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when the bandages are in the category with horns for icons instead of the icon with an actual bandage


Her name is ChaoiYou were taking a walk through the dark forest when you stumbled over a log.. or body? You look behind you and see a girl laying on the forest floor crying. You quickly get up and look at the girl some more





(People have been doing these and thought "HEY! I SHOULD DO THIS-" so yeah)


Love Angel:*giggles*Hey deary are you ok?

Draumur: "H-hey... are you ok? I-I've had people trip o-over me before... I-I'ts not f-fun..."

She closes her eyes, as if imagining the situation from her perspective.




Name: Charlotte Williams

Age: 17ish

Occupation: The Nature Queen's favorite slave

When Charlotte stumbled upon the Demon Queen of Nature, she'd already accepted her fate as demon food. Instead, she was sent to be a slave. The Natural Queen doesn't really like humans that much. So, most of her slaves are bruised, bloodied, and sometimes dead. Humanity damaged her domains, so she damaged them in return. However, Charlotte didn't litter too much. She actually helped clean the environment. So, she became the favorite over all the rest.

Name: Rosalian Lavicorous

Age: As old as the Earth itself

Occupation: The Nature Demon Queen

She's hated humanity for as long as she's existed. Humanity hurt the animals she had, killed the environments she owned, and polluted the ground she made for them to walk on. So, every full moon, when it's her turn, she usually only picks one or two people to take back down to the underworld. She eats the rest and makes the ones she takes in suffer. She makes them feel the pain they had given to the environments.

(also btw all the kings are the opposite of the queens)

(i.e. water queen = fire king, astral queen = light king [since space is mostly darkness to the naked eye] nature queen = death king, etc.)

(2 edits) (+1)

Can I try making the kings?

Edit:I hope I did it right

Before look:

After another make-over:

(1 edit)

ye sure

just make sure they have human-ish skin colors

storyline: everybody either becomes a demon or an angel when they die. they keep their actual skin colors though. at least, everything from the head down. ears don't count, nails don't count either. yeah, the kings and queens are all basically dead. also, they all have to have a favorite one out of the people they kidnap take from the overworld. they all have black sclera in their eyes. ye dat's it

(1 edit)

I shall make assistants *salutes*

de only thing that's missing is the horns and you're good to go

you can do touch ups if ya want

I can't make up names ;-;

I can't either, but here is a slave of the Fire King.

ooooooooooh nice

what's her name?


Name her yourself

I have noooo idea what she'd be called

btw are y'all gonna read my new story




Bunny Girl I made! She doesn't have a name or anything yet but she's super cute!

Can I show you a Bunny Killer I made?


Here ya go

she is so lovely.


you are walking threw the woods you see a girl laying in a tree her skin looks like night and day.

name:sakura riko





create a carter to if you are inspired..0w0


Star:Mother is that you?

she awakes


she falls out of the tree

she replies

what your mom you do look like my doter i had ones.

what star is that you?

"Of course mother!It's me,Star,The trickster of stars"

i love all the songs you lisen to

your yooser name tells lies

user name you mean XD

yes. im horubul at speling

Deleted post



i created this

name:Himari Sakura

age:ass old as the diamond in her chest

Occupation:The demon queen of diamons

     when people go in to her caverns and die she brings them back to life but thay can not leve the caverns in witch she Romes the people loos all memory of Thar past life and until they serve the queen for so long they do not git thos memorizes back. her favorit of her disciples git speshel ear rings in wich she self  wares to know whar they are and what they are doing.

as old as the diamond in her chest i cant buleve it ato curected that to that wored

i'm so sorry guys.:-(

Can I detail this writing a bit?

When the lost souls of the dead wander into her lusterous cavern, she revives them as gem versions of themselves. The living stones cannot leave the cave in which they will forever roam. All wandering souls lose their memories and idea of the lives they led before, slowly, until they have served the Queen for long enough to mindlessly work without any idea of what is happening around them or what they just did. There is no way for the gem-souls to regain their memories. The Queen's favorite dispicles recieve earrings crafted by the Queen herself. The earrings give back the person's idea of who they were. She is as old as the first splinter of diamond to form.

She is the Demon Queen of Gems.

i love it

i made the sister of the queen demon for fandomhopper

name:valey Hiyama

Age:ever sens she cot the eyes of a lover

Occupation:The Love demon queen's sister

I love it!!


Spelling, please.

im triying

Do you at least have spellcheck?

yes i do and i use it but my computer is stoopid.XD

Oof, that sucks. I mostly to stuff on my phone, and since I type really fast I constantly have to go back and correct spelling.

okay what the heck I wasn't expecting people to be inspired by me

it's not bad but I'm pretty surprised I had an impact

also all of the kings and queens are basically brothers and sisters

(4 edits)

whenever someone replies, I will pick the one I like best and continue the story.

