chibi witch or Disney you can choose...u can use this link but if you can't find anything good for the theme then u can find another creator
Here is the list of anime character that I simp for (not all of them are here bc I can't remember all of the animes that I've seen .-.) You can do the counting...
My hero: Mina kirishima todoroki tamarki
Violet evergarden: cattleya violet
One piece: luffy Nami zoro shanks Robin
Aot: hange armin Sasha Mikasa Annie hitch historia
Sda: gowther Elizabeth ban Jericho Diane Arthur
Naruto: itachi Naruto hinata Sakura Kiba shikamaru shino menma (from Naruto jump)
Death note: Misa L matsuda
fma: Edward alphonse Roy olivier
Jjk: gojo megumi toji maki toge kokichi
Bleach: ichigo yoruichi rangiku
Forest of piano: Kai Reiko takako
Kakegurui: rei
Demon slayer: mitsuri
Saiki k: saiki
Great pretender; Abby
That's all that I can remember if I remember the others I'll tell you guys
:O sisterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ur pannnnnnnnnnnnnn????? Me tooooooooooooooooooooo hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (if you actually do use that future style show meeeeeeeeee)
oof relatable...not the way that you wanna look I wanna look a different way but that's the way that it's relatable? Idk if that makes sense what I'm trying to say is that it's relatable that you wanna look a different way .-. Hopefully that makes more sense
My children...if you haven't seen one piece...then where is your happiness???? Jk jk jk jk one piece is just my favorite anime also my comfort guys probably have other animes that make you happy .-. Mine is one piece tho
I’ve been telling people for 180 years BALCK! CLOVER! It’s an amazing anime but people refuse ti watch it just because they think it’s a cheap knock off THEY HAVENT EVEN WATCHED IT LIKE AHDHSIWJKSGDOWONSVD?!?!??!?
I know how she makes oreo milkshake but the recipe depends on how much you’re making. I’ll tell you the one I know. Add ice to the first line then add milk to the second. Break some oreos in big pieces then put them in. About 3 normal packets is good. Mix that until fully mixed. add a big scoop if vinilla ice cream and some more ice then mix it up. You can add more oreos if you want. In my opinion it’s a great oreo milkshake and the forst time I’ve ever finished a drink in a big cup with a straw.
"if you can solve this riddle that is just messed up. There are 2 kids. One loves makeup and wants to be a hair stylist. Two loves sports and wants to be a soccer/football player. Three loves music and wants to be a singer. On christmas day the first kid got shampoo and a brush, the second kid got a football and a bike, the third kid got tickets to a concert for his favorite band, yet when they all opened their presents they each burst out crying. Why?"
Me: ... baldie... legs go bye... and eardrums said no.
People: the answer is that one was bald two had no legs and three is deaf if you got that you're a phsycopath."
Me: well no need to tell me what I already know but thanks for the compliment.
here’s another one. A murderer tries to rob a house but gets caught by the woman that lives in said house. He chases her around and she picks up a gun and goes for her phone, she misses her phone and hides in the closet. She can’t call for help but she has the gun up ready to shoot the killer if he checks inside. Now imagine you are the killer and you see her hiding in the closet. How do you kill her?
rp idea (thank you to Superliminal for giving me the idea)
Bare with me on this one ok
Someone is the world was born with unnatural powers. The power to make perception reality. This power has been passed on through their family for decades. But people have been chasing after them trying to get this power for themselves so the power must be kept secret. If the power gets into the wrong hands it could bring the world to pure chaos in comes the current holder of the power. An irresponsible teenager. Then someone else who knows about the power and wants it. 2 people. One with a power and one who wants to steal it basically.
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is it weird that I liked him from that scene...?
Sakura scares me sometimes ngl
Hrass hoppffs
oh also:
What I look like
What I want to look like:
Alright children I'm bored y'know what that means: I'mma start drawing people in this chat. Would you like:
1. Chibis
2. Anthro/fursonas
4. Witchsonas
5. Disneysona
off our personalities? or profile?
also a bunch of you just sent picrew versions of what you look like so I can go off of that-
nah i was just curious
ok so none of the above for ye?
otay I gotchuuuuuuuu-
-coughing EXTREMELY loud- disneywitch
chibi witch or Disney you can choose...u can use this link but if you can't find anything good for the theme then u can find another creator
I want a bi mullet so baddddddd weeeeeeee yes ik I'm pan but I like ittttttttttttttttttt I can't find any good pictures of it so hereeee
yes. Exactly.
