Do you mind if i......... *her face is getting redder by the second* i can? Haru slowly leans toward your face her eyes are closed you close your eyes and your lips meet hers. It was only for a second but it was the most wonderful kiss you have ever had. *haru sits back up* its getting late y/n lets go home! *you walk haru back to her house and arrange to meet up at your place tomorrow, haru walks into her house and you go home*
Good morning y/n! How are you? *you envite haru inside and she's greeted by you big sister, you say you look nothing alike but thats not true* hello you must be haru im mina its nice to meet you ......... you wanna go upstairs y/n? Ok! Oh wow this is a nice room, hee hee~ so y/n what do you wanna do?...... well i wanna do what you wanna do,......... just choose silly~ eat? I could definitely eat! Lets go! there you two are what have you been doing? ........ you guys wanna eat? I bought some coffee jelly earlier...........thanks miss mina!......... i love coffee jelly! Lets go back upstairs y/n we need to talk........... do you remember what we did last night...... yea when we k-k-kissed why did you do it? I was it a pity kiss? N-no!? Then why?!......... because you li ke me? *you get up and walk over to haru, you put your arms around her and-* *knock* Y/N!!!!!! OPEN UP! *you open the door* YOUUU FORGOT TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH, GO DO IT BEFORE DAD COMES HOME! and im going out ill ba back after dad comes home. ok y/n i understand! *after taking out the trash you go back upstairs to find haru snuggled up in one of your hoodies asleep on your bed* mnh? Oh y/n im sorry i fell asleep...... its ok? Thats good, *haru gets up and walk over to you this time she puts her arms around your waist because your taller*mmmh i really like you Y/N your the best. *you can feel she's about to fall asleep again so you pick her up and put her in the bed this time, and you sit down at the end* wake up y/n wake uuuup! Its past supper time and im hungy..... do i wanna go out!? To a restaurant?! Like a a a DATE!? well of course I do but i have to go home and change first ok?
This is my OC i draw her all the time her name is haru like the Japanese word for spring
likes: cats, hero training, using her quirk, ( super power ) school, cafe hopping, the holidays, new year's,
Dislike: bugs, losing,
Blood type: A
hight: 5/6
Weight: 100 lbs
Hair: blue
Eyes: blue
Quirk: chains, she can shoot chains from any part of her body but if she overuses it she will bleed
Ethnicity: Japanese, American
Personality: bubbly, hot headed,
Age : 16 ( schoolgirl )
School: UA
Current residential situation: UA class dormitory
HIIIIII~ im haru! Its nice to meet you, i like pretty much everything, heehee~ i can't wait to get to know YOU better, what do i like to do? Lots of things silly! Like going to cafe's and eating lots of sweets, i like visiting my parents on the weekend and seeing my sisters i like going outside and i like visiting shrines, i like to train to become a pro hero then im gonna be number one! Tell me about yourselves
A random festival because i felt like making her a kimono so yea
Come one!~ we're gonna miss the fireworks....... i know there's still a hour left until the beginning but i wanna get a good spot!.......... ooo is that a takoyaki stand?~ lets go eat some!...... this is really good huh? Ooo my favorite festival game! What do you mean you've never played!? I'll tell you how then. All you have to do is catch the fishy in a paper net and put into your bag!......... good job! You caught one! Now you can keep it!......... awwww i didn't get a fishy oh well theres always the next festival! No no its fine you keep the fishy.... its your first! You HAAAVE to keep it. *wieeee* oh!? The fireworks! Come on!.......... this is nice isn't it, i know crowded places aren't your thing but im really happy you came with me, ah! Oh im sorry i didn't notice my hand was on top of yours *haru's face turns bright red? I'll keep them to myself. Wha? I dont have to? Ok then! *she rests her head on your shoulder* *you carefully put your arm around her* oh? Hee hee~ thank you Y/N i was getting a bit cold, *haru makes a cute squeaky purr type sound* your so nice Y/N *haru falls asleep and her head falls into your lap* *mmmmnnni* did i fall asleep!? I missed the whole thing! Y/N why didn't you wake me uuuup? *haru begins to blush as you giver her your reason* y-you thought i was C-C-CUTE!? eeep *haru's face is redder then ever* come on Y/N i wanna show you something.......