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Random Challenge :D (Im sorry-)

Create your pet as a monster girl :D (Im bored ok-)

This is my rabbit Icy! She's a white rabbit with red eyes. And she loves blueberries but hates being held.. Which is really annoying when i'm in my feelings.

((I have no idea what this is bear with me-) 


My cat Ophelia the c h o n k

My guinea pig Lucky the b i g 

This is Lucky! He's a rescue and has mahogany eyes. He also thinks that he is the boss of everyone, and dislikes everyone in my household except for me. He's really cute :D

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my 4 (adorable) pets!



-duke's twin sister

-3 years old

- doesn't weigh even half of her twin brother


-c h o n k

-like 25 pounds

-3 years old

-my lil' bby boy


-4 years old

-my good bby boy

-f l o o f

-needs leg surgery (is getting it on monday!)


-old lady

-16 years old

-only cat I've owned that has a pink nose

-my lil' f l o o f

You have so many babies :0 oh gosh-

and i'm currently trying to convince my parents that i need a danger noodle!

lmao TOO many babies-

im just kidding. You can never have too many babies-


never will there be enough:

-scaly babies

-floofy babies

-fuzzy babies

-wholesome babies

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Comment a character and number:  (I'm 1 but way too lazy to draw lemonn in yet)

Sorry that it's sketched^^

Taken spots: all!!

art by lemonn <3
Best deer for slot 2?
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Deleted 4 years ago


Rave child as 4 please?


Thanks :>

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k so umm

it did not turn out well when I was trying to ink it in




so change of plans

use the sketch to draw in your character

and then comment it! srry everyone, but I'm feeling tired & lazy and just too unmotivated to make a piece with multiple characters U~U

everything that's been going on has been depressing and the mood has been rubbing off on me. I'll try again tomorrow! I won't give up on this!!

It's 100% fine and i will do that :>

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I tried ;-;

The fact that she's overlaying the sketch is kind of annoying but I'll deal with it. Does it at least look okay?

(she's t-posing)

woops replied to the wrong comment

looks great!

oof I commented after this comment was made

I will try to do that but I suck at digital drawing so

5, because why not.

can't wait to see these lads in the same pic

oh same

P O V :

You were talking with Jordan late one night, on the roof of his home. (Did I mention that he built a house in the middle of a lake? No? Well he did, and lives there with his cat, Misty.) They were pointing out all of the different constellations to you, and you were looking up at the starry sky in awe. You had no idea that there were so many stories about those stars. Your personal favourite was (Constellation Here). Jordan mostly kept to themself, apart from you and another girl named Minos, who lived with them. Minos hadn't been around lately, so it was just you and Jordan. 

"Hey, (Y/N)! Do you want to crash here? It's pretty late..." Jordan interrupted your thoughts. You nodded and smiled. You got up and offered a hand to them, and they took it and stood up as well. The two of you climbed down the ladder that led to the roof and went inside of Jordan's house. You took the bed, and they took the overstuffed sofa in the corner of the room. 


You woke up to the sound of loud crashing in the kitchen. Jordan was still fast asleep on the couch. You searched for the nearest weapon, which was an old curtain rod, and advanced from the room, into the kitchen. There was a tall figure going through each and every shelf and cupboard, and it looked like it was searching for something. It turned towards you.

She looked relatively harmless... But there was a sinister air about her.






human!lemonn is the OC here


I gotta wake up Jordan, or do something... So why am I frozen? 

I grab the nearest item- a handpainted garden gnome named jerome- and brandish it like a dagge at the invader. The tip of the hat is relatively sharp, so hopefully that does something?

I slowly inch backwards, determined to wake Jordan up so they can do something.

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I have ran out of ideas so here 

post you're character and say what number they are i'll post the finished drawing later

Spots taken: all spots are taken!

I also got a pixilart if you wanna see some of my non-moster girl maker things

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I'm just gonna do 5 okay?

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art by lemonn <3

My boi Jordan? Slot 4 pls

2 preferably :)


Deleted 4 years ago

lemonn or human!lemonn, number 3!



