what MY WRIST! And since I’m so used to doing said thing when I draw, I can’t draw any other way. So thank you being right handed… YOU FAILED ME! 🙂
HOW DO I DEAL WITH AFFECTION FROM STRANGERS OMG SAVE ME! I mean obv I'm not DMing anyone, I'm not risking things like that but seriously what do I do with this, where do I put it. Here? NO, there's no space there. How about here? NO, it's a bad spot. IDK what to do with this send help.
i got a new figure today
put her in a jar
shes, hot
look at her thighs
shes hot
Idk if anyone is online rn but I posted a drawing of Dolores Madrigal and people are asking me to DM them my art and I don’t know what to do because this is the first time this has happened and I feel famous but idk what to make of it. I remember I used to be happy about 50 followers and now there’s strangers commenting about how good my art is and I’m not sure how to feel about it. Pls help how do I deal with this?
Just act like your sick XD
Because I am
uhm I’ll just ignore the “DM this person” s and move on with my life as an artist.
or u can dod dat
No never. More than half those things are disgusting scams plus I don’t want to do that. If I get followers it’ll be on my own terms. My art is my art and I don’t want to give it to someone else when I haven’t officially earned it like it being put in a museum. I don’t want my art to just be a ploy to get followers or be famous. So no I’m not DMing any dumb crappy art gallery insta account.
all of this was my idea:
So basically I want to do this rp where all magic possessors have to be trapped, imprisoned or killed.
So this could be a str8 or Gay rp.
its NSFW
The last magic user was the hardest to find, and the most elusive. While the detective was down to earth, and very hardworking yet also gets what they want. when they want. When the last magic user was finally found, the detective couldn't quite get the image of the magic user(s) seductive smile
not to mention everything else about them .Now the detective seems to want to keep the last magic user as a little pet for themselvesThe og characters of the rp idea!->
I would like to do dat-
I have a few magic posseser ocs me self 😃
Can u show me?
I wanna do thatttttt!!!!
lol sure
so u wanna be the detective or magic user
magic boi-
I just realized
I have to watch what i say on the internet now 😭
My friend is a twitch streamer and I'm currently like a mod on her channel or whatever
i could get canceled
i stream on twitch to
but rarely
um, what about Freddy?
five nights at freddys
oh right my brain didn't work sorry
its fine lol
songs I memorized the lyrics to:
We Don't Talk About Bruno - Encanto Cast
Burning Pile - Mother, Mother
Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber
Karma - AJR
Bummerland - AJR
Pretender - Steve Aoki ft. AJR
The Good Part - AJR
Birthday Party - AJR
Three-Thirty - AJR
Humpty Dumpty - AJR
(I know a lot of AJR songs so let's just move on)
Getting Nowhere Fast - Girls At Our Best
Welcome To The Jungle - Guns N' Roses
Back In Black - AC/DC
Bad To The Bone - George Thorogood
Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley
(and I'm boutta vomit so see ya I'm sick)
I only know
Burning Pile - Mother, Mother
Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber
out of that list
sunnydrop and moondrop in my au.
nice designs
is this ur first design?
wanna see my sundrop?
its just in gacha club tho
my bandori account
Through time wooo (from earliest screenshots to newest screenshots)
This was around liiike.. june maybe? July ish
Had no idea how band power worked
And tsugu was my favorite character
This was right around the time raise a sulien was added
This was like uhhhhhhhh july or august
I learned how to fix my band power (and hhw became my favorite band)
Kokoro hyperfixation
THIS was definitely in august
Started trying during events
dream kokoro card <3
Joined my first teiring server </3
Went through an anti Michelle phase
August (?)
Small pasupare fixation (especially chisato)
took the butterfly teiring symbol outta my name
I think this was when it was deleted
this was around like September for sure
And then i made a bunch of rerolls and didn't use my account for 2 months
and this is from new years eve
I just left the [SUA] server tho
this is my most recent (today)
Hello happy world is still my favorite band
Poppipa comes in q close second though
(and i only have aya set as my profile art to make my friend jealous)
How is-
How is deku-
its funny cause its true
This was literally me coming out to my aunt to
ist anyone online? Crowbie has rage quit drawing.