*haru leads you into a sakura forest* ( its a cliche i know ) this is my secret space, i've never brought anyone here before so your special Y/N! ^^ there's a bench over there so lets go sit down....pleeeeese there's something I have to tell you. *you go sit down next to haru with the sakura petals floating around you* w-what did i want to tell you!? *you've never seen haru like this before* well.... the thing is...... i like you Y/N a LOT im sure you don't feel the same way but I had to tell you one way or another......... wha!? Y/N? Whats going on with your face!? Are you ok!? Its really red! Are you sick!? Oh thank goodness your ok. *haru leans in close to your face* is it ok if i-
Medical conditions: asthma, ADD ( attention deficit disorder)
Favorite color: yellow
Hobbies: drawing, shopping for art supplies, cosplay, reading manga / watching anime
Hello, im haleigh, im on my second year at PK academy, i don't like school very much its boring and not much of a challange i dont have many friends and im completely OK with being alone all the time. My mom and sister keep telling me to go meet people and have "fun" buuuut going out to do activities is not my idea of fun, i just want to be able to play my music and draw to my hearts content all alone, sometimes I'll hangout with my sister holly but she's a very bubbly and sociable girl so i always end up outside my comfort zone.
The other day holly made me wear ⬆️ this ridiculous outfit because she wanted to go out. Never.again.
W-what!? Im NOT blushing >////////< and i DON'T like her...... who is she? Thats Jayden,she's a really nice girl^//////^ . im NOT STARING AT HER ○///////○. ........ what do you mean im getting all worked up? Im always like this. NO im NOT usually calm. THIS IS MY NORMAL... I DON'T LIKE HER.
Likes: black coffee, rainy days, anime, manga, art, rock, screamo, and heavy metal music, she will also occasionally listen to rap, pocky, Japanese foods
please please please don't say this is an undertale oc
we have enough, undertale isn't all that popular anymore, and it's gotten wayyyyy too toxic. sans fangirls have reached a new low if they've invaded here
it just... doesn't look great to point your eyes at.
hi, made an account just to say this: let them make an OC of whatever fandom they want, dude!! cringe culture is dead, let people like what they want as long as it isnt hurting anyone :/
i get what you're trying to say, but this kind of thing is not what we're looking for here. other fandoms have had bad markings on the comments sections here, and it's just not the best idea to post things like that here.
as much as i liked undertale and as much as i enjoy seeing other people's creativity, this is not the place to post it.
and dude, i'm not trying to be a jerk. i've had people attack me on the internet before, and it's awful.
i respect your point, but this comments are for monster girls/boys/enbie folks made in the game, that aren't realted to anything outside of what's going on here.
yeahhhh, no. it isnt your job to police what others are posting, man :/ and last time i checked, they werent violating any rules! its pretty rude to just say "oh hey you cant post that here because i said so"
( an i swear anti-lgbtq people are high i was drawing this guy on an online drawing thing and someone looked at it and said that this oc is a " Pansexual sinner " )
← Return to game
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I have made a decision
Which is better
Monster girl
Or the picture I drew?
Thank you.....
I think I've seen the drawn picture somewhere
Drawn picture?I was just following the generator
? Im really dumb sorry
sure it is
k so she's got a point because
-william afton was a dick
-blushing requires blood under skin, which anamatronics have neither
-t w o d i f f e r e n t f a n d o m s (technically, but not really)
-why would a perfectly fine anamatonic think that a rotten, destroyed suit CLEARLY SHOWING the corpse inside is "cute"
-none of the anamatronics are capable of love, especially not for one like a mustard yellow bunny.
sorry but not om stupid things
also HOW AND WHY was i supposed to support you?
i have no idea wtf is going on
so it's not gonna be sketched like this but i wanted to give an example
comment a character and number❤💛💚💙💜
spots taken: 3,4
this man as 4
she should be a challenge
Okay >:)
I can?