Okay :>

thanks a bunch!^^

No problem :>

Deleted 4 years ago

Matchmaker and heartbreaker for 1?


Could i get 1

Can you take 6 please?

Everyone meet Zay!

An alien that crash landed on Earth and is now trying to learn about it and its people

i like the lack of details, it makes the colors on her pop out!

I can just imagine all the posts read on the "Humans Are Space Orcs" videos happening to this alien

That's not gonna be good for her ._."

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hope you guys like them! I only made a human version in case artists who have a hard time with plants want to draw them💛

*softly hugs he*  D R A W T I M E




k so this is the official human!lemonn design

he do be drenching a pear w soy sauce doe

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he be watering his scrub with water from a coffee mug doe

This was me last week. I actually really liked having blueish hair.
Deleted 4 years ago

Is this healthy??


I'm gonna be posting some POVs today, and I need some ideas!! 


i don't know, but since you're super good at writing good POVs, anything would work!

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Hi my name is Hope! I'm new to this, sorry if I'm doing it wrong. 

This is me at the moment but I change my look almost every week. My hair is a different colour every week and so is my colour theme. Right now I'm in a red and black mood. 

I'm in year 10 and failing most of my classes including art. 

I love all kinds of art. When it comes to my art I'm a perfectionist. My art teacher HATED me because of it. She'll give the class 30 seconds to draw a quick sketch of a tree and I'll spend the whole time focusing on 1 line making sure its perfectly straight.

I'm an introvert with social anxiety and a hint of depression which is fun. Last year I couldn't leave my bed so I started home schooling. Shortly after all my friends forgot I exist. You would think all that time in bed would mean I'm well rested. Nope! Insomnia.

As you can tell by my username I love cats. I have 2 adorably angels called Missy and Coco.

I spent most of my life in Africa although I was born in Australia. I've been on a lot of adventures which I try my best to represent in my art. uuuuuuummmmmm... I think that's all <3

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k then


because that's totally you in real life



yes i do indeed have eyes a nose and a mouth. And yes i do wear hoodies and have hair


mhmm because you dye your hair every week, constantly have a cat on your head, and made a "quirky" story about your art teacher.

because someone like you would of course hang around in the comments section of MGM.

sorry, but I kind of have a hard time believing that.


How is it so hard to believe that while in quarantine I'd dye my hair more than once. And how is the story quirky?! It wasn't meant to be quirky it was just a way of saying I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my art.  If you're gonna make assumptions about me at least make good ones.



but about the hair thing, are you fricking ramona flowers? obviously you still live with your parent, so are they really going to let you destroy your hair every 7 days so you can be "cool"?

Meet Cassie, your new watermelon friend

omg that's adorable ^^



I'm sorry but  w a t e r  m e l o n  s t e v e n

but I'm not a watermelon

I'm talking about steven universe but okay

I know, and my name is Steven

o sorry


Here's another POV! 

You gasp as you sit up straight in your bed. "Noah!" You yelp then begin to cry. Noah was your best friend. But she disappeared just a while ago. Her body was found near a lake. You missed her so much. You wipe your tears then notice a figure in your doorway. You turn on your lamp and see a girl. She looked kinda like a Galaxy, you were mesmerized by her.

"Hello there. I heard a sad soul having a Nightmare." The girl said then walked over to you. "My name is Yume.. I'm here to help those with nightmares..

What do you do?

(Yume means Dream in Japanese by the way lol) 

( I was gonna write about what i'd do but i'd just yell " GET OUT OF MY ****ING ROOM " so uh this is what Charile would do )

She'd look at the girl, not knowing what to say, these night terriers have happened right when they found Noah had gone missing, and the girl seemed oddly familiar. She'd wake up her girlfriend whom was sleeping next to her  "Clara, do you see what I'm seeing?!". She's wait for her girl friend's response. 

"W-what?" I gotta whisper, since it's like 11 my parents are probably still up. 

