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shit in a fire

anyone wanna rp?

i down :)

I'll use Jasmein

I'll use Claire and what type of roleplay are we doing?Pin on anime

I usually do romance plays

Deleted 3 years ago
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oop- what kind of grunge is the second picture

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I have become.... gacha kid 

And though my talents are.... limited- 

I think its kinda cute

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I wanna rp again so here...💜Rena💜. And here's her body type. She's a succubus mixed with a demon.

The third Column second girl

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I wanna rp, Here's..🌟Astroid🌟 and his body type. Also he's a top.

"I'm your knew gym instructor, treat me with respect."

He has number 1 body type.

Y E S.


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(Alright..we have the beginning already planned yk the gym instructor now who are you gonna use love..?)

RP RP RP RP!!!!!!!!


(Oh lord-ok wait gimme like 10 minutes-also he's a gym instructor...?)

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I can rp

(Alright sure who are you using..?)

Jasmien (Jazz- mine)

(beautiful BTW and is she the cold type..


i have made the worst choice of my life.


what is it steve from 4 months ago?

I had a erp with slashdude

o h

omori best game

change my mind


if anyone is the correct age to watch Markiplier (DO NOT WATCH HIM IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE. SERIOUSLY. REFRAIN FROM WATCHING HIS VIDEOS.) and you haven't watched him play Superliminal yet. THEN GO WATCH IT CAUSE BOY I AM DYING OF LAUGHTER AND I AM ENJOYING EVERY SECOND OF IT.

i watch him with my littel brother


How little?

11 :/ i pre watch everything to make sure he dnt get too exposed (but to be afir he's gunna be in 7th next year)

7th grade. Means he's 12. That isn't necessarily. The designated age. But you know what it's fine. It works. It's close. So you do you.

his birthday is in December so he's still 11 

random fact about me

da pollywog god and i had a comment thread that lasted like 4 months or sum 

RIP POLYWOG GOD. Probably not coming back to mgm. I don't know but it's been a very long time and I highly doubt it.

it's been 251 days, i just checked AHAHA im not a stalker i was looking thourgh my followers 

oh yeah I forgot I could just do that lmao. Well 251 days is 8 months and I'm too lazy to count days. Not a year yet soooo. If anyone still has contact with POLYWOG I really hope they ask if POLYWOG is coming back.



Deleted 3 years ago

i also wanted to makw out with hank :(

Playing back lot island and all I have to say is frick you kris.

What's wrong with me- no its faster if I just ask what's right with me?

I'm drinking my problems away lmao. (It's pomegranate fizzy drink lmao)

Deleted 308 days ago

yes. And? 

Deleted 308 days ago
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Deleted 3 years ago


Deleted 3 years ago

M a t t

hey Auntie-

do you wanna rp with my new OC Ophelia? 

Y e s


who you got boo?


My eyes have been blessed.

I tried but I couldn't do it. I have to make women very much not dainty no matter what I do. I always make a girl that could beat your arshe. Goddang it. 

Monika, do you wanna continue our rp?

It wannin and I got w e t ;-;

I am lonely.

Be lonely no more! I shalt rp with you! 

okay! Who shalt thou use.(why do I keep doing mideavel talk?)

well my dear Madame, allow me to present my new OC, Ophelia: 

ooh purtty! Ok give me a second.

so we got a cottagecore lesbian and an e-girl. 


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heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Lawkins-

ya wanna rp?

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yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-might I interest ye in my new OC Ophelia? 

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Deleted 3 years ago
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pov: you tell your friend your sad and they reply with "dont be sad!!"

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Lawkins no.

hello good madame, might I rp with you? 

oh sure.


I just noticed your pfp-



gorls! I'm a sleep paralysis demon.

wait when did I say me gender again?

Idk bruh-

You magically  knew me gender.

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im not dead

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(2 edits)

big yes

Don't mind me just listening to some one hit wonders.

Rp? Whys this always so awkward? Anyway. Dost thou wish to rp?

Y e s

ok who shalt you use.


ok. Sorry I took long. I had to protect my cousin from being scarred by a music video.

This is Daen (pronounced Dan)

Mk, u can start

old chara I don't remember the name of

I once had an OC named Chara . They were creepy pasta and their gender was unknown because if you saw them you would be confused too.


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trying to reach 200 subscribers please come join the fun it would help me a lot :) HORROR GAME EXPERT

I'm mad. Why am I mad? Cuz no one told me how hard Friday Night Funkin' is! 

I started playing it today. There has been...a lot of screaming-


It's not that hard until you get to tankman.

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Help me. My cousin won't leave me alone and she's torcher ing me by making me watch her dress up animals in the ugliest way possible and if I try to run she comes to me and says why aren't you playing with me and I want to do other stuff but she just won't leave me alone she has everything else to do but she just wants tk bother me. She keeps saying she wants me to play wit has her but in reality it's just ,e watching her play. Help me. I'm dyingoing.

Update: managed to get away with a bag of chips then she found me and I spun my chips into an excuse. Finished the bag of  chips then ran away. I don't know if she'll find me. And I highly doubt it.

Update. She left me alone. She's tired.

☆ Watch this video if you feel like your unconfident, don't love yourself or just compare yourself to someone a lot. It really helped me get over my insecurities and just love me for who I am, also no it doesn't just say "get over it your fine" it gives real tips to help you ♡︎ 

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Anyone wanna do that zombie apocalypse rp I was talking ab?

Y E S. 

alrighty, I have a girl but I don't have a name for her-

ooooooooooooooooooooooooo-I get Melanie vibes-

gracias, now..who'll you use?

now I have to make a hooman-


in the song anime thighs, the lyrics “She got them big azz t- she only 5” is referencing to her height, not her age

My chicken tenders taste disturbing, I am extremely disappointed bc I was hungry

dino nuggies are like slimy bread

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