smoky for number 2 maybe
why am i like this
Ight gamers it's that time again
we will all have r/sbubby shirts so if you want to give me the image on you're characters shirt you can
Slots taken: ALL
Okay :>
Hey, im so confused what the heck is happening
152 for me pleaseif only number 2 was t-posing
Do you mind if i......... *her face is getting redder by the second* i can? Haru slowly leans toward your face her eyes are closed you close your eyes and your lips meet hers. It was only for a second but it was the most wonderful kiss you have ever had. *haru sits back up* its getting late y/n lets go home! *you walk haru back to her house and arrange to meet up at your place tomorrow, haru walks into her house and you go home*
Good morning y/n! How are you? *you envite haru inside and she's greeted by you big sister, you say you look nothing alike but thats not true* hello you must be haru im mina its nice to meet you ......... you wanna go upstairs y/n? Ok! Oh wow this is a nice room, hee hee~ so y/n what do you wanna do?...... well i wanna do what you wanna do,......... just choose silly~ eat? I could definitely eat! Lets go! there you two are what have you been doing? ........ you guys wanna eat? I bought some coffee jelly earlier...........thanks miss mina!......... i love coffee jelly! Lets go back upstairs y/n we need to talk........... do you remember what we did last night...... yea when we k-k-kissed why did you do it? I was it a pity kiss? N-no!? Then why?!......... because you li ke me? *you get up and walk over to haru, you put your arms around her and-* *knock* Y/N!!!!!! OPEN UP! *you open the door* YOUUU FORGOT TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH, GO DO IT BEFORE DAD COMES HOME! and im going out ill ba back after dad comes home. ok y/n i understand! *after taking out the trash you go back upstairs to find haru snuggled up in one of your hoodies asleep on your bed* mnh? Oh y/n im sorry i fell asleep...... its ok? Thats good, *haru gets up and walk over to you this time she puts her arms around your waist because your taller*mmmh i really like you Y/N your the best. *you can feel she's about to fall asleep again so you pick her up and put her in the bed this time, and you sit down at the end* wake up y/n wake uuuup! Its past supper time and im hungy..... do i wanna go out!? To a restaurant?! Like a a a DATE!? well of course I do but i have to go home and change first ok?
I low-key be vibin' with what you're saying but can you please stop spamming the comments
Yeah sorry im just bored
it got better at the end i think
Did i go overboard?
This is my OC i draw her all the time her name is haru like the Japanese word for spring
likes: cats, hero training, using her quirk, ( super power ) school, cafe hopping, the holidays, new year's,
Dislike: bugs, losing,
Blood type: A
hight: 5/6
Weight: 100 lbs
Hair: blue
Eyes: blue
Quirk: chains, she can shoot chains from any part of her body but if she overuses it she will bleed
Ethnicity: Japanese, American
Personality: bubbly, hot headed,
Age : 16 ( schoolgirl )
School: UA
Current residential situation: UA class dormitory
HIIIIII~ im haru! Its nice to meet you, i like pretty much everything, heehee~ i can't wait to get to know YOU better, what do i like to do? Lots of things silly! Like going to cafe's and eating lots of sweets, i like visiting my parents on the weekend and seeing my sisters i like going outside and i like visiting shrines, i like to train to become a pro hero then im gonna be number one! Tell me about yourselves
A random festival because i felt like making her a kimono so yea
Come one!~ we're gonna miss the fireworks....... i know there's still a hour left until the beginning but i wanna get a good spot!.......... ooo is that a takoyaki stand?~ lets go eat some!...... this is really good huh? Ooo my favorite festival game! What do you mean you've never played!? I'll tell you how then. All you have to do is catch the fishy in a paper net and put into your bag!......... good job! You caught one! Now you can keep it!......... awwww i didn't get a fishy oh well theres always the next festival! No no its fine you keep the fishy.... its your first! You HAAAVE to keep it. *wieeee* oh!? The fireworks! Come on!.......... this is nice isn't it, i know crowded places aren't your thing but im really happy you came with me, ah! Oh im sorry i didn't notice my hand was on top of yours *haru's face turns bright red? I'll keep them to myself. Wha? I dont have to? Ok then! *she rests her head on your shoulder* *you carefully put your arm around her* oh? Hee hee~ thank you Y/N i was getting a bit cold, *haru makes a cute squeaky purr type sound* your so nice Y/N *haru falls asleep and her head falls into your lap* *mmmmnnni* did i fall asleep!? I missed the whole thing! Y/N why didn't you wake me uuuup? *haru begins to blush as you giver her your reason* y-you thought i was C-C-CUTE!? eeep *haru's face is redder then ever* come on Y/N i wanna show you something.......*haru leads you into a sakura forest* ( its a cliche i know ) this is my secret space, i've never brought anyone here before so your special Y/N! ^^ there's a bench over there so lets go sit down....pleeeeese there's something I have to tell you. *you go sit down next to haru with the sakura petals floating around you* w-what did i want to tell you!? *you've never seen haru like this before* well.... the thing is...... i like you Y/N a LOT im sure you don't feel the same way but I had to tell you one way or another......... wha!? Y/N? Whats going on with your face!? Are you ok!? Its really red! Are you sick!? Oh thank goodness your ok. *haru leans in close to your face* is it ok if i-
should i do a part 2? Coz that was really fun!