What I realy want to scream is 'WHAT THE ACTUAL FRICK' because I'm a wholesome boy and we don't swear in this household honey.

"What do you mean? U-um... I wasn't ha-having..." I trail off, and it's kind of redundant to deny it. Plus, she's some magical dream lady, so it would make a lot my more sense if she came to my house because of it.

"Uhh.. Uh... I'm good... I've got a therapy group for it and the night terrors are getting b-better!"

I slip out from the comforter and put on some fluffy slippers. I kinda hate them, but this isn't the time to complain.

"I-I don't really need any help... but thanks for stopping by...?" I say as I promptly push Yume out of my room.

"B-byee." And I slam the door.

(Btw, for all wondering, the stutter things are because I have a small speech thing that is reaaaally annoying)

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im about to go i n s a n e because lemonn keeps mentioning some girl who was obsessed with mha who was insistent with it in this comment section, but i can't find the thread anywhere >:( I want the tea gIVE ME THE TEA.

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they were like posting pictures that were on google, and were really insistent that they were allowed to post pics of todoroki that they didn't draw. reaaaaaal annoying.


okay so i made this i fell like someone will like it as much as i do


more baby and gifs are coming soon >:)


can I make one?

I'm going to anyway you can't stop me from loving this sweet frog bebe


what all my online friends think: Every oc I've ever made < F l i m

and the thing is, their right

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here, the animation is a bit weird, but there's your flim bby sticking his tongue out!

:O you did so good! 100% bby you have gained respect 

This brings the feeling of adoration yet also fear

you should

this is Eleanor :D


it looks like an abstract art painting

it's a bit of the look i was going for

can I try drawing her?^^

of course! i would love it if you did! ^^

yiss! I'll try my best! it might take a little while tho.

that's perfectly fine! take your time dear! ^^

k but it felt kinda great when I read that you called me dear

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iiiiiiiIIIT'S CHALLENGE TIME! Hosted by yours truly, Vance! (me!)


Here is an example: ('Tis I!)

look at this idiot 

thats me

the lesbian that sketches in every other class except for art class, and in art class she just talks with her friends

-currently navigating junior high, with much difficulty, especially in the way of being social

-her (real) friends only exist online, not in the real realm! although her "friends" irl don't invite her anywhere and don't even text or talk to her

-she draws a lot, and her right hand is constantly covered with graphite. you can normally tell what kind of thing she's been working on, because if it's edgy, then plenty of red marker stains dance around her fingers.

-she loves indie music with her entire being, especially artists like oliver tree, flora cash, mother mother and sub urban

-her gf broke up with her november 2019 and she's still not over it. what an i d i o t.

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and believe it or not, there's a binder under there!💛 (btw I do have braces I just can't edit pics on my chromebook. well I can, I'm just to lazy to.)

godd it was hard to make myself this game is not compatible for monster dudes

 He loves to draw and wishes he was a sentient lemon tree. 

If you request art he'll draw it for you! Or if you don't! He's going to draw your amazing OC whether you like it or not!

Just the trans boy at your school that's wayyyy to nervous and gay to use the men's bathroom. He constantly has his headphones on, so good luck getting his attention if you're not on the other side of his screen!

He draws in every class and has had multiple occasions where he's found himself drawing in textbooks! 

He plays trombone for the school band and is trying to start back up the LGBT+ group that ended earlier this school year!

isn't friends with anyone outside the LGBT+ spectrum

wants to be a lo fi hip hip guy (and has made 3 good songs!)

has 2 kittens, an old cat, and a dog that wears the cone of shame.

perhaps likes his best friend of 8 years
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Emma has joined

This is me believe it or not

that one girl who has a crush on her girl best friend

She plays trombone in high school at age 13 and is very confused about life and what to do. She is one of those people who draw in class and never pays attention. Loves everything and makes friends with any she make eye contact with but is still prefers being alone in her bedroom for hours at a time.

Most of her friends are part of the LGBTQ+ community and is confused where she falls in it. 