Here is the list of anime character that I simp for (not all of them are here bc I can't remember all of the animes that I've seen .-.) You can do the counting...
My hero: Mina kirishima todoroki tamarki
Violet evergarden: cattleya violet
One piece: luffy Nami zoro shanks Robin
Aot: hange armin Sasha Mikasa Annie hitch historia
Sda: gowther Elizabeth ban Jericho Diane Arthur
Naruto: itachi Naruto hinata Sakura Kiba shikamaru shino menma (from Naruto jump)
Death note: Misa L matsuda
fma: Edward alphonse Roy olivier
Jjk: gojo megumi toji maki toge kokichi
Bleach: ichigo yoruichi rangiku
Forest of piano: Kai Reiko takako
Kakegurui: rei
Demon slayer: mitsuri
Saiki k: saiki
Great pretender; Abby
That's all that I can remember if I remember the others I'll tell you guys
We love a himbo.
(himbo) I- yes we do
You knoe what
I hate you
*dream's your aya*
i love this but i cant put it as my profile because its a webp
My. Hero. dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun da da da. Aca. Demia. dun dun-ok I'll see myself out now.
You thought it was eri but it was I DIO
Im praying thats dio and not someone else
i google a picture and they similar so i think so
Manifesting my future style

:O sisterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ur pannnnnnnnnnnnnn????? Me tooooooooooooooooooooo hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (if you actually do use that future style show meeeeeeeeee)
Kill it. Kill it with fire.
first time introduced to Pokemon movies?
Nope. I just remembered it. It haunts my nightmares. And my dreams. And my life. Someone kill it. I hate ditto. Get it away from me.
but he's cute
what I look like
what I want to like like
Here's an oc
Does anyone want to see mumsy's list? (of anime characters that I simp for)
i simp for denki
why? cuz he's funny
if we're talking about looks prob bakugo
noiceeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeee
I simp for arthurrrrr Morgannnn
How i look
How i wanna look except im already super hot so there's like no difference
I wish that I had your confidence .-. Teach me your ways meh childddddddrrd
hey mumsyyyy do you wanna rp?
let's see who do I gotzzzzz....
do you want me to use a male a female or a nonbinary character??
jus keep tellin yourself you're the hottest thing on earth then you'll start to believe it
Helps when you tell it to people you hate
ah oki I shall use that advice
Everyone says Michelle and LAYER (not yelling uts just spelled in all caps) have the worst chibis... and yeah
They're bad
But there is NO WAY
That they're worse than MASKING's chibi
How I look (top) vs how I wanna look (bottom)
.-. what?
among us characters look!
How I look (left) vs how I wanna look (right)
oof relatable...not the way that you wanna look I wanna look a different way but that's the way that it's relatable? Idk if that makes sense what I'm trying to say is that it's relatable that you wanna look a different way .-. Hopefully that makes more sense
this is my older sister's rat Jeremy...remi for short...
My children...if you haven't seen one piece...then where is your happiness???? Jk jk jk jk one piece is just my favorite anime also my comfort guys probably have other animes that make you happy .-. Mine is one piece tho
I’ve been telling people for 180 years BALCK! CLOVER! It’s an amazing anime but people refuse ti watch it just because they think it’s a cheap knock off THEY HAVENT EVEN WATCHED IT LIKE AHDHSIWJKSGDOWONSVD?!?!??!?
I want to watch it but I have a lot of animes to to 20 animes...and the worst part is they all have like 2 to 3 ye
instagram is a disgrace
ok I can’t take this anymore. I’m done.
This is sooo funny 😹 I can’t stop laughing 😹😹😹😹🤣🤣🤣🤣
Eat your carbs kids 🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🙈🙈🙈🙉🐵🐵🐵🥖🥖🥖🥖
omg ikr!!
Wow! That’s so pretty! 🥰🥰😍I can’t believe your car was stolen 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤫🤫🤫 that’s so funny!🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂
oh my did anyone get shot 🤭😂🤣😹😹😹😹🤫😂😂
You just had to didn’t you…
im boreds so im gonna put random starts to sam drama because he's my favorite, i put him in many situation with my brain, and lastly why not?
sam brain:
sam: I'm sorry . .
sam: -he gets and all of a sudden starts breaking down :O-
sam: -panik-
sam:-hiding under a blanket-
sam: -thinking about how life is shit-
sam: -idk sees his mom-
sam: -his mom approaches him O_O-
sam: -hugging someone tightly- please dont go . .
sam: -he having ptsd and glowing '_'-
idk its hard to name all of them
i made the perfect smoothie icecream
i think it was strawberries and mangos, both frozen, to the 4th line? or 8th idk
and orange juice one the bottom line
melts quickly though
mgm+comments=the new facebook
I wish I could make one 😃👍
yeh it was completely random though so-
My sister also does stuff like that. She makes the best oreo milkshake and brews the most amazing coffee. She hasn’t made a bad drink once!