remember Liana
the smoke monster from like a month ago
guess who decided to make her 3D
ohhhh cool
what program did you use to make her on?
vroid studio
tis be free
so did you try it
ooooo no
i have a chromebook
so i can't download any good crap
I had a dream that i kid from my school jumped over the railing and died then i had to turn his body into plastic
recycle lads
have you been staying in quarantine
YUP but my brain is screwed up because im stupid and watch the same 2 minute video over and over
Ok no more internet for me for 1 hour
Maybe less
dang that's a thing
i must make the creepy art i was destined to make
drawn on ibispaint x uwu
I have ibuispaint X but I'm really bad coz i need a stylus
i just use my finger haha
Oh, i can't use my finger its hard and i got nails sooo
i always clip my nails because even when my NAILS ARE TOO LONG I GET DYSPHORIA FROM IT
also im better at drawing people soo yea
I was sucking air through a straw and it went into the back of my throat and the air went in my throat and i died
dude was it a metal straw
save the earth
only reusable straws deserve to kill you with air
Nah it was my reusable plastic straw for my naruto tumbler cup thing
that's 100× better than a metal straw
Oh jeez im odd
I tried my best to make tsu from bnha because i love her. *kyaaah* she's so adorable
Obviously not MY version but the actual tsu is a cute bean
she looks like no one should mess with her
Hahah she is wayyy cuter in the anime
I mage tsuyu asui the other day
oh wow yours is sooo much better
Its my spoopy friend
spoopy indeed
i like the s p o o p y friend
the S p o o p y f r i e n d likes you too
ohoho let's be s p o o p y together, s p o o p y friend
ok S p o o p y f r i e n d
Hi everybody! i'm new here, meet Nephele!
She's cute, and welcome to the cult :>
haha you cannot leave
now embrace our ways of drawing each other's characters and embracing memes
Thanks, Happy to be here. :)
remember to find out if she's a normie or not
we'd have to sacrifice her
you know we have to do it to em
we'd have to do it to em'
I'm sorry but i have no idea why i laughed at this for a good minute
Its bad to be a normie right?
Im not im a weeb
dost thou like the sacred memes
Uhhh yea welcome
Cavetown- Devil Town
sweet ∩▽∩
Character profile:
Hight: 5'5
Weight: prefers not to say
Eye: green
Hair: black
Blood type: AB
Ethnicity: Japanese
Personally: calm, cool, romantic
Age: 15 ( schoolgirl )
School: PK academy
Year: second
Allergies N/A
Medical conditions: asthma, ADD ( attention deficit disorder)
Favorite color: yellow
Hobbies: drawing, shopping for art supplies, cosplay, reading manga / watching anime
Hello, im haleigh, im on my second year at PK academy, i don't like school very much its boring and not much of a challange i dont have many friends and im completely OK with being alone all the time. My mom and sister keep telling me to go meet people and have "fun" buuuut going out to do activities is not my idea of fun, i just want to be able to play my music and draw to my hearts content all alone, sometimes I'll hangout with my sister holly but she's a very bubbly and sociable girl so i always end up outside my comfort zone.