(Nah not really I just got tired.)
me kinda
I swear to god
if leviathan says one more creepy thing to my pc im quitting this stupid game 🤕
Im fine with that honestly
Crediting people is for losers 😒😒
Also i have 1183 likes songs on spotify
Beat that
i like music 🤷♂️
Im so funny
What I want the guys at my school to be like:
What they’re actually like:
theyre all ugly
Ok and?
Im doing this
and im NOT crediting queenie
Hiiiiii, good evening everyone! My name is river (its a really hot name tbh)
Im a boy lol
A very hot boy
I speak two whole languages *woah* i speak emglish (my first language) and French... sort of- i mean I've been studying it since i was like a fucking fetus, but i cant form a sentence good.. like at all
But we don't talk about that because im sensitive
I like rythm gaming, musical theatre and camping! (I LOVE camping... more specifically tenting)
Some fun facts about me are; when i was in brownies i earned every single badge in my badge book (which is an accomplishment because during that time i was like 6 - 7), when i was in girl guiding i completed the lady baden powell challenge. Um im related to one of the new seats in parliament (he kinda sucks tho...) and im learning how to drum (not to brag, but im veeeeeeeery good at it)
(Also, idk if anyone realized this but all my bragging here is like.. its a bit.. I'm not that narcissistic 😭)
As a special treat
I did a picrew of me
(im supposed to be smiling)
And because im feeling extra generous
You get an actual picture of me <3 (lucky ass)
if you didn't realize already, i do not know what i look like
screw u too
Encanto needs a series lol. I need one for my survival. I also need more CAMILOOOO. Like where was his identity crisis in the movie! I NEED MORE IT IS ESSENTIAL TO MY SURVIVAL SO IF DISNEY DOESN'T MAKE A SERIES I WILL AND I DON'T EVEN CARE IF I GET COPYRIGHTED BECAUSE I NEED AN ENCANTO SERIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
you know what's ironic?
its how my i'm named
"Lofi kitty"
even tho i barely listen to Lofi music
I listen to Electronic, techno, dubstep, video game soundtracks more
I do intro myself for fun.
Sup peoples I’m Yasmin.
Piacere , girolamo trombetta!
I speak many lang. like like I can loosely speak Japanese. I know a bit of Korean and and I speak some Deutsch. A few others but they not importnt.
Je suis egyptienne. I am also socially awkward and an introvert. I hate people and if you touch me prepare to die.
I know the most random facts for no reason like you have a total of 33 vertebrae in your body and the first ever person to be convicted of speeding was going 8mph.
Did you know most murders of indigenous people are done by non-indigenous people. Most murders of non-indigenous people are done by non-indigenous people. But a good percentage is still done by indigenous people.
The BLM movement is still going on but most people forgot because it’s not what’s popular anymore.
Uhm I like art. I draws. I used to take it as a hobby but later realized it was my passion. My dream school is Rhode.
Finland is my fav place and I ADORE ribs. Might add more l8r but I’m eatin so shut up
you know what? I should do this, I'm bored
Hi, I'm Lydia!
I'm a wrestler in the 102lb category and a crazy fanatic about art.
I mean, like, ANYTHING art.
Music, drawing, painting. Heck, even crocheting!
I've just started wrestling this year, and I'm SUPER into it as well, since it's almost a freestyle sport. I don't have to memorize routines or be perfect; I can just get on the mat and go. It's a great sport with even better people in it, so you should check it out.
I have a whole family outside my family in wrestling. I've got multiple siblings, a father-in-law, an older sibling, and a husbando. It's the best thing I've ever done...
And yeah, that's just a review of all the important things :)
Wow! Wrestlers are super cool!
It's actually "isnt it crazy how fast the night changes"
The obey me brothers are literally so gay oml 😭