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I think us three could be friends


if you're following me, then I consider you a sort of friend💛

Deleted 4 years ago
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you have just described me

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do you want to see my favourite OC i made

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dude I LOVE babymetal

my friend went to a concert and I was super jealous 

she got to see megisune liveeeeee

also I'm going to call you tia now because I like that name and it probably fits you

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yeah, she went with her dad WHO LIKES BABYMETAL

which is insane


bold of you to assume i wouldn't join in >:) 

Tall non-binary child with no idea on how to do  a n y t h i n g

get inhaled in a fandom and won't stop i'll the show/movie stops being updated ( I will scream if Infinity Train doesn't get another season >:( ) 

Reads questionable fanfiction in their free time  

" d a d  c a n  i  g e t  a  b i n d e r "

oh yeah also my name is Em and if you find my dead name i will commit stabby stabby

i wouldnt try, my friend ^^

I don't have a deadname, but i have some trans/enby friends and i know how hard it is sometimes, and i respect y'all so much for continuing to fight <33

Thank you :>

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I've got a deadname, but since it's russian and really confusing to read (looking at you sub teachers) I just say "i go by steven"

also gc2b is having a limited edition trans flag binder, just thought i'd let you know if you want to order one^^

tbh though I get some hate for transitioning to a dude anyways, but since I'm now using he/they pronouns it's gotten worse because transphobes don't think that you can have 2 preferred pronouns


My grandma, distant family, and teachers are the only people I let call me she/her.

I swear every time someone says " I idenTify aS An AttACk hELICoPTer " I get a year cut off of my life just by the sheer rage

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Maria,its me.


Hi its good to meet someone similar age to me!

tis I, the socially awkward gremlin

found the shirt and it reminded me of a shirt I currently have so

-likes drawing and editing screenshots

-likes animating a bit

-can not start normal conversations anywhere. Not even with...

Squidward's house. (lol expired meme)

-likes memes of almost all kinds (wholesome memes and perfectly cut screams are favorite)

-owns at least 3 shirts that are way too big for her

-is a huge nerd and read through the entirety of "The Elements" by Theodore Gray (a book about the periodic table) more than once

-goes through many fandoms per year (hence the username)

-is a very imaginative person and can imagine a lot of scenarios in her head

-usually goes off track with her imagination

-picky eater

-has made at least one acceptable chime on google music lab

here's the link if you're interested

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should I edit the periodic table on my shirt to represent one of my really big shirts


star butterfly? is that you?


indeed it is






(no offense everyone else, y'all came in a close second^^)

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(but ily all)

looks like the one I did

i'm from brazil so it's hard to speak right hope i'm speaking right

i was inspired by you and yes you are speaking right

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I think her name is Lucy

cool name but no


Maybe Sable? Or Ebony?

cool names but no


age: 15

name: i'm going to draw her

ok i hope it looks good

i'm from brazil so it's hard to speak right hope i'm speaking right


you are!^^

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done! the heavy shading and lighting was fun to do haha




Mine boy 😍😍😍


very cute!


I need a name for her shes an art student


That will be weird because my name is Emma


I like it

she kinda looks like an Adeline/Ada to me.

Rose, because she reminds me if the mystery girl in that one episode of SU

Wait have you watched all of SU

ummm i have to watch the last few episodes

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i need to watch the last episodes of future! it's soooo goof tho and i cried when it was announced that it was endinggggg

I made Tsuyu from mha

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as much as I love both your recreation and the series, it might not be the best to post stuff from BNHA here.

we've had... a poor outcome with a toxic fan of it.

love it tho!^^

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yeah... good point. I ended up blocking them just in case tho^^

it was pretty annoying(′θ`)


Crystal sheep

This is Skyler


I remade oe of my old ocs!

Name: Qoarin

Species: Dream Angel

Age: 16

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Shy and sweet

Powers: Dream Control.

Gender: Non Binary (No gender)

Pronouns: They/Them/Their

Likes: To paint, cats, cookies, cuddles, and reading.