The other day holly made me wear ⬆️ this ridiculous outfit because she wanted to go out. Never.again.
W-what!? Im NOT blushing >////////< and i DON'T like her...... who is she? Thats Jayden,she's a really nice girl^//////^ . im NOT STARING AT HER ○///////○. ........ what do you mean im getting all worked up? Im always like this. NO im NOT usually calm. THIS IS MY NORMAL... I DON'T LIKE HER.
Ok..... maybe i DO like her a little bit
Will you help me? I wanna date her
( Jayden )
Oh shoot i screenshot ed too late so i got her mid blink
Y'all? Am I big dumb cuz idk how to save as a gif? Or am I just meant to screencap it?
Yea just screenshot it
Likes: black coffee, rainy days, anime, manga, art, rock, screamo, and heavy metal music, she will also occasionally listen to rap, pocky, Japanese foods
Dislike: country music
this is heather the skeleton
please please please don't say this is an undertale oc
we have enough, undertale isn't all that popular anymore, and it's gotten wayyyyy too toxic. sans fangirls have reached a new low if they've invaded here
it just... doesn't look great to point your eyes at.
does that even mean
Do you watch anime
Because the mha fanbase is wayyyyy worse if you don't support everyone's gay ship
Its actually terrifying. I have to be suuper nice when i say i don't like kacchaco or todobaku or kirideku or anything like that
They like it so let them have fun ye?
hi, made an account just to say this: let them make an OC of whatever fandom they want, dude!! cringe culture is dead, let people like what they want as long as it isnt hurting anyone :/
i get what you're trying to say, but this kind of thing is not what we're looking for here. other fandoms have had bad markings on the comments sections here, and it's just not the best idea to post things like that here.
as much as i liked undertale and as much as i enjoy seeing other people's creativity, this is not the place to post it.
and dude, i'm not trying to be a jerk. i've had people attack me on the internet before, and it's awful.
i respect your point, but this comments are for monster girls/boys/enbie folks made in the game, that aren't realted to anything outside of what's going on here.
I stopped playing roblox for a month because people attack me. Im scared of getting replies on the internet because people attack me
What are we looking for then?
yeahhhh, no. it isnt your job to police what others are posting, man :/ and last time i checked, they werent violating any rules! its pretty rude to just say "oh hey you cant post that here because i said so"
I agree 👍
we have had toxic expiriences with people of other fandoms, and i just don't want it to happen again.
She is but she is NOT with sans they are brother and sister that would be gross and ever fandom has a toxic side.
that's kinda better
but thanks for understanding! she's got a nice design, and i appreciate you putting up with me being part of the comment police!
also yeah, every fandom is pretty toxic, it just depends how high on the toxicity level it is.
It's ok
i Think she looks CUTE
ahh yehhhh
but have you seen the fandom? it's awful. i mean it used to be ok, and it looks kinda nice as just a character, but dangg
those "oRiGiNaL sKeLeToN cHaRaChTeRs" can get pretty bad.
also yeah if you don't like bnha yaoi then you can't be part of the fandom, according to everyone
*cough*cough* i practically live for yao just the ones that make sense
oh my god stop making these
it makes me feel awful that i don't have the skill to make them myself
Aww yo DO you can do ANYTHING just get creative
that's why i always just draw other people's ocs, i have literally no creativityha, that's ok! can write like stephen king, but can't design an original character to save my life!
Nooo don't stop their so cool
This is Rea.
She likes candy and vibing with people.
v i b e
with me
y e s
g o o d v i b e s
I made another thing i just wanted a neon oc >:)
( an i swear anti-lgbtq people are high i was drawing this guy on an online drawing thing and someone looked at it and said that this oc is a " Pansexual sinner " )
may i
d r a w
y e s
s w e e t
i tried to make a neon girl
it did not turn out as cool as yours
press f to pay respects
4 year old me picking out my outfit-
Haruhi again but her friends helped her
Now shes butiful
Actually i prefer the other version much better
Her name is haruhi
She's really awkward