You spot her sleeping, curled into herself on rounded stones, lining a starry river reflecting the painted night sky. A murky, sickly sweet aroma drifts from the lazy river. The rocks have a slight green wash where the gurgling water had hit many times, lapping water trying to reach up. The stones are shiny, washed with slimy water with snail shells littering the edge of the water, some slowly creeping along and others stuck, in death. A rustle hits your senses from behind, and you can barely make out the shape of a stray squirrel in the starlight.Her face tells the story of the dreams playing in her head. From what you observe, you think she is having a nightmare. You watch her writhe and whimper, as the light of the pale cornflower moon reflects off an identical, shining mark on her forehead. She appears to be slipping into the murky blue. Her tusks shine. Her face screws. 






Star:shakes the girl awake*Ma'am are you k?Hello?

(this is star)

(1 edit)

"Huh? What? WAHH!"

She promptly falls off the rock, onto the unruly grass. That looks like it cushioned her fall...?

"Um, I'm so sorry... Oh! I was about to fall off again... The last time that happened I floated down into a village of humans...They chased me out. No harm done, but it was rude... and unnecessary..."

"I'm Draumur, by the way. That means dream. Mostly because I can't keep my head out of the clouds..."

And you are...?

"I'm Star!I am the trickster of stars"

"O-oh... that's a pretty name! If you don't mind me asking..."

Draumur gets up, brushing the bits of dead grass off of her legs.

"Can you at least point me in the direction home? I have no idea where my village is, and from what I've heard, i-it's nowhere near here..."

It looks like there are tears welling in the corners of her eyes. When they start to roll down her cheeks, the color is that of the sky at noon, and the consistency is something like honey.

"Snnff... So... what do y-you say? Will you help me back home?"

you are so good at telling stories

Aww, thanks!

stack Jenga blocks on her head

She continues to slip, and promptly falls onto the sharper rocks in the river, and doesn't get up. A a creamy pale purple liquid starts to seep from her head. Try again, and save her? If you don't she is going to die, and you will lose all your beloved Jenga blocks.

save her

I found those Jenga blocks in the river

She's coughing rapidly, bits of pebbles, river grass, and murky water coming out of her mouth to no end. It seems like she doesn't know what's happening, and keeps coughing, and crying. The blue, honey-like liquid streaming down her cheeks is beautiful color, the color of her eyes when she opens them. Her hair is soggy and matted, from a mix of the river water and the purple substance, still leaking from the back of her skull.

She's sobbing now.

The coughs are getting louder, harsher, causing more purple to spurt from her head, resulting in louder sobs, and faster tears. The endless sobbing keeps her from breathing right when the tears pool in her open, screaming mouth. And so she keeps coughing.

It's an endless cycle of pain, fear, and sadness.

End it?

End the cycle? If so, yes

i wack her up and see if shes ok then i ask her if she needs eney help

i am a nears after all.

"Huh? What? WAHH!" 

"O-oh, are you a nurse? Can you help me?"

The girl tries to climb down from the rock, but promptly falls off.

"Ow... Oh... My knee hurts.... You wouldn't happen to have an ice pack, or something? Because you are a nurse and all..."

I created a queen demon for fandomhopper

Name:Aiko Hiyama

Age:Ever since first love

Occupation:The Love demon queen

what woleed you do if you went in a creepey bilding and fawend this laying in the wndow


1. please try to spell.

2. leave and try not to make noise.

1. ok 0w0

2. it wacks up and chases you out the doer it pawns and hugs you

* It wakes up and chases you out of the door

thank you for correcting me. :-)

Thank you for trying to spell. :O)

Pet the kitty

it pers

picks it up*Mine now*continues exploration*




Name: Leucosia Verona

Age :17-18

Occupation: greek siren/one of The Water Demon Queen's favorets

 loves to hide in the fog and stock her pray so she can kill them with her hands and bring them to the water demon queen to feest. related to Celica Verona. only becam a siren/demon to save her sister from the underworld.

btw the kings and queens only have one favorite

just saying


Ok so everyone,Imagine you're walking in the woods and then you find this...

What would you do?

i woled triy to be frends with her and asck her haw she got her har that way...


She wakes up startled but seems nice........she told you that nature shaped her hair*

we woled probuley be bffs


poke it with a stick

or if I'm with my dog see what he does

1. *she wakes up startled*

2. *she sees the dog and gets scared*

3. *my dog drags me away as he runs after her*

(1 edit)

he is a good boy though

but to be real i would try to see if she's alive

(1 edit)

welp first response she kills your dog but second response she is rlly nice


don't kill my good boy


You clicked a "ramdomize" button?Why?

to see what it wold look like i thot to my self that if i clicked it that wold be what i wold look like like as a demon



Name: Celica Verona

Age: 18-19ish

Occupation: The Water Queen's favorite "pet"

Most of the queens only pick up a few humans. Some to eat, some to keep. Then, Celica was picked. She worked hard to survive. Bad slaves get eaten by their king or queen. The queen recognized her and picked her as a "pet" to keep around. The favorites get specially necklaces so their king or queen knows where they are. Everyone told Celica to not go outside during a full moon, but she didn't listen. Now, she's trapped in the underworld.