Dislikes: Loud noises, fighting, and crying

(You can make their lover if you'd like!)

 by the way! here are what their eyes and tears look like! Yes I drew them. Yes I suck at it qwq

Don't make me sad okay-


they look amazing, a+ on creativity!

hey dude! I read your profile and saw you're a fan of creepypasta stories. if I sent you my story, would you read it?😊

Of course! I'd love to read your creepypasta story!


aw yiss!

it's called The Anatomy of A Human Spider, hope you like it!^^ gosh- I got chills reading that! It was just the right amount of detailed for me to picture in my head- I loved that! Being scared is one of the most weirdest yet coolest feelings ever. It was just the right amount of creepy. A+ For creativity. A++ For making me paranoid. and A++++ For making the best creepypasta ever- I'm gonna stop fangirling now lol-

((I legit have goosebumps- But dude this is amazing!)) 


thank you so so much! I spent a while developing it, and I'm still trying to work on it! But I'm super glad someone finds it so spoopy!^^


I made myself :>

I added shading bc why not?

i might make a challenge later today to make yourself using this game,,, thanks for the inspiration!! <3

I saw this comment and had to try make myself. This is the closest i got to what i look like. Even the colours of my clothes are the same and my eyes are silver. :D



The colors don't go well together but you tried! It would look better if you chose different colors 

OMG!Who is it??

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°♡☼✪   ❥ ☼✫ ❥  ❥☼°°    ✯°      ✦      ♡  ✮       

⋆    ✪✦ ♡  °     ✧  ❥✦    °       ✧      ✮     ⋆   ✧

   ❥✪°  ♥♥♥♥♥*this piece*♥♥♥♥♥  ☼✫   ✦

⋆   °    ✦ ✪°    ⋆      ❥✧  ⋆   ♡ ☼✦    ☼✦       ✧

☼⋆  ❥✫   ✯  ♡  ✧  ° ✫   ✦        ☼✮     ✪✧

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question: is the last lain (ps2 lain) playstation 2 lain?

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yup i'm just uncultured then

I'm taking requests now! BUT THEY WILL BE DONE IN PENCIL ONLY!

Example of my art:

Here are my two babies, Jordan and Minos! I love them to death, haha. 



can you draw me? (lemonn)

this is what my character looks like: (haha I've challenged you to make a lemon tree boy)

Ofc!! I'll have him done by morning, because I draw my best a night (for some reason) He's vv cute <3


could you draw mine

the image is sideways for some reason, but here!

I love this character so much!! The design is so appealing, and she was so fun to draw <33 feel free to request a drawing from me anytime!!


This is amazing


thank you so so much!

aaa idk why the image is sideways but here he is!!

he was quite fun to draw, and a challenge, too! feel free to requests anything again, anytime!! Your characters are so cute + fun to draw <33

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now no one shall mess with him, for he is a tree ^w^

it looks amazing!

i'm putting this on my profile and crediting you for the amazing pic!!

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SHES SO CUTE OMYLORDhhh why are the images sideways :\

She was a challenge, especially her eyes! I hope you like her!! <3

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No problem, my guy!! I'm so glad you're satisfied! ^^


Can you draw Charlie? Also, I really like you're art :>

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curse you sideways image D:<

BUT SHES A LOVELY CHARACTER AND I HAD SO MUCH FUN DRAWING HER!!! I wanted to draw Flim too, but I got really tired,,, also, thank you, i've been working hard to develop a style i like! BUT THANK U FOR UR BUSINESS!! Feel free to request anything again, anytime!! <33


:O YOU DID SO GOOD YOU EVEN ADDED THE BEBE FLIM, and i'm so glad that you liked drawing her she's one of my best characters I've made so far!


it's no problem, dude!! i loved drawing her, and thank u so much :D ^^



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Can you draw this girl?

Ofc!! I'll be done soon :D

if you don't mind me asking, could you draw my creation Eleanor? sorry if she's a bit complex-

ye ofc! she might take a while, but i'll have her done by tmr morning :)

Thank you so much!

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