I know how she makes oreo milkshake but the recipe depends on how much you’re making. I’ll tell you the one I know. Add ice to the first line then add milk to the second. Break some oreos in big pieces then put them in. About 3 normal packets is good. Mix that until fully mixed. add a big scoop if vinilla ice cream and some more ice then mix it up. You can add more oreos if you want. In my opinion it’s a great oreo milkshake and the forst time I’ve ever finished a drink in a big cup with a straw.
we dont have have any ice cream or oreos but if do get some ill try and make it
"if you can solve this riddle that is just messed up. There are 2 kids. One loves makeup and wants to be a hair stylist. Two loves sports and wants to be a soccer/football player. Three loves music and wants to be a singer. On christmas day the first kid got shampoo and a brush, the second kid got a football and a bike, the third kid got tickets to a concert for his favorite band, yet when they all opened their presents they each burst out crying. Why?"
Me: ... baldie... legs go bye... and eardrums said no.
People: the answer is that one was bald two had no legs and three is deaf if you got that you're a phsycopath."
Me: well no need to tell me what I already know but thanks for the compliment.
oh i thought the presents got swapped because the parents thought they had no talent in those areas
Congrats you’re a normal person :D
here’s another one. A murderer tries to rob a house but gets caught by the woman that lives in said house. He chases her around and she picks up a gun and goes for her phone, she misses her phone and hides in the closet. She can’t call for help but she has the gun up ready to shoot the killer if he checks inside. Now imagine you are the killer and you see her hiding in the closet. How do you kill her?
get a rope or something maybe tape and lock it
if you are impatient set the house on fire.
or she could starve inside there or something not getting her bodily needs
thats sad
My sivlings aren't allowed in my room
One cos i say so and two
Cos theres like brroken glass an push pins in there
Da heck is a Canada day-
the fourth of july but canada
oh say can you hear the ear-deafening fireworks out there...
oh are you Canadian??
cause people are annoying that’s why
rp idea (thank you to Superliminal for giving me the idea)
Bare with me on this one ok
Someone is the world was born with unnatural powers. The power to make perception reality. This power has been passed on through their family for decades. But people have been chasing after them trying to get this power for themselves so the power must be kept secret. If the power gets into the wrong hands it could bring the world to pure chaos in comes the current holder of the power. An irresponsible teenager. Then someone else who knows about the power and wants it. 2 people. One with a power and one who wants to steal it basically.
that's interesting-
Oh me oh my, it’s a reply! Dost thou have a character?
I can getz oneeeee-
adult joke ahead
remember kids! drawing porn isnt creative!
It IS fun to look at though
i mean . .
am i wrong
Thats what i thought
rp idea!
ima explain it shortly and you allowed to cringe idk
kinda fantasy idk
a women and a man. an elf and a human. elves and humans at war! :O
elf woman/man and human woman/man fall in wove. they have baby! :O
but guess what! they are princess and prince! :O
the rest is chaos :O
I have something similar- but not ig
a fairy and a giant (idk I really like giants..) the giant is just pan and the fairy is bi and they are both non binary so yeeeeeeee :)
im sorry
I why did you say sorry .-.????
i thought this was cute
i think i messed up
my body was not prankung me
Hagumi hath become
break up with your girlfriendddddddd
You missed your Japanese lessons today… now beg for your life in swahili.
I don’t hear begging…
it is…
Bestie got bored so i turned aya into izumi
“there’s something wrong with your sister.”
“She’s got a stick up her butt.”
Now kids. Who can tell me where that’s from?
We we oh oh huhjujubooboo e.
ok maybe this one will ring a bell
“You’re and idiot, Steve Harrington”
:O robin?????? I love stranger thingssssssss you know....Robin and max are in fear least the people who play them
Nancy Wheeler
“You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington”
Dustin Henderson
“There’s something wrong with your sister.”
“She’s got a stick up her butt.”
[MISSION FAILED: we’ll get ‘em next time]
ah yes Nancy I love Nancy too
Everyone who hasn’t should go watch Happy Gilmore rn because it is an amazing… 16+… movie.
why do people all of sudden not reply back??
what is their name?
that's a pretty name
thank you
no problemo