Name: Etheria Vodaros

Age: As old as the oldest drops of water that ever landed on Earth

Occupation: The Water Demon Queen

She rules over every drop of water in the universe. This includes the other forms of water too. (ice, vapor, etc.) She likes messing with the tides of the ocean. She makes the waves crash onto ships, killing the people on it, but making a nice snack too. They are soggy though, which sucks. She only picks a handful of people each full moon.

(these ones were kind of underwhelming in terms of the outfit department)

i love it. is my one the favorites of The Water Demon Queen?




this is her befor

i just made the thang that killed her

Name: Alisa Chesterfeild

Age of death:15

Cause of death:Well...find out

Inspiration:lemonn and fandomhopper

After Samantha's sad death, Alisa tried to step up for her little sister and lead her legacy. Alisa already loved getting into fights so that was a start. There is a legend that a siren would call out to you when midnight strikes on a full moon.A month after the news,Alisa and a couple of 9th graders went out to the beach to tell if the legend was real.Well.. they shouldn't have done that as soon as Alisa stepped a foot near the ocean,a webbed hand grabbed her and started dragging her into the ocean.The others ran instead of helping.....Alisa started crying and her last words were "Atleast I was like you sis." She succumbed to death of drowning.



Now she swims the ocean as a wandering siren....When she comes across a boy,she blushes.-w-


love it i made the thang that killed her she used to be human to

I had inspiration from you to so thank you

oooo my goddd

it's always been my dream for something I created to inspire someone to do something of their own

also that's cool bro now samantha isn't a lonely demon

Yup!Thank you for inspiration

wow can't believe I inspired a few peeps



Cute .w


i have a dog named bobo

99% sure that's a stock photo

where my grandma lives if a apartment and there back yard is a forest  i posted it on google

Deleted 4 years ago

you are pritey


and this is a lesson from your neighborhood NB steven, to never show your face on the internet

(1 edit)

well...... that great

thx you

i think she should be sponge bob but as a girl


(2 edits)

Genderbend. Sponge Bob and Patrick.

Oh sorry,i forget a genderbend version plankton!


This 2 bugs in her head-this is a her pets!






Name: Selene Hishai

Age: 17-18ish

Occupation: A slave to the Astral Queen

An unlucky little soul. She crossed paths with the Astral Queen at the wrong time. Usually, the queen was in her gold and purple palace. But that night, there was a full moon, where demons run amok on the streets of the overworld. She happened to stumble upon the Queen of the Stars herself. Rather than eating her, she decided to make Selene her slave. Now, she serves the queen, fulfilling her every need. She's become the queen's favorite.

Name: Astrania Remibualo

Age: As old as the oldest living stars

Occupation: The Astral Demon Queen

She is one of twelve demon kings and queens in the underworld. They rule over different domains that they have chosen. She decided to rule over the stars above in the sky. Every full moon, one of the twelve go up to observe the the overworld. Sometimes, they bring back "pets" from the overworld. One night, Astrania met Selene. She decided to bring her back as a souvenir from the overworld. Soon, Selene became Astrania's favorite. Selene worked harder than any other slaves she brought back. So, she kept her around.

(the flowers on her face are moonflowers)

(2 edits)

I just like writing stories like this


should I make all 6 queens? I can't make male characters ;-;

you guys can leave the kings to your own imagination and make them if ya want


if you're the one to make the stories I would love to be the one to illustrate them  (Г°w°)Г🎨

Omg it's so pretty!Do you think I can make a story like you?

If you try hard enough and have fun, you can do it!

If you don't have fun, it's gonna be a blob of sadness.

If you don't try hard enough, it's gonna be a blob of bad effort.

If you don't do either, it's not gonna be a blob, it's gonna be a void of nothingness.

Keep the colors at a minimum, try hard, and have fun :)

(1 edit)

Thank you

Edit:I made a story and I hope you can read it

can I draw the queens

plot twist

eh sure why not

using the most detailed clothing for my first pair was a mistake

now the rest look like crap because I want all of them to have unique outfits





i mashed evereythang i like



I made art i think source

hay cold you drawl my fallen angel

Just to let you know i do not normally do requests. but yeah, i'll draw her! :ó)

that looks so cool! can I draw her?

yeah, go ahead! :ó)


aw yiss art time

(I'm super late responding, sorry ) i don't have her ref so i can't confidently color her in :ó/

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